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Bush's address to the nation last night regarding immigration

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

What did you think? I actually agreed with everything he said for once!


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Guest swank

What did you think? I actually agreed with everything he said for once!


Don't get converted....I think he said what his administration told him people wanted to hear on this subject.

He pretended to sound confident when mentioning how the 'national guard' would only serve 1 year terms at the border and not have to get involved with any of the legal or 'policing' issues...but he also said that about the last two wars when it came to the US troops.

He was also EXTREMELY vague when referring to a path to legal status. While he mentioned that he was not offering 'Amnesty' he in the same breath mentioned some 'jibba-jabba' about being here for a certain period of time, and paying taxes, and owning a home...and PAYING A FEE...YOU KNOW...A DEBT TO SOCIETY.

So if you can pay the fine...you're in.

crock-a-crap if you ask me...they're still running around in circles with their heads stuck up their asses. >:(

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Guest Marina22

I loved the part about how this issue should not be used for political gain, yeah right! Of course he is using this issue for his political gain since he's doing so poorly in the polls.

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Guest tres-b

1-Close the border

2-Crack down on businesses that hire illegals

3-Figure out how to handle illegals who live here

This issue is so simple and yet so complicated. I dont think it is a partisan issue. Immigration is an issue we need to deal with quickly and efficiently. #1 is the key. We have to close the border. Gaining control over the border is a huge step in the right direction.

That being said, trouble is just around the corner---

Troops+Guns+Illegals=Conflict(and possible deaths)

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Guest coach

I can't figure out why people still listen to what politicians SAY. Huge waste of time. I am going to wait and see what he actually DOES. If anything, that is. He's only in office for a little while longer. He's got a very divided congress. He also has issues within his own party. I think it is going to be hard for him to get any real changes implemented. We will probably limp along on whatever bits he can eak through and anything he can get done without having to go through congress. I do feel a little sorry for the guy, at this point. His approval rating is so low right now, and no matter what he does on this issue, he is going to take a beating by some groups. I *really* cannot see him going very much against the business community since that is one of his strongest bases.

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Guest Marina22

I can't figure out why people still listen to what politicians SAY. Huge waste of time. I am going to wait and see what he actually DOES. If anything, that is. He's only in office for a little while longer. He's got a very divided congress. He also has issues within his own party. I think it is going to be hard for him to get any real changes implemented. We will probably limp along on whatever bits he can eak through and anything he can get done without having to go through congress. I do feel a little sorry for the guy, at this point. His approval rating is so low right now, and no matter what he does on this issue, he is going to take a beating by some groups. I *really* cannot see him going very much against the business community since that is one of his strongest bases.

I thought the same thing when I heard him last night. Talk is cheap and I didn't hear about anything that was already being done so I'll wait to see him crash and burn. I don't feel sorry for him at all. I feel sorry for us, this country.

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Guest tres-b

I can't figure out why people still listen to what politicians SAY. Huge waste of time. I am going to wait and see what he actually DOES. If anything, that is. He's only in office for a little while longer. He's got a very divided congress. He also has issues within his own party. I think it is going to be hard for him to get any real changes implemented. We will probably limp along on whatever bits he can eak through and anything he can get done without having to go through congress. I do feel a little sorry for the guy, at this point. His approval rating is so low right now, and no matter what he does on this issue, he is going to take a beating by some groups. I *really* cannot see him going very much against the business community since that is one of his strongest bases.

I thought the same thing when I heard him last night. Talk is cheap and I didn't hear about anything that was already being done so I'll wait to see him crash and burn. I don't feel sorry for him at all. I feel sorry for us, this country.

If it wasnt for the Tom Stephan avatar, I would really rip this post...

That being said, immigration is an issue that we must handle with care. Mexico is our neighbor and our friend. It is incumbent upon us to treat Mexicans(who represent the vast majority of illegals) decently and still enforce the laws or our land.

I do think there are areas where President Bush has come up short. However, to say you feel sorry for our country is a bit much. Overall, our country is doing well.

The war in Iraq is a thorn in our side, but war is never pretty, quick, or simple.

One thing that has to be asked is this--Would we be better off with John Kerry? The answer is No.

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Guest slamminshaun

He outlined his position and called on Congress to act. It's up to them now...as far as him being vague, what was he supposed to do? I guess you all were expecting PowerPoint slides and Excel spreadsheets of how he plans to accomplish what he outlined? Gimmie a break. Name one president who wasn't vague in their plans to do something. Kennedy said he planned to put a man on the moon before 1970, but never said how he planned to do it...yet, to this day, people praise his speech as having inspired the American space program.

