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Twilo is closing dammit!! (Old "Deep Thoughts by DT")

Guest bootstah

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Guest DJ Nova

if it IS DANNY saying those things........GOOD for HIM ! People Like him can make a BIG difference when they speak their Minds !

I couldn't agree more with what "DT" wrote.

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Guest RzO

was this taken from dtourism.com?

i guess i havent been there in such a long time that i dont have enough "privileges" to see the forums ...

just curious

yah me neither, i didn'tt go on for a while and they dropped me but whatever that is their rules, so be it.

this statement from danny is sincere and most very true, especially about the gangsters and thugs, i got no beef with a trendy track here and there if it makes the masses happy, but i more agree with dt's take on the thugs and scandlous sctivities by few.

although i have never had an issue, (perhaps cause i frequent venues not prone to this, or have been going long enough to know the staff)

either way i still think positive about the scene, Space will dominate downtown, and to me it has always been a venue of absolute great times. not to mention the beach venues like shine, which is run by someone who has very good ideals :), as well as suite where i too have had alot of good times. Haven't gone to cameo yet but am sure it falls in line due to the operators. (sander to be my debut @ the cameo, lol)

i just hope for the few that have a good understanding of the scene today, that it will continue to prosper in some fashion :)

for our sake 8)

i see this thread being a fun one ;D

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Guest pod

Me, who doesn't know jack about dance music, had this exact conversation with Danny about a month ago. Funny how that works out.

I'll agree with him on the fact that there are a lot of problems in the area.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. Why hasn't Life been shut? People have died there, yet the venue keeps on operating, attracting a not-so-attractive clientèle to the area.

Why are the homeless permitted to roam at will in the area? Some are comical, grant it, but for the most part, if you're not used to it, it can be an intimidating experience. Does the City expect Space, Twilo, Nocturnal, etc to build a homeless shelter or something? The city establishes a district, but does not provide further support for the development of said area. The homeless shelter and homeless should have been relocated in 1999. The City is gonna "support" this year because of the condos, not the clubs that started the whole Downtown revitalization. Hell, the City called October 16th (or close to it) "Louis Puig Day", for his efforts to build up the area, but that's about as much help as they've really put forth.

Now the rest of his dialog seems to address the music issue. Yes, the city has been overrun by hip-hop and urban music. That's an economic issue really. Salsa? Well, there's a lot of Latin people here, so that's understandable. But anyway...

As for the dance music, I'm not musically inclined enough to comment much, other than the fact that yeah, for every one hit that comes out, be it PATT, World Hold On, Love Generation, etc, there's scads of imitators. Again, a little bit of economics too. I've talked to artists who tell me the labels actually want them to produce a 'bzz bzz bzz' track to garner up sales. But realistically, what happens, like Danny said is "the bad wanna be's that then follow". World Hold On is catchy for about 2 minutes, then it's eh. Love Hold On never did it for me either. What happens too much in this industry is there's trailblazers, then there's scads of imitators that dilute everything. Sure, in a free market, it's fine, but it's sad from an artistic point of view.

Nonetheless, good post, Danny, since I know you're watching. ;D

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Guest Diaga

I agree with some it , specially about downtown and the ghetto. About the music , come on thats something most of us in the industry Djs , clubbers, promoters etc already know. There is no surprise that dance music has become very commercialized in this town and maybe most places, referring about what i like to call POP house. But isnt that good for the scene? I think theres more people gettin into dance music now ,even hip hop tracks have influence from dance music nowdays, I dont see why he is complaining ( if thats really him). At the end i think it does help the scene, and thats what we need right now. I went from doing a open format party w/ zero house 3 years ago to 70% house/ 30% open format because of tracks like world hold on. Dont complain too much and go out and support the party, spend money , help the scene, then we'll have the power to hear the music we really want.

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Guest cool1g

isn't his rant on the bottle service crowd a bit hypocritcal of his whole 'Be Yourself' thing????

i do agree totally with the comments about the downtown area.

