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Twilo is closing dammit!! (Old "Deep Thoughts by DT")

Guest bootstah

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Guest JustDade

I can understand the bitterness in a way. It sucks when you work hard and your ship never comes in. But at the same time, it's not a real reason to lash out at potential clients and people that could book you.

Dan....You know me. You know that nobody in this industry in this market has done more for the "little guy" nor has anyone done more for the "up-and-comer." I really do get where he's coming from but he doesn't understand that what he's doing causes more harm than good to the scene. Nobody likes to be preached to or educated. It's like the guy who smokes American Spirits thinking he's better than the guy who smokes Marlboros. Get over it...you both smoke. There are guys like Ramon who love the music they love and will tell anyone willing to listen about it in the hopes of sharing. The difference is that Ramon respects people's right to disagree with him and like other music. Nova believes that anyone who doesn't agree with him is somehow less than he is and in need of education. It's this attitude that drives people away from this scene. When I go out I sometimes want to get dressed up and be somewhere nice. I also like to get dirty and dance all night sometimes. To guys like Nova, getting dressed up is being fake. Caring about more than the music is fake. I see a lot of people on this board bash Bling but he is the guy you should respect. He's open to new sounds. He supports many events that are out of the mainstream and many that are mainstream. He will dress to accommodate the promoter and the promotion. AND....I've never heard him disrespect any sound or vibe. If he isn't into it he goes back to what he likes. But he gets shit on. I don't get it.

when did I say getting dressed up is being fake ?

you think you know me but you don't ...

I don't want to educate anyone ....that's your'e own responsibilty not mine. I'm not trying to force feed anyone.......this is the only defense you have is to make fun of me.....it's pretty pathetic....I was simply stating the facts: You have not brought down any of those people u listed with the exception of Derrick....and you totally disrespected him by not PROPERLY promoting the event ! Out of that list I have brought more down than you....SORRY I don' t OWN CLUBS (now I can't make a difference cause I'm not Rich enough to own a venue ?)

OK....there buddy

I have an attitude with you because u think you're SO cool and you're REALLY Not......and you think u have done so much....and you HAVE CERTAINLY NOT.

Exactly my point. I do know you. I've known guys like you my whole carreer. You say you don't seek to educate but you call others "unknowledgable." I don't get it.

Every act I listed, I did, in fact, bring to Miami. You, who have achieved nothing, call me a liar. I really don't care either way. Facts are facts and mine are straight.

You have not stated a single "fact" in this entire thread.

You're right.....I shouldn't make fun of you. You're out there fighting the fight and I do respect that. But....you really do not know what you're talking about and were rude to me first so I couldn't resist.

When you get to Indochine ask Jacques, the owner, about me and what I've meant to nightlife in Miami. He'll tell you the same thing most everyone else will...that I don't think I'm so cool. That I am a very grounded person who has worked very hard for everything I have. That I am respected industry wide by talent, agents, venue operators and staff. Or better yet....ask Stryke about me.

Oh yeah.....still waiting for you to answer any of my questions.

I don't have to ask anyone, I've lived here my whole life and know that your stretching the truth a bit. You have NOT brought the acts that you listed, that is FACT....and you're right ...You don't get it. Maybe YOU should be the one asking around about ME, I have achieved alot more than MANY here in Miami with VERY LITTLE resources.....you obviously don't know, Because again, you are out of touch with the LOCAL music communtiy and it's true POTENTIAL.

Not even the smallest stretch......don't have to. But we're still waiting for even one answer. I'll even add a question that you'll like.....Who on that list have I NOT brought to Miami?

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don't take this personally, but YOU HAVE NEVER BROUGHT ANYONE OF REAL TALENT TO MIAMI (maybe one or two guys at the most !) come on, you can't fake the funk with me, DADE.

.. Josh Wink ..

These are some of the names I found on your MYSPACE page of DJs and artists I have brought to Miami. So I guess you're right....I never brought any real talent.

