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Twilo is closing dammit!! (Old "Deep Thoughts by DT")

Guest bootstah

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Guest JustDade

Twilo isn't closing because the EDM scene sucks or because DT is washed up or because 11th St is a garbage pit. Twilo is closing because a bunch of big-head NYC clublanders thought they could slough off their C-game on Miami and we didn't stand for it.

The venue is okay, but the lack of advertising and exciting events killed it. I'm not saying they had no advertising and no exciting events, just that they didn't have enough. Plus, they sloughed off CJ, and even Opium has come on board.

No...they're closing because they never approached DJ Nova!

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Guest coach

Twilo isn't closing because the EDM scene sucks or because DT is washed up or because 11th St is a garbage pit. Twilo is closing because a bunch of big-head NYC clublanders thought they could slough off their C-game on Miami and we didn't stand for it.

The venue is okay, but the lack of advertising and exciting events killed it. I'm not saying they had no advertising and no exciting events, just that they didn't have enough. Plus, they sloughed off CJ, and even Opium has come on board.

No...they're closing because they never approached DJ Nova!

Oh SNAP, Dade! Right as always. How could I have missed that?
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Guest pod

I can understand the bitterness in a way. It sucks when you work hard and your ship never comes in. But at the same time, it's not a real reason to lash out at potential clients and people that could book you.

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Guest Fez

amika & shine said the same thing and look at them ;)

3 threads about this already...next week's new times anyone???

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Guest mr.miami

Just spoke to a contact at Twilo actually. They say they are not closing.

Which if they aren't closing it is pretty crappy to try and sabotage a place by saying it is closing with no proof. Do clubs usually tell when they are closing though? This month is looking very bad for them unless something happens for memorial weekend.

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Twilo isn't closing because the EDM scene sucks or because DT is washed up or because 11th St is a garbage pit. Twilo is closing because a bunch of big-head NYC clublanders thought they could slough off their C-game on Miami and we didn't stand for it.

The venue is okay, but the lack of advertising and exciting events killed it. I'm not saying they had no advertising and no exciting events, just that they didn't have enough. Plus, they sloughed off CJ, and even Opium has come on board.

No...they're closing because they never approached DJ Nova!

lol damn

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Guest JustDade

I can understand the bitterness in a way. It sucks when you work hard and your ship never comes in. But at the same time, it's not a real reason to lash out at potential clients and people that could book you.

Dan....You know me. You know that nobody in this industry in this market has done more for the "little guy" nor has anyone done more for the "up-and-comer." I really do get where he's coming from but he doesn't understand that what he's doing causes more harm than good to the scene. Nobody likes to be preached to or educated. It's like the guy who smokes American Spirits thinking he's better than the guy who smokes Marlboros. Get over it...you both smoke. There are guys like Ramon who love the music they love and will tell anyone willing to listen about it in the hopes of sharing. The difference is that Ramon respects people's right to disagree with him and like other music. Nova believes that anyone who doesn't agree with him is somehow less than he is and in need of education. It's this attitude that drives people away from this scene. When I go out I sometimes want to get dressed up and be somewhere nice. I also like to get dirty and dance all night sometimes. To guys like Nova, getting dressed up is being fake. Caring about more than the music is fake. I see a lot of people on this board bash Bling but he is the guy you should respect. He's open to new sounds. He supports many events that are out of the mainstream and many that are mainstream. He will dress to accommodate the promoter and the promotion. AND....I've never heard him disrespect any sound or vibe. If he isn't into it he goes back to what he likes. But he gets shit on. I don't get it.

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Guest pod

That's what I'm talking about. He's bashing you when you're probably the best person in town to give him a break.

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I can understand the bitterness in a way. It sucks when you work hard and your ship never comes in. But at the same time, it's not a real reason to lash out at potential clients and people that could book you.