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way too much blame in this country rests on the executive branch. our elected representatives are the ones that make the laws. and in my eyes, they're all fucking crazy. it really is up to congress to act. but they won't. they'll get bogged down by fillibustering colleagues and deep-pocketed special interest groups. i hope they can make things happen.

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Guest tres-b

way too much blame in this country rests on the executive branch. our elected representatives are the ones that make the laws. and in my eyes, they're all fucking crazy. it really is up to congress to act. but they won't. they'll get bogged down by fillibustering colleagues and deep-pocketed special interest groups. i hope they can make things happen.

Damn good post.

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Guest tres-b

He outlined his position and called on Congress to act. It's up to them now...as far as him being vague' date=' what was he supposed to do? I guess you all were expecting PowerPoint slides and Excel spreadsheets of how he plans to accomplish what he outlined? Gimmie a break. Name one president who wasn't vague in their plans to do something. Kennedy said he planned to put a man on the moon before 1970, but never said how he planned to do it...yet, to this day, people praise his speech as having inspired the American space program.


Agreed. Vague is king during political speeches. President Bush outlined what direction he wants to go with immigration. Congress has to pass laws. President Bush can only sign bills that are put on his desk.

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What did you think? I actually agreed with everything he said for once!


Don't get converted....I think he said what his administration told him people wanted to hear on this subject.

He pretended to sound confident when mentioning how the 'national guard' would only serve 1 year terms at the border and not have to get involved with any of the legal or 'policing' issues...but he also said that about the last two wars when it came to the US troops.

He was also EXTREMELY vague when referring to a path to legal status. While he mentioned that he was not offering 'Amnesty' he in the same breath mentioned some 'jibba-jabba' about being here for a certain period of time, and paying taxes, and owning a home...and PAYING A FEE...YOU KNOW...A DEBT TO SOCIETY.

So if you can pay the fine...you're in.

crock-a-crap if you ask me...they're still running around in circles with their heads stuck up their asses. >:(

you are aware this is not cuba, and Bush doesn't have the authority to make laws up as he sees fit in terms of immigration. It's all in the House and Senate thus he can be vague.. He has no control over it.

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Guest JMT

way too much blame in this country rests on the executive branch. our elected representatives are the ones that make the laws. and in my eyes, they're all fucking crazy. it really is up to congress to act. but they won't. they'll get bogged down by fillibustering colleagues and deep-pocketed special interest groups. i hope they can make things happen.

well put.

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Guest obby

you are aware this is not cuba, and Bush doesn't have the authority to make laws up as he sees fit in terms of immigration. It's all in the House and Senate thus he can be vague.. He has no control over it.

I've already tried Saleen. With no avail. For some it is simply easier to just blame Bush. I blame the media for this.

way too much blame in this country rests on the executive branch. our elected representatives are the ones that make the laws. and in my eyes, they're all fucking crazy. it really is up to congress to act. but they won't. they'll get bogged down by fillibustering colleagues and deep-pocketed special interest groups. i hope they can make things happen.

Brilliant. You obviously know how our Government works unlike others.

Good post.

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way too much blame in this country rests on the executive branch. our elected representatives are the ones that make the laws. and in my eyes, they're all fucking crazy. it really is up to congress to act. but they won't. they'll get bogged down by fillibustering colleagues and deep-pocketed special interest groups. i hope they can make things happen.

Brilliant. You obviously know how our Government works unlike others.

Good post.

i'm so jaded at the whole thing.

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Guest swank

What did you think? I actually agreed with everything he said for once!


Don't get converted....I think he said what his administration told him people wanted to hear on this subject.

He pretended to sound confident when mentioning how the 'national guard' would only serve 1 year terms at the border and not have to get involved with any of the legal or 'policing' issues...but he also said that about the last two wars when it came to the US troops.

He was also EXTREMELY vague when referring to a path to legal status. While he mentioned that he was not offering 'Amnesty' he in the same breath mentioned some 'jibba-jabba' about being here for a certain period of time, and paying taxes, and owning a home...and PAYING A FEE...YOU KNOW...A DEBT TO SOCIETY.

So if you can pay the fine...you're in.

crock-a-crap if you ask me...they're still running around in circles with their heads stuck up their asses. >:(

you are aware this is not cuba, and Bush doesn't have the authority to make laws up as he sees fit in terms of immigration. It's all in the House and Senate thus he can be vague.. He has no control over it.

