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Where can one buy Pepper Spray in Kendall area?


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I think Dolphin Mall or International Mall might have a Security world they might have pepper spray.

Just saw the time. You can try WalMart. Those fuckers have everything.

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Guest swirlundergrounder


Forget pepper spray! using pepper spray down here could be more dangerous with the wind blowing it back into a users face.

Get a stun gun. They are cheap, easy to use and scary as hell. They are safer to use and more intimidating then pepper spray.

The cost is just about the same also.

Stun guns have features on them so that if the stun gun gets taken away from the user someone else can't use it. See the strap on the gun? You place this around your wrist and if the gun gets taken away from you this strap pulls a pin and detaches from the gun activating a locking mechanism on the gun that turns it off.

There are also safety buttons on the stun gun.

I was having a little trouble with my neighbor accross the street who I called the cops on after I witnessed him commiting a crime (he was jumping on a car with a knife trying to stop a female escort from ripping him off but that's another thread on it's own). Needless to say my neighbor who looks like Tony Soprano was messing with me for a day or two. It was kind of scary with a baby in the house.

My wife wouldn't let me get a gun to protect our home becuz of the baby, so I got a stun gun. It's the next best thing besides having a big dog or a samurai sword in the house...

Fuck with some people and they'll cut you. Fuck with me and I'll zap your ass...LOL


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Guest pod

Fuck the stun gun, get the X26c.

It is the civillian variant of what the cops use.




A bit pricey but it is worth it for the safety.

The advantage here is the range, you can stand off and repeatedly zap the perp from up to 15 feet away.

Stun guns require you to be close in, which means the perp could easily stab you with a knife or something.

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Guest saintjohn

Pepper Spray 101:

People use the word "mace" as a generic term for any type or brand of aerosol chemical weapon. They use it much in the same way as saying Kleenex for any facial tissue. Shop wisely because not all personal defense sprays are created equally. Some people choose them because OC can be carried in some places that guns are not allowed. Others just want more options.

The single biggest misconception about aerosol chemical weapons is the "percentage" of O.C. (Oleoresin Capsicum) like 5% or 10%. A person might be led to believe the 10% formula is better than a lower one like 5%. The higher percentages make it last LONGER because there is more pepper in that formula. They do not make it HOTTER and heat is what makes it effective.

Let’s say brand “A†uses a very low grade of pepper and makes the formula 10%. Brand “F†uses the highest quality peppers available and makes the formula 2%. The only way to determine how good either of them might be is to check the label for Scoville Heat Units. Heat is what makes O.C. effective. Heat of O.C. is measured by S.H.U.s (Scoville Heat Units). In my opinion, you should consider nothing less than 1 million S.H.U.s, for self-protection or Law Enforcement work. Fox Labs International has a 2% formulation, which increases recovery time, but it is 5.3 million S.H.U.s, which makes it the hottest spray on the market.

Another misconception is that the O.C. spray will affect people of different ethnic backgrounds less because they eat so many peppers as part of their staple diet. This is absolutely not true.

The three physical effects that you want your formula to cause are a burning sensation of the contaminated skin, respiratory distress, and an involuntary eye closure. The burning sensation is the least important tactically. The desired respiratory effect is to decrease the ability for the badguy breath enough to keep attacking you. The involuntary eye closure is the most important tactically. The O.C. dries the fluids in the eye on contact and forces the person to shut their eyes. If the potential felon can’t see you it will be more difficult to catch or kill you.

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Guest saintjohn


Most Personal Defense Sprays are available in Fog, Cone (sometimes called Mist), Stream and Foam. Each of these spray patterns has its strong points. Fog is the most effective delivery system because it is the most readily inhaled. It causes the most cross contamination onto unintended areas and is the easiest to blow back into your own face. Cone has a “shotgun†type pattern and is my personal favorite for general use. It has a more wind resistant delivery but still atomizes the OC well for inhalation. Steam is not inhaled as readily but has the greatest distance and even less likelihood of blowback. Foam has an almost shaving cream type consistency. It is highly unlikely it will be blown back by wind and is the best choice for indoor use as it causes the least cross contamination. Foam however is the least effective because it is rarely inhaled.

Some manufacturers would have you believe their product is superior to any other defensive option. Nothing works 100% of the time. NOTHING. Not your shotgun, not your baton, not your brain. Do not fall into the trap of thinking your O.C. will handle anything that comes along. It will not. Beware of any company who says their spray is the greatest thing ever invented. I have seen demonstrations of people sprayed with pepper sprays and still attack. Goal oriented people. They are dangerous and you must remain vigilant.

You must also have a back-up plan. Just like going to your back-up gun if your primary becomes damaged or taken. If your OC doesn’t work you need to be prepared to go to a higher level of force or be ready to run away. Always keep in mind your self defense tools are likely to give lackluster performance when it comes down to it.

If you carry OC as a defensive option put some thought into it. Just like with your gun-holster-ammo combination. Police officers use the OC on their belt far more often than the gun beside it. Consider which spray pattern and formulation will best suit your needs. Also consider placing several cans in strategic locations like in the car, at the office, by the front door and in your vest pocket.

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Guest saintjohn

Even more:

Using OC isn’t as complicated as shooting but you do need to practice with it. Many companies sell inert training units that will work for practice but I suggest just using a live can. Practice like you would use it and think ahead and know which way the wind is blowing. If it blows back into your face have you really made yourself safer?

While on the topic of accidentally (or otherwise) being sprayed there are some simple guidelines you can follow to speed recovery along. Water and lots of it will help immensely. If you have non-oil based soap available (like Dawn or J&J baby shampoo) you should use it to wash the excess spray out of your hair and off your face. Make sure to get it all so you don’t get recontaminated later when you shower. Never use salves or creams to ease the burning sensation. It will only trap the OC under the skin and cause blistering. Never remove another persons contact lenses, always let a medical professional take them out.

