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Is it just me??

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Please tell me i'm not the only one.....is anyone else starting to feel their age? I'm 27 and for the first time in my life i'm starting to come to the realization that i actually have a biological clock. Most people that i know are getting married or are already married and having kids. My mother just got on my case about settling down, asking me when the hell i was planning on having kids because i wasn't getting any younger.

Last time i looked in the mirror the reflection that looked back at me was one of a teenager. This 21 year old at a bar corroborated it. He thought i was no more than 19. IN A BAR.

I no longer have the stamina to go out more than one day in a weekend....when i do it takes me a whole day to recover from my vodka induced hangover. And thats when i DO have the desire to actually go out. Its rare these days now.

Someone please tell me i'm not the only one? Is this just one of the signs that i'm growing up? Cause you know....i still want to be a toy's r us kid.

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Guest slamminshaun

And you're up before the crack of dawn on a Monday, well....then again, so am I. I understand what you're going through. I haven't been out regularly since before Halloween. The funny thing, it's not so much that I can't.....I just haven't felt like it lately. I'll be honest, not going out has made me feel alot more healthy, if that makes sense. Then again, I'll be 30 later this year. :o

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Guest pod

I can sympathize in a way. As far as going out? Well, for me, I wouldn't say it is because I lack the energy, it is more of that I'm really picky.

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i feel that way. Ill be 29 in May and quite frankly if it was a perfect world i would be married right now with a child by the age of 30 . but its not.

i like going out but really i dont have the energy for it like i used to. WMC is gonna kill me literally this yr. I will have to sleep a lot more .. screw it if i miss day parties.

i actually think about this stuff a lot. it gets depressing :-\

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Guest lulamishka

Please tell me i'm not the only one.....is anyone else starting to feel their age? I'm 27 and for the first time in my life i'm starting to come to the realization that i actually have a biological clock. Most people that i know are getting married or are already married and having kids. My mother just got on my case about settling down, asking me when the hell i was planning on having kids because i wasn't getting any younger.

Last time i looked in the mirror the reflection that looked back at me was one of a teenager. This 21 year old at a bar corroborated it. He thought i was no more than 19. IN A BAR.

I no longer have the stamina to go out more than one day in a weekend....when i do it takes me a whole day to recover from my vodka induced hangover. And thats when i DO have the desire to actually go out. Its rare these days now.

Someone please tell me i'm not the only one? Is this just one of the signs that i'm growing up? Cause you know....i still want to be a toy's r us kid.

You're not the only one, Jackie. :-*

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Guest ramon

Please tell me i'm not the only one.....is anyone else starting to feel their age? I'm 27 and for the first time in my life i'm starting to come to the realization that i actually have a biological clock. Most people that i know are getting married or are already married and having kids. My mother just got on my case about settling down, asking me when the hell i was planning on having kids because i wasn't getting any younger.

Last time i looked in the mirror the reflection that looked back at me was one of a teenager. This 21 year old at a bar corroborated it. He thought i was no more than 19. IN A BAR.

I no longer have the stamina to go out more than one day in a weekend....when i do it takes me a whole day to recover from my vodka induced hangover. And thats when i DO have the desire to actually go out. Its rare these days now.

Someone please tell me i'm not the only one? Is this just one of the signs that i'm growing up? Cause you know....i still want to be a toy's r us kid.

i'm taking your raver of the year title away. :P

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Guest Devilicious

You know you're not alone on this one babes. I think everyone goes through that realization at some point in their lives. For me it was after I turned 25. My epiphany was not about looking older or going out too much (or not enough), but rather was about where I was professionally in my life.

I get flack from my folks too about being this age and not married (or remotely interested in being married or having kids) But the thing is, it's your life. You're feeling your "biological clock" because the fam is putting those pressures on you - pressures you might not feel otherwise.

I just try to look within to determine what it is I want and whether I'm happy with where I am in my life regardless of what those around me are doing or want.

I don't plan to ever stop having fun, so get yer ass down here so we can enjoy it cos I'mma be a toys-r-us kid forever!!! ;D

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Guest LeVeL

I'm currently 25 years old and get the same thoughts all the time. I remember when I turned 21 I went clubbing every week for 2 1/2 years. But I thought about my life and my priorities that I have to accomplish. I also thought about my health and going out every weekend till 11am in the morning is not for me. I see people who party like that all the time and I see them all outof shape and you can tell how much they have aged from all those sleepless weekends.

I now try to take advantage of my weekends by accomplishing things that I usually wouldn't be able to do on the weekdays. I find myself doing other things besides going out clubbing every weekend. I feel that I have more energy and healthier do to that.