I am quite aware of how the US government works...the reason that 'I' thought that his speech was a tad more vague than usual is because he stared straight into the camera and said...'I'm going to address the nation tonight to let you know where -I- stand on the immigration situation.' he never said where -we- stand...

He is trying to lead the less aware into maybe believing that -he- can directly and immediately make a difference.

my opinion.

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Guest slamminshaun

"we" stand? Dude, Americans never stand for the same thing so how could he say "we" stand for anything? There's plenty of people in this country that think we should open up the borders and let any Tom, Dick, and Jose in....he's making it clear what the White House's position is. Like no president has ever done that before...

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Guest bcnjunkie

What did you think? I actually agreed with everything he said for once!


Don't get converted....I think he said what his administration told him people wanted to hear on this subject.

He pretended to sound confident when mentioning how the 'national guard' would only serve 1 year terms at the border and not have to get involved with any of the legal or 'policing' issues...but he also said that about the last two wars when it came to the US troops.

He was also EXTREMELY vague when referring to a path to legal status. While he mentioned that he was not offering 'Amnesty' he in the same breath mentioned some 'jibba-jabba' about being here for a certain period of time, and paying taxes, and owning a home...and PAYING A FEE...YOU KNOW...A DEBT TO SOCIETY.

So if you can pay the fine...you're in.

crock-a-crap if you ask me...they're still running around in circles with their heads stuck up their asses. >:(

what a bunch of whining ......

[move]ZZZZZZZZZZZZ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ZZZZZZZ ZzZzZzZzZzZzZ[/move]

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Guest bcnjunkie

What did you think? I actually agreed with everything he said for once!


Don't get converted....I think he said what his administration told him people wanted to hear on this subject.

He pretended to sound confident when mentioning how the 'national guard' would only serve 1 year terms at the border and not have to get involved with any of the legal or 'policing' issues...but he also said that about the last two wars when it came to the US troops.

He was also EXTREMELY vague when referring to a path to legal status. While he mentioned that he was not offering 'Amnesty' he in the same breath mentioned some 'jibba-jabba' about being here for a certain period of time, and paying taxes, and owning a home...and PAYING A FEE...YOU KNOW...A DEBT TO SOCIETY.

So if you can pay the fine...you're in.

crock-a-crap if you ask me...they're still running around in circles with their heads stuck up their asses. >:(

you are aware this is not cuba, and Bush doesn't have the authority to make laws up as he sees fit in terms of immigration. It's all in the House and Senate thus he can be vague.. He has no control over it.

well look at that .... a semi-civilized comment ... who would have guessed ?

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Guest Slide On The Ice

You guys read this yet? Mexico is threatening to file lawsuits against the U.S. if we make it too difficult for illegals to cross the border.


CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (AP) -- Mexico warned Tuesday it would file lawsuits in U.S. courts if National Guard troops detain migrants on the border and some officials said they fear the crackdown will force illegal crossers into more perilous areas to avoid detection.
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Guest swank

What did you think? I actually agreed with everything he said for once!


Don't get converted....I think he said what his administration told him people wanted to hear on this subject.

He pretended to sound confident when mentioning how the 'national guard' would only serve 1 year terms at the border and not have to get involved with any of the legal or 'policing' issues...but he also said that about the last two wars when it came to the US troops.

He was also EXTREMELY vague when referring to a path to legal status. While he mentioned that he was not offering 'Amnesty' he in the same breath mentioned some 'jibba-jabba' about being here for a certain period of time, and paying taxes, and owning a home...and PAYING A FEE...YOU KNOW...A DEBT TO SOCIETY.

So if you can pay the fine...you're in.

crock-a-crap if you ask me...they're still running around in circles with their heads stuck up their asses. >:(

what a bunch of whining ......

[move]ZZZZZZZZZZZZ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ZZZZZZZ ZzZzZzZzZzZzZ[/move]

Still licking your wounds little man? :'(


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Guest swirlundergrounder

You guys read this yet? Mexico is threatening to file lawsuits against the U.S. if we make it too difficult for illegals to cross the border.


CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (AP) -- Mexico warned Tuesday it would file lawsuits in U.S. courts if National Guard troops detain migrants on the border and some officials said they fear the crackdown will force illegal crossers into more perilous areas to avoid detection.

WTF? Our president go's on national TV (I'm sure it was broadcasted in Mexico also) and lays down a plan to find a common resolution with these people and then they turn around and threaten to file lawsuits against us for defending our nation? Fuck these ungreatful people!
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