Dan....You know me. You know that nobody in this industry in this market has done more for the "little guy" nor has anyone done more for the "up-and-comer." I really do get where he's coming from but he doesn't understand that what he's doing causes more harm than good to the scene. Nobody likes to be preached to or educated. It's like the guy who smokes American Spirits thinking he's better than the guy who smokes Marlboros. Get over it...you both smoke. There are guys like Ramon who love the music they love and will tell anyone willing to listen about it in the hopes of sharing. The difference is that Ramon respects people's right to disagree with him and like other music. Nova believes that anyone who doesn't agree with him is somehow less than he is and in need of education. It's this attitude that drives people away from this scene. When I go out I sometimes want to get dressed up and be somewhere nice. I also like to get dirty and dance all night sometimes. To guys like Nova, getting dressed up is being fake. Caring about more than the music is fake. I see a lot of people on this board bash Bling but he is the guy you should respect. He's open to new sounds. He supports many events that are out of the mainstream and many that are mainstream. He will dress to accommodate the promoter and the promotion. AND....I've never heard him disrespect any sound or vibe. If he isn't into it he goes back to what he likes. But he gets shit on. I don't get it.

well put Dade...

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Guest addictedtospace

If the owner of the lot wants to charge $25 that's his right. You don't have to park there. If nobody parked there, he would lower the price but it seems that's not a problem. I find it amazing to hear that the parking guy charges too much from a guy who charges upwards of $20K to play records.

I think he has a right to charge upto 20k if the club he is playing for is making upwards around even 500k......it's all relative. Especially with the VIP who spends big money to be at that club......try goin to a club with NO music.....I'd like to see that happen .....ALL VIP BRING YOUR OWN MUSIC ...and leave dance clubs for PEOPLE who like to DANCE!

You're absolutely right. DT can ask for whatever he wants. It's up to the club to pay him and them try to turn a profit. HOWEVER.....when DT charges more, the club has to charge more. The only person who suffers is you. I hear tons of complaints when the cover is $40 but if DT charged less then the cover would be less. So who hurts the scene more....the parking guy who charges $25 or the DJ who charges $25K?

By The Way - NO CLUB IN THIS MARKET EVER GROSSED $500K ON ANY DJ EVENT. That's just really ignorant

FYI - Last time LP did Sasha...lost $ Many conference shows this year....lost $. Ultra had to add rock acts to make $. But it must be the parking that's fucking everything up.

I know Space makes ALOT of money on Saturday Nights, ALOT ! close to figure above(500k) if NOT MORE!

20k is nothing compared to the amounts other DJS have been paid here before.... I Don't suffer cause I don't GO, the music is predictable an unimaginative...just like the DJ sets. The Cover could be less if the club wants it to be less....they have ultimate control. Simon's in Gainesville always kept prices below $20....and they were the FIRST to bring Sasha & John Digweed to the U.S. in 1989. Maybe if the clubs here were bringing the latest ACTS and DJs they would get them before they charge all kinds of money , BUT the clubs in Miami are SO OUT of touch...it's sad.

LP Lost Money cause they're totally out of touch with what's cool and cutting edge......business men rarely know anything other than business. Which is great if your business doesn't revolve around a CREATIVE and ever changing product.

Music is in the bad shape it's in because of the "Business Man".

Ultra same deal...they had to add rock acts because they have NO CLUE. Every Year SAME acts for the most part....you know what I'm talking about.....it GETS OLD.

Look at the Detroit electronic Music Festival for comparison: 3 days 12noon-midnight $40 for all three days !!! and the lineup is WORLD CLASS!!!!!!!!!

Recently in the NEW Times.....PVD's picture.....and he caption under his pic was...and I quote " Paul Van Dyke Performs in Miami for the 50 Millionth Time".

There's a group of like 15 DJS that have made themselves alot of money playing here almost TOO regularly...I don't have to name them Because you know who I'm talking about.

This is the problem, this is why dance music scene is so squabbly down here.......the people that are in position to do the REAL shit.....at least upto this point haven't listened to PEOPLE

like me and they have proven they can't do it by themselves.

Hows the Sushi at your gig? Is it really as fresh as your music? I love dragon roles.

