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Should there be a CJ Miami Rock board?

V. Barbarino

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Guest Davenavarro10

Pod Mtv doesn't even play videos anymore. Mtv's programming is basically all reality tv except for the one hour or hour and a half that TRL is on. Mtv seems to focus on playing only Hip Hop and Pop Music. I mean they have terrible shows on the air like Nick Cannon's show, the Barbershop, and I think a new show will premier soon called yo mama, which is just about your mama jokes. Mtv has basically turned into BET but without actually playing videos.

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Guest Davenavarro10

Actually Coach I think most listeners would agree that 93 rock is ten times better than Zeta ever was. As far as the bands they play, I guess bands like Tool, Audioslave, Rage Against The Machine, Nine Inch Nails, The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Pearl Jam just aren't your cup of tea. I bet you miss listening to Party 93.1

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Guest vaughan


This thread actually proves the narrow-mindedness of most people.

I like rock and own 30 computers... can I use those towards some of the other "sheep" who listen to rock, but aren't that "deep" into it?

I'm a house dj and devoted "house-head", that listens to rock... and jazz... and blues... and reggae...

I can at least admit that I have a pretty open mind and appreciate MOST music... Yes, I have my opinions when it comes to certain genres but I usually keep them to myself becuase they are MY OPINIONS.

What is really funny is that most of you will probably recalll this thread 5 years from now and say WOW... those were the days... whatever happened to that stuff. It's called evolution people... Dance Music will never DIE either if you want my opinion... and for those that say ROCK is dead... wake up... MOST Electronic Artists can't sell more than 5-10k units of a CD... "LAME" rock bands sell HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS...

Stick to your guns people, but don't be narrow-minded sheep... listen to what you want and respect other peoples opinions...

And if this is a "EDM" board... 1. Where does it say that? and 2. Why does Cooljunkie take money from and advertise NON-EDM clubs and events? 3. Why do they post articles about Fashion Shows, Rock Shows, and cool partys like Revolver?

And as far as "there are way more EDM boards than rock boards" comment... ummm... almost EVERY rock band has their own forum with TENS of THOUSANDS of members... go back to google!

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Guest vaughan

Oh... to actually answer the question... NO, I don'tthink there should be a "rock" forum... I think we should discuss any related topic right here in the "MIAMI JUNKIES" forum... since it clearly doesn't say it's an "EDM ONLY" forum... From what I can find... Cooljunkie is, and I quote, "one of the US's leading music and lifestyle sites, providing music, nightlife, fashion and movie news for a hip young crowd of tastemakers and trendsetters."

Hmmmm..... I must have missed the EDM part ::)

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Econ class by the club legend..

Pay attention, this is on the final exam..

You own a resturante:

The place is dead, what do you do?

Answer: You lower prices

The place is packed, what do you do?

You raise prices..

The club world is dying, so in order to get clubbers to come out, they have to spend 30k on a dj, and that cost is passed off to the clubber. So when clubbers are not comming out you charge them more money???

EDM will be a event driven niche market, you can't keep raising prices for a dying industry.

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Guest pod

I honestly think one of the things that is lacking these days in clubland is the concept of "production". A DJ is all fine and dandy, but I really miss when clubs would have dancers and such on a regular basis. Here in Miami at least. Your average clubgoer likes that sort of thing. They want to see and experience more than just DJ so-and-so. DJ whores and trainspotters are not the salvation for clubland.

I know the best dance/production troupe in town and the cost for bringing four or five of their people out isn't gonna break the bank.

I've ventured up to the casino clubs, and both Spirits and Gryphon have productions every night I've been up. Dancers, even fire performers. I guess they still do that up there since the Broward crowd doesn't follow DJs.

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Guest LeVeL

You know who I have a problem with..

I have a problem with those so called Electronic Music Lovers that go out all week to nightclubs or EDM events and go out and dont pay cover charges to get into clubs and once there, they dont like to spend money on drinks or anything.

Yet they are always complaining that the scene is dieing when in reality its all due to people who go out to Club Establishments to not spend money. They dance, they drink from a hidden flask in their pants, they stay till the club closes but in the end they never spent one dime to get into the club or spend one dime at the bar.

So tell me how are clubs suppose to make money on EDM events when you have that type of clientel. Even worst is how some club promoters take advantage o their power by letting everyone they know in for free, even unattended guys who come to clubs with no chicks.

Its pathetic sometimes, but sometimes some establishments shoot their ownselves int he foot by doing these kind of things.

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Guest pod

I've always said that if you get comped, you should at least get a drink or two from the bar. Even if it's water. Water is actually a huge profit for a club. They spend a nickel a bottle and then charge seven for it.

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You know who I have a problem with..

I have a problem with those so called Electronic Music Lovers that go out all week to nightclubs or EDM events and go out and dont pay cover charges to get into clubs and once there' date=' they dont like to spend money on drinks or anything.

Yet they are always complaining that the scene is dieing when in reality its all due to people who go out to Club Establishments to not spend money. They dance, they drink from a hidden flask in their pants, they stay till the club closes but in the end they never spent one dime to get into the club or spend one dime at the bar.

So tell me how are clubs suppose to make money on EDM events when you have that type of clientel. Even worst is how some club promoters take advantage o their power by letting everyone they know in for free, even unattended guys who come to clubs with no chicks.

Its pathetic sometimes, but sometimes some establishments shoot their ownselves int he foot by doing these kind of things.


I'll sum up your post with some wise words from one of my Econ proffs...

"if you cheat and don't get caught, you just worked the system, someone thing you need to use in the real world, more power to ya"..

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I've always said that if you get comped, you should at least get a drink or two from the bar. Even if it's water. Water is actually a huge profit for a club. They spend a nickel a bottle and then charge seven for it.

thats the one thing about clubs ive always hated charging 7 bucks for water its just freakin water jesus christ.....

