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What things cause you to get tired of going to a club?

Guest mr.miami

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Guest Chica

My advice is take a cab and get off at the front of the club, get out of the club take a cab in front of the club to go home, thats what we do and never had any problems.....

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Guest mr.miami

i had something pretty trippy happen to me coming out of Noc last weekend. a lady bum started hassling me for money as i was approaching my car. now normally i dont mind giving a buck or two out on my way back, but immediately i saw a parking ticket on my car and asked her to leave me alone. she was still very persistent, not to mention VERY scary looking. not even like a human, and more like something out of Lord Of The Rings. she then positions herself between me in my drivers seat and the door i wanna shut and is screaming for money. i begin to force the door shut after politely asking her to move. she doesn't budge. my friend is screaming at her to "get the f**k away" and she turns violent. she starts beating my head with a water bottle. not only this, but the water bottle is full of a brown, syrupy substance which is pouring all over me. in previous accounts to my friends i have referred to it as "AIDS juice". long story short i had to do what i had to do to get her out out of the way. a little grossed out from the liquid (which i pray was Coca-Cola) but otherwise a pretty good laugh.

Uhh is that for real? That is the most bizarre story ive ever heard.

Rules for going to your car downtown at night

1.always have your keys in your hand

2.always look around yourself to spot potential troubles. IE if you see like 5 homeless people in a group go around them

3. walk a decent speed and dont come off drunk looking

4. Once in car lock car doors

Did I miss any? hahah

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Guest pod

With parking on average costing $20 - $30, a cab makes more sense. Especially if you're going with a crew. You grab 2 or 3 people and it breaks down to something reasonable. No need for designated drivers, either.

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I follow the music i like hence why im going to pawn shop despite the fact im not a huge fan of that venue ... as long as aquabooty is there ill be there.

I dont particularly go to the downtown clubs for 2 reasons

1. area its in

2. music being played

sobe clubs

. i only go to 3.. laundry bar, cafeteria and blue. though id go to mansion if they had more events to my liking

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Guest Philip

If they get violent you should have gotten the police.

well that would have required me getting out of the car. there was someone in the way.

your telling me if someone is beating you over the head your gonna sit there and call 911? :)

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Guest Philip

i had something pretty trippy happen to me coming out of Noc last weekend. a lady bum started hassling me for money as i was approaching my car. now normally i dont mind giving a buck or two out on my way back, but immediately i saw a parking ticket on my car and asked her to leave me alone. she was still very persistent, not to mention VERY scary looking. not even like a human, and more like something out of Lord Of The Rings. she then positions herself between me in my drivers seat and the door i wanna shut and is screaming for money. i begin to force the door shut after politely asking her to move. she doesn't budge. my friend is screaming at her to "get the f**k away" and she turns violent. she starts beating my head with a water bottle. not only this, but the water bottle is full of a brown, syrupy substance which is pouring all over me. in previous accounts to my friends i have referred to it as "AIDS juice". long story short i had to do what i had to do to get her out out of the way. a little grossed out from the liquid (which i pray was Coca-Cola) but otherwise a pretty good laugh.

Uhh is that for real? That is the most bizarre story ive ever heard.

Rules for going to your car downtown at night

1.always have your keys in your hand

2.always look around yourself to spot potential troubles. IE if you see like 5 homeless people in a group go around them

3. walk a decent speed and dont come off drunk looking

4. Once in car lock car doors

Did I miss any? hahah

yeah actually that whole story was a fake... ::)

as for your rules. i am very alert in that area and follow all those things. none of those items would have prevented the above situation. besides, keys in your hand is NOT a good idea.

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Guest pod

Pawn is a block from Space, Twilo, etc...it's in the same area pretty much, and there's still what a friend of mine calls the "Sketch Olympics" every night.

Bling. The three venues you list aren't clubs. They're lounges. You're a lounge rat before you're old enough to be a lounge rat.

Phillip, if someone is beating me over the head, I'm gonna beat back. From your post, it didn't sound like she was doing so. She-bum or not, I would have decked her. Drugged out, I'm sure she would have went down faster than a squadron bitch during Fleet Week.

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Guest Philip

Phillip, if someone is beating me over the head, I'm gonna beat back. From your post, it didn't sound like she was doing so. She-bum or not, I would have decked her. Drugged out, I'm sure she would have went down faster than a squadron bitch during Fleet Week.

thats what i meant by "i had to do what i had to do". i didn't hit her as much as i shoved her but yeah - thats pretty much what i did.

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Guest Fez

Barbarino' date=' you know as well as I do if you play it smart, people tend to leave you alone. I've walked from where the Herald Building is to Space at 3 in the morning before, and never been bothered. I'm smart about it. Gear concealed in my bag, walking like I had something for dinner that night. I don't threaten anyone, I just walk like I have a place to go, which I do. Call it street smarts or something.


With a brand new car and a girlfriend, no thanks, I'll take my chances in Baghdad before I park downtown.

I used to drive down there but got tired of dealing with the homeless. Also one time I got a flat downtown and had the epiphany that for now on Id just take a damn taxi.

Dealing with the homeless is easy. I just look at them like i'm crazy and I talk to them in a foreign language. Which in my case would be French or Creole. They realize that I don't speak English and look at me confused and walk away. LOL.

when they ask me for change...i say

yes i have change, thanks for asking you piece of shit homeless...LOL

speaking a different language other than spanish or english helps too

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Guest pod

I don't get hostile to start. I'm not gonna provoke a brawl just because, ya know? I've found that a polite 'no', or just keep on walking will solve 99 percent of any issues with homeless, be it downtown, or on that oh-so-clean and sanitary Washington Avenue. If they keep it up, by the time they feel aggressive, you're usually near some form of law enforcement or a trafficked public area where things can be taken care of.