I just see it this way..I am 25 years old and the clubs and bars in Miami aren't going anywhere. I just dont feel the rush to do all my partying now, when I have so many years ahead of me to enjoy, I mean whats wrong with going clubbing at the age of 38 or 40?

I rather accomplish my goals now that I am young then be a Toy R Us Kid till I am 35 and then realize how my years have passed me by without accomplishing anything in my life financially and relationship wise with the opposite sex.

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Guest clubchicky

You know you're not alone on this one babes. I think everyone goes through that realization at some point in their lives. For me it was after I turned 25. My epiphany was not about looking older or going out too much (or not enough), but rather was about where I was professionally in my life.

I get flack from my folks too about being this age and not married (or remotely interested in being married or having kids) But the thing is, it's your life. You're feeling your "biological clock" because the fam is putting those pressures on you - pressures you might not feel otherwise.

I just try to look within to determine what it is I want and whether I'm happy with where I am in my life regardless of what those around me are doing or want.

I don't plan to ever stop having fun, so get yer ass down here so we can enjoy it cos I'mma be a toys-r-us kid forever!!! ;D

I couldn't agree with you more on this one! The pressure of what you SHOULD BE doing seems to put alot more stress on yourself than usual. I agree with pod that I don't go out alot unless it is where I want to go...I am EXTREMELY picky...and it's not that I am a snob....I just know that I won't have fun...why spend the money if it isn't something you don't want to do. I haven't been out to a local bar in jupiter in a looong time. Maybe like a duffy's or something after work with the friends I work with....but local hang-outs...I haven't been in the mood....

don't we all get pressure from our families to hurry up and get married......sometimes it gets hard for me to shut up all the noise.....I couldn't be more happy being single right now and being able to do and accomplish exactly what I want....if I want to go to space every weekend I can/...If I want to travel to Europe....just pick up and go I can...and will!!! It would be cool to meet someone to do these things with and share my dreams but I am not going to rush it or force myself for the sake of others!

With school I have limited myself to going out on weekends only....sometimes I do hate the hangovers...so I just stop going out for a bit....no biggy....no I don't feel like 27 is old AT ALL.....it's not like we are turning 50!!!! I guess I just look at things little differently because all my regulars at my bar are like pretty old...and they tell me how fast life goes by and they wish they could have done this or that.....so age is only what you make it.....I love being 27 and I feel great....20's and 30's are the time for us to rule the world haha!! ;D ;D ;D

ok I am done now...sorry it was so long....Shaun knows how strong I feel about this subject :-X

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Guest pod

I'm under zero pressure to procreate, since I have four male cousins with my last name. One of them is bound to do the job, and my biological imperative to spawn just doesn't work.

I'd say the only downside about aging is that I'm already showing signs of being that old guy who yells at kids to 'get off his damn lawn'. You've all seen the signs, me calling kids in this city degenerates, etc.

Party-wise? Well, I'm much more picky than I once was about where I go. I go out 2 or 3 nights a week, but I make them count. I'll dare to say that when I do go out, it's always a good time. If nothing's going on, like say on a Tuesday, well, I'm content to stay home and watch reruns of Miami Vice on channel 309. Whereas when I was 20 or 21, I was gunning for maximum exposure and went out 4 or 5 nights a week. I could still do that, if I wanted to, the energy is there if needed.

I'd say the key to "longevity" would be not to overdo anything. Too often I have seen people as young as 22 or 23 complaining about being burnt or tired. They're grumpy old men and women by the time they're 24. I'm not gonna get into the specifics, but we all know how things like this come about. Then the inevitable "settling down" and finding a "nice girl/boy". I've never liked hearing about that.

Frankly, I'm content to be single and a cold, calculating bastard. My life is much less complicated than people I know who are involved with someone. It's great, I just have to worry about one person.

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Guest jbit

Fun is one thing, but when "FUN" comes before your responsibilities its time to re-evaluate. Going out routinely stopped being fun a long time ago. I love the things about my life right now that I couldn't have imagined 10 years ago (not being hung over Sunday mornings, making it to work on Monday, xtra $$$ in my pocket from not drinking my self retarded, etc). I still love the music, which is why i still stick around here.

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Guest Devilicious

One side note:

"FUN" does not = going out to clubs

There are many many MANY things going on in this city and the surrounding areas that are an absolute ball but do not involve drinking or even music for that matter.

I stay young by having fun no matter what the situation. I even have ways to make cleaning the house enjoyable ;D

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Guest jbit

One side note:

"FUN" does not = going out to clubs

There are many many MANY things going on in this city and the surrounding areas that are an absolute ball but do not involve drinking or even music for that matter.

