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Twilo is closing dammit!! (Old "Deep Thoughts by DT")

Guest bootstah

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Guest DJ Nova

If the owner of the lot wants to charge $25 that's his right. You don't have to park there. If nobody parked there, he would lower the price but it seems that's not a problem. I find it amazing to hear that the parking guy charges too much from a guy who charges upwards of $20K to play records.

I think he has a right to charge upto 20k if the club he is playing for is making upwards around even 500k......it's all relative. Especially with the VIP who spends big money to be at that club......try goin to a club with NO music.....I'd like to see that happen .....ALL VIP BRING YOUR OWN MUSIC ...and leave dance clubs for PEOPLE who like to DANCE!

You're absolutely right. DT can ask for whatever he wants. It's up to the club to pay him and them try to turn a profit. HOWEVER.....when DT charges more, the club has to charge more. The only person who suffers is you. I hear tons of complaints when the cover is $40 but if DT charged less then the cover would be less. So who hurts the scene more....the parking guy who charges $25 or the DJ who charges $25K?

By The Way - NO CLUB IN THIS MARKET EVER GROSSED $500K ON ANY DJ EVENT. That's just really ignorant

FYI - Last time LP did Sasha...lost $ Many conference shows this year....lost $. Ultra had to add rock acts to make $. But it must be the parking that's fucking everything up.

I know Space makes ALOT of money on Saturday Nights, ALOT ! close to figure above(500k) if NOT MORE!

20k is nothing compared to the amounts other DJS have been paid here before.... I Don't suffer cause I don't GO, the music is predictable an unimaginative...just like the DJ sets. The Cover could be less if the club wants it to be less....they have ultimate control. Simon's in Gainesville always kept prices below $20....and they were the FIRST to bring Sasha & John Digweed to the U.S. in 1989. Maybe if the clubs here were bringing the latest ACTS and DJs they would get them before they charge all kinds of money , BUT the clubs in Miami are SO OUT of touch...it's sad.

LP Lost Money cause they're totally out of touch with what's cool and cutting edge......business men rarely know anything other than business. Which is great if your business doesn't revolve around a CREATIVE and ever changing product.

Music is in the bad shape it's in because of the "Business Man".

Ultra same deal...they had to add rock acts because they have NO CLUE. Every Year SAME acts for the most part....you know what I'm talking about.....it GETS OLD.

Look at the Detroit electronic Music Festival for comparison: 3 days 12noon-midnight $40 for all three days !!! and the lineup is WORLD CLASS!!!!!!!!!

Recently in the NEW Times.....PVD's picture.....and he caption under his pic was...and I quote " Paul Van Dyke Performs in Miami for the 50 Millionth Time".

There's a group of like 15 DJS that have made themselves alot of money playing here almost TOO regularly...I don't have to name them Because you know who I'm talking about.

This is the problem, this is why dance music scene is so squabbly down here.......the people that are in position to do the REAL shit.....at least upto this point haven't listened to PEOPLE

like me and they have proven they can't do it by themselves.

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Guest pod

I've debated this back and forth with everyone, including you, a million times. Sasha alone didn't cause LP to lose money, it was the type of clientèle that was attracted that evening that caused him to lose money.

Our company handled ticketing for that event, as we do for most events in this city, and you would have fainted on how many of the supposed music-heads were asking me if I had any comps, or even one guy who asked if I could just put his name into the will-call database, since "what's $30 to Space or Sasha?".

The clubs might be out of touch, but it's the reality of the business. Nova, if a major club here was to book one of your friends, I'm sorry to say they would lose their asses hardcore. You know as well as I do that Miami's not a music town. Right now your crew is "fighting the good fight" and trying to change things, but it's not gonna happen overnight. In the meantime, you guys should try to respect other people's choices, and not demean them, and maybe try to work with them or against them. I know there's one or two of you in there who realize this.

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Guest JustDade

If the owner of the lot wants to charge $25 that's his right. You don't have to park there. If nobody parked there, he would lower the price but it seems that's not a problem. I find it amazing to hear that the parking guy charges too much from a guy who charges upwards of $20K to play records.

