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Dance Safe Test Kit - GET ONE ! !

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Several months ago I bought 5 capsuals from a trusted source. While in Vegas I took two and my friend took two. It was a scary/crazy trip. Not fun by any means.

I held on to the last pill and wanted to test it. Well when I got the kit and tested the pill it smoked and turned green. frown.gif So I have to assume the pill comtained DXM and/or 2CB.

From Dance Safe: DXM

"A high dose will cause you to feel very spacey and "out of it," and you may lose motor control (your legs may feel wobbly, for example, or at very high doses you won't be able to move much at all). It can also produce audio and visual hallucinations, and can sometimes cause nausea and itchy skin."

Except for the itchy skin that's exactly how I felt.

If your gonna do it, test it ! !

Lesson Learned the Hard Way



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I bought mine from eztest.com and it is awesome! Also, it just shows up as a billing from a netherlands company ( nothing about what it is or what it's for...). Also it was less than $20 total with shipping. I never take anything w/out testing it now. It's a good investment, definitely!!!


"You look Disco-Bitchin Fine!!"

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Is it true that it doesn't appear on your credit card statement as a pill test kit??

Wouldn't want any paper trail on that. cwm6.gif


People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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eztest.com has the best deal for the same thing. $18 for a kit that contains 300 drops( i.e. it can test 300 pills). But, it would be an import so the time to receive it will take longer than dancesafe's 10 day policy.



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i would also recommend getting a test kit. i got a pill much like the one explained...i wasn't nice. i can tell you that.

and like stated b4...it doesn't come up on your credit card statement, so don't worry.



"A witty saying proves nothing."-Voltaire

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Well, you don't test the whole pill. You just scrape off a little bit and test that. It only takes a tiny bit to test so it's not going to ruin your pill. cwm12.gif



..the people dancing looked to be insane to those who could not hear the music..

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i agree to the fullest capability of my heart. my best friend (boyfriend) was put in the hospital for taking an E that turned out to be pure speed.

after that incident, my ass just *happened* to be in amsterdam so i picked up these testers.

one company's tester is pretty much the same as the next. they all have the same ingredients to test pills. you don't waste a SINGLE pill, you just need a small shaving off the top of a pill.

you can also get it off www.iloveraving.com, and on your credit statement it appears as "ILR GRP/ILOVERAVING.COM".

using the tester is one of the few ways we can make safer decisions (granted, you can stop drug use altogether, but if you're going to be dropping, be smart is what i'm getting at).



*turn it around baby*


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Nod...in full agreement with pretty much everything that eveyrone has said in this thread already, if you read my post about wihte stars you'll see i had the same bad experience as many did...

one last thing to note, if you need a kit in a hurry, such as i did, you can get dancesafe to fedex it to you, overnight...it's an extra 20 bucks over the initial 25 but hey, you can't put a price on safety...


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Originally posted by ~surreal~:

Which is better: eztest kit or dancesafe's kit?

both contain similar ingredients and should work equally well. cwm7.gif


-dusk til dawn-


"You take the blue pill: Capsule-02.gif

The story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill: Capsule-03.gif

You stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..."


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