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thought about horny girl since there are so many here ...


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know what girls .. i was thinkin ... uy all talk about how much u like to fuck and get fucked and and what not, you tell us u want it hard and fast and u liek to suck dick .... all things i as a man and prob most guys here like to hear ! but , fyi - any girl that talks or acts liek to towards me ... would prob be a one-time fuck .... i'd bang the shit out of you and that would be it ... no seconds .. unless u were liek really hot or some shit ... but when u talk that way it gets me all wound up that i think in person i would hop on you to give it a try and after , i would be done with you ... and i think a lot of guys would thinks this way ... just giving you a tip .. u can talk slutty on here but in real life watch out, cuz as much as we like it we also dislike it .... but, do what u want .,..



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Joey, i'm not speaking for all the girls on this board, i'm speaking for myself... I talk what i like to do, and i talk how i like it done, where who what etc.. but i am still savin it for someone special who likes me for more then sexual activity, and i assure you i dont give anything up untill i know theres something special there. geez i dont even kiss on first dates!






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You are right. A lot of guys think like that. But its stupid and they should get over it. Everything has its place. You don't want a girl talking like a sailor at your office x-mas party. But not because it makes her a slut - because it means she's stupid.

But at the right times, even in public can be right, a girl who knows what she likes and says it turns me on to no end. And the nastier she is the more I want to keep her - not make it a one-time event.

But noboduy ever confused me with normal.

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I don't know... I can see where Joey is coming from. I mean, this swinger type life is fine up until a point, but you don't want to settle down with someone who is going to screw the next guy right behind your back.

I actually respect girls more if they DON'T give it up on the first night.

Then again, I'm not really into the whole one-night-stand lifestyle.

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I just totally disagree. Maybe its me but I want a woman that feels the same way about sex that I do. Do I respect myself less if I fuck a chick earlier than later? if I fuck lots of people? Hell no. As long as they are all good, clean, fun encounters. Why wouldn't I want the girl I settle down with to be the kind of girl that really gets me off?

No offense but I just don't get your attitude. The woman I want to marry is my equal, my partner in crime and perversity.

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My my my.. a topic that actually has some though behind it..

Heres my opinion.. .. actually.. first a comment.. Joey.. Did you think, that maybe the girls who are talking like "sluts".. are only looking to hook up for ONE nite? -.... Maybe these women are looking for exactly what you would be willing to give them?

I will take my own experience.. Now.. I for one, am always talkin shit on the boards.. and .. yeah, it is to a point, talking shit... I mean, dont get me wrong.. i do get down the way I express verbally.. I do get down and dirty... BUT.. not w/ just ANYONE.. ..While, I have engaged in casual sex, and enjoyed it, and used the person for those reasons only.. I do not enjoy myself as much as I would if I were with someone who actually meant sumthing to me..

BUT.. I am just sticking up for the "slut" talkers LOL.. or whatever you want to call us..

There is nothing wrong w/ a woman stating openly that she likes to fuck, and suck dick, if indeed she likes to do that.. But there is a time, and a place for everything.. I wouldn't sit at your fathers dining room table, and discuss my blow job technique.. But on a message board,, labeled SEX, there shouldn't be any reason to feel talk conservatively about the topics at hand..

smile.gif ---

Happy HuMP daY!


"I'm gone, you ain't worth tha tears

You lost tha best thing you ever had in ya life..a waste of my years"

"ouT 4 doL"


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i was just offering up some advise ... take it as u want ... all i was saying is that the way you talk on here makes u look and sound like a ho ... and that your;re waiting for some guys to come along and fuck u ... thats teh way i took it ven if you dindt mean it , likmylips ... u gace an open invitation to anyone that buys you vibrating panties can have the remote ... at least twice u posted that ... and whatever .. if this is a place for you to post and get all naughty and shit while hiding behind your computer , fine ... but bouth of you post pictures of yourself and and go to meet-ups .. your posts reflect on you as a person, so i was just saying becareful not to give teh wrong impression ... i know at least one person that uses a different name when she posts on the sex board to conseal her identity .... maybe thata good idea ... either way .. i dont care ...

ps- to who ever worte they like when girls talk dirty ... what guy doesnt ! but there is a time and a place girls that do that all the time or in public arent that attractive ot me .. i like it when a girl does it with me in private ... thats a turn on ...



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I dont think the way women speak on here should be held against them at all! Thats just ludicrous. Ims sick and tired of how it is socially exceptable that men speak dirty with his friends or in public but once a female does it, its looked down upon. Dont hate me because Im comforatble with my sex. Dont brand me for that matter either.

I think more women need to be more fluent with sexual talk. Yes there is a time and a place but I think mature minded women know when and where. The internet is for fun and entertainment...nothing more and nothing less. I dont think men should be ready to "jump my bones" when they see me because of the way I speak. hey, Ill tell it to you straight on here or in person. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I just think its sad statement for you to make Joey. I love ya to death but I just dont think its fair.