If you ever are forced to spray someone you should move afterward. Two or three one half second bursts will do it. If the face is covered it will make it no hotter to spray more and it could actually wash some off. It should produce a reaction within three seconds of contact. If you do not get the desired effect go to your “plan Bâ€.

Chemical Weapons can be a good choice for people who choose not to have a gun. They can also help us bridge the gap between no force and lethal force. If chosen and used correctly they can be a great asset to anyone who is worried about their personal safety.

From the fine folks at http://www.tacticalresponse.com/

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Guest saintjohn
Stun guns require you to be close in, which means the perp could easily stab you with a knife or something.

Pod is right; stun guns are contact weapons, just like fists, knives, clubs, and pointy sticks. With many under-powered civilian models, the only way to incapacitate an opponent is to hold it to the base of his neck for several seconds. If you have the hand-to-hand combat skills to do that in the middle of a violent criminal assault, you probably don't need a stun gun to defend yourself.

The big blue spark is certainly intimidating, and getting zapped in a sensitive area can hurt like hell, but stun guns are not instant off switches for the central nervous system, regardless of what you may have seen in the movies.

Stun guns, pepper spray, firearms - different tools for different situations. Make an informed decision, and don't expect any inanimate object to have magical crime preventing powers.

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Guest pod

The big blue spark is certainly intimidating, and getting zapped in a sensitive area can hurt like hell, but stun guns are not instant off switches for the central nervous system, regardless of what you may have seen in the movies.

And with the cheap over the counter models, a decent leather jacket can stop them.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

The big blue spark is certainly intimidating, and getting zapped in a sensitive area can hurt like hell, but stun guns are not instant off switches for the central nervous system, regardless of what you may have seen in the movies.

And with the cheap over the counter models, a decent leather jacket can stop them.

I don't know aboout you guys. If I was violent criminal and I didn't have a gun, I would not want to be shocked by a tazer or a stun gun.

So what if a leather jacket will protect someone from the stun gun or tazer? Your head, neck and legs are still exposed....Unless you have a full body Uma Thurman in Kill Bill leather biker suit on. And if you had one of those on being a violent criminal you wouldn't have to use a weapon to kill anyone. Your victim would just die laughing at you. Unless you were as bad ass as Uma Thurman was with that Satori Hanso Sword in Kill Bill that is... :P

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Guest pod

What I'm getting at is that the contact stun guns are more of a "feel-good" deterrent for the user. I would not want to use one as a method of home defense. The main reason, as I stated, was that you have to get in close, which means that said criminal can take a stab at you or worse. I'd rather have the capability of standing off 15 feet and taking care of it that way. BTW, the X26c has a laser sight so it is pretty much point-and-shoot. No recoil either, it's pretty much a CO2 BB gun with taser probes instead of BBs.

I sound like a Taser salesman, but another attractive feature is that if necessary, you can set the taser to keep shocking someone even if you don't have it in your hand...i.e. set it, and then run to the phone to call the cops.

I read of a new concept by Taser for a "taser shotgun" which sends a charged shell towards a target.


They're not cheap, but I'd definitely buy one over a contact stun weapon.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

What I'm getting at is that the contact stun guns are more of a "feel-good" deterrent for the user. I would not want to use one as a method of home defense. The main reason, as I stated, was that you have to get in close, which means that said criminal can take a stab at you or worse. I'd rather have the capability of standing off 15 feet and taking care of it that way. BTW, the X26c has a laser sight so it is pretty much point-and-shoot. No recoil either, it's pretty much a CO2 BB gun with taser probes instead of BBs.

I sound like a Taser salesman, but another attractive feature is that if necessary, you can set the taser to keep shocking someone even if you don't have it in your hand...i.e. set it, and then run to the phone to call the cops.

I read of a new concept by Taser for a "taser shotgun" which sends a charged shell towards a target.


They're not cheap, but I'd definitely buy one over a contact stun weapon.

If a criminal comes into your home with a gun you're pretty much screwed unless you have a bigger gun close by.

Now if a criminal comes into your home with a knife (which would be pretty dumb being that 2/3rds of American homes have guns in them), you grab the blanket closest to you and throw it at his knife hand. While the criminal is struggling to detangle himeself you stun his ass!

But the best thing to avoid all of this is to have a secure home with a big dog....

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Guest pod

A big, trained dog. I've met Rottweilers that are big cuddly teddy bears even when you first meet them.

In a crisis situation, the blanket would be too much to think about. I'd rather have a one-step solution to the problem.

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Guest saintjohn
I don't know aboout you guys. If I was violent criminal and I didn't have a gun, I would not want to be shocked by a tazer or a stun gun.

I agree, but what seems logical to us may not make sense to a violent criminal. After all, we didn't decide to victimize the smaller, weaker, and/or slower members of our society for fun and profit, so how can we know for sure?

Even non-violent criminals willingly engage in a wide variety of seemingly illogical behaviors (as evidenced by many of the discussions in this vey forum), so we can't assume that just because you and I are afraid of getting zapped in the throat with a stun gun, Joe Mugger will be afraid, too. It might even be part of the thrill for him.

Having said all that, I would much prefer to have any stun gun than no weapon at all, especially if I had to deal with more than one potential assailant. I'm not arguing against the technology, but I don't want people to expect a stun gun to instantly incapacitate any attacker (although if violent criminals choose to believe that, I'm not going to discourage them from doing so).

If you can keep your Tony Soprano neighbor in check by brandishing a stun gun, I certainly won't criticize your tactics or choice of weapon. Like Sun Tzu said, "To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."

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