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What should I do


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I met this guy a few weeks ago in a club. I went home with him the first night and didn't see him again until the next time I went out three weeks later. I went home with him again. Last Friday, we went home together and he still hasn't called me, I know I'm going to see him again this week, what should I do?

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oh please tell me you had condoms!!! i agree with lipz...take it at face value...and if he keeps approaching you, its probably because he knows he can get laid...sorry, move on


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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Originally posted by rosepetal99:

That's exactly what I did the first time, but he keeps approaching me. I wouldn't mind except all my friends go to this club too and see me with him every week and ask all these questions and I can't even answer them

tell him your not intreasted, if you are, then contue to just fuk him.. if your friends ask, just say your friends.. its not really there business anywho... if they dont leave the subject alone, tell them to mind there business






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How can you ask us to give you advice if you don't tell us what you want to have happen?

I for one am not going to blindly make the assumption that just because you are a girl you aren't into casual or recreational sex.

Lets leave diseases out of it for now - we all know how to best protect against them and that no protection is perfect. Everyone has to decide for themselves if that means that they can never have casual sex and one night stands in their life or not. Its a tough call - I for one choose yes, but with common sense. But it, like everything is a trade-off. Security of life for enjoyment of life.

Nevetheless, it sounds like you are not interested in a regular fuck with no strings attached. Fine. What do you want? And fuck what your friends say unless its quality advice rather than inane gossip.

So what do you want? Hook ups are only shameful when someone is using the other. But if you actually communicate that possibility is severely diminished.

I for one like girls who look at the straight goods of life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a guy approaching a girl just because she is sure fuck. We all want to get laid so there's nothing wrong with being upfront about it. But it is uncool to hurt people when they clearly want more. That guy should have talked a bit more to you. But going home with again was an indication that you were into it.

Finally, did he say he was gonna call? Did you ask him to?

Anyways I'm rambling again. I think that you seem very nice and are a bit confused by this. I would recommend that you use this as a learning opportunity to develop better, more communicative, and more aggressive dating and sexual habits. Forget about your friends. Don't ignore him - go find him this weekend. Decide in advance what you want. Ask him if that is what he wants. Listen to his answer and negotiate if there is a compromise situation that is still fun for you even though its not ideal. If not, be friendly and say goodbye. No need to be bitter, or scared. Just happy, confident and assertive. You will ge tso much more out of life that way than by playing the old fashioned roles.

Hope it works out for you. All my best.


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Originally posted by rosepetal99:

That's exactly what I did the first time, but he keeps approaching me. I wouldn't mind except all my friends go to this club too and see me with him every week and ask all these questions and I can't even answer them

Tell me the club name...I'll go to NY and approach you...who knows.


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  • 2 weeks later...

well keep on going to that club and like everyone else said ignor (sp) him, since he doesn't call u please tell me u haven't called him. don't give in...act like u don't care / just tell him how u feel and if he doesn't feel the same way... next? cwm19.gif


"twenty-four hours a day and 168 hours a week are yours to use - in whatever way you choose. How will you choose to use your time?" athenalust@hotmail.com

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