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Should there be a CJ Miami Rock board?

V. Barbarino

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Guest Davenavarro10

Saleen I think it's an excellent idea. I agree with you

100%. And as far as rock fans not having computers? That's a ridiculous remark.

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Guest tijuanarave

I never said that recording a Rock album took less than an EDM album... I'm a rock fan myself too...

The Rock fans you describe are the hardcore rock fans... but most fans of rock (the masses) just listen to it because it is what's available to them... there's no place for fresh proposals... Metalica killed it when they went after Napster... Rock is an industry that sells records, more than an art form... EDM is still more of an art form because anybody with a little knowledge and good taste can make an EDM track... "Only when the means to an art form are available for everbody to reproduce it, will you find true art" (I forgot who said that, but that is the best explanation about true art that I have ever heard)

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Guest Cosmigonon

Really Pod? The White Stripes suck? The Strokes suck? I think you're generalizing.

You just named 2...

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Guest Davenavarro10

So what would you consider a good rock Band Cosmigonon? And if the White Stripes suck so much, how come I've heard various nightclub dj's playing their song Seven Nation Army?

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Guest trancelator

Really Pod? The White Stripes suck? The Strokes suck? I think you're generalizing.

You just named 2...

I totally disagree on the White Stripes. They're not singing about sitting at home all alone by the telephone like these fag bands of today. The only other band that has come out within the past five years that I think rocks is System of a Down. There's no denying that band has balls.

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Guest slamminshaun

Rock is taking over? I can't tell you the last time I seen some punk kid driving his car blasting rock music....

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Guest pod

Really Pod? The White Stripes suck? The Strokes suck? I think you're generalizing.

You're actually validating my little smartass comment.

The White Stripes spook me out, I'll bet you a dollar there's a little incest camp going on there. As for club DJs dropping their remixes, that doesn't make them good.

The Strokes? Geez, let's make horrid music and name our band with a name that lends itself to comedy.

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Guest Davenavarro10

Go to A Strokes concert sometime, and tell me they still suck. I guarantee you'll change your mind. As far as bands that suck, I'll name a few. Nickelback, Fall Out Boy, Godsmack, Scott Stapp, Limp Bizkit, Yellowcard, and just about any rock band that gets played on Y-100.

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Guest Cosmigonon

So what would you consider a good rock Band Cosmigonon? And if the White Stripes suck so much, how come I've heard various nightclub dj's playing their song Seven Nation Army?

A good rock band? Rush.

the fact that their song gets played doesn't mean anything.

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Guest Cosmigonon

I thought we were talking about fairly new bands. Those guys are classis rock.

There's your answer. Today's rock sucks. Probably the last band that I liked that was current was Dream Theater, now, those guys rocked!!!

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Guest coach

Is the White Stripes that boy-girl duo where she plays drums and he plays guitar? That's about the only current rock band that doesn't suck too much. And Green Day. Pretty much every other rock band after them is a poor knockoff of one or the other. Those 2 were pioneers.

As was kind of implied earlier, most rock bands these days, at least the popular ones, I would qualify as "whiner rock". Bunch of pussies sqawking about how bad their life sucks.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I never said that recording a Rock album took less than an EDM album... I'm a rock fan myself too...

The Rock fans you describe are the hardcore rock fans... but most fans of rock (the masses) just listen to it because it is what's available to them... there's no place for fresh proposals... Metalica killed it when they went after Napster... Rock is an industry that sells records, more than an art form... EDM is still more of an art form because anybody with a little knowledge and good taste can make an EDM track... "Only when the means to an art form are available for everbody to reproduce it, will you find true art" (I forgot who said that, but that is the best explanation about true art that I have ever heard)

Your last qoute is totally contradictory to what you are claiming that EDM is supposed to be and that is a true art form. The quote you stated above says that "Only when the means to an art form are available for everbody to reproduce it, will you find true art"..

Dood...Computers have made it more available for people to produce music. EDM is based on and has progessed along with new technology to make music. Look around you? You say that rock is for the masses? What about EDM? Did you not go to Ultra and see 50,000 people there? Do you not listen to power 96 FM or whatever radio station plays cheesy ass dance music? Does MTV not have a dedicated program for the genre of EDM? How many magazines do you see on bookshelves in stores that are purely based on EDM?

You say that EDM is not the music for the masses? Have you been to Europe in the last 15 years? Dance music is part of the culture of there!

EDM is not for the masses? So that's why when you go to Best Buy there's a whole row of CD's dedicated to only dance music!

I don't see how you can say that rock is all that people have to listen to because that is what is mainly available to them. These days EDM is available just as much if not more than rock music is.

And about EDM being a true art form still? Well I have to disagree with you again there. Everybody and their mother is a DJ. Any moron with a computer, a simple sequencing program (there are now hundreds out there), and some loops that they got at the Apple store or download off the Internet can make a dance track. You can make a dance track in a matter of a couple of hours.

Now to get a band, set up mics, mic up the band, run signal through a mixing board, record live instruments and vocals trying to capture that sound and recording one song for hours if not days at a time. Then taking that recording and mixing it then taking that mix of a song and mastering it takes a hell of a lot more than making a dance track!

All aspects of recording live music is more of an art form than making dance music in a computer will ever be!

Mic'ing musicians, mixing and recording even mastering are each an art form of thier own.

And this is not only for the hardcore rock fans as you called them.

The same technology that EDM has embraced to enable people to create music is also the same texchnolgy that has taken the novelity out of being an electronic dance artist. I rememeber a day when there were only 20 or so club DJ's in a large city. Now everyone is a DJ. It's not as nobel as a hobby/profession as it used to be say 6 years ago because of the advent of new music production technolgies.

That same technology is also destroying the indie record industry. EDM producers are not getting paid as much as they used to be. Why because there are millions of EDM producers in the world. Not just thousands any more.

Only 3 years ago labels were still paying artists decent money for thier work. Now a days artists are giving their songs to indie labels just to get the credits of being released on a label.

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Guest Davenavarro10

Coach Green Day have been around for over 10 years, and they are anything but pioneers. They are just another Punk band. The Ramones were pioneers, they basically invented Punk Rock. And what whiner bands are you speaking of specifically. Give us some names please.

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Guest coach

Coach would be here all night if he did so. Let's just say most of what is "cool" on MTV right now.

Thank you, yes. And anything on 93.1, too. I can't listen to that station for more than 4 minutes.
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