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Guest vanbuurenfan

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The biggest question is "where's the fun?" Pawn Shop is a good example of how to do a Friday party decently, off the beach. There's house music, but with no guest DJs. Shawn, the bald guy and Gino do a good job, but they're not going off into obscure territory. But the promotions are effective, and the crowd is, most of all, fun! You've got hot girls, drunks dressed up like Mexicans, a friendly staff, the whole bit. People go there to party and get tanked, not scope out every track the DJ throws down.

Booking guest DJs is an enhancement, as Dade said. When the crowd trusts your judgement, they'll go for the guest DJs since you've proven you can show them a good time. You can be like "Come to my super-fun party this Friday, we'll get drunk, molest some hot girls, and oh, by the way, DJ The Cheat is playing..."

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At least someone got my reference.


But seriously, when you book a DJ, bring the "fun". 8) You can book Lee Burridge, Richie Hawtin, or DJ from Full House even, as long as there's drinkin', wenchin', and fightin'.

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Guest JustDade

The biggest question is "where's the fun?" Pawn Shop is a good example of how to do a Friday party decently, off the beach. There's house music, but with no guest DJs. Shawn, the bald guy and Gino do a good job, but they're not going off into obscure territory. But the promotions are effective, and the crowd is, most of all, fun! You've got hot girls, drunks dressed up like Mexicans, a friendly staff, the whole bit. People go there to party and get tanked, not scope out every track the DJ throws down.

Booking guest DJs is an enhancement, as Dade said. When the crowd trusts your judgement, they'll go for the guest DJs since you've proven you can show them a good time. You can be like "Come to my super-fun party this Friday, we'll get drunk, molest some hot girls, and oh, by the way, DJ The Cheat is playing..."

Gee, Dan....Thanks for clearing that up!

BTW - I also got the Strongbad reference.

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Guest Adam Singer

You're the one who told me about the "crowd trust" thing. You can break new talent after you've gained the trust of your crowd.


there certainly is new broken talent in miami ...all the time

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Guest Devilicious

Does anyone really buy that reason? C'mon...Nocturnal had a huge Friday night...proof that people go out on Fridays and that they'll go Downtown. Mansion is packed on Fridays...more proof of Friday viability. The list goes on...Prive, Pawn Shop, Shore Club...All packed on Friday.

So what's the real reason they failed? My guess is that they failed because they targeted the "House Music Crowd." You all complain that there's no diversity in the Miami bookings but any time someone books a different DJ....DEAD ROOM. Meanwhile, the big names that you all say are over-played and over-hyped sell out every time.

How many of you went out to support Stryke? How many of you who wish Twilo well actually supported their effort to bring in different talent? How many of you went to see Morillo at Mansion on Saturday?

You all loved Nerve sooooo much........

You all loved Shine soooooo much.......

Seems like you loved them to death. Talk is cheap. Support takes effort.

The point is that it's your fault that Felix and Wink are cancelled. Why should Twilo pay these guys if nobody cares enough to show up? I hope you all are into Hip-Hop because that's all you're going to have soon.

This might be a good point. However, Bob Sinclar at Mansion was filled to capacity, literally. So, the "House Music Crowd" does actually exist. Though that was on a Saturday, it does show that people will come out for house music. Maybe the house music crowd just won't come out on Fridays, though that seems unlikely.

sorry but this point isn't valid... Saturdays at Mansion are promoted by Capponi. The Sinclair success is a combo promotion and DJ. In fact, from what I understand it was lighter that night than expected ;)
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Guest JustDade

Does anyone really buy that reason? C'mon...Nocturnal had a huge Friday night...proof that people go out on Fridays and that they'll go Downtown. Mansion is packed on Fridays...more proof of Friday viability. The list goes on...Prive, Pawn Shop, Shore Club...All packed on Friday.

So what's the real reason they failed? My guess is that they failed because they targeted the "House Music Crowd." You all complain that there's no diversity in the Miami bookings but any time someone books a different DJ....DEAD ROOM. Meanwhile, the big names that you all say are over-played and over-hyped sell out every time.

