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Rumor or Truth??

Guest Dour

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Guest coach

I didn't say you had to edit. What I'm saying is that there's always a line, and unfortunately you crossed it. And it's usually the liberal bunch going "we deserved to be attacked". You know the type, Hollywood actors with about as much connection to reality as you are connected to the Miami club scene.

Even the most hardened arch conservative has his level of being offended. I'm sure if you ripped on the Master Race, Hitler would lay the smack down upon you. Or if you called Osama a rug pilot, he'd be pretty peeved. Or if someone called you a <insert ethnic slur here>, you'd be ticked.

But anyway, we're debating off the subject here. Come one, we all really wanna know the vendetta? Otherwise we'll make stories up out of whole cloth, and you know how that goes.

He had sex with my little brother and recorded it. Now it's all over the internet.

LMAO!!! I was thinking of posting something like that as a jab. Nice move.
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Guest vanbuurenfan

dour: Scot.. (of land) barren; rocky, infertile, or otherwise difficult or impossible to cultivate.

you are infertile? cant have kids....thats a good thing.

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Guest pod

I don't have a favourite DJ. I have a favourite amount of alcohol to consume. Something rational. The DJ just provides the soundtrack, and after the 10th drink it all fades into a semi-hazy mess anyway. The only thing I remember is talking shit with my posse.

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Guest Fez

Cedric signed with Bullitt not too long ago...

the last thing he's gonna care is about spinning for Space...

and he's not arrogant...he's French...you americans need to learn how to deal w/ other nationalities...lol

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Guest Dour

Well what we're getting at here is honestly, what did he do to you personally? I asked the same question all the time? Just because a DJ "sucks" I'm not gonna make it my life's mission to rip on him or her.

I like how you make things larger than they seem. Just because I write how I feel about someone, doesn't mean I have a vendetta. But for the record, my mission in life is sex and money. My mission for the past couple hours was to get some kicks spreading info about clubland. I just happen to be able to take a potshot at someone I don't like on the way. Mission accomplished.

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Guest pod

I can appreciate the sex and money part. What I'm getting at is that you seem to have an ulterior motive throughout all this. Ripping on a DJ isn't worth the time it takes to type it out. A) Nobody cares. B) The DJ certainly doesn't care.

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Guest vanbuurenfan

Well what we're getting at here is honestly, what did he do to you personally? I asked the same question all the time? Just because a DJ "sucks" I'm not gonna make it my life's mission to rip on him or her.

I like how you make things larger than they seem. Just because I write how I feel about someone, doesn't mean I have a vendetta. But for the record, my mission in life is sex and money. My mission for the past couple hours was to get some kicks spreading info about clubland. I just happen to be able to take a potshot at someone I don't like on the way. Mission accomplished.


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Guest Dour

I can appreciate the sex and money part. What I'm getting at is that you seem to have an ulterior motive throughout all this. Ripping on a DJ isn't worth the time it takes to type it out. A) Nobody cares. B) The DJ certainly doesn't care.

Where was the ulterior motive?? I said things about 4 clubs, good things about 2 parties, and bad things about 1 dj. No one seems to have disagreed with me about any of these thing, including the most talked about part. You even partially supported my point. I was just restating things I have heard from trusted people. The only reason I responded further on the dj topic is because I was asked...repeatedly.

Ripping on anyone is worth whatever time you want to make of it. And obviously you're wrong because A) People on here care...they haven't stopped talking about this specific part of my 4 original points and B) my opinion of him should cause you to realize that I don't care if the DJ cares.

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Guest pod

You'd be surprised at how many people don't. Those who do are 10 percent of our board population, aka the power-posters. The other 90 percent find it good reading, that's about it.

If anything, I should give you credit for stirring the pot, you can only read so many threads about parties. Your original post just came across as a bit vendetta-ish, since the last time you ventured on here, you ripped on the same guy.

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Guest ClubDiva05

A mass of very differant opinions are held by people with regards to Cedric. The one thing everyone seems to agree on is that, to put it bluntly he is a pussy lover. That being said even if he did do this video thing what would be your problem with that Dour?

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Guest Dour

Well what we're getting at here is honestly, what did he do to you personally? I asked the same question all the time? Just because a DJ "sucks" I'm not gonna make it my life's mission to rip on him or her.

I like how you make things larger than they seem. Just because I write how I feel about someone, doesn't mean I have a vendetta. But for the record, my mission in life is sex and money. My mission for the past couple hours was to get some kicks spreading info about clubland. I just happen to be able to take a potshot at someone I don't like on the way. Mission accomplished.


If money isn't part of your life's mission, I'll make sure to drop a quarter in your empty McDonald's cup next time I see you sitting on the corner.

And since sex isn't part of your mission either, I can guess you must have gone broke paying for all those porn sites

Have a nice day :)

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Guest mr.miami

Hmm... Dj sex talk. IS it the dj doing the kiss and telling, or the dj groupettes? Do girls go around to the world announcing they slept with a dj?

