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Relationship HELP!


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Ok well I have been seeing this girl for about 3 months now... but It's quite obvious I am more into her than she is me...

I think the problem is she an Art student, at Pratt in brooklyn, and she is very "art" minded so to speak, and I dont think she is attracted to the fact that I am a bodybuilder/guido/club kid...

we first met at EXIT through my best friend, and after one night, we totally hit it off, and got together again 2 weeks later(after finding out she REALLY wanted to chiil again)

but lately its like she has been dissin my scenes, such as bodybuilding/clubs/etc. but yet, I think the art scene is kind of weird, and I NEVER say a word about it.

Another example is she disses my friends, but yet i say a WORD about one of her friends or people in general, she bugs out...

What am I to do? My heart is saying let her go, just becuae I care, and it seems like she isnt feelin me as much.. but the other side of me is saying just stay with her, because maybe school is just buggin her out...

hell, I just flew out to Maine to go see her, cause she went home for break for 5 weeks, and no way i would not see her for 5 weeks.. i mean i take trips out to brooklyn every wed night and for the weekend to be with this girl... am i wrong to feel that she at least respect and not say a word about "my scenes" if I go out there and shit...

we dont fight at all, not a single one yet.. im just really confused on what to do...

sounds corny, but please give me some advice.. im at a total loss.. im trying to listen to my heart, but maybe some people could put things in a different frame of mind for me..

thanks.. cwm36.gif


"a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again"

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damn baby.. i feel yer pain... i really do..

here is my advice..

The most important thing next to trust in any type of relationship/friendship etc is RESPECT. Mutual respect for each others likes and dislikes the same.. Its about compromise... Never in life are you gonna meet someone who likes EVERY SINGLE thing that you do, and dislikes ALL the things you dislike.. (if you meet someone like this, they have no backbone, and are trying WAY too hard to be accepted). .. So, like i was saying, never will you meet someone who is EXACLTY the same as you.. but the most important thing is to realize the good in the things that others enjoy.. not to put anyone down for their feelings on certain things.. No matter what anyone says in life..

YOUR feelings are NEVER wrong,, because theyre YOURS... .. I think i got off topic LOL.

.not but seriously.. make sure that the person you are into.. gives you just as much as you give them.. werd up.. its very important in life.. ..

I dont want to tell you how you should go forward as far as being with her..

I am in a state of confusion myself about someone who has my heart in their hand and doesnt feel the same way back.. Life can be fucked up sometimes.. But the most important thing to remember is that YOUR the most important thing in YOUR Life.. becuase with-out YOU there is NOTHING. .. weRD.. alwayz keep ya head up.. and Stay true to YERSELF.


"ouT 4 doL"

"If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus 1, so I never have to go a day with-out you"

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Communications, my man, is key to any relationship. You've already described a fairly lopsided situation...one which is not in your favor. Talk to her and express your feelings. The answer will become clear very quickly.

Imnikki is correct about the activities: you won't find someone who likes every single thing that you do, however, you will find plenty of Ladies who like MANY of the things you like (i.e., you;ll have something in common).

If you continue as you are now (not saying anything) you will start to boil inside as each day passes. Each time you attend an art function with her you'll be "hatin' life". Each time she refuses to watch you compete or attend one of your functions you'll another black mark will be tallied against her in your mind.

Eventually, both of you'll become so miserable you'll wonder what you were thinking in the first place.

Again: Communication. Talk about it now to make sure you're wasting each other's time.



"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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Communication is def. key.

But, I think you should go w/ your instinct. You know what's best, you just don't want to admit it. Yeah, you haven't fought yet, but that's because you just got together and you're both in that polite 'honeymoon' period.



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Nah there could have been alot of fights, I just avoided them... but i mean for real, I come out to see her all the time, and she has the nerve to dis my scene? what the fuck... Come to a competition or a show? HELL NO, i can see her saying "Eww it's so gross and unnatural" already...

