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Relationships with co-workers?

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Ok so there's this guy i work with, one of the senior paralegals who is interested in me. I dig him.....but last time i had any relations with someone i worked with it didn't end very well. Lots of awkwardness and he ended up aggravating me to no end so it soured the working relationship.

At least with this guy he doesn't work on my floor or even in my department. Thing is there are a few other guys here that have expressed interest in me but i've used the "no relationships with co-workers" line with them. I HATE to be a hypocrite but i think its very obvious to everyone that there is a mutual attraction between me and this other guy.

What to do?

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Guest JMT

i am a firm believer in the "dont crap where you eat" theory. co-workers (male or female) are like shoes, you get 'em too tight and they hurt. i like to leave work, at work.

there have been a couple times where i was enticed to socialize with a female from work, so i understand the situation. and ive been on both sides of it. i did go out with one for a bit, but after she left my company.

i guess if you think the different-department buffer could be enough to make it worth a shot, then perhaps.

and i wouldnt worry about the hypocrite aspect, chalk it up to being a polite way to say you werent interested.

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Guest LeVeL

Yeah dont do it girl, thats a major NO,NO to hook up with a co-worker is like bringing your personal life to work.

Now if the person your working with is going to relocate to a new job or you are going to move somewhere else then go for it. But if both of you are going to stay in the same work pace and in the same department it will be hell and in the long run it might not work out. Also one last thing to keep in mind is that sometimes employers dont to allow relationships to happen in the work place and if they notice there is something there, then one of you may get asked to leave.

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Guest Miss_Digital

big no no

if it doesnt work out ur gonna have to see his face everyday till u or him finds a new job

big see fish elsewhere

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Guest Adam Singer

big no no

if it doesnt work out ur gonna have to see his face everyday till u or him finds a new job

big see fish elsewhere

yah its a bad idea...the importance of your good job should trump a possible relationship in the office...

wait until one of you is working elsewhere

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Guest pod

Don't fish off the company pier.

Especially since he outranks you. Things go south in a bad way, he could get vindictive.

Plus, you never know what the official company policy on such things is.

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Guest slamminshaun

My advice? Don't take advice from a message board. Follow your gut feeling about the situation.

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Guest macboy

I echo everyone's sentiments here.

But more important than feeling uncomfortable around that other person is the fact that many companies deicourage office romances, and some even prohibit it. I'd be more concerned that the Human Resources director might put a negative comment in my employment file.

I'd be surprised if your law firm didn't have some policy in place regarding this topic.

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Guest Miss_Digital

My advice? Don't take advice from a message board. Follow your gut feeling about the situation.

she should have used a poll in this case hahaha :P

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Guest coach

Me too. Fuck what the fuckers say. If they are too immature to handle relationships at work, that's them. If you think you can do it, then go for it. I mean, you are going to give up the possibility of finding the love of your life just to avoid the *possibility* of some awkwardness?

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Guest Electric Eel

I only say take the chance cause he's in a different department and you dont have to work directly with him. However if there is ever a possibility that you will get transfered into the same department as him then I say no. Would working in his department one day be a promotion and you would lose that promotion cause it possibly went sour? Things to think about...

Also, I would definitely find out how the company feels about interoffice dating, I have heard of people getting fired over it.

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I only say take the chance cause he's in a different department and you dont have to work directly with him. However if there is ever a possibility that you will get transfered into the same department as him then I say no. Would working in his department one day be a promotion and you would lose that promotion cause it possibly went sour? Things to think about...

Also, I would definitely find out how the company feels about interoffice dating, I have heard of people getting fired over it.

Nah there's no way that i'd be transferred into his department. Its a totally different field of law that im 1) not experienced in and 2) DEFINITELY not interested in. It would be considered a lateral move.

Either way im just taking it easy. Its fun right now just flirting and stuff, it hasn't gone beyond that though he HAS asked a few "hypothetical" questions. He's kinda seeing someone but its not a committed relationship and im sorta seeing someone that lives in boston.

Just getting some feedback. The company policy is definitely something i'd have to discreetly look into though i doubt it would become an actual issue.

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Guest swirlundergrounder


A lot of people meet at work. If the situation is right then why not? Sounds like you situation is right since he works on another floor.

So long as your work does not affect him and vice versa then I think it's OK.

The problems with peeps who date from work seem to come from the Supervisor-Subordinate dynamic. If you are not in that dynamic with this co worker then all the better..

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Guest LeVeL

Girl just bang him a couple of times, once you get bored just go back to being friends and act like nothing even happened. ;D

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Guest Gladius

Me too. Fuck what the fuckers say. If they are too immature to handle relationships at work, that's them. If you think you can do it, then go for it. I mean, you are going to give up the possibility of finding the love of your life just to avoid the *possibility* of some awkwardness?

haha did someone hit a sore spot? Coach your my hero! <3

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Guest Gladius

Girl just bang him a couple of times' date=' once you get bored just go back to being friends and act like nothing even happened. ;D


I agree with LeVeL here its the only way.... :P

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Guest DrFired

I have seen people worked it out between them and I have seen very very bad break-up between people who work together.

I always said to myself I would never date anyone at my job.

I done it and it failed but there was no drama because we discuss about it before we started dating. You just have to be professional about it, but sometimes it's easier said than done. Go with your gut feeling Jackie!

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Guest Miss_Digital

if you do decide to go for it

keep it professinal while in the office

the last thing you want is for all the other busy bees to know your biz

office gossip sucks it grows exponentially, this is how people entertain themselves while at work by talking shit

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Ok,the real answers are all of the sudden poping up. :)

Go for it Jackie. ;)

HAHAHA The real answers huh? So what were the "questions"?

What to do?

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