By the way....who have you brought?

Josh Wink is no talent ?

ha! ::)

whats up Dade ? how u been ...

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Guest JustDade

I don't have to ask anyone, I've lived here my whole life and know that your stretching the truth a bit. You have NOT brought the acts that you listed, that is FACT....and you're right ...You don't get it. Maybe YOU should be the one asking around about ME, I have achieved alot more than MANY here in Miami with VERY LITTLE resources.....you obviously don't know, Because again, you are out of touch with the LOCAL music communtiy and it's true POTENTIAL.

well why don't you list some of your accomplishments within the community you've lived in all your whole life so we can form our own opinion?

Who should we ask about you too? I mean drop some names kid. Who do we ask to find out all these amazingly awesome people, promoters, parties that you've blessed Miami with???

Dade has asked you questions which you have obviously danced around... answer them and let us decide?

No offense, but you just sound bitter to me sport...

I sound bitter, because I am ! I'm disappointed with people like you and Dade that fail to see that there is something artisticly creative about djing, and there are djs here in Miami that are not given the opportunity to play regularly for, "to me" NO GOOD REASON....(see the history of jazz documentary by PBS - it's happening with dance music too)

If you want to know more about me and what I do, go to myspace page and READ. Reading can be good from time to time......that's partly how I've educated myself in the world of dance music. Not by watching "educational techno" djs !

And actually Lola ...sounds like you too are bitter....why ?

WRONG....wait for it......AGAIN! We fail to see that there is something artistically, (spelled properly), creative about DJing? You really are an idiot. I get that you're bitter. There is a good reason that those DJs you speak of, (insert YOU here), are not playing here in Miami regularly...even if you can't see it. Here are but a few of them:

There are more clubs than DJs

Most clubs are not playing EDM at the moment.

Clubs that play EDM are going with their "sure things" in a difficult market.

That said, we have seen many a local getting on the decks at big clubs lately. Biz routinely invites locals to play with Roland at their Local Celebrity parties. Oscar and Ralph did the same on their Sunday nights......they even called it "Murk and Friends." I see a Stryke and Friends weekly advertised here. AJ is the best friend a local ever had. I booked 6 locals to play the event we did at Karu & Y a few months ago and put locals on every night at conference.

So let's put aside the name-calling and sarcasm for a minute and ask a real question. Are you bitter because YOU are not playing regularly in Miami? Do you think you're better than the other local DJs who have regular gigs? And tell me, which locals are not worthy of their regular gigs and who should replace them?

By the way...I DID read your MySpace page and it occured to me that I had heard your name before. I went to the attic and dug through a box of old cds and fouynd a demo you gave me years ago. I will give it a listen and post it for all to enjoy.

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I couldnt agree with Danny Tenaglia anymore....its actually quite pathetic that the House music capital of the United States seems to be stuck on this terrible electro, mashup god knows what is popular movement. There is so much more to house music than PATT or World Hold On....I knew there was a problem when I would spin tribal and progressive house at Afterhour Afterhour events and people would think that is the only time it was appropriate. I just spent 10 hours at Pacha NYC listening to Victor Calderone lay down easily the sickest set Ive heard in years and his set was compiled of minimal, tech, tribal and tech house bombs the whole night...I have yet to encounter a dj in Miami that could even come remotely close to the damage he did the other night. Wake up all your miami house heads and open your minds alittle bit. You can still dance to tribal and tech and it wont be the end of the world....Preach on DT preach on


there are alot of peeps in miami that do not go out because of that...you just won't hear sets like vc down here "anymore"...every once in a while u get someone like boris, however 50% or more of the people that know boris from going to his events in miami, don't know other dj's because most of them like vc, peter r, ect mainly do gay night events in miami.

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Guest JustDade

Gotta chime in here.

What I find very interesting is that the same arguments take place in many cities, not just miami. I dealt with the same kinds of people in my markets when I was promoting almost four years ago.

