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Unless you order 5-htp over the internet you can usually only find 50mg, if you order over the net you can get up to 200mg.

I take 50 mg 3 times a day everyday. It has a lot of good side effects to it. It helps with migraines, sleep, curves the appetite, helps with depression, and the list goes on.

Some people take 3 or 4 while they are rolling and take more when they peak, but I am pretty sure this won't do you any good. The pill won't help you build up more saratonin in enough time for it to effect your roll. What is most likely to happen is you will get a little queasy, that is about it. cwm44.gif


I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow.

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you guys are funny as hell, but this dude needs a little help! cwm2.gif

to make it short, 5-HTP is a precursor (a "building block") to serotonin, in which the entire building process is a slow reaction that takes some time in the body. therefore, 5-HTP should be taken as part of your daily nutrients. additional amounts taken during your roll have no proven effects on increased drug activity, but may increase the chance of upset stomach/nausea. cwm8.gif

capsules usually come in either 50-100mg, and dosages range from 50-300mg per day. it is most effectively taken on an empty stomach, spread throughout the day, between meals and before sleep.


hope this helps~ cwm26.gif


-dusk til dawn-


"You take the blue pill: Capsule-02.gif

The story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill: Capsule-03.gif

You stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..."


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Originally posted by chris817:

where on the internet can you order it??

anybody know of any sites??

and if you get 200mg how many should you take??

thanks for the help

it's generally available at any local vitamin/supplement shop, but if you don't have access, just do an internet search on "5-HTP" and pick & choose.

it doesn't really matter what size the individual capsule is (50/100/200mg); you would just take multiples of the smaller dosage to equal one of the larger size capsules. what's important is the total daily dosage. usual amounts are between 100-200 mg per day, and i wouldn't go over 300 mg per day unless you're majorly cracked out on E...



-dusk til dawn-


"You take the blue pill: Capsule-02.gif

The story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill: Capsule-03.gif

You stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..."


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I have been using the same E for the past year, and I have been using 5HTP for the past 4 months.....I take:

1) 100-200 mg the day of dropping (spread out throughout the day)

2) 100 mg before I go to bed that night.

3) 100 mg when I wake up the next morning.

I can say that my "rolls" are noticeably better, and I feel NO ill effects the following day....

This is just my experience, but have some friends that vouch that they roll harder on days when they take the 5HTP, then again I do have a few that say it doesnt do s#%t for them...


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THEIR IS NO DOUBT, that PRELOADING ON 5-HTP will definetely ENHANCE your ROLL. Your roll kicks in quicker and you seemingly roll so much harder. Dude I hear all these mornons talking about, "dude I took like 7 pills last weekend man, woah man yeah like I took 6 last weekend, I'm so COOL" THOSE PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS, buy some 5-HTP preload and you'll never even come close to taking that many. For a first time use I would recoommend, 5-6 hours in advance of taking your pill start taking 3-4 capsules of 5-htp every hour. THIS IS NO BULLSHIT, in that time the capsules are definetely allowed to Bolster your seratonin levels to skyrocketing level, WATCH when you drop the roll and see when ALL THAT's RELEASED. Some people get sick when they take all that 5-HTP, so be careful. Taking all that 5-Htp also gets you sorta tired, but as soon as you take the PILL, its all about getting the ROLL ON. MARK MY WORDS, preload with a DECENT AMOUNT Of 5-HTP the next time you roll, and you can THANK ME IN ADVANCE, GURANTEED SATISFACTION.

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Yeah, I vouch for the taking of 4-5 capsules the day that you're gonna roll. I took 1.5 rolls and the whole night I couldn't BELEIVE how frickin HAPPY and UP I felt! This has been my protocol for the past 6 mos. if I am gonna stay out all night and do drugs! Works 4 me!


"You look Disco-Bitchin Fine!!"

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definitely take 5-htp if you plan on rolling on consecutive days, like fri and sat nights or something. otherwise you won't have enough seratonin on sat and you could even experience a "negative" roll, like i did on new year's (sucks! i had partied HARD all weekend and forgotten to take 5htp).

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