I think he has a right to charge upto 20k if the club he is playing for is making upwards around even 500k......it's all relative. Especially with the VIP who spends big money to be at that club......try goin to a club with NO music.....I'd like to see that happen .....ALL VIP BRING YOUR OWN MUSIC ...and leave dance clubs for PEOPLE who like to DANCE!

You're absolutely right. DT can ask for whatever he wants. It's up to the club to pay him and them try to turn a profit. HOWEVER.....when DT charges more, the club has to charge more. The only person who suffers is you. I hear tons of complaints when the cover is $40 but if DT charged less then the cover would be less. So who hurts the scene more....the parking guy who charges $25 or the DJ who charges $25K?

By The Way - NO CLUB IN THIS MARKET EVER GROSSED $500K ON ANY DJ EVENT. That's just really ignorant

FYI - Last time LP did Sasha...lost $ Many conference shows this year....lost $. Ultra had to add rock acts to make $. But it must be the parking that's fucking everything up.

I know Space makes ALOT of money on Saturday Nights, ALOT ! close to figure above(500k) if NOT MORE!

20k is nothing compared to the amounts other DJS have been paid here before.... I Don't suffer cause I don't GO, the music is predictable an unimaginative...just like the DJ sets. The Cover could be less if the club wants it to be less....they have ultimate control. Simon's in Gainesville always kept prices below $20....and they were the FIRST to bring Sasha & John Digweed to the U.S. in 1989. Maybe if the clubs here were bringing the latest ACTS and DJs they would get them before they charge all kinds of money , BUT the clubs in Miami are SO OUT of touch...it's sad.

LP Lost Money cause they're totally out of touch with what's cool and cutting edge......business men rarely know anything other than business. Which is great if your business doesn't revolve around a CREATIVE and ever changing product.

Music is in the bad shape it's in because of the "Business Man".

Ultra same deal...they had to add rock acts because they have NO CLUE. Every Year SAME acts for the most part....you know what I'm talking about.....it GETS OLD.

Look at the Detroit electronic Music Festival for comparison: 3 days 12noon-midnight $40 for all three days !!! and the lineup is WORLD CLASS!!!!!!!!!

Recently in the NEW Times.....PVD's picture.....and he caption under his pic was...and I quote " Paul Van Dyke Performs in Miami for the 50 Millionth Time".

There's a group of like 15 DJS that have made themselves alot of money playing here almost TOO regularly...I don't have to name them Because you know who I'm talking about.

This is the problem, this is why dance music scene is so squabbly down here.......the people that are in position to do the REAL shit.....at least upto this point haven't listened to PEOPLE

like me and they have proven they can't do it by themselves.

I don't know you so don't take this personally......

YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! I was management at Space so I know what they make on a regular Saturday night and on a big Saturday night. It's nowhere close to what you're claiming. Where do you people get this nonsense from?

I have brought more up-and-coming talent to Miami than anyone. I can tell you that the quickest way to go out of business is to bring in new "cutting-edge" talent.

Do you know why PVD has been here so many times? Simple....because he's one of very few DJs whos name can actually fill a room. It's really simple, if there was a market for it the "businessman" you sneer at would be making a buck off of it. The reason it does not happen is because THERE'S NO MONEY IN IT!!!! If you don't believe me just ask Jon Cowen. Jon is a true believer in dance music. He's a DJ and good friends with a lot of new and old talent. Ask him how much of a market there is for underground sounds in Miami. He has approached it not as a "businessman" but as a believer and has lost a fortune.

Maybe you're right. Maybe there is some hidden mass of people just waiting for some brilliant club to book DJ Never-Heard-Of-Him but the stupid club owners just can't see the forest for the trees. NOT!

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Guest pod

Apparently when you see the economics of the situation, you're accorded the title of "stupid" by a lot of people. Someone declared me a sociopath once because of this. To quote Inigo Montoya "You keep using that word, but I don't think you know what it means..."

I know Dade well enough to know that he knows all these no-name DJs and then some. He could call up any agent in the world, and get them booked in a club here. Even Space. But the reality of the situation is that it would be extremely difficult for the club to make money with a lot of these guys.

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Guest Miss_Digital


its all puff daddys fault! eheheh

ever since that time he came out on MTV drinking a call a cab.. its been a slow decent in the realm of hip hop ruling sobe

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Guest pod

Not even close. When I saw the downfall was in '02 when some kid handed me a flyer and said "hip-hop is back...". I laughed. I should have sounded the alarm.