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Guest JustDade

I can appreciate the sex and money part. What I'm getting at is that you seem to have an ulterior motive throughout all this. Ripping on a DJ isn't worth the time it takes to type it out. A) Nobody cares. B) The DJ certainly doesn't care.

Where was the ulterior motive?? I said things about 4 clubs, good things about 2 parties, and bad things about 1 dj. No one seems to have disagreed with me about any of these thing, including the most talked about part. You even partially supported my point. I was just restating things I have heard from trusted people. The only reason I responded further on the dj topic is because I was asked...repeatedly.

Ripping on anyone is worth whatever time you want to make of it. And obviously you're wrong because A) People on here care...they haven't stopped talking about this specific part of my 4 original points and B) my opinion of him should cause you to realize that I don't care if the DJ cares.

I don't know, nor do I care, if any of the four things you posted were true or not. One could draw the conclusion that you have an ulterior motive for posting them because they have some common themes.

You are down on Cedric and have negative things to say about Crobar. You even take a little jab at Puig. Then you praise Local Celebrity and Made in Miami, which have the same promoters. It's not a huge leap for someone to think you've got an agenda.

I, however, just like reading the witty posts. Not since Oscar G abandonded the board have we seen such well worded, stinging banter. Well done, my friend!

Oh....sorry about your brother.

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Guest Dour

You'd be surprised at how many people don't. Those who do are 10 percent of our board population, aka the power-posters. The other 90 percent find it good reading, that's about it.

If anything, I should give you credit for stirring the pot, you can only read so many threads about parties. Your original post just came across as a bit vendetta-ish, since the last time you ventured on here, you ripped on the same guy.

Thanks for the credit. Next time I'm out you'll have to buy me a shot. Hopefully it got your traffic up.

I can see how you may see it as a vendetta, but everything I posted was there to stir up the pot. It was just that one that got the fires heated up.

Next time I come on, I'll start a poll about what people think about Cedric. Then you can call it a vendetta.

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Guest pod


Well seriously, if you say there's no vendetta, then make everyone believe so. Make your next rip on like how it sucks that they closed down El Centro.

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Guest ClubDiva05

This guy is an idiot. I am the first to say that no-one's opinions should be ridiculed because everyone has differant view on what is right and wrong but those are called gray areas. Murder and terrorism are wrong. G.Washington was at worst a rebel, not a terrorist. He did not kill a mass amount of innocent Brits because he believed they were evil. He fought for freedom, a way of life that HE and his people wanted for themselves. Terrorists fight to impose their way of life on others. You are an asshole (this guy deserved it without it being cute). Pod this guy obviously has no intellectual thoughts to contribute to the board. I move you ban him!!!

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Guest Dour

I can appreciate the sex and money part. What I'm getting at is that you seem to have an ulterior motive throughout all this. Ripping on a DJ isn't worth the time it takes to type it out. A) Nobody cares. B) The DJ certainly doesn't care.

Where was the ulterior motive?? I said things about 4 clubs, good things about 2 parties, and bad things about 1 dj. No one seems to have disagreed with me about any of these thing, including the most talked about part. You even partially supported my point. I was just restating things I have heard from trusted people. The only reason I responded further on the dj topic is because I was asked...repeatedly.

Ripping on anyone is worth whatever time you want to make of it. And obviously you're wrong because A) People on here care...they haven't stopped talking about this specific part of my 4 original points and B) my opinion of him should cause you to realize that I don't care if the DJ cares.

I don't know, nor do I care, if any of the four things you posted were true or not. One could draw the conclusion that you have an ulterior motive for posting them because they have some common themes.

You are down on Cedric and have negative things to say about Crobar. You even take a little jab at Puig. Then you praise Local Celebrity and Made in Miami, which have the same promoters. It's not a huge leap for someone to think you've got an agenda.

I, however, just like reading the witty posts. Not since Oscar G abandonded the board have we seen such well worded, stinging banter. Well done, my friend!

Oh....sorry about your brother.

I think you may have misread one part of what I wrote. I like Crobar and am looking forward to it opening. I miss that venue.

On another note, I do enjoy Space, some of their guests and most of their residents. I think that Puig makes great decisions and if Cedric is fired, I would add that to my list.

Also keep in mind, the title is "rumor or truth"? which meant that it was something that I heard from reliable sources, but was hearsay.

I'm not affiliated with Biz and his people, although it seems he has the formula for success since I have enjoyed both of those parties. So although you make an astute assumption, sadly it is incorrect.

Thanks for the words of praise.

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Guest coach

Hey, don't forget, those darn American revolutionary terrorists destroyed all that tea! I'm sure that's as bad as crashing airliners into skyscrapers!

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Guest Dour

Now we all have to drink coffee which resulted in Starbucks taking over the world helping to expand globalization and thus causing the expansion of modern day slavery.

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