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Guest pod

Market forces. You might not wanna pay it, but there's 2103942734 people who will. Six bucks for a Bud Light is highway robbery (it's pretty much water), but there's people who swear by the swill and pay that price.

Nonetheless, it has been a perennial argument around these parts about dance music fans being cheapskates. In my experience, most will spend at the bar, but you do have a few who don't.

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Guest LeVeL

I'll sum up your post with some wise words from one of my Econ proffs...

"if you cheat and don't get caught, you just worked the system, someone thing you need to use in the real world, more power to ya"..

Yeah but cheating the system is not always the best thing to do.

Clubs lose thousand and thousands of dollars due to these things. So if it keeps on happening and you have wanna be Dj's, trackwhore's and Dj Whores all not paying a dime to get into the club or buying any drink while there then how is a club going to make an expected profit from a packed house of clubbers.

In the long run it will hurt all of us because if the club doesn't make money they will close down. And if they close then who will bring your favorite DJ to town?

Basically clubs dont have no choice but to change Music Platforms because when you go to Hip Hop events people spend money.

I dont understand how some people can go out and be so cheap with not wanting to spend a dime. I rather stay home if I dont want to spend any moeny.

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Go to A Strokes concert sometime, and tell me they still suck. I guarantee you'll change your mind. As far as bands that suck, I'll name a few. Nickelback, Fall Out Boy, Godsmack, Scott Stapp, Limp Bizkit, Yellowcard, and just about any rock band that gets played on Y-100.

Godsmack in concert is freakin' siiiick.. they soooo do not suck.. great work-out music in my opinion :)

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Guest coach

Vaughan, just because you use computers competently and are into rock doesn't mean anyone else does.

Dave, I will give you Rage Against The Machine. But I thought they were as old as Green Day.

And just because someone sells 100,000 of anything doesn't make it good, it just makes it well-marketed.

Saleen, you forgot #'s 3 & 4 in your restaurant example.

3) Advertise more.

4) Increase your quality (be that of service, ambience, or food prep, or all three).

Playing the "race for the bottom" game in pricing is generally a sure tactic for failure.

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Vaughan, just because you use computers competently and are into rock doesn't mean anyone else does.

Dave, I will give you Rage Against The Machine. But I thought they were as old as Green Day.

And just because someone sells 100,000 of anything doesn't make it good, it just makes it well-marketed.

Saleen, you forgot #'s 3 & 4 in your restaurant example.

3) Advertise more.

4) Increase your quality (be that of service, ambience, or food prep, or all three).

Playing the "race for the bottom" game in pricing is generally a sure tactic for failure.

I saw Rage in concert right before they made it big.. I saw them in 1992 at the legendary State Theater on Woodward Ave in Detroit.. they opened for House of Pain (LOL!!) I saw them and i told my friends that this band would be huge... right after that, they blew up...

Green Day had been around for years before they hit the mainstream.. that was more like 1993-1994 i think.. They started as a band though in late 80's or like 1990 (i think)..... To this day, DOOKIE is one of the FEW albums i can listen to front to end and still hit "REPLAY" to listen to it again! Great piece of work IMO.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Vaughan, just because you use computers competently and are into rock doesn't mean anyone else does.

I like prog' rock and I can use a computer competently...

On top of that I'm Asian. We yellow bastards aren't supposed to like rock...So Coach, what does that say about your statement to Vaughan saying that he's the only person who likes rock and uses a computer competently?

Shit I know of several rockers that can use a computer better than anyone here on these boards...

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Guest coach

Vaughan, just because you use computers competently and are into rock doesn't mean anyone else does.

I like prog' rock and I can use a computer competently...

On top of that I'm Asian. We yellow bastards aren't supposed to like rock...So Coach, what does that say about your statement to Vaughan saying that he's the only person who likes rock and uses a computer competently?

Shit I know of several rockers that can use a computer better than anyone here on these boards...

2 people is not a good sampling. Again, I suggest a quick websearch to back up my assertion. Way more EDM forums than rock or hip hop. I've forgotten what my point was, though.
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Guest swirlundergrounder

Vaughan, just because you use computers competently and are into rock doesn't mean anyone else does.

I like prog' rock and I can use a computer competently...

On top of that I'm Asian. We yellow bastards aren't supposed to like rock...So Coach, what does that say about your statement to Vaughan saying that he's the only person who likes rock and uses a computer competently?

Shit I know of several rockers that can use a computer better than anyone here on these boards...

2 people is not a good sampling. Again, I suggest a quick websearch to back up my assertion. Way more EDM forums than rock or hip hop. I've forgotten what my point was, though.

2 people is not a good sample? Between me and Vaughan, it's a great sample. I don't know Vaughan personally but we both represent different ethnic heritage and probably are of different ages and other demographics.

How can you say that there are more EDM forums than rock forums if you don't search for rock forums on a regular basis?

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I have another statistic for you guys that should end this conversation as to which is more main stream, rock or EDM.

In the year 2000 the turntable out sold the guitar for the first time as the #1 selling instrument in the world!

So for some of you people who say that EDM is not in the mainstream, then explain that statistic to me and still say that EDM is not in the mainstream!

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Guest LeVeL

I have another statistic for you guys that should end this conversation as to which is more main stream, rock or EDM.

In the year 2000 the turntable out sold the guitar for the first time as the #1 selling instrument in the world!

So for some of you people who say that EDM is not in the mainstream, then explain that statistic to me and still say that EDM is not in the mainstream!

Dude the turntable is not just used by the EDM Genre, its used by people who also play hip hip,rock,salsa,reggaeton,merengue,country music, event open format.

Thats statistic doesn't mean crap it you saying that the Turntable outsold the Guitar.

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