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Bling's Rant # 1: CJ Cliques


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As i sit here and ponder at the state of CoolJunkie, I recall back to a time when there was far fewer of us but all closer.

The times we all used to hang out at Crobar for Edgar V, or at Space for Roland and Oscar G. When just seeing each other and hanging with those with a similar interest was paramount.

Today, CJ has a much larger viewership and a score of new "posting" members but in my opinion we have become a "disjointed army" of sorts.

The site has become a highschool in a way. Forming cliques just as back in the day.... Not that that is wrong, hell society and life in general breeds this type of behavior and the formation of "social groups"

High school had its jocks, nerds (which i was and still am whooooo hooooooo ), cool kids etc...

CJ seems to have taken that same path as well

I for one have fallen into this predicament as well

From what i see there is the

1. Afterhours clique

2. Trance clique

3. Deephouse Clique/funky house clique(where i include myself)

4. Miami House clique

5. Techno clique

6. Go out and get banged up drunk clique

7. Those cliques that are just loyal to specific venues or DJ's (I def belong in this one as well)

8. Hybrid (no not the EDM group; but those that kind of belong to to a bunch of these groups..... those not so much loyal to the music but just goes out to have fun)

9. The Bitch Squad- you have to not only love such DJ's as Bob Sinclar, Roger Sanchez and Nic Fanciulli... but also be good buddies with Kirk and a connesiur of quality food!!

The sad part about all this is that many of us never really see each other much anymore. I dont know the last time i saw Michelle, Claud.... Chib or Carisa .

Understandaly life situations change and we move on........

The only way we are really able to do so is when we throw "locals parties" or mostly House parties at Flip's or Lyrik's etc.....

Are cliques a good or bad thing for the board and for the Miami scene in general?

I for one believe it is and isnt .

Its good because

1.Those loyal to a certain clique will help represent and promote those events on this board.

2. Those within that clique form a tighter bond with each other.

Its bad because

1. Outsiders feel shunned

2. "hateful" comments about this kind of music or this kind of club .... becomes commonplace.

But am i complaining. No im just saying things have changed.

end of rant..........

What say you???

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Guest Gladius

I would say its kinda true, I had a hard time gaining respect from you guys, although I just started out like a moron :P but all in good time you guys for the most part came around. It is also not just limited to that though, Alot of you feel as if you have formed a large network of friends and any new comers need to sort of prove themselves before they are allowd to voice their opinions and such so its cool.

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Most of it is because a lot of you guys take your musical/DJ preferences way too damn seriously.

One of the "benefits" of being part of number 6 is that you can go wherever you want, and it's still the same sort of alcohol.

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Guest mr.miami

I think I fit in the number 6. ??? Cus I don't really care much about djs at all. I just go out maybe meet people, have a few drinks, and dance. It is alot better than sitting home watching tv. I think though in general cliques suck.

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In many ways, I am very glad I have become associated with people like Lust and Aquabooty and being characterized as one of their biggest fans on this board is something that I take no shame in.. quite the opposite in fact.. i welcome it....

I love that sort of music period..

there are times though when im like damn i havent seen a bunch of you in ages......

IN OTHER WORDS WHAT IM SAYIN..... in the immortal words of Flip


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Guest Cosmigonon

Bling, all these people you mentioned, they all go to basically the same places they've always gone (minus Crobar for obvious reasons), it is you who has stopped going there, if you really wanted to, you could see them anytime...

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Bling, all these people you mentioned, they all go to basically the same places they've always gone (minus Crobar for obvious reasons), it is you who has stopped going there, if you really wanted to, you could see them anytime...

i agree. im just saying someplace where everyone can hang out (more house parties for instance)... weve all become indoctrinated into our set ways... including me at this point. im in no way saying im not at fault as well for not seeing many of these people

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Good point, Josh.

I go to various parties, but anyone that knows me knows I've had the same general operating pattern for years now, with slight variations depending on what's open.

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House parties and so forth are a bitch and a half, you know that, Bling. Not all of us have vehicles, or the proper home in which to do it, and if someone has the home with which to do it, it's usually way out in the boondocks, or the scheduling doesn't work, etc...I can never make house parties due to time constraints or transport issues. Saturdays just don't work for me.

It is much more convenient to meet people in an established, centralized venue.

I'll agree with you on another point though, I've found that a lot of the "music" oriented scenes are wary of outsiders. I don't encounter this since it is pretty much known I'm not picky about my music. Not to brag, but I can hang with the trance gang, the deep house gang, even the techno gang, without batting an eye. However, in general, I've noticed that each one of your little groups isn't particularly welcoming of outsiders. Never experienced it personally, but I have heard complaints. Your average clubgoer out for a good time does not feel welcome or comfortable when they get stared down by some sweaty trainspotter for not knowing what track is on at the moment.

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ive never really discussed it but i might as well do so now. I for one have felt that "outsider" syndrome from a different angle.

when i was shifting from trance to house.... a very select few in the trance crew basically said "FU to Bling..... you fake POS...etc" ( i ... i still am friends with some of them as only a very select few acted in that fashion toward me)

on the other hand the house crew (never once made me feel like an outsider from the start... my love for the music grew the more i heard it and i came to realize that the people in this clique were as hardcore about is as I.. they love to dance their ass off, groove to soulful, funky jackin beats and.. know how to party all nite long"

Having associated myself with this fine group of people I have also seen that they welcome "outsiders" with open arms quite frankly.... the more the better.. it helps solidify the scene and the music..... which is a difficult thing to do in this city.

if it wasnt for people like Aquabooty, Lust. Laundrybar, David Solero and crew, Residence .. and what Freshman is doing up at Gryphon the funky house scene would be a far more bleak landscape....

