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V. Barbarino

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Guest swank

There are some really racist and ignorant comments in this thread.

I take the neccesary precautions during traditionally black weekends on Miami Beach, and I don't like having to do it, but judging the hiphop crowd in its entirety by the actions of few is despicable.


But there's one thing I did notice...at least a 'thug' will tell you to your face how he/she feels but MOST of the people making these comments here can only scream obscenities from a car window at 100mph or make ignorant comments on message boards.

I DARE you to try this shit live this weekend on the street somwhere. ;D

Have you ever tried to talk to one of these thugs only to realize that his/her persona is only a fashion statement, but that they are in school or have jobs. Ya'll need to stop 'generalizing'

Remember...somewhere someone is laughing at you with your girlie sneakers and fitted tee-shirts. LOL.

my $0.02

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Swank, please don't make me pull out the US crime stats.. I know I know I know, blame whitey and of course the media and they are all innocent bla bla bla bla bla... It's amazing only Bill Cosby is standing up for blacks in a manner that just doesn't blame whitey.. Personal responsiblity is something the black community lacks.. I find it funny some blacks are hoping to allow illegal immigrants to stay in this country, if they are allowed to stay this puts blacks below hispanics and further hurts their cause.. Rappers exploit their own people..

Now, lets hunt down Mike Wallace, he's to blame for all of this!

And these are the same people who every time their "civil rights are violated" steal tvs... Shit I'd riot once a year if I could get a free big screen.

I have no problem with people of any ethnicity, just act normal and learn to speak proper english and for fucks sake black people, LEARN HOW TO SHAKE HANDS LIKE A MAN!!!

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Guest pod

Have you ever tried to talk to one of these thugs only to realize that his/her persona is only a fashion statement, but that they are in school or have jobs. Ya'll need to stop 'generalizing'

Remember...somewhere someone is laughing at you with your girlie sneakers and fitted tee-shirts. LOL.

my $0.02

Yeah most of these guys are out for a good time, like anyone else out in a club or on the beach. Like anything though, the minority screws it up for anyone else. I've "braved" the beach on Memorial Day Weekend before, with my gear out in full view, and haven't really been bothered other than the occasional "hey, take a photo of me and my friends...".

Trick is not to be stupid. You see a situation coming, do your best to walk away or not get involved.

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Guest coach

Yeah, I think I've already started to become jaded in only 3 years. All the bitching starts to soak in. I mean, really, all it is is some congested traffic and sidewalks, some load music (and we all know how much we hate that), and a few busted up hotel rooms. Raise the room rates and cover prices for the weekend and move on.

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Guest brasiliandrunk

Man when it comes down to parties Hip Hop parties have way better looking girls and more girls too.

In a EDM party you rarely have good looking girls an too many guys dancing and hugging each other.

For example look at some of Pods pics on cooljunkie.

oh my fucking god , are you FUCKING RETARDED?!?!? wow, im still in shock anyone has said this comment. That is the dumbest shit I've heard in awhile. GIRLS??? THEY HAVE CHONGITAS ALL RUNNING AROUND.... Did someone wack you with the retarded tree? Im still in shock...

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Guest Miss_Digital

im not judging the hip hop crowd, although i find the genre to be mostly negative, materlistic, self perpetrating, and detrimental to our youth. but it makes one wonder, why sobe has to bring in law enforcement and canines from all over south florida just to keep the crowds under control. because lets face it, without that, bedlam would ensue.

dont get me wrong every scene has its problems. but hip hop(not all) actually promotes the more deplorable aspects of society; ie drugdealing, women being 'hoes', being a 'hustla', 'thug' as desirable occupations and behaviors. not to mention the egregious use of expletives and slang. hip hop needs more artist like mos def, fugees, and kanye. i watched dave chappelle's block party, and although its not what i expected or wanted, the hip hop talent he had on there was what 'real' hip hop should be like. but yeah, if your not a hip hopper, mdw, is a good weekend to get out of town, go to DETROIT!!!

my detroit dreams are slipping away :'(

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Guest pod

Man when it comes down to parties Hip Hop parties have way better looking girls and more girls too.

