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CJ FOODIE MEETUP - Saturday June 23

Guest lulamishka

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Guest lulamishka

Yea, peeps, please bring $$$ to pay for what you're consuming! :)

I hope thats a given. :P

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New Times Review...

'Cue Tip

Bar-B-Que Beach has rib savvy to spare

By Pamela Robin Brandt

Published: April 12, 2007

For Florida foodies, the South Beach Wine and Food Festival is the year's monster event. But spring brings an entire season of food festivals — smaller, to be sure, but revelatory in their own locals-oriented way. For instance: At last month's Miami Wine and Food Festival — a sort of "boutique" food fair which, at twelve years old, is actually twice the age of the SoBe fest — I had a barbecue rib that may have been the best I've ever eaten in my entire sparerib-scarfing life.


1555 Washington Ave, Miami Beach; 305-538-7201. Open Sunday to Thursday 11:00 to 2:00 a.m., Friday and Saturday 11:00 to 5:00 a.m.

Subject(s): Bar-B-Que Beach It was dinosaur-size. It was definitively, yet not overwhelmingly, smoky, as only real pit barbecue can be, flavored by slow smoking over hardwood (rather than from soaking in sauce). Yet oddly, the rib was not from North Carolina, Memphis, or some other traditional 'cue capital — it was from South Beach. Needless to say, I rushed immediately to the source: Bar-B-Que Beach.

Opened a few months ago in a spot formerly occupied by a Fuddruckers, the expansive space (two big indoor rooms and a sidewalk cafe) has been redecorated in a style that can only be described as eclectic. One room is cowboy rustic, the other beach-bum raffish. I recommend this surfer room, because it's the location of the board of daily specials, something my server didn't mention. Another much more annoying thing not mentioned until the check arrived: the restaurant automatically applies a fifteen percent service charge — even on take-out orders like mine. And it's not negotiable. I tried.

Also highly recommended (to anyone but a fat-phobe): the barbecue beef brisket. Normally I far prefer pulled pork or ribs (the Southeast's favored barbecue meats) to brisket, because even in Texas (where beef barbecue rules), the well-done meat is often dry. Bar-B-Que Beach's sliced beef, wood-smoked for twelve hours, was not only as beautifully smoke-imbued as the festival rib, but drippingly juicy and melt-in-your-mouth tender.

The pulled and chopped pig on a "whacked pork" platter was a bit drier, but not dried out. And as is standard at the South's best barbecue joints, the serving featured a good mix of mild, moist inner meat (plus a little luscious, fatty skin) and dark brown-burnished outer chunks of strongly smoke-saturated lean meat that pleased even a fat-fearing friend.

Skillful wood fire-searing, along with a last-minute basting with the eatery's tangy tomato-based "original" barbecue sauce (one of six sauces available, ranging from sweet Canadian maple to spicy Florida orange) produced an unusually good chicken. Even most of the white meat was moist, rare when breasts and thighs are cooked in one piece.

Only a "bucket of bones" starter was disappointing. Described as a sampling of the restaurant's spare ribs, they were nothing like the rib I'd tried at the fair. In fact, they weren't spare ribs at all. The strips appeared to be trimmings hacked off crosswise from the tops of rib racks, resulting in strips full of circular bones that were difficult to eat around, with meat. Ordering a real rack is the way to go.

Several other starters were superior, including gargantuan housemade onion rings with horseradish dip and battered deep-fried dill pickles, an Old South standard. And sides (two come with barbecue platters, one with sandwiches; they're also sold a la carte) were terrific. Two crisp slaws (one spicy vinegared cabbage, the other a "creamy apple slaw" which was pleasant, though apple-free) were a nice counterpoint to the 'cue. And a lovely, nut-studded sweet potato mash, embedded with banana chunks, was enough like festive holiday pie filling to make the $5 to $8 desserts unnecessary — nearly making up for that shameful service charge.

Bar-B-Que Beach, 1555 Washington Ave, Miami Beach; 305-538-7201. Open Sunday to Thursday 11:00 to 2:00 a.m., Friday and Saturday 11:00 to 5:00 a.m.

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If I am free I will certainly be there :)

It's like the AA meetings we used to have, except they're FA meetings now!

NINJA TURTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest lulamishka

I wont be late now.

your tardiness was inexcusable in the first place.


Don't be :(, be :)! :-*

Woohoo for not being late! 8)

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Guest lulamishka

are kids allowed to this? 6 and 4 yr old girls.. want to bring someone :)

I don't see why not. This place seems family friendly. We're just there to have fun, eat and hang out. Now, I can't guarantee that our conversations will be PG, so bring them at your own discretion! :P

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Guest lulamishka

In the next several days I'm going take a headcount of those who know they are going to show up, so I can give a heads up to Bar-be-que Beach and hopefully set aside an area for that amount of people.

And just to reiterate... and trust me, I'll be saying it again...

Everyone, please bring CASH to pay for what you're eating & drinking, so its a lot easier when the bill comes around. This isn't a comp'd event. :P


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Guest macboy

There's two separate rooms. The smaller one is in the bar area, which would probably be the better choice.

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Guest coach

are kids allowed to this? 6 and 4 yr old girls.. want to bring someone :)

YO Bling! You got something to tell us???
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Guest lulamishka

Please let me know if you're planning to join us! :) Other than those who replied to this thread, that is... I'm in the process of getting a rough headcount so we can give the restaurant a heads up, etc.

Right now I've got 17 peeps confirmed, give or take a few. :) Woohoo! :)

I'm lookin' forward to getting my BBQ on!

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Guest lulamishka

wow cool idea.. i'll run it past my fiance.. perhaps we can come also.. will let you know asap ;)

Would love to see you again, my luff! ;) :-*

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Guest coach

wow cool idea.. i'll run it past my fiance.. perhaps we can come also.. will let you know asap ;)

If your fiance doesn't like good BBQ, you need to dump him fast.
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Guest ramon

LOL nah he likes good BBQ coach ;) So he's a keeper ;D

speaking of good bbq .. have you eaten at slowsbbq in detroit laura?

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