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E ans the immune systems

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just curious if u guys know or think if there is a link between (after) taking E and the level of your immune system? By that i mean do u think a person's immune system goes down after taking an E. I can easily catch a seasonal cold or flu (if it's flu season) after a nite of clubbing and E. please share any info on this subject.

ps. does anybody know how to lessen the impact of E on your body? I've heard about the 5 htps etc..but feel free to refresh me on this or any other subjects. thankx all..

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E is a bit harsh on your body and can get you a bit rundown sometimes making you a more suseptable to any bug going around.

I take 50mg of 5-htp 3 times a day every day. It helps.



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sinergygrl, can u elaborate on the functions of 5-htps?.. i mean what does it do to your body exactly by taking it 3 times a day, and how long do u take it? should there be a certain way of taking it before the nite of rolling?..

thankx for the help...

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I use to wonder the same thing...but i realized I would ONLY get sick or catch a cold after I rolled in a CLUB..if I did it anywhere else the next couple days Im fine...

So I started thinking maybe its the hot-cold-im sweaty- im freezing- coming out into the cold after the club thing that actually gets me sick....just my opinion...



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5-HTP is one of the chemicals formed in your body that helps produce serotonin, which is necessary in order to roll correctly. If you take E more than once every 2 weeks, your serotonin supply is never fully replenished. Serotonin is a hormone( I think, or chemical, whatever) that is released when you take E. E tells the serotonin to be released into your brain, thus creating all of the wonderful effects(emotional) of E. After you take a MDMA pill, your serotonin is gone. It takes 2 weeks to recover, and that is because your body takes a while to produce 5-HTP. The 5-HTP pills, which can be purchased at virtually any GNC or vitamin store, help restore the 5-HTP in your body quicker, thus enabling serotonin to be reproduced at a quicker rate. I, for one, have to buy these pills before I leave the country for my vacation, because I roll every week, and I probably will do so in Europe as well. So, if you roll a lot, you should invest in these pills, if you see that you feel more depressed after you roll, or just really fried, etc... cwm9.gif

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Think about it this way, you are in a club with tons of people, many who probably have a cold or something, you are doing a drug that wears your body down along with your immune system a little making you more suseptable to the germ the other people pass. You are also probably dancing around a lot tiring your body out even more than you would be just rollin at a party or something.



"No further evidence is needed to show that "mental illness" is not the name of a biological

condition whose nature awaits to be elucidated, but is the name of a concept whose purpose is

to obscure the obvious."

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E will defenately lower your immune system. It really takes it's toll on your body period. And the combination of a lowered immune system, and that hot and sweaty walking out into the cold at night thing defenately will help you get a cold. As for the 5-HTP, that will help your brain recover, but won't do diddly for you immune system, just load up on your vitamins the day of and for a couple of days after and that should help some, hell it's what I usually do, and I don't get sick after E. I don't use 5-HTP either, it doesn't really do anything for me.



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