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Is there anything in a club's license that says..


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Guest macboy

Who the hell drinks from a bathroom faucet?

Also, can you tell me where I can get a $5 bottle of water? Every place I've been to recently charges $7.

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Guest pod

Are clubs required to have water fountains in their buildings? Was curious cus I find it hard to beleive you have to buy 5 dollar bottle water or drink out of the bathroom fawcett.

I would say no. Since I've been going out down here (9 years), no club has had a fountain. They would have been caught by now if they were required to.

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Guest swank

if you are creating posts about the cheapest taxi cab co. and water fountains in clubs...I'm thinkin maybe clubbing this week is not for you. You might wanna make this a blockbuster night and I think Doritos are on sale 'buy 1 get 1 free' at Albertson's with your preferred card.

just sayin! ;D

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if you are creating posts about the cheapest taxi cab co. and water fountains in clubs...I'm thinkin maybe clubbing this week is not for you. You might wanna make this a blockbuster night and I think Doritos are on sale 'buy 1 get 1 free' at Albertson's with your preferred card.

just sayin! ;D

How about leaving replies that actually have to do with the thread?

just sayin! ;D

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Guest pod

There's a water fountain at Pacha. Everyone refills their water bottles there.

I remember Twilo NY had one too. The line was a mile long.

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There's a water fountain at Pacha. Everyone refills their water bottles there.

What is Pacha?

It's a new club exclusively for gays on steroids and ecstasy. Your cup of tea?

How would you know they have a fountain if you haven't been?

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Guest HouseJunkie

if you are creating posts about the cheapest taxi cab co. and water fountains in clubs...I'm thinkin maybe clubbing this week is not for you. You might wanna make this a blockbuster night and I think Doritos are on sale 'buy 1 get 1 free' at Albertson's with your preferred card.

just sayin! ;D


I've seen clubs preventing people from refilling bottles in the bathroom so I guess they would also frown about people drinking from the faucet.

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Guest coach

No, I have to agree with Swank, and his reply was quite relevant. If you are wanting to club on a budget, Miami, and South Beach, in particular, is not the place to do it.

I'm not saying that going out on the cheap cannot be done, just ask Saleen who can go out and get smashed without spending a dime, or Rolly, or CrzyC, or ... But there is a reason they can do it.

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Guest Willie Morales

Are clubs required to have water fountains in their buildings? Was curious cus I find it hard to beleive you have to buy 5 dollar bottle water or drink out of the bathroom fawcett.

call your congressman (good luck)

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Years ago in college I remember talking to people that said that bars have to serve water by law. This was NC, and I'm not sure if it's true, but I've never once in my life ever been turned down for a cup of ice.. It melts in a few minutes and it's really cold. Now working in a resturant I know ice isn't the cleanest stuff, but I really don't care.

Then again, i've never done a club drug thus I have no idea what a druggy needs in terms of water consumption.

A club industry guy and myself just last week were chatting about draft beer, it seems Miami is scared of kegs.. I prefer draft beer, and it's the most profitable substance a club can sell.. another thread for another day.

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No, I have to agree with Swank, and his reply was quite relevant. If you are wanting to club on a budget, Miami, and South Beach, in particular, is not the place to do it.

I'm not saying that going out on the cheap cannot be done, just ask Saleen who can go out and get smashed without spending a dime, or Rolly, or CrzyC, or ... But there is a reason they can do it.

I was getting smashed for free even before I was the "saleen"...

The same industry guy I was chatting with about the draft beer issues, I was explaining to him in NJ, we have "pre game" bars and clubs. Cheap places to get smashed before you went to the real club.

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if you are creating posts about the cheapest taxi cab co. and water fountains in clubs...I'm thinkin maybe clubbing this week is not for you. You might wanna make this a blockbuster night and I think Doritos are on sale 'buy 1 get 1 free' at Albertson's with your preferred card.

just sayin! ;D

LOL fuck albertsons its all about Sedano's ;D

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