Frankly, there's enough room for everyone to play here. Music heads, drunks, hip-hoppers, celeb-whores, there's enough clubs for everyone.

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Guest DJ Nova

I don't know you so don't take this personally......

YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! I was management at Space so I know what they make on a regular Saturday night and on a big Saturday night. It's nowhere close to what you're claiming. Where do you people get this nonsense from?

I have brought more up-and-coming talent to Miami than anyone. I can tell you that the quickest way to go out of business is to bring in new "cutting-edge" talent.

Do you know why PVD has been here so many times? Simple....because he's one of very few DJs whos name can actually fill a room. It's really simple, if there was a market for it the "businessman" you sneer at would be making a buck off of it. The reason it does not happen is because THERE'S NO MONEY IN IT!!!! If you don't believe me just ask Jon Cowen. Jon is a true believer in dance music. He's a DJ and good friends with a lot of new and old talent. Ask him how much of a market there is for underground sounds in Miami. He has approached it not as a "businessman" but as a believer and has lost a fortune.

Maybe you're right. Maybe there is some hidden mass of people just waiting for some brilliant club to book DJ Never-Heard-Of-Him but the stupid club owners just can't see the forest for the trees. NOT!

LP makes alot of money, maybe i'm off on the numbers, but not that far off

don't take this personally, but YOU HAVE NEVER BROUGHT ANYONE OF REAL TALENT TO MIAMI (maybe one or two guys at the most !) come on, you can't fake the funk with me, DADE.

PVD can fill a room, because MIAMI made that guy!

all these guys you bring you promote the crap out of (like you should) but that could be ANYBODY....whoever you decide to SELL. Ask Jon Cowan ? where's he from ? I've never been approached by him, I've done some REAL world class events in MIAMI, and I grew up here. Maybe when people move here from other places ...they should consult with locals first....to learn about the new place in which they have arrived.....I just haven't had the opportunity to bring to larger amounts of people. It would a million times easier somewhere where people are already going....like (space, Nocturnal, Opium, Mansion etc...) The quickest way to make a club is to bring cutting edge talent....you got the equation backwards.....I think that's the problem.

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Guest ramon

Not even close. When I saw the downfall was in '02 when some kid handed me a flyer and said "hip-hop is back...". I laughed. I should have sounded the alarm.

Frankly, there's enough room for everyone to play here. Music heads, drunks, hip-hoppers, celeb-whores, there's enough clubs for everyone.

I remember when Grutman told me that Hip Hop would rule the beach. I think this was right after he joined the Opium Group. Dave was doing consistently amazing House events at Tantra right before as well.

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Guest Miss_Digital

Not even close. When I saw the downfall was in '02 when some kid handed me a flyer and said "hip-hop is back...". I laughed. I should have sounded the alarm.

Frankly, there's enough room for everyone to play here. Music heads, drunks, hip-hoppers, celeb-whores, there's enough clubs for everyone.

puffy was around 02 as well!

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Guest pod

Damn, Nova, you're really digging a hole here. You've managed to piss off Dade and Jon, two guys in a position to potentially help you get some of the people you promote into big-time gigs here in Miami. They might not be encyclopaedias, but you're giving them a lot of drama mistakenly.

When you own a club, things take a different perspective. You can't just book your friends and be done with it. You've got to worry about the money, and last time I checked, for better or for worse, this world does run on money. It sucks more often than not, but come up with an working alternative and I'll listen. I said working alternative.

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Guest myles hie

If the owner of the lot wants to charge $25 that's his right. You don't have to park there. If nobody parked there, he would lower the price but it seems that's not a problem. I find it amazing to hear that the parking guy charges too much from a guy who charges upwards of $20K to play records.

I think he has a right to charge upto 20k if the club he is playing for is making upwards around even 500k......it's all relative. Especially with the VIP who spends big money to be at that club......try goin to a club with NO music.....I'd like to see that happen .....ALL VIP BRING YOUR OWN MUSIC ...and leave dance clubs for PEOPLE who like to DANCE!

