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Rumor or Truth??

Guest Dour

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Guest mr.miami

So how about telling us some things that others told you that Cedric did that they thought were stuck up? You can't just come on here in say things in general. You have to be more specific than that.

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Guest dancefloored

R.I.P Nerve

best spot on the beach yet imo

Nerve doesnt open for conference anymore?

anyhooo this guy must have been up late when making his name shouldnt the D in DOUR be an S? SOUR is more fitting

Pod escort this dude to the door and see he is never let back in club CJ again

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Guest pod

Sensitive? I just made a crack about Indian people 2 seconds ago.

Don't get me started on the 'bully of the world' line either. That's for Junkie Chat.

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Guest Dour


My relationship with Space notwithstanding, there's some things you just don't say. I'll trivialize some crackhead getting his skull bashed by Miami PD, because A) he deserved it and B) it pisses the liberals off. But the mass slaughter of innocent civilians by a terrorist is nothing to make light of. Some of us on here knew people in the WTC.

Obviously,you don't beleive in freedom of speech. To some, what happened on 9/11 was a terrorist act. To others it was the work of a freedom fighter or a hero, not that I agree with them. Comparitively speaking, to us, George Washington was a freedom fighter and a hero. To the British at the time, he was a terrorist. It's all about perspective.

So don't say it's wrong to say one thing and not another. You may trivialize the guy who gets beat up for being to wasted, but one day, you may be the one to walk out of Space, stinking drunk, and a Miami police officer decides to bash your head. Is it ok to ridicule you then? I would say from your point of view, it is. So based upon that ideology, even if it is something bad that happens to you, even as bad as 9/11, it's ok to ridicule it.

Offensive humor is wasted on the closed minded.

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Guest Dour

R.I.P Nerve

best spot on the beach yet imo

Nerve doesnt open for conference anymore?

anyhooo this guy must have been up late when making his name shouldnt the D in DOUR be an S? SOUR is more fitting

Pod escort this dude to the door and see he is never let back in club CJ again

Here you go, for stupid people like you:

Dictionary.com's definition of dour

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Guest mr.miami

Why don't you do us all a favor and talk to us about what we want to hear? For example by your own words Cedric being snobby and an idiot. Here i'm asking you what he has done and you don't answer. You going around saying negative things about people and not giving specifics doesn't really do anything for yourself. This political tangent you are going on makes no sense.

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Well here's the way I see things. Whether these things are true or not, I'm not gonna comment on.

I see a lot of this, and of course, I wonder, if it's just information, or the result of a personal vendetta?

It's a personal vendetta. I think all clubs in Miami should be taken out. ::)

wtf? are u a leader of some church group or something?

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Guest pod

Obviously,you don't beleive in freedom of speech.

I do, but with that freedom comes responsibility. I will give you one whole American dollar if you run down Martin Luther King Boulevard screaming "Kill All The Darkies". You have the right to do that, ya know. I know every racial slur in the book (grandmother was very racist), but I'm not ripping anyone with it. Only person I rip on racially is Whitey.

One of the things I can't stand in this world is the liberals who run around excusing things in the name of being open-minded. You know, there's tribes in Africa that hack off the genitalia of female children. But nothing is done because it's "their way".

I'm gonna establish a religion where I can take whiny lib voters like you and beat you with an ASP baton every Friday night. It's part of my culture you know. By hitting you over the head, I'm venting my anger and channeling it to the Flying Spaghetti Monster so he can strike down his foes with the Mighty Fusilli.

As you hang around here longer (provided you don't piss me off and I lock out your account), you'll realize we're a pretty tolerant bunch, and laugh and stand a lot of things. That being said, there is a line, and you did cross it.

Oh, by the way, freedom of speech ends at the virtual door to this forum. Think of it as someone's house.

Geez, this is scary, I'm agreeing with Mr. Miami again. Seriously, if you don't like the guy on the decks, suggest some alternatives. And suggesting yourself doesn't count either. And being the drama whores we are, we'd love to hear what the personal vendetta is.

