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Ivano, Oscar G, & Acosta in the Herald Today...

Guest Adam Singer

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Guest james stratus

Other than freestyle, there's really no electronic music tradition in Miami. As far as dance music, our "tradition" is still fairly recent in comparison to New York or Chicago.

Not even Freestyle, that is still New York!!!!!!! And if anyone says Latin House is the Miami Sound they are an idiot.

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Guest xmuzik

I dont think miami really has a sound , its a little but of everything & the answer you get really depends on who you asking.

Miami is in unique position for a american city because it takes sounds from all over the world and makes them cool , hip , trendy, & easily accessable to the mainstream masses.

It does all that and still manages to keep its credibility with dj's & producers from around the world as a place that they can always keep their ear to the ground & they will find some new type of sonic hidden treasure.

In my opinion thats way more tricky & a way better position to be in instead of being known for a particular synth lick or bassline wave that will burn out in 6 months to a year.

Detroit , Chicago, & NY in the early part of the 21st century can't claim something like that mostly in my opinion because they don't have the beautiful beaches , women, etc. that miami has. .Miami is a place that woos people into the sound because people come to the city regardless of the music because its a beautiful place & they find great music becuase their minds are naturally open to it in such a place that is as close to paradise as many of us will know in this life.

In short Miami is the city of the rockstars of 21st Century ... it is the pleasure & the pain , the agony & the ecstacy , it is heaven with a seedy underbelly that is hell.

In many ways Miami has become a place that could literally morph for america electronic music into a mecca like what Seattle was for grunge , what L.A. was for glam rock, or what hip hop was for NY.

The pieces all seem to be coming together , it really just needs some kind of spark to set it all off.

If you don't believe me just look around one day or make a list of all the stuff going on

Coojunkie , the clubs , A3 , Satellite radio , DJ's & Producers from all over the world , the record labels , etc. etc. etc.

the list goes on & on , just like your favorite song

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Guest ramon

Other than freestyle, there's really no electronic music tradition in Miami. As far as dance music, our "tradition" is still fairly recent in comparison to New York or Chicago.

wtf do you call Miami Bass?!

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Other than freestyle, there's really no electronic music tradition in Miami. As far as dance music, our "tradition" is still fairly recent in comparison to New York or Chicago.

Not even Freestyle, that is still New York!!!!!!! And if anyone says Latin House is the Miami Sound they are an idiot.


If you have DJ's saying ignorant shit like that, imagine what the clueless souls are saying. It really annoys me when Ivano says that the Miami sound has a latin "tribal" sound. WTF is that? That's bullshit. We all know where tribal came from. Miami dj's play house records from all over. Miami just adopted house music from other areas. The producers make the songs based on a successful pattern established by other producers. The only difference is that they are produced in Miami. And there is nothing wrong with that. But, there is no such thing as a Miami sound,well at least not when it comes to house music. I'm tired of people uttering this crap, and I'm even more flustered by the idiots who just repeat what they hear like a bunch of parrots.

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Guest Major

Miami Sound to me is Miami Bass, Maggotron, 2 live Crew.

Gloria Estefan - Miami Sound Machine

Ricky Martin - 'Livin La Vida Loca' 'She Bangs'

Also Florida is known for 'Funky Breaks' worldwide.

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Guest james stratus

Other than freestyle, there's really no electronic music tradition in Miami. As far as dance music, our "tradition" is still fairly recent in comparison to New York or Chicago.

wtf do you call Miami Bass?!

ELECTRO! And 2 Live Crew did not create electro and Breaks. Hell, even Freestyle comes out of Electro and early 80's synth pop. But who created Electro!? Kraftwerk? Afrika Bambaataa?

Well that's like saying "What came first? The Chicken or the Egg?". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdFdOxpa7tc

Now I want to Break Dance and watch Krush Groove ;D

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Guest Alexis

Do you guys think that is the reason why we get Djs from out of town like Eric Morillo, Sanchez, or any other big name djs here in Miami that have a common thread in music style? Which i think we can all agree is good house music with lots of vocals...Do you guys think if Pole Folder (as an example) would come here, people would take in his sound? It does come down to a universal approach to TAKE IN something either new or not heard here all the time...I have deep faith that WE as the people that support the culture, WILL...and expose a lot more great EDM music that is out there, and not being played here all the time except for WMC...again, just a thought guys, much love, always, A8

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Guest Adam Singer

damn everyone gets their panties ruffled easily around here

again, it is a DAILY NEWSPAPER writing this, not some edm specific paper

its not like he has any idea about genres/sounds, personally i think its just cool they got placement in the herald, good for them...

now back to your arguments lol...