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Guest RzO

i figured you wouldn't be too long dan

like i said this thread is going to get good :)

the negative aspects though are a problem. as mentioned crazy bums and people getting shot on the same block i go is not one i enjoy. but its how it is

for some people that kind of activity scares them away, and why hasn't anything been done? i don't know that answer but in good faith hope all things are sorted in a favorable fashion.

i mean do you think the city wants the block to have crazy bum's and gun problems at 2 particular spaces, if they are promoting park west as an economic and social benefit? perhaps they could quell that issue, i mean in NY some clubs have metal detectors, i liked that.

again questions i wonder about.

only time will tell, but hopefully in a desirable way

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Guest pod

Dance music in this town has been fighting a rearguard action since around '04. Since then, the amount of quality venues playing quality dance music has gone way down. Venues like Space, Nocturnal, and as of recent, Twilo have been holding the torch of dance music for the masses, by playing accessible, commercial dance music, which hopefully will lead people to wanting more. Funny, it's the downtown clubs, and clubs off of South Beach holding that torch. Gryphon has thrived for over two years playing nothing but.

It used to be so easy. If you look at the lineups of clubs around 8 years ago, every DJ and their mother was being booked at the major clubs, since dance music in any form was all the rage here in Miami. Shake ups and fighting for a dwindling audience led to the smaller lineups in the top-flight venues around here. Also, that dwindling audience for some reason split itself too hard along genre lines.

I can remember that like back a few years ago, I would see all sorts of people out at all sorts of events. As a matter of fact, there was the same 20 or so people from our little community who would go out to all the events, regardless of DJ or genre. You'd see the same lot of us at Danny Tenaglia as easily as you'd see the lot of us at Paul Van Dyk. Somewhere along the way, a lot of them, and you guys got real picky about your music, to the point where I can 100% say that you've missed on some good nights out. With that in mind though, the clubs needed to pick their battles, and only book the DJs that were a sure thing, just to survive. Believe me, a lot of you don't give our club workers and owners enough credit, most of them are very "musically aware", but when you're running a business, sometimes you gotta put that in the backseat, especially if you're providing a means of earning money for others.

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Guest RzO

I agree with some it , specially about downtown and the ghetto. About the music , come on thats something most of us in the industry Djs , clubbers, promoters etc already know. There is no surprise that dance music has become very commercialized in this town and maybe most places, referring about what i like to call POP house. But isnt that good for the scene? I think theres more people gettin into dance music now ,even hip hop tracks have influence from dance music nowdays, I dont see why he is complaining ( if thats really him). At the end i think it does help the scene, and thats what we need right now. I went from doing a open format party w/ zero house 3 years ago to 70% house/ 30% open format because of tracks like world hold on. Dont complain too much and go out and support the party, spend money , help the scene, then we'll have the power to hear the music we really want.

this is the only part of the above the dt statement i disagree with

the commercialism is good, especially for an industry that has and is looked on by the feds as nothing but drugs and such.

the proliferation of dance music through commercial outfits only helps the scene.

the whole ghetto thing is very true though

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Guest pod

Every underground needs an aboveground to survive. Being an artist though, sometimes introduces a stubborn streak though. I'm a victim of it myself. I could go out and shoot weddings or something and make a mint, but it's totally not my thing and I wouldn't really have fun doing it. Only weddings I've ever done are at the personal request of friends of mine who know fully well how I shoot, and they want that style for their "more candid" moments.

Again, that's me being stubborn.

I see the same in the music community too. I know a lot of guys who have assloads of musical talent, but are as broke as I am since they're unwilling to kick out a commercial product or two to make a buck.

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Guest rcpimp11

I couldnt agree with Danny Tenaglia anymore....its actually quite pathetic that the House music capital of the United States seems to be stuck on this terrible electro, mashup god knows what is popular movement. There is so much more to house music than PATT or World Hold On....I knew there was a problem when I would spin tribal and progressive house at Afterhour Afterhour events and people would think that is the only time it was appropriate. I just spent 10 hours at Pacha NYC listening to Victor Calderone lay down easily the sickest set Ive heard in years and his set was compiled of minimal, tech, tribal and tech house bombs the whole night...I have yet to encounter a dj in Miami that could even come remotely close to the damage he did the other night. Wake up all your miami house heads and open your minds alittle bit. You can still dance to tribal and tech and it wont be the end of the world....Preach on DT preach on

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Guest ramon

There are DJs in town with major residencies who are beyond the chainsaws, Ramon. OG, for one.

well .. OG plays it all that's a whole other thread.

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