How many of you went out to support Stryke? How many of you who wish Twilo well actually supported their effort to bring in different talent? How many of you went to see Morillo at Mansion on Saturday?

You all loved Nerve sooooo much........

You all loved Shine soooooo much.......

Seems like you loved them to death. Talk is cheap. Support takes effort.

The point is that it's your fault that Felix and Wink are cancelled. Why should Twilo pay these guys if nobody cares enough to show up? I hope you all are into Hip-Hop because that's all you're going to have soon.

This might be a good point. However, Bob Sinclar at Mansion was filled to capacity, literally. So, the "House Music Crowd" does actually exist. Though that was on a Saturday, it does show that people will come out for house music. Maybe the house music crowd just won't come out on Fridays, though that seems unlikely.

sorry but this point isn't valid... Saturdays at Mansion are promoted by Capponi. The Sinclair success is a combo promotion and DJ. In fact, from what I understand it was lighter that night than expected ;)

I'm not sure what you're trying to say.....

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Guest coach

Does anyone really buy that reason? C'mon...Nocturnal had a huge Friday night...proof that people go out on Fridays and that they'll go Downtown. Mansion is packed on Fridays...more proof of Friday viability. The list goes on...Prive, Pawn Shop, Shore Club...All packed on Friday.

So what's the real reason they failed? My guess is that they failed because they targeted the "House Music Crowd." You all complain that there's no diversity in the Miami bookings but any time someone books a different DJ....DEAD ROOM. Meanwhile, the big names that you all say are over-played and over-hyped sell out every time.

How many of you went out to support Stryke? How many of you who wish Twilo well actually supported their effort to bring in different talent? How many of you went to see Morillo at Mansion on Saturday?

You all loved Nerve sooooo much........

You all loved Shine soooooo much.......

Seems like you loved them to death. Talk is cheap. Support takes effort.

The point is that it's your fault that Felix and Wink are cancelled. Why should Twilo pay these guys if nobody cares enough to show up? I hope you all are into Hip-Hop because that's all you're going to have soon.

This might be a good point. However, Bob Sinclar at Mansion was filled to capacity, literally. So, the "House Music Crowd" does actually exist. Though that was on a Saturday, it does show that people will come out for house music. Maybe the house music crowd just won't come out on Fridays, though that seems unlikely.

sorry but this point isn't valid... Saturdays at Mansion are promoted by Capponi. The Sinclair success is a combo promotion and DJ. In fact, from what I understand it was lighter that night than expected ;)

Um, it was so packed they quit letting people in at 1:30. Though, you may be right, that there isn't that big of a house music crowd. But my point, poorly made though it was, is that it is the advertising/promotion/marketing that makes a club full, which is the point you just made, so it all works out.
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Guest JustDade

Re-posting this for those who only read the last post in a thread.....

Why is Pawn Shop packed on Fridays without a big name DJ. The answer is because their promoters created a fun party. If AVH had been there on Friday it would have been off-the-hook. Twilo should have created a fun party...end of story. Instead, what they did was book DJs and count on their name and reputation to fill the room. If Bob Sinclar had been at Twilo, it would have tanked. It was a huge success at Mansion because it was a compliment to an already great party not the whole party. The days of booking DJs and hoping they fill the place are over. The days of people coming to the place because of a sound system are over, (if they ever really existed.)

The reason that Nocturnal Fridays worked in the beginning was just what Chino said.....The right promoters for the right party. Chino and Gil knew their crowd and how to deliver a great party to them. Tomas and Joe knew how to deliver the goods for the Aquabooty crowd. Biz and his crew delivered an after-hours party that was amazing. When there was a special booking or event it was just to enhance an already good party not to start one.

As for the Phazon Soundf System.....when they actually make one let me know. Re-naming gear that someone else made does not make it special....it only makes it more expensive.