You're absolutely right. DT can ask for whatever he wants. It's up to the club to pay him and them try to turn a profit. HOWEVER.....when DT charges more, the club has to charge more. The only person who suffers is you. I hear tons of complaints when the cover is $40 but if DT charged less then the cover would be less. So who hurts the scene more....the parking guy who charges $25 or the DJ who charges $25K?

By The Way - NO CLUB IN THIS MARKET EVER GROSSED $500K ON ANY DJ EVENT. That's just really ignorant

FYI - Last time LP did Sasha...lost $ Many conference shows this year....lost $. Ultra had to add rock acts to make $. But it must be the parking that's fucking everything up.

I know Space makes ALOT of money on Saturday Nights, ALOT ! close to figure above(500k) if NOT MORE!

20k is nothing compared to the amounts other DJS have been paid here before.... I Don't suffer cause I don't GO, the music is predictable an unimaginative...just like the DJ sets. The Cover could be less if the club wants it to be less....they have ultimate control. Simon's in Gainesville always kept prices below $20....and they were the FIRST to bring Sasha & John Digweed to the U.S. in 1989. Maybe if the clubs here were bringing the latest ACTS and DJs they would get them before they charge all kinds of money , BUT the clubs in Miami are SO OUT of touch...it's sad.

LP Lost Money cause they're totally out of touch with what's cool and cutting edge......business men rarely know anything other than business. Which is great if your business doesn't revolve around a CREATIVE and ever changing product.

Music is in the bad shape it's in because of the "Business Man".

Ultra same deal...they had to add rock acts because they have NO CLUE. Every Year SAME acts for the most part....you know what I'm talking about.....it GETS OLD.

Look at the Detroit electronic Music Festival for comparison: 3 days 12noon-midnight $40 for all three days !!! and the lineup is WORLD CLASS!!!!!!!!!

Recently in the NEW Times.....PVD's picture.....and he caption under his pic was...and I quote " Paul Van Dyke Performs in Miami for the 50 Millionth Time".

There's a group of like 15 DJS that have made themselves alot of money playing here almost TOO regularly...I don't have to name them Because you know who I'm talking about.

This is the problem, this is why dance music scene is so squabbly down here.......the people that are in position to do the REAL shit.....at least upto this point haven't listened to PEOPLE

like me and they have proven they can't do it by themselves.

I don't know you so don't take this personally......


complete ownage.

I don't think most of these people know your resume Dade.

Everybody is confusing how to run a successful business with what they would idealy like to see

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Guest myles hie

I don't know you so don't take this personally......

YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! I was management at Space so I know what they make on a regular Saturday night and on a big Saturday night. It's nowhere close to what you're claiming. Where do you people get this nonsense from?

I have brought more up-and-coming talent to Miami than anyone. I can tell you that the quickest way to go out of business is to bring in new "cutting-edge" talent.

Do you know why PVD has been here so many times? Simple....because he's one of very few DJs whos name can actually fill a room. It's really simple, if there was a market for it the "businessman" you sneer at would be making a buck off of it. The reason it does not happen is because THERE'S NO MONEY IN IT!!!! If you don't believe me just ask Jon Cowen. Jon is a true believer in dance music. He's a DJ and good friends with a lot of new and old talent. Ask him how much of a market there is for underground sounds in Miami. He has approached it not as a "businessman" but as a believer and has lost a fortune.

Maybe you're right. Maybe there is some hidden mass of people just waiting for some brilliant club to book DJ Never-Heard-Of-Him but the stupid club owners just can't see the forest for the trees. NOT!

LP makes alot of money, maybe i'm off on the numbers, but not that far off

don't take this personally, but YOU HAVE NEVER BROUGHT ANYONE OF REAL TALENT TO MIAMI (maybe one or two guys at the most !) come on, you can't fake the funk with me, DADE.

PVD can fill a room, because MIAMI made that guy!

all these guys you bring you promote the crap out of (like you should) but that could be ANYBODY....whoever you decide to SELL. Ask Jon Cowan ? where's he from ? I've never been approached by him, I've done some REAL world class events in MIAMI, and I grew up here. Maybe when people move here from other places ...they should consult with locals first....to learn about the new place in which they have arrived.....I just haven't had the opportunity to bring to larger amounts of people. It would a million times easier somewhere where people are already going....like (space, Nocturnal, Opium, Mansion etc...) The quickest way to make a club is to bring cutting edge talent....you got the equation backwards.....I think that's the problem.