The crazy thing is that I can check the other message boards right now (4 years later) and these same haters are going to be complaining about the same things and are nowhere further along in their dj careers even after all this time.


with all due respect...I understand your perspective, have encountered many people just like you, and it is very clear that you just don't get it.

The hardcore underground, too cool for school, hates on everyone DJ complains because they have more talent than everyone, they "get it" more than everyone, yet their career has not progressed one bit in many years.

There is a reason for it.

Also please, if you are going to get into an argument with someone that is a true pioneer and a founder of the club scene, and type of music that you enjoy, you need to do some homework.

Damn....I missed this the first time around...

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Guest addictedtospace

u kno the only reason edm is a weak scene is cause for the most part the edm followin r cheap fucks!! I love the scene and i kno when i go out i buy atleast 1 round but after words i kno im lookin for mr. promoter 2 get me sum comps... As 2 a hip hop or open format club i know i better bring my credit card just in case.. Its really the culture of edm thats killing the scene... its bad if u make music for the masses... Its bad if u dance behind the decks.. Its bad if theres vip or bottel service... Its bad cause blah blah blah... U people r never ever happy!!(we) i've never went 2 twilo cause i like 2 look at chicks but from what i hear its an amazing club... regret not ever goin!! so i guess i also am part of the weaking of the scene... But if we ever just stop bitchin then maybe theres a chance... Actually i think miami as a whole is a bitching city!! (look at the sports scene, ppl only go 2 the games if the teams r winning) the miami heat lost half there season ticket base. Look at the marlins. Theres no middle class here. Its the battle of the upper and lower class... The goverment here sucks!! thats the problem w/ this town.. Sorri 4 the rant!

The middle class maybe dwindling but it only exists in the United States. If you knew anything about anything you would know that. In the rest of the world you are either rich or you're poor.

I worked at Space in the patio running the lights and heard week in and week out the same Hip Hop songs, the bars are empty as well as the VIP. Fights all over the place and they are all High so that really confuses me since you would think they would mellow as fuck. If there is any scene that does not spend money at a club its the Hip Hop. You can not get any more commercial than Hip Hop.

You know what people can do there thing, but if your going to be getting fucked up on a certain mood enhancer and suddenly get thirsty as hell at least buy an overpriced bottle of water. Do not expect a bartender to stop helping paying customers to get you water, then repeat this 100 times a night.

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Guest eroc0411

u kno the only reason edm is a weak scene is cause for the most part the edm followin r cheap fucks!! I love the scene and i kno when i go out i buy atleast 1 round but after words i kno im lookin for mr. promoter 2 get me sum comps... As 2 a hip hop or open format club i know i better bring my credit card just in case.. Its really the culture of edm thats killing the scene... its bad if u make music for the masses... Its bad if u dance behind the decks.. Its bad if theres vip or bottel service... Its bad cause blah blah blah... U people r never ever happy!!(we) i've never went 2 twilo cause i like 2 look at chicks but from what i hear its an amazing club... regret not ever goin!! so i guess i also am part of the weaking of the scene... But if we ever just stop bitchin then maybe theres a chance... Actually i think miami as a whole is a bitching city!! (look at the sports scene, ppl only go 2 the games if the teams r winning) the miami heat lost half there season ticket base. Look at the marlins. Theres no middle class here. Its the battle of the upper and lower class... The goverment here sucks!! thats the problem w/ this town.. Sorri 4 the rant!

The middle class maybe dwindling but it only exists in the United States. If you knew anything about anything you would know that. In the rest of the world you are either rich or you're poor.

