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The Governator says "Turn off Spanish TV"

Guest tres-b

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Guest tres-b

Not for nothing, but this is one of the more sucessful people to move to this country in recent history. He went from someone who did not speak English to the Govornor of California.

For Nogales to say this is naive is foolish.

Schwarzenegger is a blueprint for sucess.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger told a gathering of Hispanic journalists that immigrants should avoid Spanish-language media if they want to learn English quickly.

"You've got to turn off the Spanish television set" and avoid Spanish-language television, books and newspapers, the Republican governor said Wednesday night at the annual convention of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

"You're just forced to speak English, and that just makes you learn the language faster," Schwarzenegger said.

"I know this sounds odd and this is the politically incorrect thing to say, and I'm going to get myself in trouble," he said, noting that he rarely spoke German and was forced to learn English when he emigrated from Austria.

Schwarzenegger was responding to a question about how Hispanic students can improve academically. Many journalists for Spanish-language organizations in the audience were surprised by the remarks.

"I'm sitting shaking my head not believing that someone would be so naive and out of it that he would say something like that," said Alex Nogales, president and chief executive of the National Hispanic Media Coalition.

Hispanic immigrants need Spanish-language media to stay informed and "function in this society," Nogales said.

Schwarzenegger has garnered more Hispanic support than most Republican governors in the past two elections, despite some seemingly anti-immigration blunders — such as praising the Minutemen border militia group on a talk radio show.

Schwarzenegger also lauded President Bush's push for immigration reform, saying the country has its first opportunity for change in decades.

But he also said the Senate's current immigration reform proposal, which failed last week, still needs more fine tuning so it can be enforced.


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I've always been a huge fan of Arnold, not as an actor but as a politician, but this is beyond fantastic for him to say... And there is no better person to say it, he under stands it.

Just yesterday I was talking with some co workers about Miami, we have an office there, that is not ran well due to the employee population in Miami is bad, real bad, most can't speak English correctly, and they lack business professionalism. The best thing for Miami to do is to ban all Spanish or limit it as best as they can. Miami will always be a 3rd world county unless the change the core problem and that is businesses won't move to Miami, they know they can't get quality employees.

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Guest pod

He has a valid point. If any of us were to go to other countries, it would be in our best interest, or pretty much demanded that we learn the local language if we were to stay there and function on a level other than that of tourist.

It's true. Arnold didn't speak a lick of English when he got here, but in order for him to function, he had to pick it up fast. He spoke/speaks Austrian German though, which there's not that many speakers of that in the US. I know a few, but I'm an oddball.

Spanish, the situation is a little different. Spanish is the #2 language here in the US, so it's entirely possible to function in certain cities (Miami, LA, San Diego) without learning English, since there's so many others who speak your language. If Arnold limited himself to his language, he would not be where he is today due to the fact that people who spoke his language are very few and far between.

The second issue is that Spanish is accepted on the municipal level as an official language, since the US has never declared an official language. If the US were to declare English as an official language, all government services from the local level on up would be in English.

So basically, our language barriers here in the US are due to government inaction.

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Guest tres-b

Arnold is a bad example of what most immigrants face when they move here.

What do you mean by this?

The man can here with nothing, didnt speak English, and acheived a level of sucess that most Americans cant even dream about.

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it sounds harsh but i have to agree actually.. im not saying dont watch it at all.

the american media NEVER COVERS latin american affairs. those from south america have to watch univision or telemundo to catch that news....

but yes they should ween themselves off of it

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Guest pod

If it weren't for our constitution he may be president some day, quite an accomplishment for an immigrant.

He's already accomplished so much, period. He's in charge of one of the most significant states in the Union, he's a noted actor, bodybuilder, and hero to kids around the country. How many 'native-born' people in the US can claim that?

I've always liked how he's rather realistic about things. He's Republican, but he's not dogmatic about the party line.

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Guest endymion

Arnold is a bad example of what most immigrants face when they move here.

The man can here with nothing, didnt speak English, and acheived a level of sucess that most Americans cant even dream about.

Yeah, definitely. Quote from his first American girlfriend:

"He's as much a self-made man as it's possible to be—he never got encouragement from his parents, his family, his brother. He just had this huge determination to prove himself, and that was very attractive."

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Guest pod

Well, you see, this is the problem with terrorists. They're really inconsiderate when it comes to people's schedules.

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Guest ShampooBabe

i agree with arnold...

If u wanna learn english, you have to dive into the american culture..

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Guest endymion

It's true, I watch Spanish-language TV and listen to Spanish podcasts to learn more Spanish. Makes sense yes? He's just saying "study more!"

Es sábado GIGANTE!!

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