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Carnival Center wants $4 mil from Miami-Dade County.

Guest pod

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Guest mr.miami

The fact that they are running out of budget should mean they close down. Isn't that how that works? You dont make money you go out of business?

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Guest pod

In theory, yes.

The ultimate plan would be for them to close for 30 days to resolve their budgeting issues.

Thankfully, most of this was financed by donations, bonds, and the bed tax. Unless you've bunked in a hotel in this county, as a resident, you didn't pay for it.

Hmm, I've used hotels in this county from time to time. Damnit, I'm pissed now!

The reality of the situation is that it's too big to just shut down though. There's gonna be assloads of re-budgeting and assistance before that is even considered.

Hopefully by then it'll be able to operate in the black. I'm not a big fan of theatre, opera, or dance, but a PAC is a nice thing to have.

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Guest pod

Yeah, it's very nice too. I just think it's a shame they totally screwed up in their monetary estimates on how much it really was gonna cost to run.

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Guest mr.miami

Have either of you been there yet?

Not me. I'm not into going to see plays and stuff like that.

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Guest pod

Again, the way I see it is that we need a PAC of some sort. Like I said earlier, I'm not personally into the theatre or most of what's come to the PAC so far. We can argue later about how stupid I am or whatever insults y'all choose to throw at me. Besides, most people will say that they're into the performing arts just to sound "cultured", and the most they've ever seen is the Lion King or "that one in college where the girls get naked..."

I digressed, oops. But what I mean is that to attain the world class status this metropolitan area is looking for, a PAC is needed. It's just unfortunate that the people running it are well, running it into the ground. How the hell could you mis-calculate cooling requirements or security needs?

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Guest pod

See, there's half the issue right there, fans of those arts would rather travel 40 miles than go to the local PAC.

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See, there's half the issue right there, fans of those arts would rather travel 40 miles than go to the local PAC.

it depends also on what shows are going on. so far not enough musicals/broadway style stuff at PAC

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Guest endymion

This thread is very sad to read. Especially since there was an event last weekend that many CoolJunkies would have loved if they had just given it a try. Bebel Gilberto with Federico Aubele opening.

Trust me kids, sooner or later you WILL get bored of getting fucked up and watching DJs mix records. Sooner for some of you, later for others, but eventually it will happen. And then you'll be happy that fine arts are finally coming to Miami, even if it's about a hundred years late.

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Guest pod

I already got bored of DJs mixing records. I took up drinking.

If they served cheap booze at the PAC, you'd have me there much more often.

I probably have a problem at this point.

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Guest RzO

i pay the bed tax almost every time i am in miami, i got no problem since it goes to making the city better. i mean a few bucks on top of my hotel bill isn't making a difference

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This thread is very sad to read. Especially since there was an event last weekend that many CoolJunkies would have loved if they had just given it a try. Bebel Gilberto with Federico Aubele opening.

Trust me kids, sooner or later you WILL get bored of getting fucked up and watching DJs mix records. Sooner for some of you, later for others, but eventually it will happen. And then you'll be happy that fine arts are finally coming to Miami, even if it's about a hundred years late.


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Guest mr.miami

When they start showing broadway plays and charging 10 bucks I'll consider going. Until then there is always the movies and everything else to do besides it.

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Guest pod

I don't know what they charge, but you know what, they've got to do more economical events there, too. The performing arts should not be the province of dilettantes, the financial elite, and the jet set. Simply put, there's not enough of them here in Miami to support that sort of thing alone. What the PAC needs is more outreach programs and financially accessible shows. Encourage community theatre, community dance, community music efforts. Toss down some freebies every so often. Let the schools have a crack at it.

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This thread is very sad to read. Especially since there was an event last weekend that many CoolJunkies would have loved if they had just given it a try. Bebel Gilberto with Federico Aubele opening.

Trust me kids, sooner or later you WILL get bored of getting fucked up and watching DJs mix records. Sooner for some of you, later for others, but eventually it will happen. And then you'll be happy that fine arts are finally coming to Miami, even if it's about a hundred years late.

hey, i'm all for concerts, but outdoors is my thing, not int he ghetto in doors while my car gets robbed.

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Guest JMT

i pulled into one of their secure lots to try and park when i was going to pawn shop once and a rent-a-cop practically drew his gun at me before i told him i was turning around.

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Guest endymion

If they served cheap booze at the PAC, you'd have me there much more often.

Free champagne at opera events. Before the show and at intermission. Fine arts and drinking are quite compatible. Just don't get wasted.

I'm pretty happy that I was a little drunk for the Merce Cunningham modern dance show. Made way more sense that way.

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