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24-hour club district may face closing time

Guest endymion

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It's why I moved where I live too. I live in the Design District, and I'm close enough to both the beach and Downtown not to plan too thoroughly an evening. I'm simply close enough that I can go out on a whim.

it would be like me moving to say Atlanta.. and complaining all day that Miami is so much better. makes no fucking sense why people make those comments. People.. if you dont like Miami.. then simply move.. help clear out the rush hour traffic jams for people that actualy like living here.

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Then they give you an excuse like "oh, my job is here" or what-have-you. If I didn't like an area, I would be hitting up Monster or Hotjobs looking for a job in an area I liked. Only reason I could theorize someone staying is if they had family or legal obligations (parole, child support)...

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If anyone thinks a glass roof will keep the sound from annoying the neighbors, then I have some swamp land to sell you. I live by the train tracks and with my hurricane glass, it does absoutely nothing to stop the sound... This glass is so thick and tough you could hit it with a hammer and it won't break..

And finally a glass roof or "greenhouse" (which will cook the people dancing) is NOT A PATIO, IT'S AN ENCLOSED BUILDING!

You took that a little too literally. You wouldn't be creating a totally sound proof environment, just a barrier so that the sound doesn't carry beyond a half block radius like the sound in the main room already does. No one is going to living right across the street or directly behind Space or Noc on the exact same block. If you chose to live next to train tracks, then that is your problem.

And where are you pulling the science that says such an enclosure will act as an oven? Air conditioning! And, UV coating! There are plenty of structures around the world that are nothing but glass domes and you have never heard of a death by cooking in them.

Nocturnal got complaints from the Miami Herald buidling area. A glass structure won't work, and LP knows it, and he won't risk spending 100k on glass if it doesn't solve his problem. The train I have zero issue with, lived next to them in college, I actually enjoy the sound.

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there is no way A/C would be able to cool an entire glass structure the size of the patio in daylight. it ain't happening. a partially glass roof, maybe. you are talking about a million dollar renovation for any of this. then again, the patio is hot the way it is now, so maybe the heat doesnt even matter.

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A dome wouldn't need to be put in place. Noise abatement wouldn't require it. High walls, baffles, hell, maybe by then anti-noise generators'll be out of prototype.

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A dome wouldn't need to be put in place. Noise abatement wouldn't require it. High walls, baffles, hell, maybe by then anti-noise generators'll be out of prototype.

Podster, bass is the problem, it travels thru everything and it only gets worse when it gets cold out side.

Sound from a club system, isn't and can't be directional, it will go thru everything and if LP could combat this it would cost so much money it's not worth it... It's like re-arranging the deck chairs on the titanic.

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Guest Marina22

I wonder what the one in Space, Ibiza feels like. Personally I like the fresh air and breeze on an open patio, that's the whole point of going up there to get away from the smoky dark main room. I have not experienced one like in Ibiza has anyone else been in one?

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True. Bass is omnidirectional. Low frequencies travel further due to the wavelength.

Nonetheless, when the mainroom system is on, and the external systems are off, it is quiet. The K and I can make fun of you without yelling.

In the end, what I'm getting at here is that people need to be entertained, and the city established a district to support such needs. Now that they've exhibited piss poor planning by letting the condos build so close, they need to deal with their mistake, rather than harass the businessmen of the area who made that area hip to begin with.

Just for kicks, I'd love to show those tower-dwelling pieces of shit what real loud noise is about.

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there is no way A/C would be able to cool an entire glass structure the size of the patio in daylight. it ain't happening. a partially glass roof, maybe. you are talking about a million dollar renovation for any of this. then again, the patio is hot the way it is now, so maybe the heat doesnt even matter.

if any of you have ever been in the architectural glass industry like i have.. there are several different types of glass out there that BLOCKS 99.9% of sun/heat rays... it is possible to do efficiently and affordable.

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Guest hiram

ok so i spoke to my beverage law teacher at school and hes a lawyer specializing in alcoholic licensing and things of that sort. it just so happens his firm represents space and goldrush. i asked him about the 24 hour zone and he told me he was at the city meeting where it was brought up. he mentioned it wouldnt be pretty and they could be facing a 3am closing time. when i asked about the relocation of the 24 hour zone he said its not likely but he didnt really elaborate on that.

