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I'm so sad..............


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First of all... HELLO to all the veterans!!!

And now the problem.... i've been with my man for 10mths and it seems to me (actually its obvious) that we've switched roles. Im the one who wants it all the time now (not that i did'nt before) and he just does'nt want too when i do. I mean i try my best to initiate......I try to be sweet/ kinky/ nasty/ spontaneous and seductive (just to entice) but its just not working!!!!!!!

I need your opinion on this....especially the insight on why he does'nt want me anymore!


IM SO SAD frown.gif

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big what up to da bricks, the good all dayz in jerzy, me and my friends used to get liquor from IDOLS, and used to go for runs in da bricks and p-town.........i couldnt tell you why your man is like that but i can suggest....not that it should happened to any of us but he might be seeing someone else or he might have some stress in his life, go talk to him and see


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ee I think many of us have actually been in this position before. My suggestion is try setting the mood. Maybe some candle light or aromas. Vanilla is actually considered an aphrodesiac for the senses.

You can even try some seductive little outfits from victoria secret or even make your own little sultry creations. I always had fun making my own.

If the sex is repetative sex everytime, it looses its flare. Try new things and push the limit. Mood does help a lot. I even tried flower peals on the bed and purchased sheer material and put it hanging all over my room from the ceiling. I basically replicated an Arabian setting within my room. Grapes in a fancy gold bowl, the incense flowing, candle light only shone though the thin material as our bodies casted shadows upon them. Big comfy coz y pillows all over the floor...some the size of us. Velvet little resting pillows here and there as well...theres soo much you can do the options are infinite..

Goodness if that turn him on...I dont know what you can do. Hope it helps..it definately sparked the sex life I once had as well as inspired me for different settings to create for the next time!



- "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn

- Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!

[This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 01-19-2001).]

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I couldn't resist but...... I think he needs VIAGRA!!!! hehe smile.gif

Anyway, it's all about the mood and the setting... Ever think about role playing! Works for me all the time, surprise your man and let him know how WILD you can be.. If that doesn't work then I guess he's not that open-minded and fun to be with....

good luck........ hope you get some tonight!!



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I've been in your man's position. See, I actually have this girlfriend. We've been seen each other for about a year now, and she is allways practically begging for it. Our relationship is great, perfect I'd say; and I really care for her, but I actually see her more as a friend (someone to just talk to and hang around) than as a girlfriend (someone to just to and fuck). So, my opinion, maybe your man is seeing the good friend in you instead of the girlfriend.

Hope I helped.



If you can't convince them...try confusing them.


ICQ: 105148599

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Tell him to put up or shut up and get out.Your not in a good relationship if 1 person is happy in all aspects.Sex for me has never been a problem to give up,I don't know what the hell this guy is thinkin'.

Confront him before you start looking elswhere and ruin a relationship that could've been helped by a single conversation.


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