I worked at Space in the patio running the lights and heard week in and week out the same Hip Hop songs, the bars are empty as well as the VIP. Fights all over the place and they are all High so that really confuses me since you would think they would mellow as fuck. If there is any scene that does not spend money at a club its the Hip Hop. You can not get any more commercial than Hip Hop.

well for 1 thing i would not count space as a hip hop club. (i dont think i've ever seen a worse place 2 be a bartender then space(special events not included i seen bartenders try 2 hustle 2 make a buck there. geez last time i was there the bar was tryin 2 charge 2 bucks for tap water, gimmie a break!!!) 2. I have been a bartender for the past 7 yrs. And as a bartender i made very little tips off that crowd but they do buy alot of drinks. and i dont mean hip hop getto spots like life in downtown those r sum dirty ass grimy ppl! i mean places like mansion,glass, opium garden, hotel victor... places that i've worked at.(from my experiences of course) and just 2 clarify things i luv Miami... Im in nyc right now and i cant wait 2 get back!!! Of all the city's i've visited miami has soooooo soooo so much potential.. It's just needs 2 get the right ppl 2 lead...

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Guest RzO

well for 1 thing i would not count space as a hip hop club. (i dont think i've ever seen a worse place 2 be a bartender then space(special events not included. I seen bartenders try 2 hustle tourist 2 make a buck there. geez last time i was there the bar was tryin 2 charge 2 bucks for tap water, gimmie a break!!!) 2. I have been a bartender for the past 7 yrs. And as a bartender i made very little tips off that crowd but they do buy alot of drinks. and i dont mean hip hop getto spots like life in downtown those r sum dirty ass grimy ppl! i mean places like mansion,glass, opium garden, hotel victor... places that i've worked at.(from my experiences of course) and just 2 clarify things i luv Miami... Im in nyc right now and i cant wait 2 get back!!! Of all the city's i've visited miami has soooooo soooo so much potential.. It's just needs 2 get the right ppl 2 lead...

hmm funny i never have to pay for tap water @ space

maybe because ive spent plenty of years paying money for drinks that the occasional tap water i need is a freebie w/ in good faith

my point is that don't call out a particular establishment and try to base your point on the aggregate level, as for most this is not the case.

im to bed again. this thread is really helping to get all the thoughts of many out. a good thing imo. keep om posting ill be back to see the progress tommorow ;)

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Guest eroc0411

well for 1 thing i would not count space as a hip hop club. (i dont think i've ever seen a worse place 2 be a bartender then space(special events not included. I seen bartenders try 2 hustle tourist 2 make a buck there. geez last time i was there the bar was tryin 2 charge 2 bucks for tap water, gimmie a break!!!) 2. I have been a bartender for the past 7 yrs. And as a bartender i made very little tips off that crowd but they do buy alot of drinks. and i dont mean hip hop getto spots like life in downtown those r sum dirty ass grimy ppl! i mean places like mansion,glass, opium garden, hotel victor... places that i've worked at.(from my experiences of course) and just 2 clarify things i luv Miami... Im in nyc right now and i cant wait 2 get back!!! Of all the city's i've visited miami has soooooo soooo so much potential.. It's just needs 2 get the right ppl 2 lead...

hmm funny i never have to pay for tap water @ space

maybe because ive spent plenty of years paying money for drinks that the occasional tap water i need is a freebie w/ in good faith

my point is that don't call out a particular establishment and try to base your point on the aggregate level, as for most this is not the case.

im to bed again. this thread is really helping to get all the thoughts of many out. a good thing imo. keep om posting ill be back to see the progress tommorow ;)

i ain't tryin 2 bash space i have had many a great night there. but what the bartenders do there is kinda shady and as a bartender my self it kinda upsets me. I understand if its busy as hell and sum asshole ask 4 a cup of water when ur 3 deep. I just ignore them and move on 2 the payin customers... But more then once i seen tourist (or just straight dum ppl) ask 4 a cup of water w/ NO LINE AT ALL! and the bartenders say that will be $2.00. i understand tip the bartender even if its tap water but dont charge... I think that calls 4 little decency and class... dont u think?

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Guest Tru1

I received this PM... from our friend 'NOVA"

Dade a true pioneer ? hardly.......ask me about true pioneers in Miami - Greg "stryke" Chin that's a pioneer !