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Guest JustDade

I don't know you so don't take this personally......

YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! I was management at Space so I know what they make on a regular Saturday night and on a big Saturday night. It's nowhere close to what you're claiming. Where do you people get this nonsense from?

I have brought more up-and-coming talent to Miami than anyone. I can tell you that the quickest way to go out of business is to bring in new "cutting-edge" talent.

Do you know why PVD has been here so many times? Simple....because he's one of very few DJs whos name can actually fill a room. It's really simple, if there was a market for it the "businessman" you sneer at would be making a buck off of it. The reason it does not happen is because THERE'S NO MONEY IN IT!!!! If you don't believe me just ask Jon Cowen. Jon is a true believer in dance music. He's a DJ and good friends with a lot of new and old talent. Ask him how much of a market there is for underground sounds in Miami. He has approached it not as a "businessman" but as a believer and has lost a fortune.

Maybe you're right. Maybe there is some hidden mass of people just waiting for some brilliant club to book DJ Never-Heard-Of-Him but the stupid club owners just can't see the forest for the trees. NOT!

LP makes alot of money, maybe i'm off on the numbers, but not that far off

don't take this personally, but YOU HAVE NEVER BROUGHT ANYONE OF REAL TALENT TO MIAMI (maybe one or two guys at the most !) come on, you can't fake the funk with me, DADE.

PVD can fill a room, because MIAMI made that guy!

all these guys you bring you promote the crap out of (like you should) but that could be ANYBODY....whoever you decide to SELL. Ask Jon Cowan ? where's he from ? I've never been approached by him, I've done some REAL world class events in MIAMI, and I grew up here. Maybe when people move here from other places ...they should consult with locals first....to learn about the new place in which they have arrived.....I just haven't had the opportunity to bring to larger amounts of people. It would a million times easier somewhere where people are already going....like (space, Nocturnal, Opium, Mansion etc...) The quickest way to make a club is to bring cutting edge talent....you got the equation backwards.....I think that's the problem.

Now that's funny. We don't know shit because we haven't approached Dj Nova. How on Earth have we gotten this far? Maybe I haven't brought in anyone YOU consider "of real talent" like yourself, but that's because you've been clubbing for all of a nano-second. I was the first to bring Tiesto to Miami back when he needed a break. Many others will tell you the same story. That's not the point. The point is that you're wrong about me just as you're wrong about the Miami scene.

By the way......tell me again why nobody will take your calls even though you have all the answers?

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Guest lulamishka

Damn, Nova, you're really digging a hole here.

Hasn't he done this before in the past? This feels like déjà vu.

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Guest eroc0411

u kno the only reason edm is a weak scene is cause for the most part the edm followin r cheap fucks!! I love the scene and i kno when i go out i buy atleast 1 round but after words i kno im lookin for mr. promoter 2 get me sum comps... As 2 a hip hop or open format club i know i better bring my credit card just in case.. Its really the culture of edm thats killing the scene... its bad if u make music for the masses... Its bad if u dance behind the decks.. Its bad if theres vip or bottel service... Its bad cause blah blah blah... U people r never ever happy!!(we) i've never went 2 twilo cause i like 2 look at chicks but from what i hear its an amazing club... regret not ever goin!! so i guess i also am part of the weaking of the scene... But if we ever just stop bitchin then maybe theres a chance... Actually i think miami as a whole is a bitching city!! (look at the sports scene, ppl only go 2 the games if the teams r winning) the miami heat lost half there season ticket base. Look at the marlins. Theres no middle class here. Its the battle of the upper and lower class... The goverment here sucks!! thats the problem w/ this town.. Sorri 4 the rant!

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Guest coach

Last time I checked, it isn't cheap to park on the beach, nor New York, nor LA, nor any other urban area. Miami's not unusual in this respect.

Miami is actually cheap to park as far as most real metropolitan areas go. M.B. even more so.
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Guest Mattivi

Great, so we should build 24 hour clubs with patios in Palm Beach next to Trumps house??

The problems downtown are no better or worse the day the original Space opened there. Why no complaints back then?

you're kidding right?


