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Relationships with co-workers?

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Guest Clauds

The good thing about your situation Jackie is that the guy doesn't work in your department. Perhaps the guy will be discreet and not the spread the word around. I don't think I would go for it if I were to be in your situation but hey...you never know. He might turn out to be "the one" and you just might never find out unless you go for it.

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Guest JMT

my brother met his wife at work

my sister met her husband at work as well. but the majority of the courtship was done after he took another new job.

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Guest Devilicious

Pursue it but completely outside of work, and I know this sounds shady, but keep it a secret. Don't tell anyone while it's casual; it's no one else's business anyway. Make sure you are both on the same page with that.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I met my girl at work and we have been together for more than 5 years and we have a child together and we just bought a house last month.

Seems like it worked out for me..

Granted my work was as a DJ in a night club and I met her in the nightclub I was DJing at...LOL

:P :P

I played that song called 'Moody' and that's how she noticed me. She once told her friends b4 we even met that if a DJ ever played that song and she heard it in a nightclub that she would marry that DJ...

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my brother met his wife at work

my sister met her husband at work as well. but the majority of the courtship was done after he took another new job.

they still work together (well not together...but at the same company--same as me, @ rccl), it's been about 12 years.

tal's advice is good!

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Guest Miss_Digital

Pursue it but completely outside of work, and I know this sounds shady, but keep it a secret. Don't tell anyone while it's casual; it's no one else's business anyway. Make sure you are both on the same page with that.

yeah if decide to do it this is the way to go

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My personal opinion: Worst thing you can do. Different department or not. You guys are still under the same roof. And if things go sour you still have to see each other. It's easier to find another person you're attracted to than a job you really like. I've done it in the past, and come to think of it, those were some of the dumbest moves I've made. You start nailing the chick, and then she wants(expects) more. Emotions start being part of the equation. She gets jealous even if you just talk or say hi to female co-workers. She thinks you're trying to drill them too. I used to "fool" around with this hottie a few years back when I was working @ Miami-Dade Water&Sewer, we worked on different floors. I just merely saw it as sex, and that was our agreement. Turns out, she started taking me seriously and I was not. To make a long story short after I decided that I no longer wanted to see her, she became furious, made my life a living hell and did everything to get me fired. It was overbearing and I had to quit. I hope you get the picture.

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..... buttttttt

u can decide to have a happy hour meetup fri after work. everyone gets wrecked and whatever happens happens. seems as though what happens at happy hour and after is exempt from the "dont eat where u shit" policy

at least where i work lol

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If you do go for it. Make sure to keep it on the "DOWN LOW! Nobody has to know."

in an office environment someone always finds out... its impossible to hide..... :-\

This is very true. Like i said, its already obvious that there is a mutual attraction there. Whats NOT obvious is whether its been taken a step further or not. Which is hasn't but seeing as he just called me to see what i was doing (still at work dammit) it appears that its going a little beyond work and happy hour.

Either way, im definitely going to take Tal's advice and keep it as seperated from work as possible, and when we do hang out for lunch and when i stop by his office to vent, there are always people around.

I sure as hell am not gonna lose my job over something like this.

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If you do go for it. Make sure to keep it on the "DOWN LOW! Nobody has to know."

in an office environment someone always finds out... its impossible to hide..... :-\

That's because office mofos have big mouths.

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Guest lulamishka

If you do go for it. Make sure to keep it on the "DOWN LOW! Nobody has to know."

in an office environment someone always finds out... its impossible to hide..... :-\

That's because office mofos have big mouths.

Oooh gawd DO they!

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Guest swirlundergrounder

If you do go for it. Make sure to keep it on the "DOWN LOW! Nobody has to know."

in an office environment someone always finds out... its impossible to hide..... :-\

This is very true. Like i said, its already obvious that there is a mutual attraction there. Whats NOT obvious is whether its been taken a step further or not. Which is hasn't but seeing as he just called me to see what i was doing (still at work dammit) it appears that its going a little beyond work and happy hour.

Either way, im definitely going to take Tal's advice and keep it as seperated from work as possible, and when we do hang out for lunch and when i stop by his office to vent, there are always people around.

I sure as hell am not gonna lose my job over something like this.

Who gives a shit what everyone thinks?? If it works out then no one will be talking about it around the office. It you fuck up well that's another story....

You'll regret it someday if you don't do it....

DO IT..DO IT and post video on the Internet on You Tube for all of us to see...LOL :P :P :P

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Guest coach

Me too. Fuck what the fuckers say. If they are too immature to handle relationships at work, that's them. If you think you can do it, then go for it. I mean, you are going to give up the possibility of finding the love of your life just to avoid the *possibility* of some awkwardness?

haha did someone hit a sore spot? Coach your my hero! <3

Heh, not so much for me. I met my girl at school and we've been together forever. But I am easily annoyed by people who are negative about love. And living life in fear of a little "awkwardness" is just ridiculous. Living life in fear in general is stupid, actually.

Like Terry said, if you don't go for it, you will likely regret it. You will always wonder what might have been. If you do go for it, and it goes bad, what is the worst that can happen? You have to get a new job? So what the fuck? It is just a job. But if you go for it and it goes great, think how much you have gained!

But, as a few have counseled, handle it maturely. Talk about the situation ahead of time. Lay out some guidelines. Talk honestly and openly about your concerns about possible negative consequences. If he is really worthy, he will be willing to discuss this with you. If he blows off your concerns, you know right quick that he isn't worth it.

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Guest michael^heaven

i am a firm believer in the "dont crap where you eat" theory. co-workers (male or female) are like shoes, you get 'em too tight and they hurt. i like to leave work, at work.

Fully agreed!!! Couldn't have put it any better! Bottom line....do you like your job? If so, don't date within the workplace. Period.

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Guest DJFC23

Ok so there's this guy i work with, one of the senior paralegals who is interested in me. I dig him.....but last time i had any relations with someone i worked with it didn't end very well. Lots of awkwardness and he ended up aggravating me to no end so it soured the working relationship.

At least with this guy he doesn't work on my floor or even in my department. Thing is there are a few other guys here that have expressed interest in me but i've used the "no relationships with co-workers" line with them. I HATE to be a hypocrite but i think its very obvious to everyone that there is a mutual attraction between me and this other guy.

What to do?

Date people from CJ

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