I have pioneered much more than dade my friend, much more with little help that I've had.......Had I been in dade's shoes Miami would be a much different place already........we are behind the times ....all due to people like DADE.

I am completely retired from the EDM and club scene...however....

Mr. NOVA...The rubber room may not be too far off in your future...you continue to demonstrate you lack of understanding of the world around you.

It sounds to me like Dade, and other people that are and used to be pulling strings have yet to give you your big break...let me give you a big hint buddy...

you need to change your tact... Dade, myself, or more than a few other people that are lurking on this board can probably accomplish more for your dj career with one phone call to a friend in NY, than you will floundering around for the next three years....

I'm sorry

you so don't get it.

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Guest DJ Nova

I received this PM... from our friend 'NOVA"

Dade a true pioneer ? hardly.......ask me about true pioneers in Miami - Greg "stryke" Chin that's a pioneer !

I have pioneered much more than dade my friend, much more with little help that I've had.......Had I been in dade's shoes Miami would be a much different place already........we are behind the times ....all due to people like DADE.

I am completely retired from the EDM and club scene...however....

Mr. NOVA...The rubber room may not be too far off in your future...you continue to demonstrate you lack of understanding of the world around you.

It sounds to me like Dade, and other people that are and used to be pulling strings have yet to give you your big break...let me give you a big hint buddy...

you need to change your tact... Dade, myself, or more than a few other people that are lurking on this board can probably accomplish more for your dj career with one phone call to a friend in NY, than you will floundering around for the next three years....

I'm sorry

you so don't get it.

Damn right I said that to you in a PM, I am not affraid to speak out....you're gonna take gigs away from me ? You (or dade)

have never even given me a gig to begin with, and I've been at this 12 years !

I don't need anyone to pull any strings, I've never wanted that.....you either like what I play or you don't .

Change my tactic ? Honesty, frustration, and opinion is No tactic....just Human. I am sorry that YOU don't get it, If it means me not SPEAKING my Mind.....then I don't care about your gigs.

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Guest pod

First of all, if you want to be "educated", go to college. I'll write your recommendation letter even.

Half the issue I've found with "music" parties lately is that it is just another form of VIP. I'm tolerated at most of them despite my lack of musical knowledge because I'm a means to an end. Don't bullshit me people, If I wasn't swinging thousands of dollars of Japanese electronics in your face, my inbox would not be filled with invites to parties every night asking for the pleasure of my company. Yeah, an alcoholic sociopath is such a welcome addition to a party.

If I was just a layabout slob fixing computers all day, I'd certainly get the feeling of being well, excluded at a lot of those parties. Funny for a scene that used to encourage a "more the merrier aspect". One DJ even said 'house music is like the civil rights movement, the more people involved, the better it gets!'. Inclusive, kids, not exclusive. I don't care if it's techno, deep house, breaks, trance, whatever...don't scare people away, because it's those people who are gonna spend and support.

But anyways, like always, I digress.

Nova, you're not ever given a gig, even at a rudimentary level, you're earning that gig. I can't think of any successful club owner that's given out a gig 'just because' on a consistent basis. Sure, there's the 'pity fuck' bookings to play nice with an agent, more powerful associate, that sort of thing, but that's a rarity. I've listened to a few of the mixes you've posted, and from a non-musically-educated perspective, they're not horrid. I'd book ya if you weren't so hell-bent on pissing everyone off in a 20 meter radius. That just doesn't jive with me. I'm not looking for a deck slave either, but what I'd be looking for is a talented DJ who's a pleasure to work with. You might be talented, but god knows I'd probably not have you back. Club owners and bookers want someone they can work with, not against. I've seen many an owner not deal with someone since they're an ass, despite the fact that said DJ might have star power. Sometimes it's just not worth the headache.