Downtown today, vs downtown early 2000's doesn't compare. The homeless have always been & to me that's the least of the problem. Back then, warehouses made home for EDM clubs like Space, Living room, NV, etc... Parking was 50-75% less & stabbings or shootings weren't a monthly headline. The mood was never aggressive, the drug was "probably" ecstasy & kids carried glow sticks, not knifes...

& that's just 1st layer of the cake. Take it from someone who's worked weekends in downtown since Oct. 2001.

Oh biz, pay attention.

Parking costs, why have to gone up? As more clubs came to downtown, there were less parking spaces, ergo the price rose. If 439587239857 people came to LC, wouldn't you raise your prices too? But oh no! The parking people are evil!!!

The crime rate in downtown has stayed exactly the same, you just hear about it more because there are more people down there. As populations grow so does crime, but the % of crime has stayed the same.

Per Capita, it's the same. It's no different than people thinking there are more shark attacks and crimes against kids have exploded. Truth is, shark attacks and attacks on kids have gone down.

Keep drinking the cool aid..

Gotta love your supply & demand theory... It's just like little private owned supermarkets that raise prices on water when supply is down thru a hurricane. The last time I checked, that's not exactly legal. But then again, who's cares to keep track of the parking lot scam. Back in 2001, there was about 2 parking lots for 3 clubs. Now there's a million in the area for about 6 clubs. There goes your parking supply & demand theory.

Crime rate downtown? dude, drop your newspaper & step from behind your local tv news for a minute here. We're talking about crime rate inside our clubs. Of course you hear about it more, because it's happening more! Maybe Downtown's crime rate in "general" remains the same, but the crime rate or "fights" in clubs have signifcantly risen in downtown.

On another note...

What's the stock market like these days? I'm looking to invest.


well said. i remember when i was coming down from orlando to party at the original space, there was the gated parking lot right across the street, you paid 10bucks, went to the clubbed , partied till noon, walked across the street again, grabbed a dog, and that was it. there was no hassle, space was the only game in town(only real clubkids knew about it), and only rarely would you get haggled by street bums. now its a literal street circus downtown. i agree with most of what barbarina is saying, but biz is right on this one.

OK....where do you park now when you go to Space? If you walk across the street, past Goldrush, under the overpass there is $10 parking. It's City operated and guarded. With the exception of the hot-dog, what's changed?

If the owner of the lot wants to charge $25 that's his right. You don't have to park there. If nobody parked there, he would lower the price but it seems that's not a problem. I find it amazing to hear that the parking guy charges too much from a guy who charges upwards of $20K to play records.

bro, relax im not bitching about the parking rates. i just remember back around 01-03', when it was a lot less troublesome to go to space and the parking was more affordable and right there next to space. yeh i could spend 10 dollars underneath the overpass and get my shit jacked like several of my friends have. i never had any problems back in the day when it was just space on the block, thats the point. and i disagree, A LOT HAS CHANGED.

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Guest pod

Its really the culture of edm thats killing the scene... its bad if u make music for the masses... Its bad if u dance behind the decks.. Its bad if theres vip or bottel service...

Apparently so. You don't know how many times I've seen people rip into DJs over little things like that. "He had his hands in the air during a song...he sucks!"

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Guest coach

Twilo isn't closing because the EDM scene sucks or because DT is washed up or because 11th St is a garbage pit. Twilo is closing because a bunch of big-head NYC clublanders thought they could slough off their C-game on Miami and we didn't stand for it.

The venue is okay, but the lack of advertising and exciting events killed it. I'm not saying they had no advertising and no exciting events, just that they didn't have enough. Plus, they sloughed off CJ, and even Opium has come on board.

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Guest pod

Twilo advertises (ed) with us.

I can understand why they wanted to leave the name. Twilo was a very strong brand in New York from 1996-2000. However, six years passed between Twilo NYC and Twilo Miami. I would have gone with a different name, but emphasized that it was from "The team that bought you Twilo NYC" to have a connection.

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Guest spacecadet

If the owner of the lot wants to charge $25 that's his right. You don't have to park there. If nobody parked there, he would lower the price but it seems that's not a problem. I find it amazing to hear that the parking guy charges too much from a guy who charges upwards of $20K to play records.