I stay young by having fun no matter what the situation. I even have ways to make cleaning the house enjoyable ;D

Agree 100%, although the context of the thread is club/drinking related. Fun is a state of mind, not just a side effect.

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Guest clubchicky

no matter how I try...I can't make cleaning the house enjoyable...LOL....even my small apt!!! no you are right....I don't have to go to a club.....Space is the only club I like to go to to let off some steam...besides that I am a bit boring to most people...I am constantly reading...I am at barnes n noble or at the coffee houses....hahaha...there are so many cool things to do that is why I love south florida...well except the old crazy drivers on the road...they can't walk thru a parking lot without a walker...but still drive..hehe

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Guest pod

I like to tell people that if I wasn't shooting, I wouldn't go out as much. This is totally true. I couldn't see myself camped out at the bar week in and week out. I'm not really a music person or a DJ follower. Nonetheless, I'm sure I would be involved in nightlife in some form or another, most likely on the technical level. I'd probably be the production director for a venue by now if I went that way. There's something about nightlife, at least in this city, that satisfies what is probably an undiagnosed ADD condition in me.

What started as a class project I managed to turn into a profession, hehe. From this:



To this:



Other than that, I'm quite boring. I fix computers sometimes, like to watch reruns of 80s TV shows off the dish, and I sometimes get off on verbally abusing people.

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Guest coach

Wow, you guys.

I actually didn't start feeling any "age" until I was in my very late 30s. Even at this point, the only real affect I find is a need for more sleep, which I hate. I used to be able to go forever on 5-6 hours of sleep a night, and even given the chance, could not sleep much more. I could easily go for about 4 days on 4 hours of sleep per night.

Up until I moved to Miami 4 years ago, I played soccer with people that ranged in age from 19 to 45 about 2 times a week and I would hit the mountain bike trails 2-3 a week, as well.

Since I moved here, my physical regimine has declined and I can tell. I am not as healthy nor energetic as I was, but I do not attribute this to age, but more to a lack of physical exercise.

I still rarely watch TV, and "go out" probably 5 nights a week. Generally, we are home by midnight or 1am on the weeknights, sometimes earlier, but we aren't vegging on the couch.

One thing that surprises a lot of people in their mid-20s is the acquisition of a "real" job. It is much easier to party all night every night when you are just slinging hash at the local diner and don't have to be to work until 2pm. I mean, getting up at 7am makes a HUGE difference. And college age people do not realize what an impact it makes until a couple years down the road. So, for many of you in that age range, that may be all that you are feeling. The accumulation of sleep deprivation from having to get up early.

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Guest Devilicious

no matter how I try...I can't make cleaning the house enjoyable...LOL....even my small apt!!! no you are right....I don't have to go to a club.....Space is the only club I like to go to to let off some steam...besides that I am a bit boring to most people...I am constantly reading...I am at barnes n noble or at the coffee houses....hahaha...there are so many cool things to do that is why I love south florida...well except the old crazy drivers on the road...they can't walk thru a parking lot without a walker...but still drive..hehe

check your pm ;)
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Guest pod

Yeah, the real world kicks in and a lot of people can't cope. I see it all the time. College kids claim to be party animals, but when they have to wake up and sell houses from 7 AM on, then it's a different story.

The one thing that changes the perspective is that around these parts, a lot of people work in the service industry, which, like you said, sometimes has you starting your day at 2 PM or something. My official day starts at 10, even though I'm up by 8:30. I just don't accept incoming communications until 10, unless it's an emergency.

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Guest coach

no matter how I try...I can't make cleaning the house enjoyable...LOL....even my small apt!!! no you are right....I don't have to go to a club.....Space is the only club I like to go to to let off some steam...besides that I am a bit boring to most people...I am constantly reading...I am at barnes n noble or at the coffee houses....hahaha...there are so many cool things to do that is why I love south florida...well except the old crazy drivers on the road...they can't walk thru a parking lot without a walker...but still drive..hehe

check your pm ;)

I hope you're telling her about JAM at MAM, Feb 15.
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Guest Devilicious

no matter how I try...I can't make cleaning the house enjoyable...LOL....even my small apt!!! no you are right....I don't have to go to a club.....Space is the only club I like to go to to let off some steam...besides that I am a bit boring to most people...I am constantly reading...I am at barnes n noble or at the coffee houses....hahaha...there are so many cool things to do that is why I love south florida...well except the old crazy drivers on the road...they can't walk thru a parking lot without a walker...but still drive..hehe

check your pm ;)

I hope you're telling her about JAM at MAM, Feb 15.

haha, nope I told her how I manage to make housework fun. But now that you mention it yeah, JAM at MAM is one of my favorite events!
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Guest clubchicky

haha....i am in the service industry right now...I bartend and clean up fter customers every night...so I think that may be why I don't like it so much ;D but I am anonly child(no I'm not spoiled) so I have to have things neat and clean as much as I despise it hehe

excerise is key to alot of things.....I am probably in the best shape of my life right now....not just for looks but for energy!! It really is amazing the stamina you have with regular excersice.....I hate regulated things....cause it gets boring...but there are tons of different classes and since I live for music....the spin class at my gym is the BEST....we get on our bikes in a room of black light and our instructor puts on the best house/breaks/rock.....so much fun!!!

