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"Yes" = No

"No" = Yes

"Maybe" = No

It's your decision" = The correct

decision should be obvious by now

"Do what you want" = You'll pay for this later.

"We need to talk" = I need to bitch

"Sure....... ... go ahead" = I don't want you to.

"I'm not upset" = Of course I'm upset, you moron!

"How much do you love me?" = I did something today you're not going to really like me for.

"Is my butt fat?" = Tell me I'm beautiful.

"You have to learn to communicate" =

Just agree with me.

"Are you listening to me?" = [Too late, you're dead.]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


"I'm hungry" = I'm hungry.

"I'm sleepy" = I'm sleepy.

"I'm tired" = I'm tired.

"Do you want to go to a movie?" = I'd eventually

like to have sex with you?

"Can I take you out to dinner?" = I'd eventually

like to have sex with you?

"Can I call you sometime?" = I'd eventually

like to have sex with you ?

"May I have this dance?" = I'd eventually

like to have sex with you

"Nice dress!" = Nice cleavage!

"You look tense, let me give you a massage" =

I want to fondle you

"What's wrong?" = What meaningless self-inflicted psychological trauma are you going through now?

"What's wrong?" = I guess sex tonight

is out of the question.

"I'm bored" = Do you want to have sex?

"I love you" = Let's have sex now.

"I love you too" = Okay, I said it...

we'd better have sex now!

"Let's talk" = I am trying to impress you

by showing that I am a deep person and

maybe then you'd like to have sex with me.

"Will you marry me?" = I want to make it

illegal for you to have sex with other guys.

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thats a classic

bery goo filosophi


Always take the time to smell the roses...and sooner or later

you'll inhale a bee.

If a motorist cuts you off, just turn the other cheek...nothing

gets the message across like a good mooning.

If genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, I must be

sharing elevators with a lot of bright people.

It's always darkest before dawn...so if you're gonna steal the

neighbors newspaper, that's the tme to do it.

It takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown...and fewer still

to ignore someone completely.

Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked up into jet engines.

I believe no problem is so large or so difficult that it can't

be blamed on someone else.

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

My father always said laughter is the best medicine, which I guess

is why several of us ended up dying of tuberculosis.

It takes a big man to cry...but it takes a bigger man to laugh

at that man.

When I'm feeling down I like to whistle...it makes my neighbor's

dog run to the end of his chain and gag himself.


Our civilization is still in a middle stage, no longer wholly guided by instinct, not yet wholly guided by reason...

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Joke for Wednesday, January 10th


- Submitted by Frank Borsellino


He does not have a beer gut;

he develops a Liquid Grain Storage Facility.

He is not quiet;

he is a Conversational Minimalist.

He does not get lost all the time;

he discovers Alternative Destinations.

You do not buy him a drink;

you initiate an Alcohol-For-Conversation Exchange.

He does not fart and belch;

he is Gastronomically Expressive.

He is not a redneck;

he is a Genetically-Related American.

He is not a cradle robber;

he prefers Generationally Differential Relationships.

He does not have a rich daddy;

he is a Recipient Of Parental Asset Infusion.

He does not hog the blankets;

he is Thermally Unappreciative.

He is not a male chauvinist pig;

he has Swine Empathy.

He is not afraid of commitment;

he is Monogamously Challenged



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