I think he has a right to charge upto 20k if the club he is playing for is making upwards around even 500k......it's all relative. Especially with the VIP who spends big money to be at that club......try goin to a club with NO music.....I'd like to see that happen .....ALL VIP BRING YOUR OWN MUSIC ...and leave dance clubs for PEOPLE who like to DANCE!

You're absolutely right. DT can ask for whatever he wants. It's up to the club to pay him and them try to turn a profit. HOWEVER.....when DT charges more, the club has to charge more. The only person who suffers is you. I hear tons of complaints when the cover is $40 but if DT charged less then the cover would be less. So who hurts the scene more....the parking guy who charges $25 or the DJ who charges $25K?

By The Way - NO CLUB IN THIS MARKET EVER GROSSED $500K ON ANY DJ EVENT. That's just really ignorant

FYI - Last time LP did Sasha...lost $ Many conference shows this year....lost $. Ultra had to add rock acts to make $. But it must be the parking that's fucking everything up.

I know Space makes ALOT of money on Saturday Nights, ALOT ! close to figure above(500k) if NOT MORE!

20k is nothing compared to the amounts other DJS have been paid here before.... I Don't suffer cause I don't GO, the music is predictable an unimaginative...just like the DJ sets. The Cover could be less if the club wants it to be less....they have ultimate control. Simon's in Gainesville always kept prices below $20....and they were the FIRST to bring Sasha & John Digweed to the U.S. in 1989. Maybe if the clubs here were bringing the latest ACTS and DJs they would get them before they charge all kinds of money , BUT the clubs in Miami are SO OUT of touch...it's sad.

LP Lost Money cause they're totally out of touch with what's cool and cutting edge......business men rarely know anything other than business. Which is great if your business doesn't revolve around a CREATIVE and ever changing product.

Music is in the bad shape it's in because of the "Business Man".

Ultra same deal...they had to add rock acts because they have NO CLUE. Every Year SAME acts for the most part....you know what I'm talking about.....it GETS OLD.

Look at the Detroit electronic Music Festival for comparison: 3 days 12noon-midnight $40 for all three days !!! and the lineup is WORLD CLASS!!!!!!!!!

Recently in the NEW Times.....PVD's picture.....and he caption under his pic was...and I quote " Paul Van Dyke Performs in Miami for the 50 Millionth Time".

There's a group of like 15 DJS that have made themselves alot of money playing here almost TOO regularly...I don't have to name them Because you know who I'm talking about.

This is the problem, this is why dance music scene is so squabbly down here.......the people that are in position to do the REAL shit.....at least upto this point haven't listened to PEOPLE

like me and they have proven they can't do it by themselves.

I don't know you so don't take this personally......

YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! I was management at Space so I know what they make on a regular Saturday night and on a big Saturday night. It's nowhere close to what you're claiming. Where do you people get this nonsense from?

I have brought more up-and-coming talent to Miami than anyone. I can tell you that the quickest way to go out of business is to bring in new "cutting-edge" talent.

Do you know why PVD has been here so many times? Simple....because he's one of very few DJs whos name can actually fill a room. It's really simple, if there was a market for it the "businessman" you sneer at would be making a buck off of it. The reason it does not happen is because THERE'S NO MONEY IN IT!!!! If you don't believe me just ask Jon Cowen. Jon is a true believer in dance music. He's a DJ and good friends with a lot of new and old talent. Ask him how much of a market there is for underground sounds in Miami. He has approached it not as a "businessman" but as a believer and has lost a fortune.

Maybe you're right. Maybe there is some hidden mass of people just waiting for some brilliant club to book DJ Never-Heard-Of-Him but the stupid club owners just can't see the forest for the trees. NOT!

500 k thats sounds way to high how many tables do you need to sell ? 500 tables at a grand :P

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Guest JustDade

don't take this personally, but YOU HAVE NEVER BROUGHT ANYONE OF REAL TALENT TO MIAMI (maybe one or two guys at the most !) come on, you can't fake the funk with me, DADE.

Dimitri from Paris

Francois K.

Bugz In The Attic


Digable Planets

Derrick May

Frankie Bones

Frankie Knuckles

Josh Wink


John Beltran

These are some of the names I found on your MYSPACE page of DJs and artists I have brought to Miami. So I guess you're right....I never brought any real talent.

By the way....who have you brought?

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