Maybe if more women were more open about sexuality with common everday conversation, there would not be soo many inhibitions facing us in and out of the bedroom. Speaking of it just shows confidence and knowledge. Sex is an art whether dirty talk or sensual.

Keep talking girls just be more careful with your wording. Some wording is making us look bad Ill admit *that* much. But I commend you all for BEing comfortable and confident. Just your wording styles do need to be a little more selective being it is bring the "slut image" to some. Im no angel, I have done it in the past but now, I try and watch what I put down on here because some people just cant be mature minded.

Anyway Joey...good post, I feel it but I dont!





- "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - uNKoWN

- "It's better to be baked, not fried!" - GrOOvE

- Myrlin's ho!

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Uhhh whoa people!! Calm down there.

I dont believe Joey's intentions here was to piss anyone off like it seems. He was just merely stating what his opinion from bird's eye view was. Give the guy a break and dont jump down his back with horrible insulsts.

Mature minded is what seems to definately be the problem here....actually the lack OF it!

Dont just reprimand him. I can see where he was coming from and agree to a point but I disagree with the whole point.

CHILL OUT...TAKE A LAXATIVE, SIT ON THE BOWL, then talk to me when all the shit is out of ur damn systems!



- "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - uNKoWN

- "It's better to be baked, not fried!" - GrOOvE

- Myrlin's ho!

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Uhhh whoa people!! Calm down there.

I dont believe Joey's intentions here was to piss anyone off like it seems. He was just merely stating what his opinion from bird's eye view was. Give the guy a break and dont jump down his back with horrible insulsts.

Mature minded is what seems to definately be the problem here....actually the lack OF it!

Dont just reprimand him. I can see where he was coming from and agree to a point but I disagree with the whole point.

CHILL OUT...TAKE A LAXATIVE, SIT ON THE BOWL, then talk to me when all the shit is out of ur damn systems!



- "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - uNKoWN

- "It's better to be baked, not fried!" - GrOOvE

- Myrlin's ho!

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uhmm.. well.. .. It took so damn long for me to get the reply box, that i almost forgot what I was going to write..

Ahh.. yes... Your advice might be well intended, but its a rather ignorant attitude to have toward sex. It kinda shows that your not as open minded as you may think you are when it comes to sex.

On another topic, yes I do post my photo on the board.. I have no reason to be ashamed of who I am. I am me, and I do not need to FRONT on anyone, becuase of what society might think.

I have never attended a meeting however, So, if you were referring to me, your mis-informed.. But.. I look forward to attending on in the future =).. Any ideas anyone?


Anyway -.. Righhhttt .... like i was saying.. You suggest the idea of creating a "alias" for the purposes of posting on the sex boards..I personally think that is for weak people.

I am an independent, strong, confident and sexually open and liberted woman, if someone cant handle that, then that is their own shit. I have no time for weak , closed minded individuals who feel the need to live their lives constantly judging others.

werd-- .. I stay true to myself, and Im the most important person to me.. So.. Fuck what everyone else has to say =P



"I'm gone, you ain't worth tha tears

You lost tha best thing you ever had in ya life..a waste of my years"

"ouT 4 doL"


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i had a big long explaination here ... but i erased it .... i have no time argue about this .... half of you seem, by the way you post like total sluts and if you dont mind coming off that way .. i dont give a shit .. have fun , happy fucking ...

and for the guy that said " fuck you " asshole, u can eat a dick for all i care ...



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what amazes me is that some are actually getting personal here. the guy just stated his opinion. take it for what it is...just an opinion. does it really bother you that much?

i don't necessarily agree with joey, but hey...it's his opinion. and that's what this message board is for. to post opinions, topics and stories. you can voice your opionion also, but let's not let someone's words lead to persecution. you should be proud of who you are...not matter what you do, believe or feel. whatever someone says shouldn't take from that.

can i get an amen?


I've got the beat...the one for your mind as well as your feet!

AIM: Phatskils2

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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

i was just offering up some advise ...

fuck you for being the narrow minded fool that you are. this is a sex board and people have the right to talk about whatever the fuck pleases them in their own little sexual practice..

and do you think that women who talk less about sex, in turn, act out less? believe me when i tell you that women who cannot express their sexual desires eventually become more promiscuous or the exact opposite and totally uncomfortable with sex.

so, who are you to judge people based on what they post on the SEX board? who are you to warn women how to talk in public? it sounds like your full of yourself much more than it sounds like an act of kindness. if it bugs you so much, move on to the clubbing posts.

and for fuck's sake, please learn how to fucking spell.. i know 2nd graders who do a better job than you do.. i feel like i need a translator half the time i read your posts.

to each their own.. fuck your advice.. take your chauvenistic horseshit someplace else..

then again, this is just my opinion, i may be wrong.. riiiiiight...

morph the angry womanizer


ps: leviathanx, please don't mistake sexual openness with promiscuity.. i don't think Anyone would be interested in falling for a girl who'll jusr fuck around behind your back.. that is something different than having a girlfriend who can openly express her sexual desires..

