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The UK vs American club war has begun!

V. Barbarino

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Guest ramon

defected is still a great label. they put out quality records and don't need a showcase in miami to do so. it's a shame there won't be a party, but they have just gotten the rights to put out the strictly rhythm catalogue so maybe that cost them a bit of paper to do so.

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Guest musicalmissionary

... the world now knows these ass clowns are simply bashing Miami because they are going broke like the rest of the labels.

Don't get ahead of yourself dipshit. You haven't proven anything besides the fact that you can throw around insults and get a few cheap laughs in the process. Your logical reasoning skills are pathetic.

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Guest psboyuk

Very interesting discussion!! :o

I read the messages on the Defected board also. I'm disappointed that Defected has decided not to do a party here, but to be honest, I do agree with some of the points Mr. Dunmore had pointed out. I've lived here for over 20 years and have seen the club scene change a lot down here.

A post on the Defected site pointed out the post that appeared to start the UK vs US war of words, and it was not Dunmore's post!! These flame wars always take on a life of their own when generalizations of a group or community are made.

Comparitively, there are not many people in Miami who know their music as much as people from, say, London or any other major city. BUT, the people who do... LOVE their music. Those people seek out what they love and join message boards like this one to discuss what's going on with the scene. A lot of the people who do go out in Miami don't care about which DJ is playing - they just want to have a good time, drink, party, etc. It's different in London - there is a bigger scene there and I think companies like Defected notice that difference when they come here and throw parties.

I do agree that EDM is still struggling over here, but I do like the fact that there are a lot of heads still pushing the envelope and playing what they love.

I hate the fact that they guy on the Defected site (a Brit from my home country I might add) decided to vomit and unload a bitch-fest on the US/Miami scene. If he lived here, he would know that there are a lot of people here who do love EDM and enjoy WMC when it comes to town.

As someone else said, the fact that Defected isn't coming this year means that other parties will get more business!!



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... the world now knows these ass clowns are simply bashing Miami because they are going broke like the rest of the labels.

Don't get ahead of yourself dipshit. You haven't proven anything besides the fact that you can throw around insults and get a few cheap laughs in the process. Your logical reasoning skills are pathetic.

DO NOT underestimate the ability to get a few cheap laughs, i find honor and respect in it.

i just can't understand why people care so much about what other people think.

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Guest musicalmissionary

... the world now knows these ass clowns are simply bashing Miami because they are going broke like the rest of the labels.

Don't get ahead of yourself dipshit. You haven't proven anything besides the fact that you can throw around insults and get a few cheap laughs in the process. Your logical reasoning skills are pathetic.

DO NOT underestimate the ability to get a few cheap laughs, i find honor and respect in it.

i just can't understand why people care so much about what other people think.

Who's underestimating? Cheap laughs and insults are the easiest most brainless form of comedy. Pick some stereotypes and exaggerate them... anybody can do it.

And don't confuse my comments for actually caring what Barby thinks. What I don't appreciate is when he makes certain points as if they are matter of fact when they are far from it. In such a case I enjoy correcting him or pointing out how wrong he is. If noone does, there are enough idiots around here that might actually think he knows what he's talking about.

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Guest pod

I'll be here all week.

Here's another one.

The doctor gave me six months to live. I couldn't pay the bill, so he gave me another six months.

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Guest myles hie

I think the US is ahead of the curve of a dying EDM scene. Maybe the other countries will catch up to us, but we Americans have short attention spans and EDM is something we all did as kids, open format is here to stay and I'll be honest, I like it better.

Such a poor outlook for an agent trying to get gigs for somebody. ???

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I'll be here all week.

Here's another one.

The doctor gave me six months to live. I couldn't pay the bill, so he gave me another six months.


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... the world now knows these ass clowns are simply bashing Miami because they are going broke like the rest of the labels.

Don't get ahead of yourself dipshit. You haven't proven anything besides the fact that you can throw around insults and get a few cheap laughs in the process. Your logical reasoning skills are pathetic.

DO NOT underestimate the ability to get a few cheap laughs, i find honor and respect in it.

i just can't understand why people care so much about what other people think.

Who's underestimating? Cheap laughs and insults are the easiest most brainless form of comedy. Pick some stereotypes and exaggerate them... anybody can do it.

And don't confuse my comments for actually caring what Barby thinks. What I don't appreciate is when he makes certain points as if they are matter of fact when they are far from it. In such a case I enjoy correcting him or pointing out how wrong he is. If noone does, there are enough idiots around here that might actually think he knows what he's talking about.

nah, of course i understand....i'm just referring to this situation as a whole....and really the whole goddamn internet. people get so worked up. all of a sudden we have an international crisis, with our allies, nonetheless! it's funny whenever i see a british person's posts i always visualize them talking in that silly accent of theirs.

they say puns are the lowest form of humor but i disagree. i think puns require a mastery of the english language. not so funny...but intelligent, i think. slapstick is probably the basest form of humor, now that's some stupid shit. insults, you are correct, are right down there. but creative insults....that's funny sometimes!

i personally don't give 2 fucks about what other people think. live and let live (or die, whatever, i don't care).

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Guest pod

While I think whomever posted the original comments was way off base (Dunmore?), I'm thinking his cohorts are getting way worked up over things. Though the best they could muster was having their video tech come over here and tell me that I don't know anything about running Defected. I kind of expected more.

Conversely, what do they expect, they slag on our neck of the woods, and we don't step up? Like I said earlier, if I ripped on London, I'm sure someone over there would have something to say.

I think it's a hoot though that people get worked up over some guys who probably play CDs for two hours. A to B, rinse and repeat. Come on, you've got 3 CDJs, 2 1200s, hopefully an effects box, and a decent mixer. Get crazy.

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Guest coach

Very interesting discussion!! :o

I read the messages on the Defected board also. I'm disappointed that Defected has decided not to do a party here, but to be honest, I do agree with some of the points Mr. Dunmore had pointed out.

Oh definitely! Difficulty getting around in a cab because there are so many people here to party is a great reason not to do a party.
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Guest musicalmissionary

Oh definitely! Difficulty getting around in a cab because there are so many people here to party is a great reason not to do a party.

James, I know you're not dumb enough to believe that's the real reason. Or are you?

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Guest musicalmissionary

ummm....sarcasm? or did they not teach that up in g'ville.... :P ;D

Nope... they only taught football and basketball. :P

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I think the US is ahead of the curve of a dying EDM scene. Maybe the other countries will catch up to us, but we Americans have short attention spans and EDM is something we all did as kids, open format is here to stay and I'll be honest, I like it better.

Such a poor outlook for an agent trying to get gigs for somebody. ???

I'm not an agent, I have a real white collar job, just when a friend of mine wants a gig, I blackmail a few people.

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Guest coach

Oh definitely! Difficulty getting around in a cab because there are so many people here to party is a great reason not to do a party.

James, I know you're not dumb enough to believe that's the real reason. Or are you?

::Shock!:: Are you saying they lieeeeeeeed about why they aren't coming???

Actually, my point remains that it is bad business practices to post stupid bashes on either Miami or WMC.

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Guest pod

Hah, you fell for the trap.

It's so obvious now I can't believe people get so offended by what he posts.

Yes, I was a victim once too. I think I threatened to run him over with a steamroller or something.

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