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Is it just me??

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Guest Cosmigonon

Heh, good point. What I don't get is the whole concept of settling down. Why is that a requirement, in our society?

THANK you! I totally cannot grasp that concept.


btw, I don't feel anything.

And like Pod said, don't feel the need to procreate, and don't think I ever will. The devil knows there's absolutely no need for another one of me.

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Guest cutchemist

Rolled into Tampa in 1999, partied Friday - Sunday until May 2004 when I graduated (somehow got a degree in chemistry and worked full time). Kissed Oakenfold in 99 at the "bottle club" on the outskirts of tampa, he was there with suzzy solar, I had never even heard of him before, just thought he was cute..lol...I miss those days...

June of 2004 mom had a stroke. I moved home to help her, couldn't wait to get back to the "scene". A month later she had another stroke, then I got syincal about clubbin', felt like none of my friends were "real"....

I guess I got lucky really :-\. The clubs here in minnesota make me ill, so I just started working like crazy, dated like crazy-what the hell else was I going to do with my time I sure as hell wasn't getting married or having kids in this life time.

That was a year ago, now I'm getting married 05/05/2007, honeymoon is booked for jamaica ;D. I guess I'm on the flip side of you all...I'm looking back now..I log on here twice a month for the memories... :'(

~oni~ - Enjoy the late nights while they still light you up inside!

best news Ive heard in forever. Im planning a move back to Cincinnati and the only reason I hesitate is missing the music.....but I know going back has much more to offer. This was good to hear!!!

I miss the music and meeting new people. I never wanted to settle down, then bam...its true what they say, when you meet the right person it changes your perspective. Good luck dear, what the helll is there to do in Cincinnati?

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Guest michael^heaven

and is there something wrong with that? I love the beach, but it's not forever. I don't like staying put in any location for too long. Living in Miami was a great choice for me, I am having a blast, but I know I will definitely move when the time is right.

I'm the same way! I'll live in a place for a while until I've come to a certain point where it's time to move on. Basically, I've reched the end of that chapter in my life. Plus, I simply love travelling, seeing new places, & meeting new people. ;)

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Guest clubchicky

Rolled into Tampa in 1999, partied Friday - Sunday until May 2004 when I graduated (somehow got a degree in chemistry and worked full time). Kissed Oakenfold in 99 at the "bottle club" on the outskirts of tampa, he was there with suzzy solar, I had never even heard of him before, just thought he was cute..lol...I miss those days...

June of 2004 mom had a stroke. I moved home to help her, couldn't wait to get back to the "scene". A month later she had another stroke, then I got syincal about clubbin', felt like none of my friends were "real"....

I guess I got lucky really :-\. The clubs here in minnesota make me ill, so I just started working like crazy, dated like crazy-what the hell else was I going to do with my time I sure as hell wasn't getting married or having kids in this life time.

That was a year ago, now I'm getting married 05/05/2007, honeymoon is booked for jamaica ;D. I guess I'm on the flip side of you all...I'm looking back now..I log on here twice a month for the memories... :'(

~oni~ - Enjoy the late nights while they still light you up inside!

best news Ive heard in forever. Im planning a move back to Cincinnati and the only reason I hesitate is missing the music.....but I know going back has much more to offer. This was good to hear!!!

I miss the music and meeting new people. I never wanted to settle down, then bam...its true what they say, when you meet the right person it changes your perspective. Good luck dear, what the helll is there to do in Cincinnati?

I think that it is absolutely wonderful and awesome that you found someone!! It is so hard to find a good person out there...good luck and I wish u all the happiness!!! now u can have fun together :D

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Guest spinderella7713

Rolled into Tampa in 1999, partied Friday - Sunday until May 2004 when I graduated (somehow got a degree in chemistry and worked full time). Kissed Oakenfold in 99 at the "bottle club" on the outskirts of tampa, he was there with suzzy solar, I had never even heard of him before, just thought he was cute..lol...I miss those days...

June of 2004 mom had a stroke. I moved home to help her, couldn't wait to get back to the "scene". A month later she had another stroke, then I got syincal about clubbin', felt like none of my friends were "real"....

I guess I got lucky really :-\. The clubs here in minnesota make me ill, so I just started working like crazy, dated like crazy-what the hell else was I going to do with my time I sure as hell wasn't getting married or having kids in this life time.

That was a year ago, now I'm getting married 05/05/2007, honeymoon is booked for jamaica ;D. I guess I'm on the flip side of you all...I'm looking back now..I log on here twice a month for the memories... :'(

~oni~ - Enjoy the late nights while they still light you up inside!

best news Ive heard in forever. Im planning a move back to Cincinnati and the only reason I hesitate is missing the music.....but I know going back has much more to offer. This was good to hear!!!

