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North Korea Nuke Tested!!!!!!

Guest obby

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Guest obby

Just read that both the Earthquake Engineering Research Center (EERC) and the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) confirmed the nuclear test.

Japan send fighter jets to confirm radiation levels:


Bush denounces N.Korean "threat," seeks UN action:


UN? N. Korea must be scared shitless ::)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

So, did they pass or fail the test?


Physical evidence

The apparent nuclear test was conducted at 10:36 a.m. (1:36 a.m. GMT) in Hwaderi near Kilju city, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported, citing defense officials. (Watch a quick timeline of how the situation reached this point -- 2:09)

South Korea's state geology research center detected a 3.58-magnitude "artificial earthquake" in a remote area of North Korea's North Hamgyeong Province, according to the news agency. Judging from the seismic tremor, the center said the power of the explosion was equivalent to around a half kiloton of TNT explosives, Yonhap reported.

The U.S. Geological Survey Web site recorded a light 4.2-magnitude earthquake in North Korea at 10:35 a.m., about 385 kilometers (240 miles) northeast of the North Korean capital, Pyongyang.

CNN's Matthew Chance said that Moscow said Russian equipment in the area had confirmed an underground test.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said that the force of the blast was five to 15 kilotons.

The nuclear test "will contribute to defending the peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the area around it,"said North Korea's state news agency, Korean Central News Agency.

South Korea's Defense Ministry raised the military alert level

I would say they passed

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Guest swirlundergrounder

North Korea testeing nuclear weapons is unaccaptable for the safety of the world.

They now have the arrow. They just need to complete the bow to shot it over our way or into South Korea...

North Korea is now the greatest terrorist threat on Earth. If we don't want organizations such as Al-Queda getting their hands on nuclear material and Iran further developing it's nuclear program then an immediate military response needs to be made ASAP!!

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Guest obby

Damn Terry. I did not expect that from you.

We can wave our fingers at threats for only so long in hope that they comply with the UN/IAEA/International. Unfortunately it always comes down to the "Big Kids On The Block" to put their foot down. Again....Unfortunately! Will it happen. I doubt it. We are not the same America anymore. Our political correctness has damaged us. We have Republicans scared of the media. We have Demz who don't even recognize threats and so on (Paper Tiger ).

I would imagine them being sorrounded by water, it would be a pretty easy task...

"Easy"? Spoken like a true neo-con. Why would China let us do that?

Read a history book. Or at least read this: Wikipedia on the Korean War

Nuclear N. Korea = Nuclear Japan

Nuclear Japan = Very Worried China

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Damn Terry. I did not expect that from you.

We can wave our fingers at threats for only so long in hope that they comply with the UN/IAEA/International. Unfortunately it always comes down to the "Big Kids On The Block" to put their foot down. Again....Unfortunately!

I would imagine them being sorrounded by water, it would be a pretty easy task...

"Easy"? Spoken like a true neo-con. Why would China let us do that?

Read a history book. Or at least read this: Wikipedia on the Korean War

Nuclear N. Korea = Nuclear Japan

Nuclear Japan = Very Worried China

I don't support going to war on mis-information and inudeno. I do think a pre-emptive strike is totally legit when one of our enemies are sucessfully testing 5-15 kiloton bombs under ground....

Again the actions and motivation of our administration do not add up. And the nuke test conducted by N.K only adds to the fact that our government is focusing on the wrong threat at the wrong time..

Bush said prior to invading Iraq that "Sadam Hussien is a grave an eminent threat to the rest of the world".

North Korea now poses the greatest and eminent threat to the world that our generation has ever seen!

If the Administration does not respond in proportion to N.K like it did to Iraq, it's only going to validate even further to the people of the world that the Bush Adminstration made a huge tactical error in commiting so many resources to Iraq.

He have the intel!

We have the evidence!

We have North Korea publically boasting that they are now a nuclear power!

The time to act is now!!

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Guest obby

Damn Terry. I did not expect that from you.

We can wave our fingers at threats for only so long in hope that they comply with the UN/IAEA/International. Unfortunately it always comes down to the "Big Kids On The Block" to put their foot down. Again....Unfortunately!

I would imagine them being sorrounded by water, it would be a pretty easy task...

