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Guest vanbuurenfan

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Guest Adam Singer

their PR guy is slacking, or doesn't know how to handle the situation properly - no statement at all is no good, come on that is PR 101...

not to call them out specifically, i havent seen many people (if anyone) in clubland handle crisis situations well at all - probably because most saavy PR people aren't in the nightlife industry

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i usually like to air on the side of optimism when it comes to clubs but this situation seems pretty sketchy.. hopefuly twilo comes forth with an answer. esp for those that paid to see armand. id be super pissed off if i drove my butt there to not have him play...

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What i've been told.

He got 50% up front, and Phil refused to pay him the other 50% when no one showed...

I also knew about the Felix thing for a while I forgot to post it, PAMDJs was shopping that deal around Miami after they pulled out of twilo..

Twilo fridays is not completely dead, they just need to re group and promote it better, aka go after the space sat crowd, NOT THE DJ CROWD..

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thats the info i heard as well from sources as well. gotta agree with saleen on the dj crowd thing.. from what most said on this board . opening nite didnt do as well as expected and stryke is a DJ' fanboy's dream dj... thing that confuses me though is that hes also a popular local.. place should have been packed..

i see twilo's attendance problems as the "people who dont like to go out fri nite after long day of work" syndrome.

that is where south beach shines.. friday nite u can chill on lincoln road. and stragglers will perhaps end the nite off at mansion or wherever. u dont have that option in downtown..

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Guest JustDade

Does anyone really buy that reason? C'mon...Nocturnal had a huge Friday night...proof that people go out on Fridays and that they'll go Downtown. Mansion is packed on Fridays...more proof of Friday viability. The list goes on...Prive, Pawn Shop, Shore Club...All packed on Friday.

So what's the real reason they failed? My guess is that they failed because they targeted the "House Music Crowd." You all complain that there's no diversity in the Miami bookings but any time someone books a different DJ....DEAD ROOM. Meanwhile, the big names that you all say are over-played and over-hyped sell out every time.

How many of you went out to support Stryke? How many of you who wish Twilo well actually supported their effort to bring in different talent? How many of you went to see Morillo at Mansion on Saturday?

You all loved Nerve sooooo much........

You all loved Shine soooooo much.......

Seems like you loved them to death. Talk is cheap. Support takes effort.

The point is that it's your fault that Felix and Wink are cancelled. Why should Twilo pay these guys if nobody cares enough to show up? I hope you all are into Hip-Hop because that's all you're going to have soon.

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Guest coach

Does anyone really buy that reason? C'mon...Nocturnal had a huge Friday night...proof that people go out on Fridays and that they'll go Downtown. Mansion is packed on Fridays...more proof of Friday viability. The list goes on...Prive, Pawn Shop, Shore Club...All packed on Friday.

So what's the real reason they failed? My guess is that they failed because they targeted the "House Music Crowd." You all complain that there's no diversity in the Miami bookings but any time someone books a different DJ....DEAD ROOM. Meanwhile, the big names that you all say are over-played and over-hyped sell out every time.

How many of you went out to support Stryke? How many of you who wish Twilo well actually supported their effort to bring in different talent? How many of you went to see Morillo at Mansion on Saturday?

You all loved Nerve sooooo much........

You all loved Shine soooooo much.......

Seems like you loved them to death. Talk is cheap. Support takes effort.

The point is that it's your fault that Felix and Wink are cancelled. Why should Twilo pay these guys if nobody cares enough to show up? I hope you all are into Hip-Hop because that's all you're going to have soon.

This might be a good point. However, Bob Sinclar at Mansion was filled to capacity, literally. So, the "House Music Crowd" does actually exist. Though that was on a Saturday, it does show that people will come out for house music. Maybe the house music crowd just won't come out on Fridays, though that seems unlikely.
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That's why they paid Dade what they did. ^^^^^.

Talk is cheap. I never ever say I'm going to an event. There's too many variables in my schedule to guarantee my presence. If I show up, I show up.

Threads are a mile long for some DJs, and then you get what Dade said, a "dead room".

If you're not gonna show, don't say you are and then bullshit out because "it is a Friday"...if you really love the scene like a lot you say you do, you'll make the effort to show.

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Guest coach

That's why they paid Dade what they did. ^^^^^.

That's what I was trying to say, but nicer, and without beating up on the Twilo folks. The reason it was lightly attended was not because it was Friday, we know that people do come out on Friday. The reason was not because it was a house-music night, we know that people come out for house music. The reason was not because they had unpopular DJs, we know that Stryke and the other guy are popular.
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Guest Untouchable Chino

..dade knows what he is talking about..but the most important part of promoting a venue right..is having the right promoters/promotion..they need a face for what they are trying to sell to the public..without the right promoters..there is no success..

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just got this in my email...

"The amazing Phazon sound system at Twilo is about to get a whole lot better. This week the entire system is being replaced by brand new, state-of-the-art components and speakers. Revolutionary 21" sub bass drivers are being introduced by Phazon for the first time. The original system – which won rave reviews – will be used for special outdoor events, starting with our Thanksgiving Weekend parties."