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Guest RzO

well well well

i just now caught up with this thread since going to bed last nite as my psycho day at work prevented me from checking cj till i just now got home

i must say the 6 pages since then were all great reading

the points are coming across and i think that if anything this comment by DT is causing for some excellent constructive thought on the scene.

i mean as much of a music head as i am, i understand business, and to have what we want in terms of music needs some of the trendy talent to succeed, but i have discussed this point to an end

the main issue i have is, why the degenerate aspect of park west is still there, no one has answered my question as to why if the city wants this area to thrive, they have not done much on those streets. as mentioned in this thread by many i have heard a few things that would help. the parking garage coach mentioned, ffs, what a great idea. then the city can make all the money off parking and not come scummy parking lot people. and the bums, well truthfully i have been going down there for almost 5 years now, and although im sure problems arise i haven't had an issue, fuck it if i left space at noon and i got a buck left, you know what write it off with the night and give it to the bum, they are very nice (in my experience) when u give em a buck, maybe its my left oriented egalitarianism ideology speaking, but hey thats me

so ill will leave this once again , im off to dinner and will see where it has gone when i return later, i hope for some more quality input by the community :)

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Guest JustDade

I can understand the bitterness in a way. It sucks when you work hard and your ship never comes in. But at the same time, it's not a real reason to lash out at potential clients and people that could book you.

Dan....You know me. You know that nobody in this industry in this market has done more for the "little guy" nor has anyone done more for the "up-and-comer." I really do get where he's coming from but he doesn't understand that what he's doing causes more harm than good to the scene. Nobody likes to be preached to or educated. It's like the guy who smokes American Spirits thinking he's better than the guy who smokes Marlboros. Get over it...you both smoke. There are guys like Ramon who love the music they love and will tell anyone willing to listen about it in the hopes of sharing. The difference is that Ramon respects people's right to disagree with him and like other music. Nova believes that anyone who doesn't agree with him is somehow less than he is and in need of education. It's this attitude that drives people away from this scene. When I go out I sometimes want to get dressed up and be somewhere nice. I also like to get dirty and dance all night sometimes. To guys like Nova, getting dressed up is being fake. Caring about more than the music is fake. I see a lot of people on this board bash Bling but he is the guy you should respect. He's open to new sounds. He supports many events that are out of the mainstream and many that are mainstream. He will dress to accommodate the promoter and the promotion. AND....I've never heard him disrespect any sound or vibe. If he isn't into it he goes back to what he likes. But he gets shit on. I don't get it.

well put Dade...

I'm not speaking to you until you put the "HOT ASS" back where it belongs.

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I can understand the bitterness in a way. It sucks when you work hard and your ship never comes in. But at the same time, it's not a real reason to lash out at potential clients and people that could book you.

Dan....You know me. You know that nobody in this industry in this market has done more for the "little guy" nor has anyone done more for the "up-and-comer." I really do get where he's coming from but he doesn't understand that what he's doing causes more harm than good to the scene. Nobody likes to be preached to or educated. It's like the guy who smokes American Spirits thinking he's better than the guy who smokes Marlboros. Get over it...you both smoke. There are guys like Ramon who love the music they love and will tell anyone willing to listen about it in the hopes of sharing. The difference is that Ramon respects people's right to disagree with him and like other music. Nova believes that anyone who doesn't agree with him is somehow less than he is and in need of education. It's this attitude that drives people away from this scene. When I go out I sometimes want to get dressed up and be somewhere nice. I also like to get dirty and dance all night sometimes. To guys like Nova, getting dressed up is being fake. Caring about more than the music is fake. I see a lot of people on this board bash Bling but he is the guy you should respect. He's open to new sounds. He supports many events that are out of the mainstream and many that are mainstream. He will dress to accommodate the promoter and the promotion. AND....I've never heard him disrespect any sound or vibe. If he isn't into it he goes back to what he likes. But he gets shit on. I don't get it.