I'm not saying that there are no House Music lovers left. I'm saying that they don't come out and support a pure music event. Let's face it....Had Bob Sinclar played on the same date at Twilo it would have been dead. The reason it was great at Mansion wasd because they already have a great party that night. The DJ booking was an add-on to put it over the top. And put it over the top it did.

The other thing is that if you're going to depend on the DJ to fill the room you better cast as wide a net as possible to catch pure music fans. I saw no New Times ad. I saw no banner planes on the beach. I saw very little other than Angels promotion. Where did they think the people were going to come from?

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Guest Adam Singer

dade gets it

fliering and posting on messageboards do nothing on their own

you need a multi-tiered approach consisting of all parts of the marketing mix to be a success at ANYTHING these days...no single element does it all, and you shouldnt rely too heavily on one thing

advertising, marketing, and PR should all play vital roles in making your event/venue a success - and even then if they are not well thought out you are gauranteed nothing

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Im in NOWAY a gay basher.. I have lots of gay friends.. but I think Twilo messed up by starting out all gay. For me at least, I hve no desire to go to a club where every guy in there is dancing with their shirts off. Everybody that I know (that is all not into the scene like we are here on CJ.. have no desire to go there because they think every night is gay night there).

I have heard noting but positive things about this club. I have seen the pics.. the place looks great... but in my eyes, it's a gay club. This could be the reason why the Space crowd wont show up there.

just my 2 cents

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Guest mr.miami

They would probably do better if they promoted it big time as fridays being ladies night or a college night to get people to show. Other than CJ did Twilo happen to get promotion anywhere else? I dont recall hearing anything on the radio, tv spots,or in magazines. Hell they could try inviting those morons who shall remain nameless from deco drive to get exposure. What was the reasonning for starting off gay nights first and how was it decided which day is what? As for the gayness factor I dont think that really matters because I have heard stories in the past where dudes would get propositioned by other dudes at Space.

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Does anyone really buy that reason? C'mon...Nocturnal had a huge Friday night...proof that people go out on Fridays and that they'll go Downtown. Mansion is packed on Fridays...more proof of Friday viability. The list goes on...Prive, Pawn Shop, Shore Club...All packed on Friday.

So what's the real reason they failed? My guess is that they failed because they targeted the "House Music Crowd." You all complain that there's no diversity in the Miami bookings but any time someone books a different DJ....DEAD ROOM. Meanwhile, the big names that you all say are over-played and over-hyped sell out every time.

How many of you went out to support Stryke? How many of you who wish Twilo well actually supported their effort to bring in different talent? How many of you went to see Morillo at Mansion on Saturday?

You all loved Nerve sooooo much........

You all loved Shine soooooo much.......

Seems like you loved them to death. Talk is cheap. Support takes effort.

The point is that it's your fault that Felix and Wink are cancelled. Why should Twilo pay these guys if nobody cares enough to show up? I hope you all are into Hip-Hop because that's all you're going to have soon.

This might be a good point. However, Bob Sinclar at Mansion was filled to capacity, literally. So, the "House Music Crowd" does actually exist. Though that was on a Saturday, it does show that people will come out for house music. Maybe the house music crowd just won't come out on Fridays, though that seems unlikely.

sorry but this point isn't valid... Saturdays at Mansion are promoted by Capponi. The Sinclair success is a combo promotion and DJ. In fact, from what I understand it was lighter that night than expected ;)

did Capponi tell you this himself?

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Guest Devilicious

Does anyone really buy that reason? C'mon...Nocturnal had a huge Friday night...proof that people go out on Fridays and that they'll go Downtown. Mansion is packed on Fridays...more proof of Friday viability. The list goes on...Prive, Pawn Shop, Shore Club...All packed on Friday.

So what's the real reason they failed? My guess is that they failed because they targeted the "House Music Crowd." You all complain that there's no diversity in the Miami bookings but any time someone books a different DJ....DEAD ROOM. Meanwhile, the big names that you all say are over-played and over-hyped sell out every time.