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Guest Marina22

I don't get tired of going to a club since I don't go out that much anymore. Even when we went to Space more we never really got tired of it just ready for some variety ie. Shine, Blue, Crobar (was my other staple), Noc, and Nikki's. The homeless don't bother me since I just keep trucking and ignore them, it's very easy. I did it for a month in Madrid land of the gypsies and bums galore so downtown is a cake walk compared. I love going out but the things that get me sick of it are the lack of energy left (this is minimal and to be expected) but mostly the money spent at the end of the day/night.

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Guest deprivation

I've been downtown a few times and it seems to be an adventure to get to my vehicle. It seems there's some bum asking me for money. The whole enviornment just doesn't seem safe.

As for the club, I don't like it being overcrowded, little or no air conditioning, and rude door staff. Also, when people get drunk or on E and can't control themselves by either pushing people or walking into you throughout the night. It's ok to be messed up just don't ruin it for everyone else.

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Guest Marina22

I forgot about when it's too crowded b/c that is a pain for dancing and getting around as well. Also, those annoying ppl who just don't know and bump into everyone, they really suck.

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Guest LeVeL

Listening to the same music

Listening to the same music

Spending too much $$$ realizing I could of gone to a little vacation with all the money I spent that weekend =)

Totally agree with these...I always tend to take a break from Clubbing, now in days I only go clubbing once or twice a month.

I remember at one point I went out clubbing every weekend for 1 and a half years. But I am totally over those days and even going out on fridays and saturdays is hard for me, since there is not enough excitement in Miami's Nightlife to get me to go out twice in a weekend besides conference acourse when I party all week.

I have to say that Pod is someone who goes out every weekend and probably every days of the week but his job depends on it. He isn't like the rest of us.

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Guest pod

It is my job to be out a few days a week, yes.

However, I haven't gotten tired, per se. There's always something new to distract me.

As for crime? Well, in my mind, you can't have a cool club in a safe area since the residents will complain.

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I also used to do the foreign language thing w/ the bums but a few months ago I learned a whole new strategy which is kinda funny in a way but it seems to work and the bums won't hussle u down no more.

1. act super drunk, has worked many times for me...like actually falling on the ground drunk when u see they are approaching you, talk to them but try not to make any sence...instead of asking for a dollar they will try to look out for you.

2. when a bum ask you for a dollar, before they even try to say anything, ask them for a dollar right away...they will give you a stare...this also works.

ps...im sorry pod but the "cops" in downtown miami are the biggest jokes during early morning hours, i know from experience, secondly they are not going to rush over to you if let's say they call for backup/help because usually it's a bum chasing you or something minor, they take their sweet time, and eventually start questioning you like your the victim, since they sorta notice that you are in clubbing wear and chances are you just came out of space or an afterhours club.

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Guest Philip

i have a good strategy for avoiding giving bums money as well

i look them right in the eyes and say "no" :P

why beat around the bush? what happened to me was a fluke.

God i really didn't deserve that when i think of all the dollars ive given to those bums

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i have a good strategy for avoiding giving bums money as well

i look them right in the eyes and say "no" :P

why beat around the bush? what happened to me was a fluke.

God i really didn't deserve that when i think of all the dollars ive given to those bums

the water bottle didn't seem so bad, try a 2 by 4 piece of plywood by some dude that seemed like he got out of a boxing ring all hyped up, telling u that he will only let u get out of this parking lot space(that he claims is his but u paid 20 bucks hours ago) if you give him 5 bucks.

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Guest mr.miami

i have a good strategy for avoiding giving bums money as well

i look them right in the eyes and say "no" :P

why beat around the bush? what happened to me was a fluke.

God i really didn't deserve that when i think of all the dollars ive given to those bums

the water bottle didn't seem so bad, try a 2 by 4 piece of plywood by some dude that seemed like he got out of a boxing ring all hyped up, telling u that he will only let u get out of this parking lot space(that he claims is his but u paid 20 bucks hours ago) if you give him 5 bucks.

That happend to you where? Was that guy taller than you cus if not he had some balls.

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Guest Philip

i have a good strategy for avoiding giving bums money as well

i look them right in the eyes and say "no" :P

why beat around the bush? what happened to me was a fluke.

God i really didn't deserve that when i think of all the dollars ive given to those bums

the water bottle didn't seem so bad, try a 2 by 4 piece of plywood by some dude that seemed like he got out of a boxing ring all hyped up, telling u that he will only let u get out of this parking lot space(that he claims is his but u paid 20 bucks hours ago) if you give him 5 bucks.


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Guest Philip

i have a good strategy for avoiding giving bums money as well

i look them right in the eyes and say "no" :P

why beat around the bush? what happened to me was a fluke.

God i really didn't deserve that when i think of all the dollars ive given to those bums

the water bottle didn't seem so bad, try a 2 by 4 piece of plywood by some dude that seemed like he got out of a boxing ring all hyped up, telling u that he will only let u get out of this parking lot space(that he claims is his but u paid 20 bucks hours ago) if you give him 5 bucks.

That happend to you where? Was that guy taller than you cus if not he had some balls.

all4tribalism was probly more worried about his car when he left then about himself ;)

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Guest pod

Let's be honest here too, which bum in that area could pose a threat to you of all people, Diogo? A lot of you guys are acting like the homeless of Downtown and Miami Beach are all Ving Rhames clones.

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