"Easy"? Spoken like a true neo-con. Why would China let us do that?

Read a history book. Or at least read this: Wikipedia on the Korean War

Nuclear N. Korea = Nuclear Japan

Nuclear Japan = Very Worried China

I don't support going to war on mis-information and inudeno. I do think a pre-emptive strike is totally legit when one of our enemies are sucessfully testing 5-15 kiloton bombs under ground....

Again the actions and motivation of our administration do not add up. And the nuke test conducted by N.K only adds to the fact that our government is focusing on the wrong threat at the wrong time..

Bush said prior to invading Iraq that "Sadam Hussien is a grave an eminent threat to the rest of the world".

North Korea now poses the greatest and eminent threat to the world that our generation has ever seen!

If the Administration does not respond in proportion to N.K like it did to Iraq, it's only going to validate even further to the people of the world that the Bush Adminstration made a huge tactical error in commiting so many resources to Iraq.

He have the intel!

We have the evidence!

We have North Korea publically boasting that they are now a nuclear power!

The time to act is now!!

You mean Bush and the majority (if not entire) congress said ""Sadam Hussien is a grave an eminent threat to the rest of the world".


Please don't make me post the comments and voting records ....again.

Back to NK. I'm with you on this one.

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Guest endymion

North Korea's leverage over South Korea and the US is a million-man army poised to invade South Korea again. Not nukes. So if we nuke them then we have to kill millions of people pre-emptively. If we hit them with air strikes then they'll take South Korea. If we hit them with air strikes unilaterally then they'll take South Korea with China's help.

Shaun, we are a paper tiger. Our Army is strained and committed and unable to respond. Air strikes won't work. Nukes don't help us. We are powerless against North Korea and we have no credibility in the diplomatic arena. We are not the 'big kids on the block' in this situation.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Damn Terry. I did not expect that from you.

We can wave our fingers at threats for only so long in hope that they comply with the UN/IAEA/International. Unfortunately it always comes down to the "Big Kids On The Block" to put their foot down. Again....Unfortunately!

I would imagine them being sorrounded by water, it would be a pretty easy task...

"Easy"? Spoken like a true neo-con. Why would China let us do that?

Read a history book. Or at least read this: Wikipedia on the Korean War

Nuclear N. Korea = Nuclear Japan

Nuclear Japan = Very Worried China

I don't support going to war on mis-information and inudeno. I do think a pre-emptive strike is totally legit when one of our enemies are sucessfully testing 5-15 kiloton bombs under ground....

Again the actions and motivation of our administration do not add up. And the nuke test conducted by N.K only adds to the fact that our government is focusing on the wrong threat at the wrong time..

Bush said prior to invading Iraq that "Sadam Hussien is a grave an eminent threat to the rest of the world".

North Korea now poses the greatest and eminent threat to the world that our generation has ever seen!

If the Administration does not respond in proportion to N.K like it did to Iraq, it's only going to validate even further to the people of the world that the Bush Adminstration made a huge tactical error in commiting so many resources to Iraq.

He have the intel!

We have the evidence!

We have North Korea publically boasting that they are now a nuclear power!

The time to act is now!!

You mean Bush and the majority (if not entire) congress said ""Sadam Hussien is a grave an eminent threat to the rest of the world".


Please don't make me post the comments and voting records ....again.

Back to NK. I'm with you on this one.

Whatever the case maybe this isn't the time to point the finger at who didn't do this or who didn't do that.

I think the world under-estimated the progress and capabilities of North Korea with regards to it's nuclear ambition.

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Guest coach

Damn Terry. I did not expect that from you.

We can wave our fingers at threats for only so long in hope that they comply with the UN/IAEA/International. Unfortunately it always comes down to the "Big Kids On The Block" to put their foot down. Again....Unfortunately!

I would imagine them being sorrounded by water, it would be a pretty easy task...

"Easy"? Spoken like a true neo-con. Why would China let us do that?

Read a history book. Or at least read this: Wikipedia on the Korean War

Nuclear N. Korea = Nuclear Japan

Nuclear Japan = Very Worried China

I don't support going to war on mis-information and inudeno. I do think a pre-emptive strike is totally legit when one of our enemies are sucessfully testing 5-15 kiloton bombs under ground....