How many of you went out to support Stryke? How many of you who wish Twilo well actually supported their effort to bring in different talent? How many of you went to see Morillo at Mansion on Saturday?

You all loved Nerve sooooo much........

You all loved Shine soooooo much.......

Seems like you loved them to death. Talk is cheap. Support takes effort.

The point is that it's your fault that Felix and Wink are cancelled. Why should Twilo pay these guys if nobody cares enough to show up? I hope you all are into Hip-Hop because that's all you're going to have soon.

This might be a good point. However, Bob Sinclar at Mansion was filled to capacity, literally. So, the "House Music Crowd" does actually exist. Though that was on a Saturday, it does show that people will come out for house music. Maybe the house music crowd just won't come out on Fridays, though that seems unlikely.

sorry but this point isn't valid... Saturdays at Mansion are promoted by Capponi. The Sinclair success is a combo promotion and DJ. In fact, from what I understand it was lighter that night than expected ;)

did Capponi tell you this himself?

Actually he told me he was happy with the night; it was a manager at Mansion who expressed disappointment

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Guest ramon

Does anyone really buy that reason? C'mon...Nocturnal had a huge Friday night...proof that people go out on Fridays and that they'll go Downtown. Mansion is packed on Fridays...more proof of Friday viability. The list goes on...Prive, Pawn Shop, Shore Club...All packed on Friday.

So what's the real reason they failed? My guess is that they failed because they targeted the "House Music Crowd." You all complain that there's no diversity in the Miami bookings but any time someone books a different DJ....DEAD ROOM. Meanwhile, the big names that you all say are over-played and over-hyped sell out every time.

How many of you went out to support Stryke? How many of you who wish Twilo well actually supported their effort to bring in different talent? How many of you went to see Morillo at Mansion on Saturday?

You all loved Nerve sooooo much........

You all loved Shine soooooo much.......

Seems like you loved them to death. Talk is cheap. Support takes effort.

The point is that it's your fault that Felix and Wink are cancelled. Why should Twilo pay these guys if nobody cares enough to show up? I hope you all are into Hip-Hop because that's all you're going to have soon.

I went to support Stryke that night. I knew how important it was for him and for the club. I drove down from Orlando after the Zabiela show tired as hell, but I still went. I spent money at the bar. I brought people with me. I really wanted the night and Greg and Ralph to be a success. We deserve some diversity here. Dade, surpringsly enough CJ was out in force. It's not always the case, but that Friday it was definitely apparent. It's a real shame what's happened, but I do hope they can pick up the pieces and rebuild. The place is gorgeous the sound is amazing and the staff is nice. I hope htey can succeed. People deserve and should play Miami more than one night or day in March.

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Im in NOWAY a gay basher.. I have lots of gay friends.. but I think Twilo messed up by starting out all gay. For me at least, I hve no desire to go to a club where every guy in there is dancing with their shirts off. Everybody that I know (that is all not into the scene like we are here on CJ.. have no desire to go there because they think every night is gay night there).

I have heard noting but positive things about this club. I have seen the pics.. the place looks great... but in my eyes, it's a gay club. This could be the reason why the Space crowd wont show up there.

just my 2 cents

i understand what you are saying and you have all the right to voice your opinions

Im not also not gay nor are my friends that i go out with on the weekends, that weekend we had a group of about 5 straight dudes, yes there were shirtless guys there...have u been to space's patio?? did you know that space also has gay nights? most of space goers like myself and most of the people i know know that 25% of the people in the club are gay and they also know about the gay nights. I guarantee it wouldn't make a difference to them if space 5 years ago started off as a gay night event and than eventually made itself into an "everyone's welcome". the people would still go there regardless of gay or not.

again, i know you mentioned you have nothing against gay people that's not what im getting at, but saying that twilo messed it up to begin w/ gay nights is kinda silly since they have been successfull in keeping the place packed every saturday.

most people i've spoken to both females and males that do not go on any type of edm boards such as cj, still never heard of twilo...since most group of friends that travel at least 20-60mins to get to miami one weekend out of the month are going directly to space reason being as stated b4 - they r going to get fucked up...eventually they will go to twilo, but they are not the type that cares about which sound system the club has or doesnt has, they rather see the top 5 international dj's, get fucked up, n be over with.