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Guest NicoleC

I love you "pod". At least SOMEONE knows how to speak their mind and not hurt anyone in the process. Well, except for the extremely sensitive and they need to toughen up anyway. ::)

And you know I'm not blowing smoke up your skirt because I truly don't enjoy having my picture taken (can't you tell by the faces I make when you put that thing near it?)


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Guest DJ Nova

I'm SOOO hard to work with....ask everyone around me, and I've been djing for 12 years....so I'm upset now maybe the last two years you've heard me rant about how fucked up things are.......what about the ten years previous to that ? MAYBE the ten years of paying my "DUES" and No one noticing is enuff to piss anyONE off I think.

If you don't Think I've earned a gig by NOW, you have no Idea what I have been doing here for over 10 years....and that's fine...I can't expect everyone to know.....but ALSO, don't ACT like you know. I am a pleasure to work with beause I make people dance, this forcing people and educational dj sets ....is a MADE up fantasy by you who are scared of djs with REAL ability and who actually know what they are doing.

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Guest pod

Hah well you did ask me to take your photo. Everyone knows when I take people photos, I work in reverse. People ask me, I don't ask them. More fun that way.


Well, sometimes I try my best not to offend. Our friend Nova here seems like an easily-offended type, and I can't risk another assassination attempt, lest my health insurance premiums go up, or the carrier drops me for being too high risk.

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Guest NicoleC

Hah well you did ask me to take your photo. Everyone knows when I take people photos, I work in reverse. People ask me, I don't ask them. More fun that way.

I did!?! :o I know my friends have asked you to in the past, but I really initiated a photo???

Must have been my evil twin. I hear that she comes out and plays every so often. I would love to meet her, she sounds like a fun girl.

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Guest Fuerte44

ok, like most arguments, there is truth on all sides of any argument, and here i agree with most of what danny has stated, as well as nova and dade....their respective arguments represent the sentiments of many people on all sides of this (i am speaking of the actual content, not the personal attacks and big dick wars)

i see where danny is coming from, who would have thought a legend would flop at a top notch sounding venue, in theory it sounded awesome, but i along with many others knew it was not going to be easy on that street...but its a shame we lost a great dj and monthly party at one the best sounding place in the country...he has his reasons, most of which i agree with, but he seems to be a victim of his and other superstar djs own doing....

if i had made it big time, and enjoyed being on the top, had a few nice pads money in the bank....i would be throwing free parties for my fans....think about the scene then....dt for free because he can afford to.... morillo and roger and sander and the rest of them for ten bucks or less....they are ballers....they can get by

we have to shell out 40 to 80 for gen admission because evryone wants to make some cash, our "underground" movement has been forced to play the cheese game, adhering to business principles, losing the roots our movement was founded upon, those of which reflect the exact opposite of what it is today....

i hear about past g'ville epic parties for close to no charge....the "old" days in mia at nv or liquid where it was great and cheap....the tunnel parties and what not in europe, everyone has thier equivalent....

unfortunately i got fucked, i happened on the scene down here not very long ago, i am younger than most...been going out since 04... where i need to work my ass off to have at least 200 bux to gain entry and have 2 drinks with my gf at any desireable dj event....thats unfair....for people like us....i dont hate on the vip crowd...but when did dancing all night to sick edm depend upon bottle sales? or afterhours bs, signing a piece of shit bartab for 50 dollars for 4 bottles of gross water?

either way, i believe there are guilty ppl involved responsible for the disintegration of the thing we all love....and the djs share this blame imo....

my gf's dad made millions by age forty five working his ass off as an md in neonatalogy....what has his salary been for the last fifteen years? ZERO, aside from personal expenses incurred....he does free work delivering and treating pemature babies....we could all learn from his choices....and especially superstar djs that charge insane money for playing music in innovative manners....

