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UPDATED**-LP arrested at Space for noise violation. UPDATED**

V. Barbarino

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Guest 4040

Well I happened to be on the 395 yesterday passing space and when I looked over I could not believe my eyes. From afar I saw workers putting up a cement wall on the outside patio behind the dj booth. It seems the it may have had something to do with noise or did it?

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Guest Mattivi

Good reporting pod, pulitzer prize stuff ;D

Wow what a nice guy :) Now get off your knees and whipe your cute little brown stained nose :-*

it aint like that sweetie, i was actually being a bit sarcastic ;) although i do admit i often admire pod's way with words. :P

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Guest dancefloored

people we are animals too

when our den is raided

we find another den

or rebuild on special circumstances

LP isnt going to give up

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Guest mr.miami

Isnt the patio surrounded by a bunch of brick walls gonna block the bay and ocean breeze? Guess more bottled water sales. LP is a smart guy.

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Guest meta

Tell you the truth the best part about afterhours when i used to go was the sun coming up. That in my eyes is what made it enjoyable.

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Guest tekniQz

Tell you the truth the best part about afterhours when i used to go was the sun coming up. That in my eyes is what made it enjoyable.

The dirrty tunes helped too.

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Guest dancefloored

once the sun hits the patio at space, its been light out for a while. Nocturnal's patio has a sick view of the actual sunrise.

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Guest meta

once the sun hits the patio at space, its been light out for a while. Nocturnal's patio has a sick view of the actual sunrise.

This is very tru. I loved it.

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Guest JMT

There might be something bigger going on this week,we'll see..

the worst thing Miami could do is pull a stunt during WMC and deter thousands from coming to Miami for this special week. But they just might not care

id venture to guess that the city of miami and miami beach puts WMC one notch above MDW on the enjoyment scale. why should they care about a few thousand kids flying in with pills strapped to their chodes and sleeping 12 to a room when the hotels would already be at a decent occupancy with the regular euro tourists that dont cause any noise or downtown chaos.

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Guest mikepayne

There might be something bigger going on this week,we'll see..

the worst thing Miami could do is pull a stunt during WMC and deter thousands from coming to Miami for this special week. But they just might not care

id venture to guess that the city of miami and miami beach puts WMC one notch above MDW on the enjoyment scale. why should they care about a few thousand kids flying in with pills strapped to their chodes and sleeping 12 to a room when the hotels would already be at a decent occupancy with the regular euro tourists that dont cause any noise or downtown chaos.

ROFL @ pills strapped to their chodes

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Guest dancefloored

wow lol chodes

we swallowed them wrapped up and then once we got here ummm, you know the rest

when we exported from OH Canada

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I've also learned this wasn't an abrupt issue, they have been on Space's jock for a few months I'm told however after searching the code enforcement site, I can't find any infractions for LP or Space or Markus when you put Emi's last name in, about 10 of his cousins show up in the system, typical Cubans.

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Guest llavoe

As soon as downtown starts it's renovations, those clubs are toast. With Eminent Domain, the city is going to capture the land from the club owners one way or another. This is the start, people. The city is first going to nickel and dime the club owners with all sorts of fines and fees, and get whatever they can from them for making money in a place where the city couldn't without their help.

That was the plan from the beginning. You don't think the city knows about all the drug use and stupid crimes that go on in these places? (hence the NEW Lt of the area) The only reason they have been open so long is to raise the demand for builders to come buy it all up. And that time is real close.

Also, the city is going to get way more taxes from condos than a 24 hour alcohol license. There will be clubs downtown still, but smaller venues with normal hours.

And I hate to burst your bubbles, but after downtown is done, SoBe is next. Once the hotel owners see the downtown area completed, they will have no choice but to redo their properties, or make no money (except if the city pulls their rugs as well)

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Guest Mattivi

well it looks like a in few years time we will talking amongst friends and family, maybe children, about how we used to live "in the golden era of clubbing" before the city shut it down. its been a fun ride tho....

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Guest endymion

well it looks like a in few years time we will talking amongst friends and family, maybe children, about how we used to live "in the golden era of clubbing" before the city shut it down. its been a fun ride tho....

Do baby boomers really talk about how much they miss the 'golden age of disco'? Haha...

By the time you're that old, you'll be more concerned about finding safe parking at the performing arts center and complaining about the 5 AM noise at the night club down the street from your condo.

Miami's nightlife scene is rapidly growing, not shrinking. The EDM nightclub scene is shrinking but that's mainly because the entire EDM music scene itself is shrinking. That part is not a conspiracy on the part of the city.

The opening of the performing arts center may have been as significant an event in Miami history as the opening of the railroad. Combined with the new building for the New World Symphony, the new Jackie Gleason Theater renovations, and other exciting new developments, Miami's 'golden age' of nightlife and culture is just beginning.

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Guest pod

The PAC is a white elephant.

Too much, too soon. Something half the size would have worked better. There's not enough "fans" of what the PAC offers in this area to justify it.

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Guest coach

well it looks like a in few years time we will talking amongst friends and family, maybe children, about how we used to live "in the golden era of clubbing" before the city shut it down. its been a fun ride tho....

Do baby boomers really talk about how much they miss the 'golden age of disco'? Haha...

Absolutely! All the old folks talk about "the good old days."
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Guest coach

The PAC is a white elephant.

Too much, too soon. Something half the size would have worked better. There's not enough "fans" of what the PAC offers in this area to justify it.

You might want to check that info. Whoever told you that is mistaken. For example, you know they are doing fights at the Knight Center coming up soon? Also, have you seen any ongoing occupancy rates? They are doing pretty well. Plus, the city needed a bold statement to put it on the cultural map. Now we have the Cleveland orchestra in residence here, one of the best in the world. The PAC will draw the audience. You cannot wait until the audience magically arrives and *then* build your cultural centers. The audience will not come until after the institutions are started.
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Guest endymion

There's not enough "fans" of what the PAC offers in this area to justify it.

There definitely are enough "fans" of what the PAC offers, ticket sales have been just fine. 70 percent of capacity on average for the first season is awfully good, better than any nightclub could ever hope for. I couldn't even attend the Cleveland Orchestra because it sold out every night that I could go. The opera hall has been packed every time I've seen it. The PAC has made almost $3 million in ticket revenue in the first five months alone. Over $9 million if you include concessions and other revenue. They projected $9.9 million, so that's pretty good. Did any Park West nightclub venue make $9 million dollars in revenue in the last five months?

More importantly for the city: what is the tax-revenue / crime ratio for the PAC? Compared to the tax-revenue / crime ratio for the Park West entertainment district? From the city's point of view what's needed is more safe parking in the Omni area, and less crime and nuisance in the Park West area. The city was once very interested in subsidizing parking development in Park West in order to enable redevelopment, which led to the 24-hour liquor licenses. Now the city is more concerned with subsidizing parking in the Omni area, not the Park West area. Also, noise and crime nuisance has become a growing issue in the Park West area since the original plan to subsidize parking through 24-hour licenses.

Those are the forces currently at play that affect your nightlife scene.

Keep in mind also that as opposed to nightclub patrons, patrons of the arts have money, political clout, and they vote. They will always win.

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