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Is it just me??

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Guest clubchicky

That sounds awesome!! but I have classes from 4pm to 10pm :'(

I can't miss because I will be missing classes during march for the wmc.....but yes, that seems like it will be fun....have a cocktail for me ;)

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Guest clubchicky

Also going out and dancing is good exercise. A lot of other reasons you can come up with than getting drunk.

yeah and hey if you do throw back a few you don't have to feel guilty cause you are burning it off right away ;D

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Guest pod

That's why I said most women in South Florida. Not all. I know a few girls who aren't just out for status or money.

I've had plenty of girls straight up say they're out for money or status when looking for a guy. There's a website, called Wealthymen.com, that actually caters to this. And guess what, they're based right on Washington Avenue!

I know a lot of guys/girls who work behind the bar. Some are over 30. But those that are, aren't just bartending. They have successful day jobs. One guy I know uses bartending to make contacts for his daytime job. Another does it while he's in school for his Ph. D. He's over 30. Still another because the venue is short-handed, he's technically the bar manager.

Will I be in clubland when I'm 30? Most likely. The wonderful thing about what I do is that I've got an editorial role as well, which is the "white-collar" aspect of my function in life. I have a desk, an extension, and even one of of those in/out tray things. Oh, and a pen holder too. Will it be the same clubland 3 years from now? Nope. Frankly, it's what I enjoy to do and can't see switching out.

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Guest Devilicious

A chick I work with bartends for the extra cash, but she has a white collar job which pays more than enough, so in her case I see no issue, but at age 30, you are 12 years removed from high school and you should be on your way into the real world by now.

People should do whatever makes them happy. For some, bartending is enough.

For me it was not. I ended up getting one of those "white collar" jobs. Then I missed bartending, so now I do both. Each one gives me something the other cannot.

I agree - I could never be with a man who didn't have some kind of aspiration for his life or drive to do something with his time on this planet. Women with no goals are equally unattractive.

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Guest jbit

Guys that allow chicks to leech of them deserve the misery they ultimately get. If i wanted to take care of somebody I'd have a child.

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Guest pod

Guys that allow chicks to leech of them deserve the misery they ultimately get. If i wanted to take care of somebody I'd have a child.

I've never understood that myself. Even worse are status climbers.

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Guest spinderella7713

I think I just woke up one day feeling different.....I went from partying every day (it was my job), to waking up one day with the reality check that that is not at all what I visualized for my life.

I used to love huge clubs where I couldnt hear a word someone said and just wanting to get wasted.....now Id rather go out with a group of good friends to a lounge or dinner and have an interesting conversation and a laugh. Good tunes are always good too.

I think its just a matter of learning.....eventually clubbing your ass off has no fulfillment in your life. There is so much more.

Oh and I cant imagine doing a whole weekend of partying again, even if I wanted to I couldnt do it.

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Guest spinderella7713

Rolled into Tampa in 1999, partied Friday - Sunday until May 2004 when I graduated (somehow got a degree in chemistry and worked full time). Kissed Oakenfold in 99 at the "bottle club" on the outskirts of tampa, he was there with suzzy solar, I had never even heard of him before, just thought he was cute..lol...I miss those days...

June of 2004 mom had a stroke. I moved home to help her, couldn't wait to get back to the "scene". A month later she had another stroke, then I got syincal about clubbin', felt like none of my friends were "real"....

I guess I got lucky really :-\. The clubs here in minnesota make me ill, so I just started working like crazy, dated like crazy-what the hell else was I going to do with my time I sure as hell wasn't getting married or having kids in this life time.

That was a year ago, now I'm getting married 05/05/2007, honeymoon is booked for jamaica ;D. I guess I'm on the flip side of you all...I'm looking back now..I log on here twice a month for the memories... :'(

~oni~ - Enjoy the late nights while they still light you up inside!

best news Ive heard in forever. Im planning a move back to Cincinnati and the only reason I hesitate is missing the music.....but I know going back has much more to offer. This was good to hear!!!

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Guest pod

I guess it's whatever you feel floats your boat. Economically, I couldn't see how Cincinnati would be better.

Let's not beat around the bush here, I see a lot of people who have been burnt on the party scene from overdoing it too soon. Going out from Thursday till Monday, drugged out of your mind on multiple substances will do that to you. It's your body and mind, you have the right to fuck it up if you want. But don't be surprised when one day, physically or mentally, you just can't "do it" anymore.

I've been out and about almost every weekend for a decade now, and I've seen the crowd turn over a few times. I'd say every two years, you're dealing with a new crowd and a new set of variables. Now, not to say everyone who leaves clubland is a burnt-out junkie, some people do get married, have kids, etc. I know if I had a kid I'd switch over to shooting architecture.

But from the most part, I see the high attrition rate in clubland-related careers coming from "too much, too quickly". You get people who got here two or three years ago complaining of burn-out.

But as for "settling down"? I still don't see why that is a requirement. Personally, I don't see an issue of being 40 and a bachelor.

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Guest spinderella7713

settling down isnt for ALL people...but MOST get to a point in their life and want to find a significant other to share their life with.

