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UPDATED**-LP arrested at Space for noise violation. UPDATED**

V. Barbarino

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Guest mikepayne

I'd think in the grand scheme of things, Space has more political clout than the UN. ;D If I was committing war crimes, and LP asked me to stop, I'd be more liable to do so than if the UN did.

That's because you'll do anything for your comps. ::):P

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Guest Mattivi

I'd think in the grand scheme of things, Space has more political clout than the UN. ;D If I was committing war crimes, and LP asked me to stop, I'd be more liable to do so than if the UN did.

lol ;D

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I did say "no" because you can have all the after hours you want in downtown, just don't wake up your neighbors by having it blaring from the patio.

Word is, there was no warning, and just so happens, I walked in from last night this morning and my source for the condos was sleeping on my floor, mid April is go time! as long as the TCO goes smoothly. However no indication the condos had anything to do with this though which further escalates the problem because if they have issues now wait unitl Sally Condo starts complaining.

I have no official word about wmc, but if I were a betting man ever and all parties for space for wmc will go off without a hitch. How do I know this? It's freaking LP, he's got friends in low places, however he's also got friends in high places and an attorney who's going use The Chewbacca Defense.

the Chewbacca Defense LMAOOOOOOOOO LP is good to go then.... no one can crack that defense lol

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Guest myles hie

Well we all know the next step, if you can't rattle the club owner, you go after the patrons and make them not want to go. Hide your narco's kids, The fuzz will be watching.. :o

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Guest mr.miami

What actual cops are ever down in the area? I thought all the cops down there were hired by the clubs for security and not to actually protect the club area by the city.

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Guest pod

Not quite. The clubs pay the city to dispatch cops to that area. They're "off-duty cops", but off duty in the sense they're not doing their usual patrols, hence the city asking for an extra fee.

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Guest meta

All of this is just specalation. The fact is that no one knows what is really going to happen to the clubs or the owners. I really dont think that LP is going to let everyone know what is really going on.

Right now everything is hear-say.

So everyone can talk but its everyones opinion of what happen.

Always 3 sides to each story. Yours, mine, and the truth.

But i think there a 156846435787 sides to this story and no one is near the truth.

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Guest dancefloored

There might be something bigger going on this week,we'll see..

the worst thing Miami could do is pull a stunt during WMC and deter thousands from coming to Miami for this special week. But they just might not care

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Guest Cosmigonon

the patio is my church...thank you very much ;D my church of music....and it means alot to me


Actually you should have stayed. Sure, it was very weird in the begginnning, I got there around 6:30 - 7 am, I actually thought about leaving around 9 or so, but then they brought the music to the patio once again , and everything went back to normal, as if nothing had happened, and I had quite possibly one of THE BEST MORNINGS I've ever had at Space, prbably ranking in my top 3... 8)

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Guest LiquidX


people and there precious quiet :-X

so sick of it. plenty of people work at night..

but construction of these condos @ 7 in the morning is fine.

what a bunch of trash.

everyday i get startled out of deep sleep by the hammering of illegal immigrants building shotty condos here on the beach.

this makes me sick. I guess we all have to go to bed at 9 just like good humans are supposed to or the authority gods will have to drag us away to jail.

this is about control 100%

And you do shine out with brightness with this don't you

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Guest Mattivi

the patio is my church...thank you very much ;D my church of music....and it means alot to me


Actually you should have stayed. Sure, it was very weird in the begginnning, I got there around 6:30 - 7 am, I actually thought about leaving around 9 or so, but then they brought the music to the patio once again , and everything went back to normal, as if nothing had happened, and I had quite possibly one of THE BEST MORNINGS I've ever had at Space, prbably ranking in my top 3... 8)

TOP 3? Come on Josh, your a seasoned vet, TOP 3?!!!

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Guest Cosmigonon

the patio is my church...thank you very much ;D my church of music....and it means alot to me


Actually you should have stayed. Sure, it was very weird in the begginnning, I got there around 6:30 - 7 am, I actually thought about leaving around 9 or so, but then they brought the music to the patio once again , and everything went back to normal, as if nothing had happened, and I had quite possibly one of THE BEST MORNINGS I've ever had at Space, prbably ranking in my top 3... 8)

TOP 3? Come on Josh, your a seasoned vet, TOP 3!!!

I'm telling you, top 3. I mean, not so much the music, but it just so happens that when you're with some very good company, and everybody has a good vibe, sometimes magic just happens, no reasoning behind it, you just feel it and that's it.

That's why I love Space... :)

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Guest clubchicky

the patio is my church...thank you very much ;D my church of music....and it means alot to me


Actually you should have stayed. Sure, it was very weird in the begginnning, I got there around 6:30 - 7 am, I actually thought about leaving around 9 or so, but then they brought the music to the patio once again , and everything went back to normal, as if nothing had happened, and I had quite possibly one of THE BEST MORNINGS I've ever had at Space, prbably ranking in my top 3... 8)

damn...really??? well I was drinking since 11pm sooo i was pretty tired around seven.....I lost my friends and just decided to dip......oh well, next time...I am glad they got it up and running again that morning though!!!

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Guest pod

It was a fun morning. I think people who stayed were glad to see things get back to normal. I'd dare to say by 9, it looked no different than any other residents' morning.

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Guest LorenaTech

Good reporting pod, pulitzer prize stuff ;D

Wow what a nice guy :) Now get off your knees and whipe your cute little brown stained nose :-*

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Guest Cosmigonon

man...I keep thinking about it....now I am mad that I left.....damn it!!! top 3 huh?!?!?

I'm telling you. But when I say top 3 I don't mean the 3rd best party Space has ever had, I'm talking about the good times I've had there. Next time hit me up... ;)

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