Thanks for the kind words Dade..my stance on the whole issue is THIS......... we all like what we like some like commercial house.. others like trance. others like techno....one can never forcefeed to another what they should listen too... the only thing i do agree with the post by DT is the state of Downtown. the area is def not a good one. the city has done there best for sure but still needs a lot of work

regardless the regular clubbers wont be detracted because of that because they just want to go out have fun.. get drunk and maybe pick up a chick or guy if they are lucky...

even though i dont go to space or nocturnal anymore. at least we still have some form of EDM in this city..... hell we could be living in Alabama and the only places to go to are some dive bar or country music club..... BLAH.......

I could just as easy go to a small undergound party


went to rain in jeans/t shirt and danced my ass off to jellybean and kenny bobien..... (that is exactly the type of music i love and live for.)

or go to shine and dress for the occasion. i consider shine and the shelborne hotel a classy semi upscale spot and will dress accordingly even if i will sweat my ass off.

this past weekend went out to shine to support Jon and Sebastian specifically... did i go out knowing full well i probably wont like Adam freeland.. yeah... but i went out to support even though it wasnt my thing.

if i didnt live in BFE i would def have been at stryke's gig last week for charity and for this week's special guest at laundry bar...

one thing that you said Dade back in God knows what page that i agree 100% with is

"people go clubbing from age x to age y then they are replaced with new clubbers who like a new sound"===100% true.

clubbing is not a priority to me like it used to be but i wont go out there and say "you suck because you love hip hop. or salsa or whatever" ---different strokes for different folks......

back when i had the energy and mega enthusiasm for the scene i lived at Nocturnal every friday.. You can vouch for me Dade the many times i got there as you opened for DHM and Aquabooty and would stay at least an hr or 2 into Local Celebrity..

great times......

times have changed....... and Miami has changed.

what i believe is that in a way house music SHOULD go back to the underground back to its roots. ( you do need the commercial stuff) to keep the club scene afloat.

But as long as some underground small parties float about and play the music i love im happy .......

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Guest DJ Nova

I can understand the bitterness in a way. It sucks when you work hard and your ship never comes in. But at the same time, it's not a real reason to lash out at potential clients and people that could book you.

Dan....You know me. You know that nobody in this industry in this market has done more for the "little guy" nor has anyone done more for the "up-and-comer." I really do get where he's coming from but he doesn't understand that what he's doing causes more harm than good to the scene. Nobody likes to be preached to or educated. It's like the guy who smokes American Spirits thinking he's better than the guy who smokes Marlboros. Get over it...you both smoke. There are guys like Ramon who love the music they love and will tell anyone willing to listen about it in the hopes of sharing. The difference is that Ramon respects people's right to disagree with him and like other music. Nova believes that anyone who doesn't agree with him is somehow less than he is and in need of education. It's this attitude that drives people away from this scene. When I go out I sometimes want to get dressed up and be somewhere nice. I also like to get dirty and dance all night sometimes. To guys like Nova, getting dressed up is being fake. Caring about more than the music is fake. I see a lot of people on this board bash Bling but he is the guy you should respect. He's open to new sounds. He supports many events that are out of the mainstream and many that are mainstream. He will dress to accommodate the promoter and the promotion. AND....I've never heard him disrespect any sound or vibe. If he isn't into it he goes back to what he likes. But he gets shit on. I don't get it.

when did I say getting dressed up is being fake ?

you think you know me but you don't ...

I don't want to educate anyone ....that's your'e own responsibilty not mine. I'm not trying to force feed anyone.......this is the only defense you have is to make fun of me.....it's pretty pathetic....I was simply stating the facts: You have not brought down any of those people u listed with the exception of Derrick....and you totally disrespected him by not PROPERLY promoting the event ! Out of that list I have brought more down than you....SORRY I don' t OWN CLUBS (now I can't make a difference cause I'm not Rich enough to own a venue ?)

OK....there buddy

I have an attitude with you because u think you're SO cool and you're REALLY Not......and you think u have done so much....and you HAVE CERTAINLY NOT.

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Guest JustDade

I can understand the bitterness in a way. It sucks when you work hard and your ship never comes in. But at the same time, it's not a real reason to lash out at potential clients and people that could book you.