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Well here's the way I see things. Whether these things are true or not, I'm not gonna comment on.

I see a lot of this, and of course, I wonder, if it's just information, or the result of a personal vendetta?

It's a personal vendetta. I think all clubs in Miami should be taken out. ::)

wtf? are u a leader of some church group or something?

maybe a cult

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Guest Dour

Why don't you do us all a favor and talk to us about what we want to hear? For example by your own words Cedric being snobby and an idiot. Here i'm asking you what he has done and you don't answer. You going around saying negative things about people and not giving specifics doesn't really do anything for yourself. This political tangent you are going on makes no sense.

I will be happy to do you the favor. I formed my opinion of him by my experience with him and the equal experience I have heard others have had. Actually, at one time, I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, regardless of what I had heard. I try not to make opinions based upon the words of others. I found that the opinions of others were true. He is arrogant. Perhaps it is due to low self esteem and a poor self image. Maybe Miami clubland has marred his soul. Regardless, I don't try to justify his actions. I just hold him in low opinion as a person, which resultingly makes me dislike him as a DJ, and the fact that he plays the same records week in and week out doesn't help. What else can I say? Would you like me to detail every experience? It would take quite some time. My suggestion, try talking to him and perhaps you will see it the way I do. I know I am not the only one.

By the way, it's too bad about having to wait on Crobar. I really liked that place.

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Guest myles hie

2. Cedric is going to get fired from Space after the beginning of the year. Good job Puig. That stuck up French idiot needed to be fired. He's been playing the same 15 songs for 3 months and his attitude stinks.

Never met the dude, but a birdy told me he would never book him because of his bad attitude. oh well.. c'est la vie..

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Guest mr.miami

I dont really care about talking to the djs i just like hearing about the club trash talk that goes around these boards.

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Guest Dour

Obviously,you don't beleive in freedom of speech.

I do, but with that freedom comes responsibility. I will give you one whole American dollar if you run down Martin Luther King Boulevard screaming "Kill All The Darkies". You have the right to do that, ya know.

One of the things I can't stand in this world is the liberals who run around excusing things in the name of being open-minded. You know, there's tribes in Africa that hack off the genitalia of female children. But nothing is done because it's "their way".

I'm gonna establish a religion where I can take whiny lib voters like you and beat you with an ASP baton every Friday night. It's part of my culture you know. By hitting you over the head, I'm venting my anger and channeling it to the Flying Spaghetti Monster so he can strike down his foes with the Mighty Fusilli.

As you hang around here longer (provided you don't piss me off and I lock out your account), you'll realize we're a pretty tolerant bunch, and laugh and stand a lot of things. That being said, there is a line, and you did cross it.

Oh, by the way, freedom of speech ends at the virtual door to this forum. Think of it as someone's house.

I edited the original statement for you about 30minutes ago. No need to cry anymore like a liberal hippie.

By the way, I like the sound of you religion. When can I join?

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Guest rollyp66

By the way, it's too bad about having to wait on Crobar. I really liked that place.

Great things come to those who wait...

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Guest pod

I didn't say you had to edit. What I'm saying is that there's always a line, and unfortunately you crossed it. And it's usually the liberal bunch going "we deserved to be attacked". You know the type, Hollywood actors with about as much connection to reality as you are connected to the Miami club scene.

Even the most hardened arch conservative has his level of being offended. I'm sure if you ripped on the Master Race, Hitler would lay the smack down upon you. Or if you called Osama a rug pilot, he'd be pretty peeved. Or if someone called you a <insert ethnic slur here>, you'd be ticked.

But anyway, we're debating off the subject here. Come one, we all really wanna know the vendetta? Otherwise we'll make stories up out of whole cloth, and you know how that goes.

