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A non-soccer fan's point of view...

Guest slamminshaun

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Guest musicalmissionary

Yeah' date=' I know why they do it, I guess what I was getting at was why do people find this as acceptable play? Granted, players in all sports try to fool the referee, but to watch a bunch of grown men roll around crying like babies and pointing fingers at opposing players when an instant replay shows they tripped over their own two feet makes me question the game. It just seems to happen ALOT in soccer, and the refs don't seem to understand that 80% of the time they're faking it. It's almost as if the referees know they're faking it, but if they fake it good enough they'll go ahead and yellow card the other team for putting on a good act.


The only problem is you are blowing it way out of proportion. You make it sound like every single time a player goes down it's fake. That's just not the case. Hitting the ground doesn't tickle. And on top of that, unlike in every popular American sport, these players DON'T GET TO REST OR SUB EVERY few minutes. They are out there running around for 45 straight minutes with no relief. So hitting the ground takes that much more out of them than you think. So no... they're not pussies in the least.

Bottom line to the gap in popularity of football between Americans and the rest of the world is culture. American culture is all about instant gratification with very little patience. The rest of the world is more deliberate and patient. End of story.

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Guest Major

The only problem is you are blowing it way out of proportion. You make it sound like every single time a player goes down it's fake. That's just not the case. Hitting the ground doesn't tickle. And on top of that, unlike in every popular American sport, these players DON'T GET TO REST OR SUB EVERY few minutes. They are out there running around for 45 straight minutes with no relief. So hitting the ground takes that much more out of them than you think. So no... they're not pussies in the least.

Bottom line to the gap in popularity of football between Americans and the rest of the world is culture. American culture is all about instant gratification with very little patience. The rest of the world is more deliberate and patient. End of story.

Well Said Mate!!

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Guest JMT
Bottom line to the gap in popularity of football between Americans and the rest of the world is culture. American culture is all about instant gratification with very little patience. The rest of the world is more deliberate and patient. End of story.

apparently youve never seen a baseball game.

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Guest tres-b
Bottom line to the gap in popularity of football between Americans and the rest of the world is culture. American culture is all about instant gratification with very little patience. The rest of the world is more deliberate and patient. End of story.

apparently youve never seen a baseball game.

That is what I dont get about the US. Baseball is exciting but soccer is boring??? And how about watching golf on tv? Not exactly a laugh a minute...

Part of the problem is that the level of play in the MLS is awful. That fact aside, there needs to be a commitment to the game. Unfortunately, tv and advertisers go with what they know people will watch. It is tough to change attitudes when the commitment is lacking.

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Guest teabag

You know the "expert" comments by Eric Winalda and Marcelo Balboa on Espn and Espn2 ....are at most amateur....the fail to give a real picture of the game...Example....Brasil and Ghana how can Winalda say Ghana outplayed Brasil; because they were desperately attacking and hoping to score....that Ghana played with heart doesn't mean they played better that game could have easily gone 5-0 towards the brasilians...the mere fact their defense crumbled every time they were attacked from the left and center was enough to simply concentrate on what changes they needed to have for the second half.....Football is not like basketball...where an offensive run translate into points....in Football points are concreted and then tactic is assimilated....to me Brasil played the perfect game...they protected the score and let the goals speak for their offense...it was like listening to Hubie Brown on the NBA finals all over again..."ghana keeps playing like that and they will be in the game in no time"....Truth is, this is the world cup and you will protect your lead more than trying to obliterate an opposing team...one of them even said "Ronaldhino was all hype"....I was screaming motherf*ckers shut the f*ck p.....The fact that Ronaldhino is creating for the strikers and opening spaces for the team is a testament of what an amazing talent he is...he is truly working towards a team goal and he is playing his game every time not the game people want him to play...he is respecting the other teams and players of his own by assuming his role one he can take or invidualize whenever the team ask for it. I enjoy listening to people that narrate a game, almost as much as the game itself and teach you a thing or two on the way....Espn has failed miserably to get the right people to narrate the games...they have to inspire the passion of the game to be objective and also critical.....they werent when the USA team was still on, they havent been for the most part...it makes Football sound lame and boring 'cause they have no clue what they are talking about....they are amateurs who have not experience the big time and now thay have failed miserably trying to narrate it.

So my point being...I dont like golf never have...is not my game...but I enjoy watching it on tv and listening to the comments and narration...same with many other sports...Is not America's game if you cannot make it exciting for the viewer and right now they are failing miserably by using amateurs and inexperienced ex-players that only played in the MLS....