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I don't mind women expressing sexual openness, but once it starts to get raunchy I find it unattractive. That is just me, and it may very well be wrong because we are supposed to be an equal society these days, but I tend to find that men are almost expected to be uncontrollable sex machines; whereas, women are supposed to care more about the love aspect.

Ok... I'm going to get a bit technical - so everyone who wants to stop reading can. Now, the reason I believe the above is because of something I learned in psychology. Guys are instinctually trying to spread as much of their seed as possible to maximize their offspring. A guy can produce a baby every about 30 minutes, so nature has made him much more sex prone. Women, on the other hand, require 9 months to produce a baby, and need protection during that time. So women instinctually are more apt at creating an emotional connection with their lover, who needs to protect her and the baby for months to come.

Ok, end of the evolution explanation. Sorry. cwm4.gif

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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

i was just offering up some advise ... take it as u want ... all i was saying is that the way you talk on here makes u look and sound like a ho ... and that your;re waiting for some guys to come along and fuck u ... thats teh way i took it ven if you dindt mean it , likmylips ... u gace an open invitation to anyone that buys you vibrating panties can have the remote ... at least twice u posted that ... and whatever .. if this is a place for you to post and get all naughty and shit while hiding behind your computer , fine ... but bouth of you post pictures of yourself and and go to meet-ups .. your posts reflect on you as a person, so i was just saying becareful not to give teh wrong impression ... i know at least one person that uses a different name when she posts on the sex board to conseal her identity .... maybe thata good idea ... either way .. i dont care ...

ps- to who ever worte they like when girls talk dirty ... what guy doesnt ! but there is a time and a place girls that do that all the time or in public arent that attractive ot me .. i like it when a girl does it with me in private ... thats a turn on ...

Ok number one, So I am meeting these people, BUT IM NOT LOCKING LIPS WITH ANY OF THEM, AND I ALWAYS GO HOME ALONE! you obviously can't take a joke.. and as i remember, you were the one asking rachell to let you in on some '4some' action, in the 'i pronounce my love to likmylipz'.... So if you dont like seen girls talk dirty, then dont read the sex board...







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AMEN big baby!!~

and a round of applause to all of you... well until the name calling began. this is a touchy subject guys. we can be either applauded for being open-minded fun women or we can be called sluts. while i may have my seperate opinion on it (and i do!) i think it's best if we just let things go and not argue, it's pointless... you're not gonna convince joey to think any differently, as he's not goning to convince anyone else to change their minds...

i think the whole point is to just listen to everyone's opinions and not necesaarily agree to them, but consider them... it's part of the learning process...

alright-enough of this shit... let's play nice~ cwm41.gif


we are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams... wILLY wONKA~

the secret of being a bore is to tell everything ~vOLTAIRE

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I've thought. I've considered. Long and hard actually.

Joey can have all those woemn who talk about sex without getting too raunchy.

All those women smart and classy enough to know when to play nice but free-spirited and adventurous enough to know when and how to be really raunchy can come over to my place for a big party!! You are the chicks I love to hang with, to bang with, and to one day live with.

Women are people too IMHO and they have the brains and capability to know when to be naughty and when to be nice. And when they are naughty I don't want any half-assed shit. I want to hear them swear like a sailor while begging me to slap their ass and pull their hair smile.gif Then later on we can put on our finest and head out to the company christmas party where she can charm all my co-workers and their children with her kindness, caring, and charm. I don't see why I can't have it both ways and they can expect the same out of me.

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Originally posted by mrdick:

I've thought. I've considered. Long and hard actually.

Joey can have all those woemn who talk about sex without getting too raunchy.

All those women smart and classy enough to know when to play nice but free-spirited and adventurous enough to know when and how to be really raunchy can come over to my place for a big party!! You are the chicks I love to hang with, to bang with, and to one day live with.

Women are people too IMHO and they have the brains and capability to know when to be naughty and when to be nice. And when they are naughty I don't want any half-assed shit. I want to hear them swear like a sailor while begging me to slap their ass and pull their hair smile.gif Then later on we can put on our finest and head out to the company christmas party where she can charm all my co-workers and their children with her kindness, caring, and charm. I don't see why I can't have it both ways and they can expect the same out of me.

sir dick to the rescue... i love this guy!



we are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams... wILLY wONKA~

the secret of being a bore is to tell everything ~vOLTAIRE

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