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Guest Willie Morales

I have to thank Ivano for pumping up Elektro though... download numbers going up by the minute... just when I thought everyone had a copy of that song and it had done it's thing.... go Beatport and Itunes thanks Ivano


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Guest Philip

There is definitely a Miami sound. I just got off the phone with someone last night who is 500 miles away and we were discussing Twilo Miami. We were discussing the residents and the first thing out of her mouth was something to the effect of "us still pushing the Miami sound". I could ask just about anyone in the "who's who" of prog and get a very specific response on the "miami sound".

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Guest Philip

Now I just read the article... Ivano has been DJ'ing here since you guys have been in diapers and you guys wanna disagree with him about this? ::)

Put a post up on the GU forum and and see what the world thinks about a "Miami sound". I'm sure some dude in Australia can break it down for you natives.

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Now I just read the article... Ivano has been DJ'ing here since you guys have been in diapers and you guys wanna disagree with him about this? ::)

Put a post up on the GU forum and and see what the world thinks about a "Miami sound". I'm sure some dude in Australia can break it down for you natives.

The miami sound is the mixtape that all the dj's are passing around and playing in south beach. They don't even need to bring their records and CDs. That's why every DJ sounds the same, and it seems to me like every DJ plays them in the same order.

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Guest pod

Put a post up on the GU forum

I wouldn't advise that. It's like wrestling with a pig over there. You'll get dirty and the pig will probably enjoy it.

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Guest Philip

Put a post up on the GU forum

I wouldn't advise that. It's like wrestling with a pig over there. You'll get dirty and the pig will probably enjoy it.

lmao. They are a bunch of hooligan's.

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Guest slamminshaun

What ever happened to Jon Secada & Enrique Iglesias?

Baggin' groceries at Hernando's Market on Calle Ocho.

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The last two paragraphs are, basically, a slap at Buster. He's the one who was always saying they did surveys at 93.1 and they played exactly what people wanted to hear. Hmmm...

I personally took every survey they sent to me and I NEVER voted for the cheese but instead the newer tracks they asked for an opinion on. But I may have been the minority that took them.

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Guest Scratch-D

Of course Miami has its own sound....

Miami is the home of the Mother FcKn BASS!

Also -

To post the moniker of electro over your music is a slap in the face to those who have poured thier heart and soul into it for over 20 years. Electro House with actual electro elements fused in ok... but seriously to just call it electro is a bit Lame.


my 2c




Great article!!!

I am curious to know why there is no 'Miami sound'. Take a genre like Reggae, for most part Reggae created in Jamaica has a different 'sound' or style than the reggae created in UK, New York or Brazil. One can expect that music created will be influenced/inspired by the local culture and other local music.

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Guest pantalones

Great article!!!

I am curious to know why there is no 'Miami sound'. Take a genre like Reggae, for most part Reggae created in Jamaica has a different 'sound' or style than the reggae created in UK, New York or Brazil. One can expect that music created will be influenced/inspired by the local culture and other local music.

whoa, weird

just got linked to this thread by a friend who couldn't believe what he was reading on here. now i see why :)

i grew up knowing of miami as the place where people drove around in jeeps with subwoofers hanging out the back...producers released these insane cds with nothing but subwoofer tests and bass drops. it was home of the bass, and really still is.

you guys have the best electronic party scene in the USA (yes other cities have parties, but if you've been to miami you know the difference...4000 people dancing to electro in miami versus 200 kind of watching and talking over the music everywhere else)

so my point is

miami's style is BASS.

they should erect a bronze tr808 in the middle of the city to make this clear to everyone

ok, move along, nothing to see here. ;)

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Guest Marina22

Now I just read the article... Ivano has been DJ'ing here since you guys have been in diapers and you guys wanna disagree with him about this? ::)

Put a post up on the GU forum and and see what the world thinks about a "Miami sound". I'm sure some dude in Australia can break it down for you natives.

I have to agree, I have always described it as "the Miami Sound". Maybe it's just ignorant but that's just what I hear. Of course, you have the Sfl breaks and some booty bass but the house has it too. As far as how this sound got here, duh, from everywhere! We have so much international diversity so it is bound to have many roots. Yes, mainly Latins so of course you are going to have more of that influence than you would in Berlin.

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Guest Major

Of course Miami has its own sound....

Miami is the home of the Mother FcKn BASS!

and there you have it, straight from 1 of the true Ambassador's of Miami Bass... David Noller

Some of these kids weren't even born when you put out 'Just give the DJ a break' in 86 but there's a few of us old school fools still around to set the record straight.

I still remember the first time i heard you live, performing 'Atomic Age' with Scott, it's forever etched in my mind.

How are you Dave?


check you pm.

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