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Guest Eddy Guerra

Why don't you do us all a favor and talk to us about what we want to hear? For example by your own words Cedric being snobby and an idiot. Here i'm asking you what he has done and you don't answer. You going around saying negative things about people and not giving specifics doesn't really do anything for yourself. This political tangent you are going on makes no sense.

I will be happy to do you the favor. I formed my opinion of him by my experience with him and the equal experience I have heard others have had. Actually, at one time, I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, regardless of what I had heard. I try not to make opinions based upon the words of others. I found that the opinions of others were true. He is arrogant. Perhaps it is due to low self esteem and a poor self image. Maybe Miami clubland has marred his soul. Regardless, I don't try to justify his actions. I just hold him in low opinion as a person, which resultingly makes me dislike him as a DJ, and the fact that he plays the same records week in and week out doesn't help. What else can I say? Would you like me to detail every experience? It would take quite some time. My suggestion, try talking to him and perhaps you will see it the way I do. I know I am not the only one.

By the way, it's too bad about having to wait on Crobar. I really liked that place.

even though he is one of my best friends , i happen to think he is one of the nicest ppl i know

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Guest Dour

I didn't say you had to edit. What I'm saying is that there's always a line, and unfortunately you crossed it. And it's usually the liberal bunch going "we deserved to be attacked". You know the type, Hollywood actors with about as much connection to reality as you are connected to the Miami club scene.

Even the most hardened arch conservative has his level of being offended. I'm sure if you ripped on the Master Race, Hitler would lay the smack down upon you. Or if you called Osama a rug pilot, he'd be pretty peeved. Or if someone called you a <insert ethnic slur here>, you'd be ticked.

But anyway, we're debating off the subject here. Come one, we all really wanna know the vendetta? Otherwise we'll make stories up out of whole cloth, and you know how that goes.

He had sex with my little brother and recorded it. Now it's all over the internet.

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Guest coach

So, wait, what is the point? You just want to publicly bash Cedric because you find his personality annoying? Not that you don't have a right to, but it seems extraordinarily petty.

As far as Crobar goes, if that is true, it is sad to hear. Can you provide some documentation?

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Guest pod

I'm a fucking prick, but I still manage to have friends. You just have to get to know me. For the record, I used to rip on Cedric hardcore like 3 or 4 years ago. Eddy had to talk fast a few times on my behalf.

Again, if that's what's bothering you, I feel bad for you. Not because of what Cedric may or may not have done, but because you place so much stock in this vendetta. Sad, really. You could direct that energy somewhere more productive. Ripping on some guy playing in a nightclub is so passé.

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Guest Philip

I didn't say you had to edit. What I'm saying is that there's always a line, and unfortunately you crossed it. And it's usually the liberal bunch going "we deserved to be attacked". You know the type, Hollywood actors with about as much connection to reality as you are connected to the Miami club scene.

Even the most hardened arch conservative has his level of being offended. I'm sure if you ripped on the Master Race, Hitler would lay the smack down upon you. Or if you called Osama a rug pilot, he'd be pretty peeved. Or if someone called you a <insert ethnic slur here>, you'd be ticked.

But anyway, we're debating off the subject here. Come one, we all really wanna know the vendetta? Otherwise we'll make stories up out of whole cloth, and you know how that goes.

He had sex with my little brother and recorded it. Now it's all over the internet.

link or stfu

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Guest pod

Well what we're getting at here is honestly, what did he do to you personally? I asked the same question all the time? Just because a DJ "sucks" I'm not gonna make it my life's mission to rip on him or her.

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Guest JustDade

Best Thread Ever!!!

Let's recap, shall we?


Local Celebrity=good



Crobar=Late and bad

Made In Miami=good but gone

Pod's New Religion=good

I don't think I agree with much of it but it's a fun read. Keep up the good work!

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Guest swank

By the way, it's too bad about having to wait on Crobar. I really liked that place.

Great things come to those who wait...

ROLLY up in the MoFo! Whaa Whaaaaat! :o

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