i am in school, i work, and i dont think i should have to pay four times my hourly internship wage to walk in a place where an idol and hero of mine is spinning, dont mention having a drink or two..... ive began to question my love for these guys after week in week out walking to my car 200 dollars poorer just so i could dance to my fav guy....i love djing, i love seeing djs, i love dancing, i love partying to great edm...its my passion....but all this business bullshit really disheartens me and enough is enough....i know if i had penthouse in manhattan, mansions in miami....boats cars...planes....i wouldnt be demanding that working class fans of mine break their ass to hear me do what i love....i think you can afford to "accept" maybe 5 gs to throw a party for your die hard loyal fans....not 50 gs!.....wheres the passion for the music that i know we all have....its entertainment i know, and some get the pleasure of making a living doing it.....and after a point, when u got all the money, give some of "it" back....throw a free party or two....inspire the next generation to love the music and not the lifestyle......

i am on the younger side of this argument....and i offer a p.o.v. that warrants just as much consideration as those of saleens and dades and dts and lps and any other guy who has made this scene in mia....i am a reasonable guy...i understand business, im studying business law....i love edm....and unfortunatley i represent the next generation of party goer....so if i am already getting discouraged by all this money driven bullshit that has infected my passion, my release and escape from this world...we are all in trouble...

arent we supposed to be escaping the bickering and greed and commercilization/cheese and over saturation of our everyday in this fuct up world by going out and dancing our asses off to the new audion release in a safe clean reasonable venue? all the while making it easy for the common edm head to afford it? i know i can always go to blue....but there is nothing like lawler at nine am....i want these guys to come back down to earth... i.e. morillo and roger and dd and anyone who charges more than what they can get by nicley on....give back!

im done. if you made it this far, thanks for reading.

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Guest Mattivi

I'm SOOO hard to work with....ask everyone around me, and I've been djing for 12 years....so I'm upset now maybe the last two years you've heard me rant about how fucked up things are.......what about the ten years previous to that ? MAYBE the ten years of paying my "DUES" and No one noticing is enuff to piss anyONE off I think.

If you don't Think I've earned a gig by NOW, you have no Idea what I have been doing here for over 10 years....and that's fine...I can't expect everyone to know.....but ALSO, don't ACT like you know. I am a pleasure to work with beause I make people dance, this forcing people and educational dj sets ....is a MADE up fantasy by you who are scared of djs with REAL ability and who actually know what they are doing.

bro did you ever just step back, take your lips off your own dick, and think that maybe, just maybe, your not that good? you obvisoulsy have a fragile ego and over-inflated sense of entitlement. there is an old saying(dont quote me verbatim) that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of madness. and you've been promulgating that you've been doing this for 12 years, so you might want to reflect on that. ::):P

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Guest rhythmdoc

I'm SOOO hard to work with....ask everyone around me, and I've been djing for 12 years....so I'm upset now maybe the last two years you've heard me rant about how fucked up things are.......what about the ten years previous to that ? MAYBE the ten years of paying my "DUES" and No one noticing is enuff to piss anyONE off I think.

If you don't Think I've earned a gig by NOW, you have no Idea what I have been doing here for over 10 years....and that's fine...I can't expect everyone to know.....but ALSO, don't ACT like you know. I am a pleasure to work with beause I make people dance, this forcing people and educational dj sets ....is a MADE up fantasy by you who are scared of djs with REAL ability and who actually know what they are doing.

bro did you ever just step back, take your lips off your own dick, and think that maybe, just maybe, your not that good?

dj nova, you just got owned!!!

btw. dj nova, maybe you can call eddie g and maybe just maybe you can beg to play with him! after all...you guys are in the same league!!!! lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest JustDade

I received this PM... from our friend 'NOVA"

Dade a true pioneer ? hardly.......ask me about true pioneers in Miami - Greg "stryke" Chin that's a pioneer !

I have pioneered much more than dade my friend, much more with little help that I've had.......Had I been in dade's shoes Miami would be a much different place already........we are behind the times ....all due to people like DADE.

I am completely retired from the EDM and club scene...however....