Again the actions and motivation of our administration do not add up. And the nuke test conducted by N.K only adds to the fact that our government is focusing on the wrong threat at the wrong time..

Bush said prior to invading Iraq that "Sadam Hussien is a grave an eminent threat to the rest of the world".

North Korea now poses the greatest and eminent threat to the world that our generation has ever seen!

If the Administration does not respond in proportion to N.K like it did to Iraq, it's only going to validate even further to the people of the world that the Bush Adminstration made a huge tactical error in commiting so many resources to Iraq.

He have the intel!

We have the evidence!

We have North Korea publically boasting that they are now a nuclear power!

The time to act is now!!

You mean Bush and the majority (if not entire) congress said ""Sadam Hussien is a grave an eminent threat to the rest of the world".


Please don't make me post the comments and voting records ....again.

Back to NK. I'm with you on this one.

Whatever the case maybe this isn't the time to point the finger at who didn't do this or who didn't do that.

I think the world under-estimated the progress and capabilities of North Korea with regards to it's nuclear ambition.

Because of China.
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Guest swirlundergrounder


Current known range of a missle from North Korea

But with todays events unfolding under our noses, who knows what their capabilities really are??

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Guest obby

North Korea is insane. testing this shit after the U.S. China and other countries warned them repeatedly..

things are gonna get ugly

You said it Bling!

I say we give China a chance first. China is super embarrassed right now and steamed @ NK. Especially after claiming that they have NK in control. Today has proven otherwise. China has the power to tame this wild beat known as Kim Jong-il. If China won't intervene and control this crazy fuck then I say we arm the hell out of Japan (their neighbor). That will definitely motivate China to step up to the plate. The last thing China wants is a nuclear Japan as their neighbors.

Kim Jong-il is a fuckin joke. He laughs at the UN (another joke) and thumbs his nose at the World yet when surrounded by our battleships wants to return to 6 party talks. Our battle ships back off, he thumbs his nose again, our battleships are back over there, and the cycle continues. How long will the free World put up with this? Not long after today.

Nobody wants a nuclear war because that would be the end of civilization. The only ones who would want a nuclear confrontation are those who cherish death rather than life itself (aka Iran aka radicals).

We live in some scary ass times. Although some may not accept this (bury their heads in the sand) while we party our asses off here in States..........it does not change the fact that we live in scary times.

I've listen to a lot of debates/ideas concerning NK and till today the only acceptable idea (prior to military strikes) is arming the fuck out of Japan. Until someone comes up with a better plan.......expect a Nuclear Japan soon.

Taiwan now wants to go nuclear due to NK's test today. Another nuclear neighbor that China does not want.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

North Korea is insane. testing this shit after the U.S. China and other countries warned them repeatedly..

things are gonna get ugly

You said it Bling!

I say we give China a chance first. China is super embarrassed right now and steamed @ NK. Especially after claiming that they have NK in control. Today has proven otherwise.

China has had it's chance the past 10 years...

Today's nuclear detonation marks their failure!!

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Guest jamu

It marks this presidents failure as well to keep everyone... yes including the US, at the table with North Korea. Sadly this president will take no accountability for his actions. But hey Iraqi was more important then N Korea, Afganistan, or Iran ::)

And now with what resources are we going to attack? The Civil Air Patrol? And with the giant deficit that we have. Yeah okay. Bush has no option but to sit at a negotiating table, when now is the time that we should be deploying our troops and making a show of force that development of a nuclear weapon is unacceptable to anyone including Iran, North Korea, and aother countries.

Ohhh... but wait.... Iraqi was a real threat wasn't it?

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Guest michael^heaven

I was watching either MSNBC or CNN earlier(can't recall which :-\). They said that there is still no confirmed evidence that a successful nuclear explosion occurred. They do have proof, however, that underground, seismic activity had occurred. I'm still seeking a news link for this story.

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Guest michael^heaven

More skepticism...

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States believes North Korea attempted to detonate a nuclear device but that "something went wrong," and the blast was relatively small, a U.S. government official said Tuesday.


PARIS, France (AP) -- Was North Korea's nuclear device a partial dud?

That is one of several theories that Western experts say might explain the apparent low explosive force of the communist nation's first declared nuclear test.


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