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suicide tuesday??


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my friend told me about a phenomenon called suicide tuesday...if your roll over the weekend, then on tuesday or wednesday you get hit with a big depression...ive been rolling for awhile now and I take 5-HTP, and I never experienced anything like that until recently..after my weekend roll..I felt depressed, helpless and very emotional..anyone ever go throgh this??

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yea tuesday is the worst day, ive had some real bad tuesdays but if you get a pure enough pill suicide tuesday isnt bad at all, its actually relaxing and peaceful and nothing bothers you


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Yes it's real and awful and can carry over for a day or two, I haven't been able to figure out a pattern for it ocurring, i.e. doesn't happen every time I roll. But it has happened. Your brain is looking for serotonin to release (that's what is resposnible for mood, etc and what is released when you drop) but it is all used up from dropping. Levels generally replenish in 2 weeks. 5htp helps to build the levels back up quicker and I have heard that Vitamin C can help as well. I recently started trying this and feel like it has helped fight off the 'e'pression/suicide Tuesday. Good luck and remember that things aren't really as bad as they feel in this state.

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heres a update...I rolled on sunday night...mon I was out of it, but fine..tuesday night I started to freak out...wed was real bad..thurs had its highs and lows. and now friday and I cant even believe the things that I was getting upset about...one thing to note is that since the first time that I rolled, I have been taking 5htp every day...the past week before I last rolled, I had not taken it...I dont know if that has anything to do with it...

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It took me about 4 months before mine really started to affect me. The next day after I bean, Im great, but 48 hours later, Im sluggish as a bitch with a headache to boot. Those are the days I stay in from school, call in sick to work, and tell the girlfriend not tonight.

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I have most recenlty experienced the depression after dropping e days later but have come up with a quick solution so that I don't have to put myself through that agony. I take harmonex(over the counter,like st.john's worts) the next day when I wake up and the day after. It's worked well for me.

I usually like to remember my roll as a good thing, not something to get depressed over.

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Only happened once to me and yes it was a tuesday, it was pretty bad almost had me crying. But to think of it I remember when I just started with x I use to have bad after effects and feeling lazy the next day, now I feel just fine I think it has something to do with your body getting use to it.

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