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Do you stay in touch with your high school friends?

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Just curious. I only talk to 1 person from my HS. I pulled up my class list on classmates which by the way is the worst site of all time and I have no idea what happened to 99% of my class of 400!

It's far too expensive to live in my home town so no one lives where we went to school. I tried finding peeps on myspace, but no luck. I don't know if we had a reunion, we all basically hated each other. My senior year I had a fake id, so I wasn't drinking in the woods with the rest of the peeps I was in da clubs!

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Guest lulamishka

I keep in touch with a handful of high school friends, but not on a regular basis.

You'd probably have better luck finding them on Facebook, perhaps, rather than MySpace?

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Guest Buck White

Same here. I've only stayed in touch with one person from my senior class. She's a chick, though, so she's pretty good about giving me the latest gossip about once a year. The only problem is I've forgotten who most of them are.

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Guest LeVeL

I have kept in touch with a couple of friends and have run into some girls here and there.

A couple of weeks ago I went to a strip club and as a new entertainer stepped in to do her dance, I was shock to see that it was an old classmate of mine, she instantly recognized me and I have to say I was set for the rest of the night, she defintely looks way better now than when she was in high school.

The one thing I have seen is that I cant hang no more with my High school buddies because we live too much of a different life, they are more family man with a couple of kids or married or seperated from their babymama's or are simply workaholics without a social life. As far as the females are concerned all the girls that looked good back then are either married or they have a couple kids or they are simply fat overgrown elephants.

So I defintely have no interest trying to link up with my old school buddies, I think I have done very good for myself as far as I am concerned in regards to them.

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Guest endymion

My high school sweetheart is married to my high school best friend, and they have two little supergenius kids that are as cool as they are. I keep in touch and they came down for WMC recently.

She is a PhD zoologist who spent a year camping out in hammocks in Madagascar observing lemurs, now on a tenure track at NC State. He's an electronics engineer for Qualcomm, who designed a lot technology that a lot of you use every day when you use your mobile phones. Very proud of both of them.

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Guest lulamishka

A couple of weeks ago I went to a strip club and as a new entertainer stepped in to do her dance' date=' I was shock to see that it was an old classmate of mine, she instantly recognized me and I have to say I was set for the rest of the night, she defintely looks way better now than when she was in high school.


Hahaha, that happened to me a while ago, too! Maybe 4 years ago or so, I was at strip club celebrating one of my guy friend's bdays... and who do I see but some girl that used to be in my middle/high school CHURCH youth group! And her mom was also heavily involved with the church! Man, that was quite some shock when I saw her. :o

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Guest pod

1 on a regular basis. Sometimes others find me on Myspace and send me a message. I usually ignore them or grunt.

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Guest JMT

4 kids from my high school also went to my college. they all live in the area and we are great friends.

outside of them, i maybe talk to a few others briefly once a year, at most.

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Guest funky monkey

three of my closest friends have been my friends since high school - probably because we've been through so much together. otherwise, for the most part I wouldn't want to keep in touch with anyone else from back then.

A couple of weeks ago I went to a strip club and as a new entertainer stepped in to do her dance, I was shock to see that it was an old classmate of mine.

lol, this happened to me too a few years ago....seems to be a pretty common ocurrence!

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Guest LeVeL

seems like you go to strip clubs a lot huh level :P

I actually dont go to strip clubs much but there is this new place that is called Platinum Plus and I must say its the funnest strip club I have ever been too, the girls dont bother you or anything for money. I feel like I am at a bar drinking with my homies but instead of there is a bunch of women dancing around naked. I have to say its way more funner than Tootsies, Scarletts, Pink Pony or Booby Trap.

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Guest flux

A few. I have a bunch of them on my myspace but don't really keep in touch. Sometimes I like to look at the snotty girls' pages for some reason. They still bother me.

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Guest mr.miami

i walked out of my shitty high school in june 1997 and never looked back.

Ha ditto. Perfect way to describe it. Hell, I didnt even stay in contact from what friends I had in college.

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i walked out of my shitty high school in june 1997 and never looked back.

I did the same, I hated every min of it. 90 days later I was in NC for 5 years, then back in NJ for 1 year, then left for good. I know some of my HS peeps are still back there still doing the same lame shit.

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i walked out of my shitty high school in june 1997 and never looked back.

I did the same, I hated every min of it. 90 days later I was in NC for 5 years, then back in NJ for 1 year, then left for good. I know some of my HS peeps are still back there still doing the same lame shit.

me too....except i was in tallahassee for 5 1/2 years

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Guest coach

Wow, it sometimes seems like I'm the only person who hated high school with a vengeance. Biggest waste of time ever. I couldn't learned everything they taught me in about 6 weeks, and, as far as I could tell, the main thing they taught was how to be an asshole. I have a couple of really good friends that I still keep in touch with. And, oddly enough, after getting out of HS, later I became good friends with my ex-computer teacher.

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Guest pod

I hated it with a vengeance, too, don't worry. I wasn't one of the cool kids or what have you. Probably would have been singled out for re-education if I was in the high school system today, post-Columbine.

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Guest mr.miami

I hated it with a vengeance, too, don't worry. I wasn't one of the cool kids or what have you. Probably would have been singled out for re-education if I was in the high school system today, post-Columbine.

In highschool I was the guy in the room that the teachers liked and i'd be sleeping on my desk during class. Still I have to say I learned more in Highschool than in college.

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Guest yume

I keep in touch with 2 or 3 of them.

One of my best friends and ex-girlfriend from highschool is working her way up the comedy career path, and I'm super proud of her.


She will be on HBO series called 12 Miles of Bad Road as well. Keep an eye out for her! She's funny as hell.


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Guest pod

High School was just a thinly veiled attempt to create an American Hitlerjugend, in my experience.

Fall in and toe the party line, kids. Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer!

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Guest JMT

the first 3 years kinda blew, but i had fun my senior year of high school. spent half the time pulling pranks. it also wasn't a very big school.

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Guest pod

Mine wasn't, and it made it worse. 169 people in the graduating class, and 90 percent of them might as well have signed up for the Aryan Nation. The three black guys were "accepted" since they established early on that they weren't to be trifled with. But when their backs were turned, you can guess that the usual epithets followed.

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Guest coach

Jeez, Pod, sounds like you went to my school, except we had a lot more people. I think 1200 total in 4 grades and about 4 of them were black. All on the football team, of course, so they didn't take much heat, but it was still a massively racist place.

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