And the Cincinnati comment makes no sense. I was offered a job making the same money I do now...but can buy a 4bdrm house for $150,000.....sounds econimical to me.

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Guest coach

I think I just woke up one day feeling different.....I went from partying every day (it was my job), to waking up one day with the reality check that that is not at all what I visualized for my life.

I used to love huge clubs where I couldnt hear a word someone said and just wanting to get wasted.....now Id rather go out with a group of good friends to a lounge or dinner and have an interesting conversation and a laugh. Good tunes are always good too.

I think its just a matter of learning.....eventually clubbing your ass off has no fulfillment in your life. There is so much more.

Oh and I cant imagine doing a whole weekend of partying again, even if I wanted to I couldnt do it.

BTW, you here, too!
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Guest spinderella7713

I think I just woke up one day feeling different.....I went from partying every day (it was my job), to waking up one day with the reality check that that is not at all what I visualized for my life.

I used to love huge clubs where I couldnt hear a word someone said and just wanting to get wasted.....now Id rather go out with a group of good friends to a lounge or dinner and have an interesting conversation and a laugh. Good tunes are always good too.

I think its just a matter of learning.....eventually clubbing your ass off has no fulfillment in your life. There is so much more.

Oh and I cant imagine doing a whole weekend of partying again, even if I wanted to I couldnt do it.

BTW, you here, too!

I think I missed something...explain por favor... :)

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Guest pod

settling down isnt for ALL people...but MOST get to a point in their life and want to find a significant other to share their life with.

I would say it isn't for most people based on the current rates of divorce and infidelity in this country. Monogamy is a sham.

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Guest coach

I think I just woke up one day feeling different.....I went from partying every day (it was my job), to waking up one day with the reality check that that is not at all what I visualized for my life.

I used to love huge clubs where I couldnt hear a word someone said and just wanting to get wasted.....now Id rather go out with a group of good friends to a lounge or dinner and have an interesting conversation and a laugh. Good tunes are always good too.

I think its just a matter of learning.....eventually clubbing your ass off has no fulfillment in your life. There is so much more.

Oh and I cant imagine doing a whole weekend of partying again, even if I wanted to I couldnt do it.

BTW, you here, too!

I think I missed something...explain por favor... :)

We're talking about fun stuff to do. You should come with us, it'll be a lot of fun!
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South Beach and most of Miami is not conducive to marriage or settling down. I have a friend married one year and I keep telling him to move to Boca, he said soon he will. I know of zero people who moved to Sobe who stayed, not a one! They all basically moved back to where they are from, or bailed for broward.

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Sobe is def not for married couples.... though i do know a few that this doesnt apply to

hell once i get married i dont even know if ill stay in Miami, let alone Florida. at these insane property values for homes. Id move up to Orlando or out of the state completely

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Guest pod

Certainly not. I would not recommend the monogamous lifestyle to anyone living on South Beach. Or Miami-Dade County for that manner. Well maybe not the whole county, but at least the urbanized central area. Just doesn't work. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either kidding themselves or lying.

Thing with South Beach is that it has a nasty habit of swallowing people up and spitting them back out, most of the time for the worse. If you're not capable of dealing with living there, it can be a very trying experience. I've seen very civil and upstanding members of society go from that to complete scumbag in six months. South Beach is fun, yes, but it is most definitely a very dirty and corrupt (though fascinating) place. Like the X-Files poster says "Trust No One".

I've lived in Coral Gables, Kendall, Miami Beach (Normandy Isle), and now the Design District. Out of those, I'd say Coral Gables is the ideal area to "settle down" if such a term could be applied, in Miami Dade County. The barrier to entry is very high though. I certainly wouldn't settle down in South Beach. When your neighbor is either a wannabe DJ, a drug dealer, thug, general criminal, or just plain shady, that's no place to raise a family. If you wanna stay close, I'd maybe suggest the Design District, where I live. There's some great homes for sale, and they're starting to straighten up the area big time. Across Biscayne is the gated community called Morningside. Very safe, but again like the Gables, the cost to entry is real high.

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Guest coach

You guys *really* don't know anything about South Beach or the people who live here. Barbarino, how long does "stayed" constitute? 5 years? 10 years? 100 years? There are a lot of families who live in my area. And a lot of them have been here many years. Further north, around the 50s and 70s are really nice family areas, too.

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Guest pod

And a lot of them have been here many years. Further north, around the 50s and 70s are really nice family areas, too.

That's not South Beach. That's Miami Beach. Indian Creek if you wanna get specific. Now for families on South Beach, let me ask you this, how well do you *really* know them? Anybody can put up a front for public appearances.

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Guest Devilicious

South Beach and most of Miami is not conducive to marriage or settling down. I have a friend married one year and I keep telling him to move to Boca, he said soon he will. I know of zero people who moved to Sobe who stayed, not a one! They all basically moved back to where they are from, or bailed for broward.

and is there something wrong with that? I love the beach, but it's not forever. I don't like staying put in any location for too long. Living in Miami was a great choice for me, I am having a blast, but I know I will definitely move when the time is right.
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