Dan....You know me. You know that nobody in this industry in this market has done more for the "little guy" nor has anyone done more for the "up-and-comer." I really do get where he's coming from but he doesn't understand that what he's doing causes more harm than good to the scene. Nobody likes to be preached to or educated. It's like the guy who smokes American Spirits thinking he's better than the guy who smokes Marlboros. Get over it...you both smoke. There are guys like Ramon who love the music they love and will tell anyone willing to listen about it in the hopes of sharing. The difference is that Ramon respects people's right to disagree with him and like other music. Nova believes that anyone who doesn't agree with him is somehow less than he is and in need of education. It's this attitude that drives people away from this scene. When I go out I sometimes want to get dressed up and be somewhere nice. I also like to get dirty and dance all night sometimes. To guys like Nova, getting dressed up is being fake. Caring about more than the music is fake. I see a lot of people on this board bash Bling but he is the guy you should respect. He's open to new sounds. He supports many events that are out of the mainstream and many that are mainstream. He will dress to accommodate the promoter and the promotion. AND....I've never heard him disrespect any sound or vibe. If he isn't into it he goes back to what he likes. But he gets shit on. I don't get it.

when did I say getting dressed up is being fake ?

you think you know me but you don't ...

I don't want to educate anyone ....that's your'e own responsibilty not mine. I'm not trying to force feed anyone.......this is the only defense you have is to make fun of me.....it's pretty pathetic....I was simply stating the facts: You have not brought down any of those people u listed with the exception of Derrick....and you totally disrespected him by not PROPERLY promoting the event ! Out of that list I have brought more down than you....SORRY I don' t OWN CLUBS (now I can't make a difference cause I'm not Rich enough to own a venue ?)

OK....there buddy

I have an attitude with you because u think you're SO cool and you're REALLY Not......and you think u have done so much....and you HAVE CERTAINLY NOT.

Exactly my point. I do know you. I've known guys like you my whole carreer. You say you don't seek to educate but you call others "unknowledgable." I don't get it.

Every act I listed, I did, in fact, bring to Miami. You, who have achieved nothing, call me a liar. I really don't care either way. Facts are facts and mine are straight.

You have not stated a single "fact" in this entire thread.

You're right.....I shouldn't make fun of you. You're out there fighting the fight and I do respect that. But....you really do not know what you're talking about and were rude to me first so I couldn't resist.

When you get to Indochine ask Jacques, the owner, about me and what I've meant to nightlife in Miami. He'll tell you the same thing most everyone else will...that I don't think I'm so cool. That I am a very grounded person who has worked very hard for everything I have. That I am respected industry wide by talent, agents, venue operators and staff. Or better yet....ask Stryke about me.

Oh yeah.....still waiting for you to answer any of my questions.

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Guest addictedtospace

u kno the only reason edm is a weak scene is cause for the most part the edm followin r cheap fucks!! I love the scene and i kno when i go out i buy atleast 1 round but after words i kno im lookin for mr. promoter 2 get me sum comps... As 2 a hip hop or open format club i know i better bring my credit card just in case.. Its really the culture of edm thats killing the scene... its bad if u make music for the masses... Its bad if u dance behind the decks.. Its bad if theres vip or bottel service... Its bad cause blah blah blah... U people r never ever happy!!(we) i've never went 2 twilo cause i like 2 look at chicks but from what i hear its an amazing club... regret not ever goin!! so i guess i also am part of the weaking of the scene... But if we ever just stop bitchin then maybe theres a chance... Actually i think miami as a whole is a bitching city!! (look at the sports scene, ppl only go 2 the games if the teams r winning) the miami heat lost half there season ticket base. Look at the marlins. Theres no middle class here. Its the battle of the upper and lower class... The goverment here sucks!! thats the problem w/ this town.. Sorri 4 the rant!

The middle class maybe dwindling but it only exists in the United States. If you knew anything about anything you would know that. In the rest of the world you are either rich or you're poor.

