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So im driving down the road yesterday...

Guest JMT

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Guest JMT

(humor me for my Bling-esque moment for today)

somewhere between Key Largo and Homestead, and i stop at some bumkin gas station to make a donation to Al Queda, and as im doing so i see some Olds Cutlass Ciera rolling up with with the back tire completely blown out and riding on the rim. sure enough, some old lady who looks 100 years old rolls down the window and asks me to come over. she asks if i can tell if something is wrong with her car and i tell her im no mechanic, but it appears to me that she has sustained a flat tire. she has no clue. i ask her and find out she has no triple A. there is no one else around. so i ask her if she has a spare, long story short me and my smiling face end up digging around for the jack and tire and changing it for her.

30 or so minutes later, after ive sweat my bean bag off in the 90 degree heat and she has been chilling in the a/c, she has a nice fresh donut on and is ready to roll. in my head im fully expecting for this broad to try and offer me like 5 bucks or something, which i would adamantly refuse, but instead no, she pretty much rides off without a real "thank you", or even a real discernable "thanks".

wtf? i would definitely have hoped if that ever happened to one of my grandparents when they were still alive someone would have done the same, but how about a little courtesy?

i guess ill chalk it up to her being old and confused.

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Guest michael^heaven

But you didn't help her for the thank you, you helped her because it's the right thing to do.

Granted, a simple thank you is also the right thing to do.

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Guest LeVeL

Exactly..you did exactly what a good samiritan should do, you shouldn't expect a reward for it.

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Guest Marina22

That's really nice of you, I wish I could say I'd do the same thing but I haven't gotten to change my own tire yet. :-[ I do have triple a but still need to learn anyway. A thank you is the least the senile woman could have done but hey we are in wacky S Fl. afterall. ::) (lol at the bling-esque moment disclaimer)

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Guest coach

Exactly..you did exactly what a good samiritan should do' date=' you shouldn't expect a reward for it.

[/quote']You said Good Samaritan, LOL.

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you did the right thing, hell i would have done the same. I was stuck in a situation a month ago, my tire blew up with nobody around, i just got back from a work trip, tired as hell in my office parking lot on a saturday. i have a donut but realize i have no lug wrench to remove the blown tire. i started wandering to a nearby hotle where i was shot down numerous times after telling random folks "this may seem odd but may i please use your lug wrench, my car is parked over in that parking lot (its 8pm and dark) i need to change my tire" at this point i was sweating, my eyes were red and i may have looked like an axe murderer. long story short i walked 15 min to a nearby gas station where i was yelled at by the owner because i got angry when he told me i couldnt borrow his wrench, luckily a nice man and his cuban cable technician friend overheard this, gave me a ride to my car and changed my tire for me. This warrented a great big THANK YOU!!

now in your case jmt.....the only people i pardon on the rd and in life are old people. it would have been nice to get a thank you, but she has a free pass.


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Guest 029

it's always a humbling experience anytime you're stranded from a flat/breakdown/outta gas .. as you watch people maniacally race each other past you on a busy highway ..

or you're towing a trailer in western texas and run out of gas 2 miles b4 exit ramp .. and then have to push the whole rig .. lol

that's cool that you helped her .. it will come back to you!

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Guest coqui x

ur reward will come in some other form, at some other time, when u will have forgotten about the old lady.

nothing goes by unnoticed. :)

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Guest endymion

Very entertaining story. I probably would have gotten roped into changing her tire too and I would have been thinking the same thing when she drove off. But hey, she's old.

i guess ill chalk it up to her being old and confused.

She was probably rude her whole life, she just feels free to be herself now that she's got seniority.

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