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V. Barbarino

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Theres a reason that Space has been open on Fridays lately

yes! so that Seazuns can play his power 96 top 40 hit list for his 17 year old friends .... prom style!! what? what?

:D :D

its an 18+ and it has a better vibe and cleaner crowd then some other 21+ clubs so lets not hate but seasunz ways that's a different story that each individual has there own thoughts on that but if you want 21+ fridays space will have afterhours soon with parantula.

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Guest djRoland

I thought I would come on here and write b/c my phone is going crazy with calls regarding this. The owner was out of town while all this happened and he assured me that the club will be opened and this is a bump in the road.

Local Celebrity is my #1 concern and it has been my pride and joy for the last 2 yrs. The satisfaction that I feel week in and week out is greater than at any point in my 15yrs+ as a dj. All I can say is that no matter what the situation is we will always maintain the level of entertainment as long as Im a part of it. This week Ivano will be joining me for afterhours and its been 3yrs since him and I share the decks.

On a side note the wall was put up this morning!

Rumor is they are putting up a mural of Biz as Han Solo

on it!!

Thanks for the continued support throughout the years (even Nick the italian!!)


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Guest bootstah

I thought I would come on here and write b/c my phone is going crazy with calls regarding this. The owner was out of town while all this happened and he assured me that the club will be opened and this is a bump in the road.

Local Celebrity is my #1 concern and it has been my pride and joy for the last 2 yrs. The satisfaction that I feel week in and week out is greater than at any point in my 15yrs+ as a dj. All I can say is that no matter what the situation is we will always maintain the level of entertainment as long as Im a part of it. This week Ivano will be joining me for afterhours and its been 3yrs since him and I share the decks.

On a side note the wall was put up this morning!

Rumor is they are putting up a mural of Biz as Han Solo

on it!!

Thanks for the continued support throughout the years (even Nick the italian!!)


glad a bit of it was cleared up. Thumbs up to continued success with LC Roland.

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Guest eroc0411

i never been 2 twilo but heard the sound and lighting system is bananas. I would hate for it 2 be wasted on a HIP HOP crowd! karu won' t go out of business that owner ceaser what ever his last name is has a lot of plans 4 that area... LIke buying plots of land plan, from the arts center-ps14- all the way down 2 karu.

I saw felixthehousecat rip the terrace at noc. One of my fav nights of partying!!!

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Guest Untouchable Chino

..i think at the end of the day...nocturnal has been running 2 successful nights..both fridays and saturdays are packed..and im sure there is debt for the club didnt start off on the right foot..but just like in real life..any debt can be paid off.. i have heard $300,000 then i heard $150,000 then $15,000 then..so even if you think about it..a club can work out a payment plan..pay 10,000 a week and pay it back before the end of the year...

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Guest JustDade

..i think at the end of the day...nocturnal has been running 2 successful nights..both fridays and saturdays are packed..and im sure there is debt for the club didnt start off on the right foot..but just like in real life..any debt can be paid off.. i have heard $300,000 then i heard $150,000 then $15,000 then..so even if you think about it..a club can work out a payment plan..pay 10,000 a week and pay it back before the end of the year...

I love you guys towing the company line. The truth is that he never pays anyone off and that's why this is happening. He may make a deal to get through this weekend but it won't last long. Sorry to say but it has to catch up eventually. I've watched him agree to many payment plans to get people off his back only to never make a single payment. However, he IS the master of the delay tactic.

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Guest Untouchable Chino

..i think at the end of the day...nocturnal has been running 2 successful nights..both fridays and saturdays are packed..and im sure there is debt for the club didnt start off on the right foot..but just like in real life..any debt can be paid off.. i have heard $300,000 then i heard $150,000 then $15,000 then..so even if you think about it..a club can work out a payment plan..pay 10,000 a week and pay it back before the end of the year...

I love you guys towing the company line. The truth is that he never pays anyone off and that's why this is happening. He may make a deal to get through this weekend but it won't last long. Sorry to say but it has to catch up eventually. I've watched him agree to many payment plans to get people off his back only to never make a single payment. However, he IS the master of the delay tactic.

..dade, you know i can't say you are wrong about the way Glenn does things..you and i have both sat down in the same table, at the same time, and watched as he "works"...but hopefully the fact that he has never had 18 wheelers at the club to seize things and with a court order has made him realize that this is the time he does things differently..maybe i shouldnt be one to stand up for him, but for those few people who "have put their hearts into this place"..i only hope that things are different this time around.. i just got off the phone with gary and told me that there is a payment plan that was worked out..so hopefully this time..he doesnt screw up..

ps. i hope you are feeling better from your eye surgery and hope choco is doing good..

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Guest JustDade

..i think at the end of the day...nocturnal has been running 2 successful nights..both fridays and saturdays are packed..and im sure there is debt for the club didnt start off on the right foot..but just like in real life..any debt can be paid off.. i have heard $300,000 then i heard $150,000 then $15,000 then..so even if you think about it..a club can work out a payment plan..pay 10,000 a week and pay it back before the end of the year...

I love you guys towing the company line. The truth is that he never pays anyone off and that's why this is happening. He may make a deal to get through this weekend but it won't last long. Sorry to say but it has to catch up eventually. I've watched him agree to many payment plans to get people off his back only to never make a single payment. However, he IS the master of the delay tactic.

..dade, you know i can't say you are wrong about the way Glenn does things..you and i have both sat down in the same table, at the same time, and watched as he "works"...but hopefully the fact that he has never had 18 wheelers at the club to seize things and with a court order has made him realize that this is the time he does things differently..maybe i shouldnt be one to stand up for him, but for those few people who "have put their hearts into this place"..i only hope that things are different this time around.. i just got off the phone with gary and told me that there is a payment plan that was worked out..so hopefully this time..he doesnt screw up..

ps. i hope you are feeling better from your eye surgery and hope choco is doing good..