I worked at Space in the patio running the lights and heard week in and week out the same Hip Hop songs, the bars are empty as well as the VIP. Fights all over the place and they are all High so that really confuses me since you would think they would mellow as fuck. If there is any scene that does not spend money at a club its the Hip Hop. You can not get any more commercial than Hip Hop.

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Guest DJ Nova

I can understand the bitterness in a way. It sucks when you work hard and your ship never comes in. But at the same time, it's not a real reason to lash out at potential clients and people that could book you.

Dan....You know me. You know that nobody in this industry in this market has done more for the "little guy" nor has anyone done more for the "up-and-comer." I really do get where he's coming from but he doesn't understand that what he's doing causes more harm than good to the scene. Nobody likes to be preached to or educated. It's like the guy who smokes American Spirits thinking he's better than the guy who smokes Marlboros. Get over it...you both smoke. There are guys like Ramon who love the music they love and will tell anyone willing to listen about it in the hopes of sharing. The difference is that Ramon respects people's right to disagree with him and like other music. Nova believes that anyone who doesn't agree with him is somehow less than he is and in need of education. It's this attitude that drives people away from this scene. When I go out I sometimes want to get dressed up and be somewhere nice. I also like to get dirty and dance all night sometimes. To guys like Nova, getting dressed up is being fake. Caring about more than the music is fake. I see a lot of people on this board bash Bling but he is the guy you should respect. He's open to new sounds. He supports many events that are out of the mainstream and many that are mainstream. He will dress to accommodate the promoter and the promotion. AND....I've never heard him disrespect any sound or vibe. If he isn't into it he goes back to what he likes. But he gets shit on. I don't get it.

when did I say getting dressed up is being fake ?

you think you know me but you don't ...

I don't want to educate anyone ....that's your'e own responsibilty not mine. I'm not trying to force feed anyone.......this is the only defense you have is to make fun of me.....it's pretty pathetic....I was simply stating the facts: You have not brought down any of those people u listed with the exception of Derrick....and you totally disrespected him by not PROPERLY promoting the event ! Out of that list I have brought more down than you....SORRY I don' t OWN CLUBS (now I can't make a difference cause I'm not Rich enough to own a venue ?)

OK....there buddy

I have an attitude with you because u think you're SO cool and you're REALLY Not......and you think u have done so much....and you HAVE CERTAINLY NOT.

Exactly my point. I do know you. I've known guys like you my whole carreer. You say you don't seek to educate but you call others "unknowledgable." I don't get it.

Every act I listed, I did, in fact, bring to Miami. You, who have achieved nothing, call me a liar. I really don't care either way. Facts are facts and mine are straight.

You have not stated a single "fact" in this entire thread.

You're right.....I shouldn't make fun of you. You're out there fighting the fight and I do respect that. But....you really do not know what you're talking about and were rude to me first so I couldn't resist.

When you get to Indochine ask Jacques, the owner, about me and what I've meant to nightlife in Miami. He'll tell you the same thing most everyone else will...that I don't think I'm so cool. That I am a very grounded person who has worked very hard for everything I have. That I am respected industry wide by talent, agents, venue operators and staff. Or better yet....ask Stryke about me.

Oh yeah.....still waiting for you to answer any of my questions.

I don't have to ask anyone, I've lived here my whole life and know that your stretching the truth a bit. You have NOT brought the acts that you listed, that is FACT....and you're right ...You don't get it. Maybe YOU should be the one asking around about ME, I have achieved alot more than MANY here in Miami with VERY LITTLE resources.....you obviously don't know, Because again, you are out of touch with the LOCAL music communtiy and it's true POTENTIAL.

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I don't have to ask anyone, I've lived here my whole life and know that your stretching the truth a bit. You have NOT brought the acts that you listed, that is FACT....and you're right ...You don't get it. Maybe YOU should be the one asking around about ME, I have achieved alot more than MANY here in Miami with VERY LITTLE resources.....you obviously don't know, Because again, you are out of touch with the LOCAL music communtiy and it's true POTENTIAL.

well why don't you list some of your accomplishments within the community you've lived in all your whole life so we can form our own opinion?