It just hurts when your giving something all you got, and your not getting the same in return, and you blaintantly know it, but do not know what to do...

as far as communication goes.. what exactly am I to say to her, without causing a fight, err i hate fights..

thanks for all your help wink.gif



"a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again"

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Originally posted by djustinh:

Nah there could have been alot of fights, I just avoided them... but i mean for real, I come out to see her all the time, and she has the nerve to dis my scene? what the fuck... Come to a competition or a show? HELL NO, i can see her saying "Eww it's so gross and unnatural" already...

It just hurts when your giving something all you got, and your not getting the same in return, and you blaintantly know it, but do not know what to do...

as far as communication goes.. what exactly am I to say to her, without causing a fight, err i hate fights..

thanks for all your help wink.gif


just tell her how you feel hun.. let her know that you feel like she doesnt support something that is very important to you , and that it hurts you, because you dont always have to agree with something, but when you care abotu someone, you support their feelings, and you back them up.. Just be careful how you say it.. A lot of the time, us women tend to get defensive when we feel like were being "attacked". or "accused".. ..

she should completely undersand where u are coming from.. age has a lot to do w/ whether or not she will respect your ideas and feelings. not that I am so old.. because im not.. im young, but i find it that the younger a girl is.. the more into herself she is.. and she is a lot less concerned w/ representing her man to the fullest extent.


"ouT 4 doL"

"If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus 1, so I never have to go a day with-out you"

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Sorry dude.

The stuff you are into is vey shallow when it comes to creativity and the stuff she is into is full of it. I don't know how you two got together, but it is painfully obvious that it could never be. Try to understand her scene, because there is so much going on. With art there is a ton of self expression and thinking on higher planes than pumping up for the club.

I try to work out for my own health. My girl does the same. I go to (some) clubs cuz I enjoy the music, but acknowledge that the crowd is always a lil lacking. It doesn't matter where you go, if a crowd is there because it is simply "fun" to do and a place to hang out, there is not a whole lot of thinkign going on and thinking is an important element within my girl and myself. That said, I'll be chilling at fun tonite.

It's all about balance. Perhaps she is bored becausehse doesn't think you can intellectually stimulate her anymore.

Think harder about if your mind is being expanded.

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wait, shallow? fuck you newbie, I am into art, i dont love it, but were talking about a mutual respect, respect what I do, and I respect what she does.. who are you to say that what I am into is shallow? man fuck you, you made me mad. cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif


"a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again"

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I'll agree on that!NO offence but i'm not a guido lover myself but that does not make them shallow.

I write music,i play guitar,i skate and i date clubgirls and guidettes.jeeeezz

What the hell is he talking about?

just let it ride djustinh!!!!!!!!



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george glass wuz a bad boy... weRD

he needs to be spanked

and not in a pleasureful way..


the irony of his statement is rather humorous.. how can someone have the balls to call someone else SHALLOW because of their opinion..... .. the shallowest of them all is the one who cannot respect others for their outlook..

.... open yer mind.. =D


"ouT 4 doL"

"If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus 1, so I never have to go a day with-out you"

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fuck you jan 2001.

You lift

You go to clubs

She wants more to talk about

truth hurts

Originally posted by djustinh:

wait, shallow? fuck you newbie, I am into art, i dont love it, but were talking about a mutual respect, respect what I do, and I respect what she does.. who are you to say that what I am into is shallow? man fuck you, you made me mad. cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif

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no the truth is, i had another name, about 3 months ago when they re-did the board, i had a diff name and a diff amoutn of posts... thank you very much

by the way, the truth is your a pussy., you talk shit behind a computer, and are scared of us guido's... stay home pussy..

oh and dont talk shit on how your such a tough guy, cause if you REALLY want to fight, im more than glad to whoop your ass with my guido/juiceball friends taht you criticize.. bitch cwm23.gif

dont bother posting on my topics, moron


"a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again"

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hey justin

i need a personal trainer.. on teh realz.. .. well.. not to go to the gym w/ me

but to .uhmmm advise me.... ..

PMz baby =)


"I'm gone, you ain't worth tha tears

You lost tha best thing you ever had in ya life..a waste of my years"

"ouT 4 doL"


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