Thanks for the well wishes, pal. Unfortunately, I found out today that the transplant has not taken and must be redone in two weeks. Shit happens, I guess.

He was telling people that it was just a few thgousand dollars when they were there on Friday and didn't take care of it. Now he is telling paople that it's only a few grand but still there's a "payment plan"? The guy is pathalogical in his lies. A lawyer friend of mine geve me the skinny and it's a whole lot different than he says. Remember....a leopard NEVER changes his spots. Just make sure you get paid in cash.

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Guest Marina22

I have only been to LC a few special occasions and everytime I had a great time seeing Roland and meeting some of my current friends from cj. Been a fan of Roland since the Lunar sessions till LC and even though I don't know him personally he seems like a class act. After an unfortunate circumstance at the AM party, (my CC and ID stolen by a patio pm bartender) I wasn't too keen on returning to Noc. but I might wanna stop by to check out the boys this week.. Best of luck to the LC crew, great memories and friends. 8)

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Guest Untouchable Chino

..i think at the end of the day...nocturnal has been running 2 successful nights..both fridays and saturdays are packed..and im sure there is debt for the club didnt start off on the right foot..but just like in real life..any debt can be paid off.. i have heard $300,000 then i heard $150,000 then $15,000 then..so even if you think about it..a club can work out a payment plan..pay 10,000 a week and pay it back before the end of the year...

I love you guys towing the company line. The truth is that he never pays anyone off and that's why this is happening. He may make a deal to get through this weekend but it won't last long. Sorry to say but it has to catch up eventually. I've watched him agree to many payment plans to get people off his back only to never make a single payment. However, he IS the master of the delay tactic.

..dade, you know i can't say you are wrong about the way Glenn does things..you and i have both sat down in the same table, at the same time, and watched as he "works"...but hopefully the fact that he has never had 18 wheelers at the club to seize things and with a court order has made him realize that this is the time he does things differently..maybe i shouldnt be one to stand up for him, but for those few people who "have put their hearts into this place"..i only hope that things are different this time around.. i just got off the phone with gary and told me that there is a payment plan that was worked out..so hopefully this time..he doesnt screw up..

ps. i hope you are feeling better from your eye surgery and hope choco is doing good..

Thanks for the well wishes, pal. Unfortunately, I found out today that the transplant has not taken and must be redone in two weeks. Shit happens, I guess.

He was telling people that it was just a few thgousand dollars when they were there on Friday and didn't take care of it. Now he is telling paople that it's only a few grand but still there's a "payment plan"? The guy is pathalogical in his lies. A lawyer friend of mine geve me the skinny and it's a whole lot different than he says. Remember....a leopard NEVER changes his spots. Just make sure you get paid in cash.

dade sorry to hear about your transplant buddy..i hope everything goes better the second time around.. besides this..i hope everything is well with you.. hope to see you around once you get better..

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Guest pod

Not for nothing, but with all this drama, there really needs to be a proper press release from the club's PR agency. Too much has gone down and too much speculation is rife for them to be silent, which leads to more speculation.

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Guest endymion

Not for nothing, but with all this drama, there really needs to be a proper press release from the club's PR agency. Too much has gone down and too much speculation is rife for them to be silent, which leads to more speculation.

You think maybe the club's PR agency will take a check?

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Guest pod

Or someone with a position of authority over there.

Believe me, PD shows up to my place, I'll make a statement explaining what happened.

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Guest HouseJunkie

Not for nothing, but with all this drama, there really needs to be a proper press release from the club's PR agency. Too much has gone down and too much speculation is rife for them to be silent, which leads to more speculation.

You think maybe the club's PR agency will take a check?

Now thats just wrong meng ;D

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Guest Tru1

Guys...I have seen many, many, many clubs dying...Noc is on borrowed time.

Look at it from this perspective...you are a famous DJ or big time agent...would you be confident booking a gig for a month or more from now at noc with all this shit going down?

Or how about a promoter throwing a big party knowing the venue was so far in the red.

Biz...I have a lot of respect for you but if I was you I would make sure that I controlled all of your revenue from at the door and beyond.

I would be very worried about an owner taking the cash and running after a huge night.

I have seen no less than 10 clubs go through this in the past and not one of them has made it through.

This place is over.

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Guys...I have seen many, many, many clubs dying...Noc is on borrowed time.

Look at it from this perspective...you are a famous DJ or big time agent...would you be confident booking a gig for a month or more from now at noc with all this shit going down?

Or how about a promoter throwing a big party knowing the venue was so far in the red.

Biz...I have a lot of respect for you but if I was you I would make sure that I controlled all of your revenue from at the door and beyond.

I would be very worried about an owner taking the cash and running after a huge night.

I have seen no less than 10 clubs go through this in the past and not one of them has made it through.

This place is over.

hasn't glenn been out of town this past week... ???

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Guest pod

Just remembered that. A very very very valid point from a security perspective.

Whether Noc is closing or not isn't the point for that case. Unfortunately the rumors backed up by court docs are out in the wild.

I've seen many a club close under less-than-ideal circumstances, and I will say with 100 percent certainty that expensive, easy-to-conceal-in-a-backpack-or-messenger-bag items will have a habit of walking off.

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Guest Tru1

I do applaud the owner of noc for...

Lasting as long as he did. I am sure that the established nightclub players in town...LP, Opium, Crobar...have seen more than a few new players come to town with a few bucks trying to be the next nightlife mogul.

For a complete amateur two years is a pretty damn good run.

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Guest meta

Now with all this did they really take all the equipment from the club. Because when i passed by yesturday they weren't taking anything out.

Does anyone know?

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