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i agree Dade with what you said.. Nocturnal did well because it had an great promotions team.. btw biz and local celebrity and his great flyers and Aquabooty (one of the best in the biz when it comes to promoting house parties) the patio always did well over there on fridays.

im just saying personally i find it easier to party on sobe on a friday because there are more things to do.. you can chill and have dinner on lincoln then go to mansion on friday nite for a bit and dance

course mansion is always packed fridays..... then again its hip hop...

i for one as u all know supported shine hardcore thru its lifespan except for its final month when they started to book more prog djs.. i was there virtually every weekend or at leats every other.

its a shame venues like nerve, shine, and now twilo have to suffer because people are afraid to hear something different

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Guest Adam Singer

just because something looks popular on cooljunkie doesnt mean its going to work out in real life

there's way more people in miami, if CJ and the internet are your only means of promotion you're going to fail

a multi-tiered approach is necessary, and you need to cover all media and all parts ofthe marketing mix

if you're just making a thread thats pretty weak

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The "regulars" on here represent a small segment of the clubgoing population. We're the "elites", who are out 2 or 3 times a week, or work in the industry. We know our DJs, sound systems, lighting arrays, club owners, promoters, as if it were the Bill of Rights.

Your average Joe out for a night on the town is ambivalent at best to the DJ or the music. Average Joe floats the club though.

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Guest mr.miami

I've seen ads in New Times for Calderone, but not so sure about the friday nights. Funny thing is from seeing how packed it was when I first dropped in to see the place and calderone on Saturdays they would probably do better to have 2 gay nights.

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Guest Sela V

This is sooooooo true. I've seen Joe post about a DJ coming to Aquabooty (not Spinna) and see that not many people read or reply to the post, yet you go to Glass that Saturday and the joint is packed. I've also seen 6 pages of hype for a show that ends up being poorly attended. The Average Joe is everywhere, and receives information about "where to go" from many different sources, probably mainly other people whom they already know.

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You gotta appeal to the Average Joe, it's that simple. Hyping up the DJ is one thing, but you've got to make it a point of making Joe feel welcome and included. I'm not a music person, I can tell the the difference between deep house and progressive house, but that's about the extent of it. Sure, I carry a big ol' camera and some random black boxes when I go out, but I'm basically Average Joe. I want to be entertained and feel welcome when I go out. That should be the message of any and all promotions, that you're gonna get the most bang for your buck.

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I'm not an agent, but I'd say he'd probably pull at least $7500? Maybe I'm being generous. It's hard to say. He's a "name", but what has he done lately?

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Guest armand1210

First off let me say I was absolutely astounded at the quality of service that opening Friday. Everyone from the door staff to the bouncers to the bartenders were absolutely top notch. I was so blindsided by niceness that I even paid to get in even though I was on the guest list. (Yes they were THAT courteous)

For the most part the people who said they would show up actually did. But lets be honest. We are preaching to the choir here. Most of us around here know what’s up. But we are a very small minority.

A club the size of Twilo needs to appeal to the other 90% of the people who have no clue what they like. What should be clearly evident by now is that the Miami market COULD CARE LESS what dj is playing where. This is all about MARKETING. Space, Mansion, Pawn Shop, etc. etc. etc. all clearly understand this.

Do not be blinded by the fact that they bring in international talent every weekend. This is merely a case of “keeping up with the Jonsesâ€â€¦.you gotta appear to keep one upping each other in order to keep the marketing machine rolling.

I may not like it but I am smart enough to realize that’s just the way it is. And no amount of yammering on a message board is going to change that. I just got back from Vegas and let me tell you I am done complaining about Miami. If that’s what the rest of the country is like then I thank my lucky stars we get all great talent we do. The fact that I get to occasionally hear something special is just an added bonus of living in paradise.

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Guest JustDade

Why is Pawn Shop packed on Fridays without a big name DJ. The answer is because their promoters created a fun party. If AVH had been there on Friday it would have been off-the-hook. Twilo should have created a fun party...end of story. Instead, what they did was book DJs and count on their name and reputation to fill the room. If Bob Sinclar had been at Twilo, it would have tanked. It was a huge success at Mansion because it was a compliment to an already great party not the whole party. The days of booking DJs and hoping they fill the place are over. The days of people coming to the place because of a sound system are over, (if they ever really existed.)

The reason that Nocturnal Fridays worked in the beginning was just what Chino said.....The right promoters for the right party. Chino and Gil knew their crowd and how to deliver a great party to them. Tomas and Joe knew how to deliver the goods for the Aquabooty crowd. Biz and his crew delivered an after-hours party that was amazing. When there was a special booking or event it was just to enhance an already good party not to start one.

As for the Phazon Soundf System.....when they actually make one let me know. Re-naming gear that someone else made does not make it special....it only makes it more expensive.

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