Mr. NOVA...The rubber room may not be too far off in your future...you continue to demonstrate you lack of understanding of the world around you.

It sounds to me like Dade, and other people that are and used to be pulling strings have yet to give you your big break...let me give you a big hint buddy...

you need to change your tact... Dade, myself, or more than a few other people that are lurking on this board can probably accomplish more for your dj career with one phone call to a friend in NY, than you will floundering around for the next three years....

I'm sorry

you so don't get it.

You really are an idiot, aren't you? Look....please educate us ignorant masses on the worldwide influence of DJ Hova. What have you accomplished? I am really asking. I read your MySpace page and all I see is a bunch of fluff about an internet radio show and a few small gigs.

"Nova's bookings in the U.S. run up the East Coast including NYC, and to the Midwest including Columbus , OH in clubs such as Mecca , and The Redzone "

WOW! A gig in Ohio! I'm so sorry, Dude. I am not worthy.

There's a reason that you can't get a gig. Read this thread from the beginning and maybe you'll figure out why.

You can lash out at me all you want but the difference between us is that I can laugh it off because I have nothing to prove to the good people of CJ. Most have a pretty good understanding of my history on the subject and many are counted as friends. You, on the other hand, have no record to stand on and can look back at a career of nothing but rejection, failure and bitterness. I've asked you several times to list any accomplishments but all you've done is wrongly called me a liar for mine. Keep up the good work. It seems that your carreer is on the right track. I wouldn't change a thing if I were you.

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Guest spinderella7713

ok...im alittle late...where the heck is the DT post? i see a blank post by bootness?

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ok...im alittle late...where the heck is the DT post? i see a blank post by bootness?






* And, I don't care who has an opinion of my opinion! -












"T H A T - T I R E D - "ANTHEM" - F O R M U L A" (zzzzzz)



MIAMI (like many others) is being completely taken over by:

Hip Hop, RAP, Reggaeton, Salsa, Bachata, Cumbia, VIP rooms, AND

way too many Non Intelligent "Teenage Dropouts"

with gangsta looking tattoos up their necks, arms, etc

and even some people with "weapons"

just driving all around passing all the Clubs & South Beach

because most couldn't get in even if they tried from their appearance or their thug-ish attitudes, possies and the





Or, get chicken fingers from their Take Out Window? ((LOL))


Security People that SHAKE DOWN CUSTOMERS more than

anywhere else I have ever heard of ....

(Not all of them are Corrupt ... But MANY are!)

Even some people on this board have SAD "ELEVATOR" STORIES! -





(still with Love & Respect to Deep Dish, but

the bad wanna be's that then follow! UGH, "I CRINGE" -


I FURTHER CRINGE! (sorry Artist?) .....

I remember last year hearing: FEEL THE LOVE GENERATION

and I swear to you all, I thought it was some joke or a demo?

I couldn't believe how OFF the vocalist was, and then I discover it's

a super famous "international hit" that was known from the Olympics?

I've held back for about 2 years writing something because I did not

want to disrespect the artist and their creativity.

But THIS is what you hear

over and over again in these VIP type clubs played to



That could give one F*** about what they heard a DJ play!

These suckers deserve to pay $2000,00 per table! LOL




Well, I danny tenaglia, (a DJ for over 3 decades) disagree 1000%!

And I can educate them ALL in 70's funk, DEEP HOUSE, Techno, Tribal Tech house and give Free Dance Classes too! (LOL)

(((((( now I'll tell you how I really feel? )))) -

OK I did .... I released my frustrations! - (((NEXT)

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Guest pod

I'm SOOO hard to work with....ask everyone around me, and I've been djing for 12 years....

It's called a reality distortion field. Really, that's the term. You've managed to surround yourself with a few other like-minded individuals and convince them you're fighting the good fight. It's surprisingly easy to do.

I've met you once or twice in person and you've been courteous and polite, but on here, such hostility? And for what?

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