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Guest maru37

New York has very few ligit clubs that are free from the "VIP" phenomenon. I often pointed out to friends visiting me in the city that Crobar in NYC was anything goes while Crobar Miami tended to turn people away not dressed well. Crobar and Spirit are two of the better clubs that actually don't care what you look like walking through the door. Since I am the kind of guy who only wears dress pants to work and not to play I tended to frequent these places.

That being said the loss of those 24 clubs would really be a loss for the city. People come from all over the world to Miami to get that Ibiza feeling in the winter. If those clubs go away then it will leave a hole that no where else in this country can really fill. Hopefully this doesn't REALLY happen.

Being an NY'er I travel to Miami a few times a year because I simply love the city and the weather. It's just a totally different vibe. Not saying one is better but fact is I'd pick Miami any day over NY. Life is too short to freeze your a$$ off for 6 months out of the year.

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Guest mr.miami

ok so i spoke to my beverage law teacher at school and hes a lawyer specializing in alcoholic licensing and things of that sort. it just so happens his firm represents space and goldrush. i asked him about the 24 hour zone and he told me he was at the city meeting where it was brought up. he mentioned it wouldnt be pretty and they could be facing a 3am closing time. when i asked about the relocation of the 24 hour zone he said its not likely but he didnt really elaborate on that.

Are the condos already built that are being exposed to the noise? Reason I say this is it still looks pretty abandoned down there and the way constrcuction goes down here some of them look like they got a few more years before they are even done.

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Guest Editor

Pod can correct me if I'm wrong, but the main arguement that was put forth two years ago against changing the closing times of Miami Beach clubs to 2AM, was that the current 5AM closing time was needed to allow the Beach clubs to successfully compete with the 24 hour downtown clubs.

So, if the downtown clubs lose their 24 hour status, that effectively removes the main arguement for keeping the Beach clubs open until 5AM. (in the eyes of the Commission, at least)

Pod is right, this is a big deal.

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Guest djqba

There is only one way to fix this besides money and lawyers. We and I mean we as a whole community who enjoy nightlife in Miami need to come together and unite. Create our own PAC and run ads and have voter registration drive and mobilize the party going public. This will affect the unique nature of our city, too many people will get hurt by this move indirectly, investment into night life in Miami will come to a hault. I agreed we need more Police protection in the area for ourselves and our property safe down there. The condo Owners should know that there is loud music in the area and a properly run PSA and ad campagin would fix this and force the builders hands to stop misleading sales. If your young and hip and want to live a place where things are aways happening this is the place to live, if ur looking for a place to raise a family go to Broward or South Dade anywhere but here. I don't understand people who buy into a place that they think is cool and then try to change it.. >:( my two cents

Qba of Parantula

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Guest james stratus

A 2 or 3AM closing time in Miami/the Beach would make this town a joke and would be detrimental to an already declining tourist base. If the city even reduces the downtown 24 hour operating time to 5am, say good bye to decent clubing in this town. Then a glass patio won't seem like such an impossible idea. ::)

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Guest myles hie

My Magic 8 ball says:

Out look so not good.

Predictions i got from a mystical gypsy about the the next 5 years..

DT (proposed entertainmnt district) Miami will close at 5-6. But the area will be amazing and alot safer.

The beach will continue to shink, but will take on a new flavor which eventually will make it thrive again.

Clubs will phase out thier turntables.

If new artists don't break out the electronic dance genre will take a huge step back and the mega clubs will start closing or doing something completley different.

The Dolphins will finally find a good QB.

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Guest hiram

QBA brings up a valid point. There needs to be a plan of attack. Ideally, we need one well-spoken indvidual to represent the community.

my vote goes to POD

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I'm a little more positive, personally. What I feel is that the 24-hour licenses should be conditional. You can get them, but after x amount of violations, you get your hours rolled back. The city needs to enforce the restrictions venue by venue, not as a blanket restriction. Call me a racist, but it's the pure hip-hop venues in that area causing the most problems. I can't think of a time Space, Nocturnal, or even Goldrush causing major news issues.

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Guest james stratus

they better not fuck with miami beach and the 5 am closing time.. that shit will suck ass >:(

There are some proponents of night life on the mostly elderly city councel in Miami Beach. This is because they are not blind to the fact that the party is what made this city a destination. Make the beach a 3 am closing district and then there is no difference between South Beach and any other beach in florida... except that it is more expensive than anywhere else, which makes it not even worth coming.

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