In a EDM party you rarely have good looking girls an too many guys dancing and hugging each other.

For example look at some of Pods pics on cooljunkie.

I just noticed this.

First off' date=' I work in reverse. I don't ask to take a photo, I let people ask me. Guys, girls, whatever.

Second of all, brasiliandrunk has a point. I don't know what a chongita is, and all of the Latin people in my office have gone home for the day, but I gather by the context it is pretty derogatory.

Not to say they're all bad looking. You take a hip-hop party at Club Deep for example. Yeah, I'm sure it's wall-to-wall chongitas.

Hip-hop at Mansion or Privé. I doubt chongitas get within 100 yards of the door. Then again at Privé they don't play that nasty ghetto shit.

But to the lack of good looking girls at dance music events? Geez, you need to get out more!


Nocturnal - Local Celebrity




Space - Rock the New Patio


Pawn Shop - Detour

But you get my point. Fantastic looking girls, and certainly not chongitas. Gus, what does that mean? Sounds nasty.

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Guest Cosmigonon


Nocturnal - Local Celebrity

OMFG!! :o I think I'm in love again, just in time for the weekend... :'(

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Guest swank

Saleen: Without Predjudice...

Swank, please don't make me pull out the US crime stats.. I know I know I know, blame whitey and of course the media and they are all innocent bla bla bla bla bla... It's amazing only Bill Cosby is standing up for blacks in a manner that just doesn't blame whitey.. Personal responsiblity is something the black community lacks.. I find it funny some blacks are hoping to allow illegal immigrants to stay in this country, if they are allowed to stay this puts blacks below hispanics and further hurts their cause.. Rappers exploit their own people..

US crime stats...? Are you kidding me...they're probably as accurate as Enron's financials. LOL Anytime any system is totally lopsided there is a problem that everyone should take the blame for. Further more those who know me well...know that I do not accept excuses for whatever situation one is in no matter the color of their skin.

Everyone exploits their own people...have you ever been into ANY ethnic store and looked around at the prices of phone cards, aspirin, ethnic food, or for that matter GUM.

Now, lets hunt down Mike Wallace, he's to blame for all of this!

And these are the same people who every time their "civil rights are violated" steal tvs... Shit I'd riot once a year if I could get a free big screen.

I have no problem with people of any ethnicity, just act normal and learn to speak proper english and for fucks sake black people, LEARN HOW TO SHAKE HANDS LIKE A MAN!!!

Again generalizing about a few bad apples means that my mother if faced with the same situation would hunt down her TV? C'mon man get real.


If you believe in stats...? does that mean that if I had the last year of everyone's posts on this board pulled...would you come up as the profile of a bigot and racist?

Stop skating around what it is you feel and say it like a MAN! Either you work for CJ and have been put here to create controversy and generate 'hits' or you REALLY believe the shit you spew.

BTW: Who wore sweatsuits and grabbed their balls first? Was it the Blacks or the Italians? ;D

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Man when it comes down to parties Hip Hop parties have way better looking girls and more girls too.

In a EDM party you rarely have good looking girls an too many guys dancing and hugging each other.

For example look at some of Pods pics on cooljunkie.

So true....The best looking chicks are at hip hop parties. And the ratio is better by far. Point blank.

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Guest pod

Oh for fuck's sake. If you like overweight girls wearing clothes spec'd for a limber girl from Moscow.

If you see hot women at a hip-hop party, chances are it's probably open format.

I'm splitting hairs here I know, but some of you are acting like a party at Nocturnal, Space, or Pawn Shop is some sort of NAMBLA convention.

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Guest swank

Oh for fuck's sake. If you like overweight girls wearing clothes spec'd for a limber girl from Moscow.

If you see hot women at a hip-hop party, chances are it's probably open format.

I'm splitting hairs here I know, but some of you are acting like a party at Nocturnal, Space, or Pawn Shop is some sort of NAMBLA convention.

haha! youz guyz kill me ;D

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Guest pod


But seriously, I don't consider a Saturday night at Privé hip-hop.

