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UPDATED**-LP arrested at Space for noise violation. UPDATED**

V. Barbarino

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100% confirmed, Markus and LP sent to the joint they have already been bailed out. New Police lieutenant now in charge walked up and hauled them them to jail for "noise violation". Patio remains open after a brief shut down..

Metropolis and Nocturnal were targeted as well.

10000% confirmed!


I have a source deep inside Space that gave me this bit of intel. Do you want to know why there was never a noise complaint on file? They reason is, he was never charged with a "noise violation" but rather failing to have an "out door concert permit or license"..

Which if true actually is worse for Space and Nocturnal.

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Guest Orls

Has this come without notice or is this something sprung on at the Leut. choice? This issue has been debated for a while now, wouldn't a new ordinance be advised or at least anounced?

And all this days before the conference!

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Guest LorenaTech

100% confirmed, Markus and LP sent to the joint they have already been bailed out. New Police lieutenant now in charge walked up and hauled them them to jail for "noise violation". Patio remains open after a brief shut down..

10000% confirmed!

But i thought you said no ???


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Guest LorenaTech

IF it becomes a problem why cant they just do after hours indoors?

The whole magic of after hours in downtown was watching the sunrise. Now with no patio Space will be just like every other club. :-*
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I did say "no" because you can have all the after hours you want in downtown, just don't wake up your neighbors by having it blaring from the patio.

Word is, there was no warning, and just so happens, I walked in from last night this morning and my source for the condos was sleeping on my floor, mid April is go time! as long as the TCO goes smoothly. However no indication the condos had anything to do with this though which further escalates the problem because if they have issues now wait unitl Sally Condo starts complaining.

I have no official word about wmc, but if I were a betting man ever and all parties for space for wmc will go off without a hitch. How do I know this? It's freaking LP, he's got friends in low places, however he's also got friends in high places and an attorney who's going use The Chewbacca Defense.

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Guest leveldwella


people and there precious quiet :-X

so sick of it. plenty of people work at night..

but construction of these condos @ 7 in the morning is fine.

what a bunch of trash.

everyday i get startled out of deep sleep by the hammering of illegal immigrants building shotty condos here on the beach.

this makes me sick. I guess we all have to go to bed at 9 just like good humans are supposed to or the authority gods will have to drag us away to jail.

this is about control 100%

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Guest RzO

The story in a moment.

been patiently waiting all morning for you to chime in with the true details, i sure hope they are good :)

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I've actually known about the real estate play in downtown for a long long long long time. But it's never been an issue since I knew LP would never sell. That building space sits in, is hugely valuable for 2 reasons:

1. great location off the high way

2. depressed area with depressed values

So here is some info that I found on the net, you can draw your own conclusions.

read here

read here this is Nocturnal's former building owner

Also this cat owns all the parking lots down there.. In fact if you type his name into sunbiz, you'll learn who owns a ton of that area already.

But I'm not saying he had anything to do with this.

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Guest Untouchable Chino

LP and MARCUS got arrested because the new police lieteunant has it out for SPACE and LP..there has been many times that he has shut down the doors for overcrowding. Now correct me if I am wrong or not..but SPACE is not the only club in DOWNTOWN and while there has been shootings and stabbings in other "venues" why is it that he is so worried about "overcrowding" & "noise ordinances" when they should be worried about "bigger" issues. The funny part is they get arrested for "noise ordinance" but got searched not once but twice like if they comitted some kind of big crime. Im sorry, but i believe any club owner or condo owner who has done so much to revilatize the downtown area to get treated like that in front of its patrons/customers is just wrong. It's not like the noise just started a year ago or so for them to all of the sudden start enforcing it. I hope LP and SPACE sues the city, because what happened last night should have not happened. It goes to shows what cops do when they are enpowered in this city.

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Guest Untouchable Chino

what i said above is not favoritism towards LP, MARCUS, or SPACE, i would have said the same thing if it was GLENN, GARY, or ANYONE from NOCTURNAL..cause all this causes is like giving the city the rights to ruin our afterhours. As many of have pointed out..We are spoiled down here in miami, we have the best party scene anywhere..we can party for non stop 24 hours if we really wanted to, so if you appreciate music and the deejays, you should understand that what happened last night was just the owner and GM of an establishment who have dedicated 7 years of their life to get this scene where it is today. They stood up for what they believe in and what they started..

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Guest armand1210

These corrupt jackholes can't even execute a shakedown properly. The proper time to do this would have been months ago, when the timing would not be so suspect.

Please refer to our our neighbors 90 miles southeast of here on how to properly run a corrupt government ;D

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Guest pod

Don't get me started. What passes for a democracy here is a sham these days. Either the libs are trying to steal money from us or take our guns away, or the conservatives are trying to take away anything remotely resembling fun, unless it involves having sex through a hole in the sheet. No offense if you're one of the Hasidm and that's how you do it. Though if someone said "hey pod, have sex with Angelina Jolie through a sheet", you know I'd be there.

One of the things I've always appreciated about some of the crew operating downtown is that we tend to see eye to eye on the issue of individual freedom. Which is what it comes down to in the end.

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Guest meta

i was passing by the whole area 51 club by the allure door and mandy (ex-owner of Honey and Metropolis) was surround by 5-6 miami cops with a paper (may have been an arrest warrant or even a Complaint form - Who knows wasn't close enough). i think that was was just a few minutes prior to getting arrested, from the report on cool junkie on the main page. Seems that they have it out for everyone in downtown.

But just my perspective i did pass by space around 12:30 and i didn't like the crowd that was walking in. I think the crowd has been going down hill a bit, especially since cameo opened up. So because of that we decided to visit a few friend over in nocturnal instead.

But you know what my 2 cents on this. History repeats itself. Same thing has happened on the beach and still does. Police just walk in and shut down any club they want too. For instance one club especially it still happens too and its because there is no roof and that is opium garden. I dont know how may times i have gone there and everyone is pissed because the fire marshell is there and they shut the doors and dont let anyone in.

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Guest Comport

Does anyone have any insight as to whether or not this noise ordinance is going to affect the after hours WMC parties??

Does anyone know if this new Leut. is just out to get LP of is he out to shut down the nightlife in Miami?

If he starts hassling the night clubs, he will start hurting our tourism industry.

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i hate to say it, but I have a friend that lives in an apartment high rise building by SPACE... and she said the noise coming from the club wakes her up every weekend :(

This girl parties her ass off, but says it's very annoying. She moved down from Boston about 4 months ago... and said when moving down she had no idea that was the clubbing area.

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Guest leveldwella

i hate to say it, but I have a friend that lives in an apartment high rise building by SPACE... and she said the noise coming from the club wakes her up every weekend :(

This girl parties her ass off, but says it's very annoying. She moved down from Boston about 4 months ago... and said when moving down she had no idea that was the clubbing area.

seems a bit self centered...does everyone have to party when she does? what about people trying to sleep that live around where she is partying? does she care about them?

guess it all comes down to people realizing that there are other people besides themselves on this planet..and everyone is different. The law seems to favor certain groups.

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