If you are not a fan these guys will not make you...I mean...I'm really into it and I had to change the channel couldn't take their comments.

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Guest ShampooBabe

i dont know why americans doesnt like soccer (football, fútbol), but this is my favourite time every four years... I love worldcup. During games i am in the border of my seat, almost having a heart attack, and now that we are getting closer to the finals, the feeling is more intense. I would love in the future to go to worldcup game, that would just kill me. For some reason, i dont like baseball or american football, or basketball, i just dont care about that, i rather watch the olimpics ( wich i also love)....

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Fact is, the US exports it's sports very well outside it's borders. Aka baseball and basketball. We didn't invent Golf and Hockey, but we sure export our versions of it with success. Every sports fan on this planet knows who Tiger, Babe Ruth or MJ is.. The only soccer player anyone in this country over the age of 25 can name is Pele, and if they are under 25, they can't name any..

We have now exported football to canada and Europe. Not with great success but still far better than soccer in this country. It's only a matter of time until Nascar takes the show on the road further out than Mexico.

Tennis is one of those weird sports, that only gets attention in their respective countries when a fellow countrymen is top ranked.

Soccer will never ever be big here for the simple reason it's boring and the world every day is realizing that.

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Guest macboy

The only soccer player anyone in this country over the age of 25 can name is Pele, and if they are under 25, they can't name any..

Tennis is one of those weird sports, that only gets attention in their respective countries when a fellow countrymen is top ranked.

I'd say Pele for those over 25, and Beckham for under 25.

As for tennis, you've probably never been to Roland Garros or the All-England Tennis Club. It gets a lot of attention regardless of whether a countryman is playing or not.

Still, I agree 100% with you on soccer. The Switzerland-Ukraine match was a perfect example: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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The only soccer player anyone in this country over the age of 25 can name is Pele, and if they are under 25, they can't name any..

Tennis is one of those weird sports, that only gets attention in their respective countries when a fellow countrymen is top ranked.

I'd say Pele for those over 25, and Beckham for under 25.

As for tennis, you've probably never been to Roland Garros or the All-England Tennis Club. It gets a lot of attention regardless of whether a countryman is playing or not.

Still, I agree 100% with you on soccer. The Switzerland-Ukraine match was a perfect example: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

What do you expect? All games to be exciting? I agree the Ukraine -Switz game was boring as hell but thats the way it is sometimes.I can easily say that in this World Cup there have been more good games then boring games,but thats just me.

Football being exported with success outside of the sates,yeah maybe maybe in Canada but as for Europe,yeah right.Stadiums have empty and the games are dull as hell. American football will never over come futbol aka soccer.As for baseball whatever shit doesn't get more boring then that and it is not that popular for the exception to some central,carribean,and asian countries.Other then that it doesn't exist.Anyone can play that sport.

Tiger Woods yes,Michael Jordan yes, but who the hell is Babe Ruth? ::)

Who cares if futbol isn't popular in this country,I sure as hell don't.Lucky for me Fox Sports televises futbol live from Argentina and also with dish network.

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Guest teabag

Fact is, the US exports it's sports very well outside it's borders. Aka baseball and basketball. We didn't invent Golf and Hockey, but we sure export our versions of it with success. Every sports fan on this planet knows who Tiger, Babe Ruth or MJ is.. The only soccer player anyone in this country over the age of 25 can name is Pele, and if they are under 25, they can't name any..

We have now exported football to canada and Europe. Not with great success but still far better than soccer in this country. It's only a matter of time until Nascar takes the show on the road further out than Mexico.

Tennis is one of those weird sports, that only gets attention in their respective countries when a fellow countrymen is top ranked.

Soccer will never ever be big here for the simple reason it's boring and the world every day is realizing that.