I miss the music and meeting new people. I never wanted to settle down, then bam...its true what they say, when you meet the right person it changes your perspective. Good luck dear, what the helll is there to do in Cincinnati?

LOL. lots to be honest. but basically its where my family is. I agree with Talmage I came here for the majority of my 20s lived, learned had a blast....but basically learned the importance of family and good friends. Which, to be honest, are hard to come by in Miami. Cincinnati is about 4 hrs from Chicago Ill end up there on the weekends...lol.

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Guest spinderella7713

Now, I find it hard to believe that you have a hard time making friends.

GOOD friends are hard to find anywhere...I truley believe you will only have a few in your whole life. Miami peeps are a different breed...its so hard to make it here that most people are out for themselves. I didnt say ALL I said Most!

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Guest mr.miami

Now, I find it hard to believe that you have a hard time making friends.

GOOD friends are hard to find anywhere...I truley believe you will only have a few in your whole life. Miami peeps are a different breed...its so hard to make it here that most people are out for themselves. I didnt say ALL I said Most!

What does it mean to be a good friend to you? Or when you talk about good friends what characteristics do they have to have?

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Guest Devilicious

on finding good friends -

While they certainly aren't a dime a dozen, I have found that it is not so difficult to find good friends when you offer yourself as a good friend as well. There will always be "bad eggs" who don't make the cut, but if you trust your instincts and aren't afraid to let people in you can acquire as many close friends as you can handle.

That being said, I am definitely blessed to have met so many amazing people who I am lucky to have in my life. :)

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a "Friend" is someone that

1. is there for you in good times and BAD..

2. A friend is someone that you can call at all hours of the nite and be able to express yourself without reservation or fear of reprise.

3. Someone who listens and at times will tell you what they believe is best for you .. even though it may be hard to swallow


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Guest mr.miami

Past 9 years I have had 1 "good" friend of course that all fell apart about 7 years ago when he ruined this other friend of mines wedding and made me look bad in the process. After, that I've been in a people aren't worth the hassle mood to get to know them better as good friends.

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Guest pod

GOOD friends are hard to find anywhere...I truley believe you will only have a few in your whole life. Miami peeps are a different breed...

In this town you have to be out for yourself. You will get eaten alive otherwise. I'm speaking from experience here when I say 90 percent of the time when I've been honestly nice to someone it's blown up in my face. Cold and calculating is the key to survival in Miami.

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Guest spinderella7713

GOOD friends are hard to find anywhere...I truley believe you will only have a few in your whole life. Miami peeps are a different breed...

In this town you have to be out for yourself. You will get eaten alive otherwise. I'm speaking from experience here when I say 90 percent of the time when I've been honestly nice to someone it's blown up in my face. Cold and calculating is the key to survival in Miami.

I agree with you completly, which is why I wouldnt want to spend my whole life here.

Problem is becuase this is the case, the cycle just keeps on churning. Oh well.

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Guest pod

I have no issues spending my life here, there's certain factors which pretty much make me wanna stay. Eventually, like I said earlier, this'll just be the place where I keep my stuff.

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Guest coach

And a lot of them have been here many years. Further north, around the 50s and 70s are really nice family areas, too.

That's not South Beach. That's Miami Beach. Indian Creek if you wanna get specific. Now for families on South Beach, let me ask you this, how well do you *really* know them? Anybody can put up a front for public appearances.

Aight, good points on the locales.

As far as the families, I wouldn't say I know any of them much, more like seeing them around, but I can tell you they are not putting up fronts. I am talking about the cute little old hispanic families you see everywhere. They probably work in the hotels or other hospitality jobs. They live in one of the small apartments in the Flamingo zone. Probably even have 3 generations in the same little apt. But, there are quite a few families in this area that fit that description, and they seem to be doing alright. The main problem now is that a lot of these little apt buildings are being renovated and turned into condos.

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Guest coach

on finding good friends -

While they certainly aren't a dime a dozen, I have found that it is not so difficult to find good friends when you offer yourself as a good friend as well. There will always be "bad eggs" who don't make the cut, but if you trust your instincts and aren't afraid to let people in you can acquire as many close friends as you can handle.

That being said, I am definitely blessed to have met so many amazing people who I am lucky to have in my life. :)

+1 ;)

I have also found it fairly easy to find good people to become friends with in the Miami area. Making friends, like anything in life, is a skill. It combines part natural talent, part knowledge, and part practice. It's actually the only skill I have, everything else I just fake.

