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I was just wondering if anyone else get the shakes right before they drop a pill? I don't know whether it's nerves or my body just trying to warn me, but right before I take a pill I get shakey like I have the chills or something.

Ok, so yeah , maybe I'm just weird!



"A witty saying proves nothing."


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Duckets...I get that too sometimes. Relax, it's probably just nerves. I get a little nervous everytime I take a pill, cause ultimately you never really know. You know what I mean?!

I just got a test kit though, if you don't have one, you should get one cause thn once you test the pills, you won't be so nervous to take em, cause you'll know if there's anything in them that you don't want in you!

Also, I try to stay focused on having a good time, concentrate on your "happy place". whatever that may be.

happy rolling to you. cwm29.gif


Sponge Bob Square Pants!

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i get the shakes all the time. i think it is cause of too much e taken over the last couple of years but right before i drop i am even more so just cause i think the anticipation of doing it makes me more excited than doing it. i dont think i am nervous just more excited to do it. p*l*u*r cwm29.gif


"Dude, Where's my car?"

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I usually get nervous/shakey and all that. It's the excitement really, I know I'm gonna be boshing, I know I'm going to some club and it all gets a bit too much. (bit like christmas time when you're 4!)

But don't fret cause my best mate is sick at least 3 times before he does any kind of drug. It's bad and a real pain for all of us.

My ex was a heroin user and he up-chucked a record 11 times before a hit once, so it's not uncommon. (Although maybe that was his body telling him not to be such a stupid fuck?) cwm23.gif


Stay Twisted :)

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It's nervous anticipation. There's a routine that myself and some friends have to go through before a really great night out. Reach our connection, get our stuff, actually get into the club, not get kicked out of the club for whatever reason. Finally, let's take our pill. I start shaking a few minutes beforehand and then as I'm starting to roll. We call it the Pre-Twilo jitters. You can call it whatever you wish!


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Pardon? Perhaps to know what time Digweed goes on?

AIM: crackorn71

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