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Guest musicalmissionary

If you're going to try to promote a club night centered around new fresh music (for that market) you need to promote it in a new fresh way PERIOD.

Back when Shine opened, they were apparently trying this very same thing... open a club with a fresh unique sound. But there was no fresh unique marketing to push it, just the typical promotions every other club counts on. Kelvin told me himself that he urged the club to litter (figuratively) the beach with well designed promo CD's that would catch people's attention and let them know, "HEY, something new is going on over here and here's a sample". It never happened.

Of course being fresh and unique takes more effort and planning... but that's the price of standing out and starting something new. It's the difference between catering to an existing market and creating a new one. So far, those who have tried to create a new market have tried to do so without actually doing anything new... I don't think it works that way.

UM MBA here I come... if any clubs would like to sponsor me, PM me ;)

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Guest spacecadet

If you're going to try to promote a club night centered around new fresh music (for that market) you need to promote it in a new fresh way PERIOD.

Back when Shine opened, they were apparently trying this very same thing... open a club with a fresh unique sound. But there was no fresh unique marketing to push it, just the typical promotions every other club counts on. Kelvin told me himself that he urged the club to litter (figuratively) the beach with well designed promo CD's that would catch people's attention and let them know, "HEY, something new is going on over here and here's a sample". It never happened.

Of course being fresh and unique takes more effort and planning... but that's the price of standing out and starting something new. It's the difference between catering to an existing market and creating a new one. So far, those who have tried to create a new market have tried to do so without actually doing anything new... I don't think it works that way.

UM MBA here I come... if any clubs would like to sponsor me, PM me ;)

Space did something like that 5yrs ago giving out those mini promo cds with up coming events and talking about the new space

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Guest mr.miami

Do clubs down here overcharge on the liqour because they are greedy, or is the money that comes in from those overpriced drinks that important to the budget of a club?

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Guest Cosmigonon

Im in NOWAY a gay basher.. I have lots of gay friends.. but I think Twilo messed up by starting out all gay. For me at least, I hve no desire to go to a club where every guy in there is dancing with their shirts off. Everybody that I know (that is all not into the scene like we are here on CJ.. have no desire to go there because they think every night is gay night there).

I have heard noting but positive things about this club. I have seen the pics.. the place looks great... but in my eyes, it's a gay club. This could be the reason why the Space crowd wont show up there.

just my 2 cents

i understand what you are saying and you have all the right to voice your opinions

Im not also not gay nor are my friends that i go out with on the weekends, that weekend we had a group of about 5 straight dudes, yes there were shirtless guys there...have u been to space's patio?? did you know that space also has gay nights? most of space goers like myself and most of the people i know know that 25% of the people in the club are gay and they also know about the gay nights. I guarantee it wouldn't make a difference to them if space 5 years ago started off as a gay night event and than eventually made itself into an "everyone's welcome". the people would still go there regardless of gay or not.

again, i know you mentioned you have nothing against gay people that's not what im getting at, but saying that twilo messed it up to begin w/ gay nights is kinda silly since they have been successfull in keeping the place packed every saturday.

most people i've spoken to both females and males that do not go on any type of edm boards such as cj, still never heard of twilo...since most group of friends that travel at least 20-60mins to get to miami one weekend out of the month are going directly to space reason being as stated b4 - they r going to get fucked up...eventually they will go to twilo, but they are not the type that cares about which sound system the club has or doesnt has, they rather see the top 5 international dj's, get fucked up, n be over with.

True dat.

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Guest Cosmigonon

DJ The Cheat is playing..."

the lightswitch is grounded so the cheat can throw lightswitch rave

??? ??? ???

strongbad!!!! 8)


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