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Guest pod

You see less and less of them for just that reason. A blogger, I forget which one, pointed out the obvious, that with all these condos going up, where are the people who are going to service them live? Most of them don't have cars, and unlike me, cannot live in a studio apartment the size of a cargo container. So they move further and further out, until they have to find new jobs closer to their new homes, and the condos are SOL for people to clean them and take out the trash.

Nonetheless, I would still never have children in this neighborhood. Look around, most of them are little monsters.

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Past 9 years I have had 1 "good" friend of course that all fell apart about 7 years ago when he ruined this other friend of mines wedding and made me look bad in the process. After, that I've been in a people aren't worth the hassle mood to get to know them better as good friends.

can we hear the wedding story???

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Guest mr.miami

I'll tell it. It is pretty lame, but wanted me to drop this person like hot cakes. So I went to my "good" friends birthday party and one of my other friends mentioned there at the party that they didnt like him behind his back. Anyway one friend was marrying another friend and my "good" friend also knew the future mother in law.So a few days later I hear my good friend bitching about how he didnt like the way he was treated at the party to the point where he said he stayed up all night. I really dont know wtf his problem was. I'm a logical thinking person so I told him what the other friend said. Well here I thought it wasnt a big deal and he has a nervous break down and calls the future mother in law pissed off about what she said. Then there marriage date was on and off and I had the girl that said it bitching at me cus he called her future mother in law. After that I just said forget it and ditched them all.

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Guest spinderella7713

on finding good friends -

While they certainly aren't a dime a dozen, I have found that it is not so difficult to find good friends when you offer yourself as a good friend as well. There will always be "bad eggs" who don't make the cut, but if you trust your instincts and aren't afraid to let people in you can acquire as many close friends as you can handle.

That being said, I am definitely blessed to have met so many amazing people who I am lucky to have in my life. :)

the thing about this is most people are not willing to offer themselves as good friends becasue they have been screwed over so many times in the process. which is where I am now. It takes a long time

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Guest pod

Egg-fucking-zactly. I'll be honest, I've been burned in the past. People wonder why I'm an asshole, well, there's your answer.

Assholes or not, I appreciate honesty. One of my few real friends in this town is probably the most vicious person alive, but you know what, he lets you know that right up front.

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Guest coach

on finding good friends -

While they certainly aren't a dime a dozen, I have found that it is not so difficult to find good friends when you offer yourself as a good friend as well. There will always be "bad eggs" who don't make the cut, but if you trust your instincts and aren't afraid to let people in you can acquire as many close friends as you can handle.

That being said, I am definitely blessed to have met so many amazing people who I am lucky to have in my life. :)

the thing about this is most people are not willing to offer themselves as good friends becasue they have been screwed over so many times in the process. which is where I am now. It takes a long time

You just need to hang with the right people for a while.
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Guest mr.miami

I typically consider every person I talk to more than once a friend till they piss me off, or do things that show we don't get along. I mean the fact that I'm talking to them more then once should be enough to show i'm on friendly terms with them.

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Guest NicoleC

Egg-fucking-zactly. I'll be honest, I've been burned in the past. People wonder why I'm an asshole, well, there's your answer.

Assholes or not, I appreciate honesty. One of my few real friends in this town is probably the most vicious person alive, but you know what, he lets you know that right up front.

I don't totally get this, but in a way I do.

I myself have always said that I respect the "assholes" that are at least honest about it rather then the "nice" people that are actually assholes in disguise. (truth be told, most of the honest "assholes" I have met turned out to be good people with an asshole exterior)

But do you have to be a vicious asshole to be considered honest?

I myself have been screwed over multiple times in my lifetime. For a short period of time in my early 20's I decided I would just be a straight up bitch and not care about anyone but myself. But it didn't take long for me to realize that I wasn't happy with who I had become, so I decided to not let the actions of others change the central core of who I am and how I was raised to be. The bottom line is that we are all connected whether we like it or not. Personally I choose to be respectful, honest, and open to everyone and occasionally tend to be labeled as too forgiving. But the way I see it is if someone screws you over, you are not the idiot for trusting them - they are the idiot for screwing you over. Just be wise about it and don't do anything that risks your overall emotional, physical, or financial well-being without getting to know someone (and the people they choose to surround themselves with) for a period of time.

That being said, I was born and raised in Miami and for the most part I have always felt a bit alien here. I don't understand why so many people just seem to be out for themselves and why it is so difficult for people to not only respect each other but respect themselves. But I still continue to be open to those that I meet, and occasionally a good egg comes along! :)

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