Nonetheless, I present proof of hot girls at dance music events, and these guys act like it's a Sunday night at Twist.

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Guest Cosmigonon

If you see hot women at a hip-hop party, chances are it's probably open format.

true dat

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Guest coach

over under on shootings opens at 2...

ill take the over for a nickel play.

Now, when you say "shootings", do you mean actual deaths, woundings, or just shots taken?

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Guest pod

Now, when you say "shootings", do you mean actual deaths, woundings, or just shots taken?

Good point.

I could be wearing Class 4 Spectra and take a 9mm and get back up to return fire with a .45 or an EM hypersonic round.

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Guest LeVeL

If you see hot women at a hip-hop party, chances are it's probably open format.

true dat

Are you kidding me..

You guys need to go out to more Hip Hop Clubs, first of all if you to Amika,Mansion,Prive on any of their Hip Hop Night you will see more good looking girls there then in 1 night than any of the EDM nights in Space and Nocturnal combine for a whole month.

Face it Hip Hop brings out the ladies, you can go to any of the Hip Hop Clubs in the Grove and you will see a more gathering of girls there than any EDM venue. The truth is week in and week out EDM events bring out the guys and yeah you'll have your girls who will go with their Boyfriends and at times girls will come out for a special event or becuase their a Dj whore to a specific DJ.

Hip Hop just brings out more women which in the end makes guys waste money on bottles and fees to pay general admission to get in. Hip Hop clubs just make way more money cause of dat.

Just look at WMC and the ratio of guys to girls were like 20:1.

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Guest Cosmigonon

you'll have your girls who will go with their Boyfriends and at times girls will come out for a special event or becuase their a Dj whore to a specific DJ.

so basically you're saying there are no single women at EDM events. Ok then.... ::)

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Guest brasiliandrunk

i figured it out , if you like ghetto looking chicks i understand. But for other people , i just dont like girls with fades or grills or coochie cutters with fat hanging out... or Gel in chicks hair , wearing baby phat or whatever the hell... And everyone has an attitude problem thinking they are thugs and stuff... Just because I dress nice , doesnt mean im a fag or a pussy...


If you see hot women at a hip-hop party, chances are it's probably open format.

true dat

Are you kidding me..

You guys need to go out to more Hip Hop Clubs, first of all if you to Amika,Mansion,Prive on any of their Hip Hop Night you will see more good looking girls there then in 1 night than any of the EDM nights in Space and Nocturnal combine for a whole month.

Face it Hip Hop brings out the ladies, you can go to any of the Hip Hop Clubs in the Grove and you will see a more gathering of girls there than any EDM venue. The truth is week in and week out EDM events bring out the guys and yeah you'll have your girls who will go with their Boyfriends and at times girls will come out for a special event or becuase their a Dj whore to a specific DJ.

Hip Hop just brings out more women which in the end makes guys waste money on bottles and fees to pay general admission to get in. Hip Hop clubs just make way more money cause of dat.

Just look at WMC and the ratio of guys to girls were like 20:1.

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Guest maximus

I've been around ~12 years as far as night clubs go and I hate the Hip Hop crowd. I was at Mansion last week and yeah there were some smoking girls but the crowd over all has an attitude problem... Like everyone is trying WAY to hard to be cool, all the guys act they are THE shit throwing 5 dollar bills around... The girls will I agree with brasiliandrunk... I prefer the EDM scene, much more laid back and "nicer" group of people... The hot girls are there as they are anywhere in Miami, if you don’t see them your with the wrong crowd.

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Guest durrtylexx

the crowd over all has an attitude problem...

thats exactly why i hate hip hop clubs.

sure the women are hot but they love that ghetto thug vip hot shit.

fuck that!

if i have to a hip hop, i need to be in the vip area and be out of the bling bling hialeah/carol city ghetto shit.

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Guest Cosmigonon

sure the women are hot but they love that ghetto thug vip hot shit.

fuck that!

amen to that. Fuck em

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