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Gotta agree with Saleen on .....


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Guest pod

Not really. Some of the best guys in town did their homework and promoted their small events properly the first time out. "First time" isn't a legit excuse when there's a wealth of resources at your disposal on how to do it properly.

Myles, what constitutes a crap event is anything you throw. Just kidding. ;D

But seriously, what I'm getting at is there's a lot of substandard events in town these days. I shouldn't bash them though, because without crap, how would anyone know what is good? Contrast is needed. How would we know light is light without the dark? What is the sound of one hand clapping?

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Guest myles hie

Myles, what constitutes a crap event is anything you throw. Just kidding. ;D

hehehe, how did i know you were going to say that ;)

But seriously, what I'm getting at is there's a lot of substandard events in town these days. I shouldn't bash them though, because without crap, how would anyone know what is good? Contrast is needed. How would we know light is light without the dark? What is the sound of one hand clapping?

I hear ya, but what do you consider crap? venue, music, crowd. Good and bad clubs/nights is totally subjective imo

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Guest pod

Like good parties, bad parties are combination of things, some subjective, some not. For me, a bad party is the opposite of what I consider a good party. I consider a good party to be a combination of a well-taken-care of venue with great sound and lighting reinforcement, a happy, well-conducted crowd socializing and interacting, and musically, a DJ playing dance music, whether it be mainstream or not.

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Guest spinderella7713

I see. so if someone thows a bbq are they responsible for the food and alcohol....cause that would be pretty expensive, there are alot of us.

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Guest Seb

I see. so if someone thows a bbq are they responsible for the food and alcohol....cause that would be pretty expensive, there are alot of us.

usually everyone would be assigned to bring something with them. Last few times we have had a list of items that each person would be responsible for

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Guest spinderella7713

i was just told that the last cj party had 200+ people and 20 djs......what central location can hold that?

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Guest pod

I'm kicking this around some, will get back to you with my suggestions in a bit.

200 was a bit of an extreme. I would say never more than 70 or 80 max.

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Guest spinderella7713

I'm kicking this around some, will get back to you with my suggestions in a bit.

200 was a bit of an extreme. I would say never more than 70 or 80 max.

just a suggestion. oleta state park on the intercoastal huge open party cabin thing....holds 200 peeps ....electric (for djs).....water....bbq grills......

i likee.

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Guest Philip

What is the sound of one hand clapping?

doubt there is much of one. you could click your thumb though. that sounds a little like clapping

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Guest Diaga

This Board is no longer about the Clubbers its about the Promoters.

I agree, lots of things have change since I joined the forums back in 2003 after the spin off. for me personaly it was more fun back then. There are some many people that dont post here anymore and some of then got banned that made what i called the good days of CJ forums.

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Guest AlanS

I'd check first with any of the parks / cabins. When I called around for organizing these types of things a couple years ago, the first thing out of their mouth would be "No DJs!" Not that I haven't seen it happen, just sayin.

Flip always has the big one right at the beginning of Feb, but haven't heard a thing yet.

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Guest mursa

I'm kicking this around some, will get back to you with my suggestions in a bit.

200 was a bit of an extreme. I would say never more than 70 or 80 max.

At flips Feb BBq some 2 years ago...there was a point that there was around 150-200 people at one point ............it did level off though as afterhours time arrived . 8)

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Guest Seb

I'm kicking this around some, will get back to you with my suggestions in a bit.

200 was a bit of an extreme. I would say never more than 70 or 80 max.

At flips Feb BBq some 2 years ago...there was a point that there was around 150-200 people at one point ............it did level off though as afterhours time arrived . 8)

ya there was quite a crowd then, last year's party suffered a bit because of the rain.

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Guest colione98
This Board is no longer about the Clubbers its about the Promoters.

Well' date=' perhaps reason being is that the promoters have taken advantage of that the clubbers themselves have not been producing...