Who should we ask about you too? I mean drop some names kid. Who do we ask to find out all these amazingly awesome people, promoters, parties that you've blessed Miami with???

Dade has asked you questions which you have obviously danced around... answer them and let us decide?

No offense, but you just sound bitter to me sport...

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Guest Tru1

Gotta chime in here.

What I find very interesting is that the same arguments take place in many cities, not just miami. I dealt with the same kinds of people in my markets when I was promoting almost four years ago.

The crazy thing is that I can check the other message boards right now (4 years later) and these same haters are going to be complaining about the same things and are nowhere further along in their dj careers even after all this time.


with all due respect...I understand your perspective, have encountered many people just like you, and it is very clear that you just don't get it.

The hardcore underground, too cool for school, hates on everyone DJ complains because they have more talent than everyone, they "get it" more than everyone, yet their career has not progressed one bit in many years.

There is a reason for it.

Also please, if you are going to get into an argument with someone that is a true pioneer and a founder of the club scene, and type of music that you enjoy, you need to do some homework.

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Guest DJ Nova

I don't have to ask anyone, I've lived here my whole life and know that your stretching the truth a bit. You have NOT brought the acts that you listed, that is FACT....and you're right ...You don't get it. Maybe YOU should be the one asking around about ME, I have achieved alot more than MANY here in Miami with VERY LITTLE resources.....you obviously don't know, Because again, you are out of touch with the LOCAL music communtiy and it's true POTENTIAL.

well why don't you list some of your accomplishments within the community you've lived in all your whole life so we can form our own opinion?

Who should we ask about you too? I mean drop some names kid. Who do we ask to find out all these amazingly awesome people, promoters, parties that you've blessed Miami with???

Dade has asked you questions which you have obviously danced around... answer them and let us decide?

No offense, but you just sound bitter to me sport...

I sound bitter, because I am ! I'm disappointed with people like you and Dade that fail to see that there is something artisticly creative about djing, and there are djs here in Miami that are not given the opportunity to play regularly for, "to me" NO GOOD REASON....(see the history of jazz documentary by PBS - it's happening with dance music too)

If you want to know more about me and what I do, go to myspace page and READ. Reading can be good from time to time......that's partly how I've educated myself in the world of dance music. Not by watching "educational techno" djs !

And actually Lola ...sounds like you too are bitter....why ?

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I'm not bitter? And disappointed? um okay.

I'm just trying to figure out why you're going around in circles with Dade.. yet not answering his questions... not telling us how we can learn about all you've done here for the scene ???

Don't have time to read your myspace page...lol.. which is why i asked you HERE on CJ.

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Guest redcommibastard

People people - stop this nonsense - there is no need to argue and get negative! We all have our likes and dislikes , our own take on things , our own realities - lets just embrace the differences and be supportive of each other to help Miami be all that it can be as a city where everyone regardless of whether they like house or techno or trance can have a decent venue with decent music being played on a regular basis !!!

Miami is a great city with great potential so lets make the best of it !!!

Everyone should open up their minds just a tad and come out to check out new events at least periodically - everyone knows I'm a techno head - been like that since oh about 1990 - but it doesn stop me from going out to other events from time to time and hanging with good people and having a good time - so I cant understand why everyone else cant do it also ?!?

and c'mon already - stop ganging up on Nelson - he is a fantastic guy who is devoted to the music - and who on this forum doesnt get opinionated from time to time - I think we are all guilty of that - so please be civil !

...dont make me call my uncle Boris in to break some kneecaps :P

yes, before passing total judgement, some of you should definately stop by a local "techno" party - great people , great music , great vibe . Techno/minimal is the # 1 genre in the world right now so why cant we have a taste of it in miami on a regular basis at some decent venues is beyond me .... so give credit to people like Nelson who been putting their hearts and souls into promoting something their bleieve in and getting mostly shitty ass attitudes in return - would all of you get just a tad bit bitter as well? Open your minds and hearts and you will surely see the real reality !!!

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