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Is it just me??

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Guest coach

Heh, good point. What I don't get is the whole concept of settling down. Why is that a requirement, in our society?

THANK you! I totally cannot grasp that concept.
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Guest pod

Yeah, it's like for some reason, you're expected to have a house and two kids by the time you're 30. If anything, I wouldn't advocate children at the moment. Population pressures are too enormous now.

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And you people wondered why I retired from clubbing. EDM is dead precisely because of threads like this, the times are a changing while the young kids drift toward hip hop and 50,000 songs on their ipods.

ITS NOT dead yet but i agree the new generation is gearing towards online downloads and hip hop while our trance/house generation is getting old and quitting the scene for the most part

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Guest clubchicky

This is South Florida, most of them are after your money or status.

what?!?!? I guess I do see that....for me I am too independent to even think about relying on a man! And the women that do need a serious wake-up call! not all "broads" (who says that anymore, too funny) are looking to meet some rich guy to take of control of her life! ew, just thinking of that makes me sick. I am going to college and will make my own money...I don't need to have any man's money.

Also....do you have to put an age limit on when someone should have a career.....thatis just as bad as saying you have to get married abnd have kids by a certain age...everyone's course in life is different! And what is a so-called "real" job anyway....what? is a real job working a nine to fiver, sitting at a desk drooling over your coffee? is it a garbage man? post office worker? there are plenty of different kind of jobs and if people weren't willing to do them certain every day things would not be able to function. Who cares about what job status you have or what kind of car you drive or what stupid name brand purse you have!

Not all women are looking to mooch off a guy...this is the twenty-first century...we can make our own money.

I am one of the youngest bartenders at my job. Some of the people I work with are lifers but that doesn't make them any less of a person. It is so dilusional to think that some people are better material just because of their job. You meet all kinds of people having to wait on them and some of them can be real pompous asses and think they are better than you! A job is just a job! you make money you work hours....at the end of the road your job status isn't going to mean anything! It is the loving relationships and joys and friendships that you build along the way.

sorry the whole "broad" thing got me a little crazy ;D

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why i got into the scene in the first place

After i joined the workforce and left school i found a lot more free time on my hands. I liked trance so i said fuck it ill start goin out.. I was by all intents and purposes a homebody. in fact i hated goin out at first. I knew nobody. Thanks to CP AND CJ i met u guys. and u all made it fun to go out.

we went out in large groups etc.

yrs later . things change. we grow older. lots of u dont go out as much... because of that. i also started to go out less


1. less energy

2. want to focus on myself more and thus getting into a serious relationship that leads to marriage and kids

3. drinking- not good for me. not goin out means no drinking becuase i dont do the bar scene or drink at home..... ACID REFLUX SUCKS

4. its just not as fun anymore(love the music but right now at my age i want to.. travel, go to the theater, go to dinners, movies etc.)

am i where i want to be.... im not but i do know that i have to be the one to step up to the plate if i want things to change.

ill be 29 this yr. the kiddie stuff has to end sometime

main thing is i guess i joined the scene 1. to find others with similar interests

2. was lonely- i left school lost my school buddies, they moved away...etc...

5 yrs later i realize .. fuck im still lonely.... club scene is great for fun times getting drunk and hanging with friends but to find true happiness and the cure for loneliness u need to find it within. its hard as hell but thas life i guess

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I'm not going to a business function with my wife who works at hooters, sorry, this is how the real world works, and yes not all women want men's money, just 85% of them do. The other 15% already divorced their rich guy.

A real job is not a bartender, waitress, shot girl, nail technician, etc, I'm talking a white collar job, one in which you pay full taxes and get benefits. You don't need to be an attorney, but even a broad who works in a doctor's office is fine.

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I'm not going to a business function with my wife who works at hooters, sorry, this is how the real world works, and yes not all women want men's money, just 85% of them do. The other 15% already divorced their rich guy.

A real job is not a bartender, waitress, shot girl, nail technician, etc, I'm talking a white collar job, one in which you pay full taxes and get benefits. You don't need to be an attorney, but even a broad who works in a doctor's office is fine.

i agree if ur in ur late 30's and bartending ones life must be reevaluated.. bartending is great for your 20's though great way to make extra cash esp when ur in college

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Guest mr.miami

Well you shouldnt let others be the reason why you don't go out. You should look at the reason you go out now. For me it sucks sitting at home and I'd rather be out and about doing something. I am a homebody also, but even that gets boring. Also meeting different and new people can keep your mind from being stagnant. Add a little diversity to your life. I give props to anyone that can still successfully bartend after 30. If it makes them happy then cool. There are no rules posted anywhere that say bartending isnt a career. The key is to do what you like and not what everyone thinks you should be doing.

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Guest clubchicky

if they want to be. Not everyone has the desire to work in that type of business field. For whatever reason some people couldn't afford college or had hard times when they were younger or had kids too early or whatever and have to do what they have to do. Don't think that they are not good enough..that is all I am saying. Having a certain type of job doesn't make you any smarter or more dumb...I am going to college because I love learning and I do want to have a different kind of job that works with my interests. But the people I have met in the service industry are some of the most real people....the older people anyway. Some lazy bastard don't even think they have to work. Like the "broads" you are talking about haha....they just want to live off of somebody's money...that really sux....but please don't think tha all women are like that...it just isn't true

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Guest mursa

...Your not the only one , i just turned 26 yesturday ...and I realize I have been morphing into a more "settle down" person for the last year or two .

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Guest clubchicky

that is seriously a sad attitude...and it is shame to be that close minded. I'm sorry you feel that way.

sorry, I have higher expectations than the trailer park sect.

no one is saying anything about trailer park trash....

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Guest clubchicky

Well you shouldnt let others be the reason why you don't go out. You should look at the reason you go out now. For me it sucks sitting at home and I'd rather be out and about doing something. I am a homebody also, but even that gets boring. Also meeting different and new people can keep your mind from being stagnant. Add a little diversity to your life. I give props to anyone that can still successfully bartend after 30. If it makes them happy then cool. There are no rules posted anywhere that say bartending isnt a career. The key is to do what you like and not what everyone thinks you should be doing.

thank you! I like staying at home sometimes I like going out sometimes....for me I need to keep myself busy with school stuff, going to events, music, movies, there is so much to do...I don't want to sit at home and do nothing. I am not really into the whole cooking thing and stuff and being single it kind of sux to just sit at home...by myself....I love meeting new people and I have met some awesome people this past yr....not just by getting drunk every night just being out and sociable. I have lived in NYC and went to all kinds of plays and did other things besides clubbing....I like it all! And hopefully I will have someone to share it all with too....but sitting at home and staring at my cats all night can be boring...they don't make for good conversationalists lol

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