It is hard for service industry people to not stay up late...I still manage to get up at 8am during the week....but I am not a morning person.....after work I am so wound up....it is hard not to have a drink after dealing with these crazy people...or even if I just go home after...I am up late doing homework or catching up on some tv shows I missed out on....there is not enough hours in a day.....I am scared that after college is over and I get a normal well I guess what most people would say is a normal job, it will be hard to make the adjustment....pay checks?? what is that?!?! I am soooo used to having cash every day I am scared to see how I am going to balance my money out weekly :o

but one good thing...I will have weekends off....and benefits!!! I can't wait to have a superbowl sunday off or be able to go to Ultra without having to practically beg my boss for a few days off in march hehe...and benefits...if I had to go to the hospital I would be one troubled girl :o

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Guest coach

no matter how I try...I can't make cleaning the house enjoyable...LOL....even my small apt!!! no you are right....I don't have to go to a club.....Space is the only club I like to go to to let off some steam...besides that I am a bit boring to most people...I am constantly reading...I am at barnes n noble or at the coffee houses....hahaha...there are so many cool things to do that is why I love south florida...well except the old crazy drivers on the road...they can't walk thru a parking lot without a walker...but still drive..hehe

check your pm ;)

I hope you're telling her about JAM at MAM, Feb 15.

haha, nope I told her how I manage to make housework fun. But now that you mention it yeah, JAM at MAM is one of my favorite events!

Housework fun... hmmm... you know I'm gonna say post some pics!
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Guest pod

Well, the nice thing about a regular paycheck is you know where you will be financially for any given week. You know you'll earn $1000 per week, and can budget accordingly, rather than being like "fuck it was slow, I can't pay the rent right now." Even running your own business can impart stability after awhile. Build your customer base and so forth, and it amounts to the same thing.

Working for tips is so hit or miss. You can have a good night or a bad night, ya know? Especially in clubland. One minute, you're working the hot club and walking away with a few hundred in cash on a given night, 2 months later, the club sucks ass and you're lucky to be able to put gas in your car to go home. Especially around here.

Plus, no club I know of offers health benefits to non-managerial employees. You get hurt, you're fucked. Even a simple injury can costs thousands. I fucked up my ankle last year and if I didn't have insurance, I would have been out $1500.

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Guest clubchicky

I do know what you mean...I have been fortunate though...instead of going to the club route any more I work at an Italian Restaurant that opens at 5pm and closes at 10pm....I couldn't do the late nights any more with school....so for five hours we bang out the people make money nd I can still get home for whatever is going on after...but we are a private restaurant so yeah..no benefits...and yes after season is over it is kind of rough with the money situation....I go through the cycle every year....so I guess adjustment will be made and I am sure I will be happy in the long run when I don't fear the summer months like they are dooms day hahaha....but working five hours a night and working with all my friends and not having the rules of a coorperation will be hard to give up......40 hrs a week or more will be quite a shocker adjustment hehe ??? ???

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Guest cutchemist

Rolled into Tampa in 1999, partied Friday - Sunday until May 2004 when I graduated (somehow got a degree in chemistry and worked full time). Kissed Oakenfold in 99 at the "bottle club" on the outskirts of tampa, he was there with suzzy solar, I had never even heard of him before, just thought he was cute..lol...I miss those days...

June of 2004 mom had a stroke. I moved home to help her, couldn't wait to get back to the "scene". A month later she had another stroke, then I got syincal about clubbin', felt like none of my friends were "real"....

I guess I got lucky really :-\. The clubs here in minnesota make me ill, so I just started working like crazy, dated like crazy-what the hell else was I going to do with my time I sure as hell wasn't getting married or having kids in this life time.

That was a year ago, now I'm getting married 05/05/2007, honeymoon is booked for jamaica ;D. I guess I'm on the flip side of you all...I'm looking back now..I log on here twice a month for the memories... :'(

~oni~ - Enjoy the late nights while they still light you up inside!

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