Both should be contributing where as promoters do their little adverstising and the clubbers [b']review, spit drama and generate roll calls...

Or maybe individuals got tired of being harrassed once they posted what was to be an opinion turned supposed fact....

Quite of few to my knowledge refuse to post due to the lack of maturity on some posters' part and are afraid to get flammed or whatever the word is used...

And lastly, this chatter about how reviews have gotten old and nobody reads them is like how quite a few event managers have realized this and themselves post flyers and post in the areas that they are knowledgeble in...

You know how many event managers and club owners read cool junkie? A lot....

I don't care how old and sorry a review is... A club like space gets promoted every week 2-3 times at that... Same club, same scene, same djs, same vibe, week in and week out... But only a review will allow others from the (outside of this cool junkie circle) to perhaps allow for their choosing...

Some review better the others but atleast the contribution is there to keep this forum what it is to be; a blend of aspects of a clubbers experience.....

There are a lot of individuals that may not post or even sign up but check in on a weekly basis to see what is ahead or what they have missed...

A post is one posters's opion at times factual which makes he/she simply that, a cool junkie poster.... Minus the moderators ;D

Drama is great,

Competetion is great,

Reviews are great,

Promoting is great..

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Guest lulamishka

mmmm...food...i am there ;D

You should come by Restaurant & Food Junkies sometime. Scroll all the way down on the Forums page to find it. :P 8)

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Guest colione98

You want one, plan it.

It's up to you guys to generate the threads and so forth.

Frankly, the issue is that most stuff tends to blend into each other. "Reviews" end up the same way...so and so rocked, etc. Lurkers aren't gonna post if that's all they see.

Ok- so promoting, drama, roll calls and talk about the lastest acts, or which club is opening up and or closing is any way different? A lurker is exactly that! How is a lurker going to post and contribute to the above mentioned from across the country looking for a venue to party upon their next arrival?

And as a chief moderator, I would think that you would be a bit more encourgaing..

Not trying to get on your bad side POD while keeping it on a professional level......

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Guest lulamishka

love how this is now a bbq thread.......... :)

leo's churrasco...lee's rum cake and jackie's shish kabob ( i think ) is a neceessity we need one when jacyln in town ;D

Bling, Leo doesn't post anymore [that I'm aware of]. I wouldn't realistically expect him to want to cook for a CJ BBQ. If he does by some chance, great, but I wouldn't start reminiscing and wanting the BBQs of old. CJ is not the same as it was 1-2 years ago.

And for for Fliptoniaaa... Flip rarely comes around these parts anymore either. So I wouldn't start hoping they'll offer up their place again.

I've got nothin' but love for both of them, but I'm just being honest & realistic here.

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Guest coach

Actually, I totally disagree about people not wanting reviews. The reviews were one of the main reasons I joined CJ initially. That and the event listings. I didn't give 2 fucks about the drama or the politics, what I wanted to know was where the good parties were. I still do. I miss the reviews. We need way more. They are particularly good for appealing to the newbies.

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Guest Mayor

I am hearby offering up Gryphon for the DJ spinoff

you guys want - it its yours

and there is a bbq place called Renegades down the way


Yes they found a dead body there last week -

but thats part of the fun of bbq's

And about cooljunkie dying out - I have met some of you guys in the last year through cooljunkie including Bling, Colione, and a handful more.

We are all on here for a reason

Let it be a promoter, manager, bartender, waitress patron or owner - alot of people that I know do read these boards and actually take the information and decide how and what they want to do with it.

When I started reading cooljunkie it took me a while to get the balls enough to post

There are alot of intelligent people on here, but also people that are clueless in what works and what doesnt in different realms of this business

Some people can take information, use it and make their own interpretation and decide what to do with that info

That can go both ways where you can learn from the mistakes and failures and use it to your advantage for the next big thing

This board is useful...

This board has an ability to speak your mind and give your opinion in a way that you can speak to the industry and the people in it and shine or look like a total momo

keep it coming...

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