Saleen, what you are failing to see, is that the world when it comes to football is not trying to catch up to the US.... get out of your shell.... because Ronaldo and Beckam playing in Irak would stop the war at least until they are done playing each other.... and that is no joke...the power and passion of this game crosses all cultural, religious and geographical differences is the universal game for a reason that also trancends a mere explananation....Brazil has been known to play in war zones just to give peace to warring countries..... No matter what country everybody knows who they are and who the up and coming superstar are.....When it comes to this game it trascends anything you have in the US put together and the sports in America are amazing I enjoy most of them and love the variety Tiger is great, shaq amazing, nascar sorry that's just sucks; my point is as great and talented as these sportsmen are ,Pele is much more famous than Ali, Babe Ruth and Jordan..sure they are icons, amazing talents, but is the other way around.....thus we ask why hasnt it happened in the US...is a phenomenom that nobody has been able to answer and is just a curiosity...but to think that Football appeal is waning is incorrect...superbowl the biggest thing in America can probably tie in viewership some of the least profile games the first timers, the surprise countries.. finals are in the BILLIONS on ratings....the fact that every government at the UN tries to participate and an honor to attend is a testimony to the scale of the tournament...this is not the whole tournament is a process that starts about a year after the final world cup game and last 3 years with almost every country on the globe participating....only 32 make it after a crazy elimination process....this is the culmination of an amazing ride that shows the most famous athletes in the world play for their national colors...I think the US team got it..unfurtunately they lack the talent and skills to be a contender...but nevertheless they are proud to have participated in the most important tournament this world has.....for the rest of us who love it we cry when our team scores and we are happy when someone has a chance at the championship.

Saleen...when you fly to Italy on vacation and check out your heritage, be careful and do not say football sucks...just a thought.

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Guest sross

Sorry Saleen, but baseball, American Football and basketball haven't done too great over here. There might be some pro teams playing those sports, but I don't know - and as a sports fan that gives you some measure of how minor those sports are.

The World Cup is USA in 1994 was a great success with huge stadiums full up for most games. If an equivalent tournament for baseball or basketball was held this side of the pond it would fail miserably.

And I can't see Nascar getting very far. We have Formula 1.

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Mac, I would agree with you somewhat on the Tennis issue, but it's only that way int he host country, meaning when all the americans are knocked out of the French open, we stop watching.

Beckham is not known for being a soccer player, he's known as being married to a spice girl..

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Guest sross

lol, the 5% who thought America could win the World Cup need their heads checked!

The findings aren't surprising. I guess even those that are watching will switch back to the traditionally American sports after the tournament is over. Europeans, South Americans and Asian fans have strong domestic leagues to concentrate on come August/September but the next football games that get any real level of media coverage in the US will be the 2010 World Cup!

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Guest pod

There's you're answer right there. Us Americans don't like any sport we don't have a fair chance of winning the championship at. ;D

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Guest Cosmigonon

FIFA actually tried to americanize futbol in the 90's to make it more accesible to their masses: they tried to divide the game in 4 periods instead of the two halves we have right now, and the idea it was met with an outcry from all thecorners of the world, and the idea was quickly thrwon into the garbage.

they also came up with an idea to eliminate the tying: If the game ende up in a tie, have it end up in penalty kicks. that idea was actually implemented in lower divisions in Europe and Central America, but it didn't work, so they got rid of it.

In fact, it is American soccer that is now playing catch up with the rest of the world.

In the very beggigning of the MLS, the clock ran backwards (like it does in every other american sport) instead of forward, and if they had a tie at the end of the game, they would use a made up shootut to determine the winner, but after 3 seasons, the shootouts were eliminated, and the clock now runs forward, as it does in the rest of the world.

In 50 years I can see americans in love with soccer... ;)

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Guest JMT

the clock counting up instead of down is one of the bigger issues. it goes against logic.

i must say, a sport were men dont use their arms always seemed dumb to me. but it has grown on me a tiny bit the last 2 world cups. last week i saw this british show playing the greatest goals in world cup history and it was pretty cool.

i still see what i perceive as flaws in the game, but it does have the feel of the olympics, which i love. once the US plays more competively on a regular basis, people here will watch, and once that happens, corporate dollars will roll in and popularity will rise.

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Guest tres-b

There's you're answer right there. Us Americans don't like any sport we don't have a fair chance of winning the championship at. ;D

This is the sad truth. :P

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Guest sross

In the very beggigning of the MLS, the clock ran backwards

LOL, is that true? :o Very funny :D I remember them talking about using larger goals in the run up to USA 1994 but thankfully that got kicked into touch.

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Guest sross

the clock counting up instead of down is one of the bigger issues. it goes against logic.

Don't all clocks count up?

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Guest JMT

the clock counting up instead of down is one of the bigger issues. it goes against logic.

Don't all clocks count up?

not in the sports world, unless youre in a race.

its ass-backwards. might as well not even have a clock.

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