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What things cause you to get tired of going to a club?

Guest mr.miami

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Guest skywalker01

use to rock that old space patio on a regular basis. finally got tired of seeing all the crack monkeys in the daylight (myself included). still enjoy a marathon night out every now and then but i try to reserve it for the big nights (wmc, etc).

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Guest LeVeL

I love my bums...IF I have a Quart of Malt Liquor or a drink in my hand I give it to them...if I got weed I give them the blunt.

Its all good but I dont give them money...I dont have a problem getting my bums fucked up..lol

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Guest brasiliandrunk

DJ's trying to bring new underground music so they don't play what everyone plays ( like the tracks everyone sings too ) stop trying to please other DJs and why not try to please the crowd with a at least a few songs WE ALL KNOW.... Innovation is good but don't go overboard.

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Guest brasiliandrunk

totally agree... but people still like the somewhat played out or at least something you know and can chant too when you drunk :)

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i have a good strategy for avoiding giving bums money as well

i look them right in the eyes and say "no" :P

why beat around the bush? what happened to me was a fluke.

God i really didn't deserve that when i think of all the dollars ive given to those bums

the water bottle didn't seem so bad, try a 2 by 4 piece of plywood by some dude that seemed like he got out of a boxing ring all hyped up, telling u that he will only let u get out of this parking lot space(that he claims is his but u paid 20 bucks hours ago) if you give him 5 bucks.

That happend to you where? Was that guy taller than you cus if not he had some balls.

all4tribalism was probly more worried about his car when he left then about himself ;)

was my buddy's car and he was still in the club, so year i was more worried about a 2 by 4 hitting the windshield than driving home with the windshield or a piece of wood stuck to it.

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Let's be honest here too, which bum in that area could pose a threat to you of all people, Diogo? A lot of you guys are acting like the homeless of Downtown and Miami Beach are all Ving Rhames clones.

like i said, i was not driving my car, it was a buddy's car and he wasnt w/ me, how would i explain that to a cop if something were to go down...i was not only trying to look out for me but the car as well, kinda thinking bout the consequences and not just grappling down the dude or runing him over w/ the car, which it came into mind but than i realized nah it aint worth it...i did however go look for a cop, there were 5 cop cars infront of space n not one of them outside/inside their cars, n once i got a hold of one, 2 cops showed up a good 45mins later when the bum was gonne.

felt like i was in la la land or some foreign country.

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Guest JMT

i had my car dented by a bum working a ghetto parking lot gate at a heat game. cops finally came after about 30 minutes and refused to write a report or do anything to help.

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Guest AlanS

Man, I've never had so much trouble downtown.

Likewise. I'm surprised to read about some of you having so much trouble with the bums down there. I usually park in a lot a block or two away and walk it. When confronted, I just say I don't have anything for you, have a good night/day and move on. Even on the walk from Pawn Shop over to the Space/Noc area, not something I care to do regularly, but you just gotta keep yourself together.

It also helps to be in groups of 3, 4, or more which is usually the case when I'm running peeps back to the beach in the morning :)

Thats just me though, and I hope to keep it that way. I am a little hesitant about bringing my new ride down there though, but did last weekend.

Anyway on the topic of this thread, bottom line for me is how much money and energy I have to burn. Since I do like to indulge in a few fine beverages during my nights out, the money can go quick sometimes, and burn-out is inevitable doing anything too much, too frequently. Thurs, Fri, and Sat, with maybe 5 hours of sleep each night, has just gotten tough.

Its not even so much anything about the music or its repetitiveness, since I'm usually out to enjoy the party and company of those in attendance, in addition to the music.

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Guest pod

A lot of the "burn out" syndrome I see from people who don't actually work the club industry comes from the whole deal of going from Thursday - Monday AM without much sleep and the obvious assistance that entails.

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Guest Diabolique

the Dj's track selection is AMAZING!...but not nearly as good as mine.

I can smoke a bowl at home without getting arrested.

oh! and...I can walk around topless/nekkid and !!!! I don't get hit on! woooow..and no cover charge too! ^_^

maybe I'm just getting old. ;D

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Guest xbbdc

when the crowd is too big or too small it just doesnt "feel" right.

when its hot as bawls and u need to find an a/c blowing to cool off.

hearing the same dj every week.

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Guest mursa

....its simple..........too much of a good thing, eventually gets dull and not as fun ....also getting older and the need for responsability in life makes one float away from the weekly club scene .

this is my perspective .

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Guest pod

What if your responsibility involves clubland?

I turned around today and was talking with a girl I know, and we've realised, we've been at it for awhile. I've seen the crowd flip over five times now.

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Years ago parking at space was free or 10 bucks, but these days it's a zoo down there and a rip off.

Parking aside, I'm over EDM, this weekend I did some spring cleaning and threw out all of my house cds.. I still have a lot on my computer, but I rarely play them. I haven't downloaded a new set in probably a year. Man I found some crap, some old Exit cds from Tony Draper, even if I still liked this crap still, I'm an adult now and can't pump this shit in public.

I did however find my Beastie Boys solid gold hits cd, now this is music!

A music board I use to post on, use to be "the music board" and I checked back in after months of not even reading it, and there are 3 people posting on it.

I'm ahead of the curve in terms of bailing on the edm scene compared with other cjers, but in a short year, most of us won't even be posting on cj, and if we are, you will be like me, you'll post but it has little to do with edm or clubs.

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