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Guest djcarlosf

i belong to more than one of these...



to tear a page out of a good friends book... 'down with the genreisms'

music is music and people are people... i do have a preference in what i like, but i still try and go see some of the friends i havent in a while to show support even though i may not like what they play.

ps. yes pod, youre in the 'go out get banged up' group haha

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Guest mr.miami

I'll agree with you on another point though, I've found that a lot of the "music" oriented scenes are wary of outsiders. I don't encounter this since it is pretty much known I'm not picky about my music. Not to brag, but I can hang with the trance gang, the deep house gang, even the techno gang, without batting an eye. However, in general, I've noticed that each one of your little groups isn't particularly welcoming of outsiders. Never experienced it personally, but I have heard complaints. Your average clubgoer out for a good time does not feel welcome or comfortable when they get stared down by some sweaty trainspotter for not knowing what track is on at the moment.

I've never really noticed this type of behavior. Of course I dont always pay attention to stuff like that. What place can I go to and get jeered and sneered at?

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i belong to more than one of these...



to tear a page out of a good friends book... 'down with the genreisms'

music is music and people are people... i do have a preference in what i like, but i still try and go see some of the friends i havent in a while to show support even though i may not like what they play.

ps. yes pod, youre in the 'go out get banged up' group haha

Pod is the CEO of that group ;D ;)



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I've never really noticed this type of behavior. Of course I dont always pay attention to stuff like that. What place can I go to and get jeered and sneered at?

It's not obvious, but I've been at some parties where it is seemingly a sin if you're not "in tune" with the musical selections that evening.

It's not like you're being beat up for it, but there's definitely a palpable feeling of being the "odd man out".

If I'm loyal to anything, it's the overall party.

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i dont think this is a gay thread danny....mr tough guy adam has no feelings...lol... ;):P ...come out for my bday celebration(s) at noc and nikkis next sat....im sure you'll c a couple of the faces you havent seen in awhile.. ;)

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He has some valid points. For the most part, I see all of you since the nature of my job has me go to different scenes, but one thing I do hear a lot of is "Wow, I haven't seen XYZ in awhile...", and the odd thing is, I probably saw XYZ the day before.

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i dont think this is a gay thread danny....mr tough guy adam has no feelings...lol... ;):P ...come out for my bday celebration(s) at noc and nikkis next sat....im sure you'll c a couple of the faces you havent seen in awhile.. ;)

what time at nikkis next sat? day? ill try to hit it up.... what time?

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He has some valid points. For the most part, I see all of you since the nature of my job has me go to different scenes, but one thing I do hear a lot of is "Wow, I haven't seen XYZ in awhile...", and the odd thing is, I probably saw XYZ the day before.

i expect to c you at noc next sat morning and then nikkis as well....sorry to thread jack blingers...

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i dont think this is a gay thread danny....mr tough guy adam has no feelings...lol... ;):P ...come out for my bday celebration(s) at noc and nikkis next sat....im sure you'll c a couple of the faces you havent seen in awhile.. ;)

nah my gay thread is over on junkie chat "Elton john feud with George Michael Ends"


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Guest lulamishka

Bling, all these people you mentioned, they all go to basically the same places they've always gone (minus Crobar for obvious reasons), it is you who has stopped going there, if you really wanted to, you could see them anytime...

Yea, Josh makes a good point here. But I will also say that I have been going to the clubs less lately. Hell, prior to Bob Sinclar @ Mansion, the last time I was at a club was 2 months ago! And that was at Space. And like Josh said, basically one of the same places I've always gone, but that you stopped going to.

But you know what, its always been like this. I remember when I was a lurker on CP (way before my CJ days)... It took me forever to get the courage to start posting because it felt like a tight clique in there that was tough to break into. But after a while of lurking the board and getting acquainted with how things flowed there, I eventually said my hello.

What you have to understand here Bling, is that as much as things stay the same, they also change. And you can't always have one big happy family singing Kumbaya. I know people on this board - current members and members that rarely post or don't post anymore - that don't get along anymore. And that's life, unfortunately.

On top of that, many of us have gotten to know each other real well that yes, we have formed tighter bonds with each other. You see who you get along with better than others and in turn you end up hanging out with those people more than others. And that becomes not just hanging out in the clubs, but hanging out at other more "normal" settings as well. But this is not to say you'd exclude any others from joining in on the fun. No one that I associate myself with excludes others. At least imo. If an "outsider" as you called it, wants to perceive it that way, then that's their prerogative.

Personally, I don't feel that I fall into one specific category, as you listed. So perhaps I associate more with #8, but like Jackie said, I, too, am loyal to the music. Along with that, I have my preferences, but I am also open to hearing something new at least once. I keep in touch with people from all those groups and I personally haven't felt like an outsider from any of them. But that's me. Or maybe its just that I don't care if one of these "cliques" or people within those cliques has made me feel like one. LoL.

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i dont think this is a gay thread danny....mr tough guy adam has no feelings...lol... ;):P ...come out for my bday celebration(s) at noc and nikkis next sat....im sure you'll c a couple of the faces you havent seen in awhile.. ;)

what time at nikkis next sat? day? ill try to hit it up.... what time?

well..nikkis all day...prob get there around 1 or 2 or when i am carried out of noc..either way..come out and have some drinks... 8)

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