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TRANSFORMERS..Out of hand! Except.......

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

..I swear that Michael Bay took the soundtrack from Armagedon and inserted the music into this movie. At times I felt I was watching Armagedon. And I hated Armagedon...

If you're a Transformers fan you will like the movie.

Glad that they got the actor who did the original voice of Optimus Prime to do the voice over for the movie.

It won't win any Osacrs for it's acting but the Transformers, 'transforming' is pretty spectacular and highly detailed...

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Guest durrtylexx

its awesome! watched it last night

my expectations were met

its pretty f'ing funny and the action is out of control

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I will definetly by the DVD when it comes out.

Overall I'm glad I saw it on the big screen.

Michael Bay can get a little over dramatic with some parts though that don't need to be over-dramatized either by what an actor says or the music score.

I did wish that we would have seen more of Starscream interacting with Megatron.

And they left out the 'Energon Cubes' which was something that I was wanting (and hoping) to see how they would do that.

I liked the tag line at the end when Optimus Prime said that statement about the human race...


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Guest lyrik

I'm s pissed...we've been planning for months to see this when it opened in IMAX and I jacked up my back so bad I cannot even get out of bed for longer a couple minutes..I need a bootleg! :-[

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Guest xbbdc

you definitely do not want a bootleg of this movie, the work put into making the transformers look realistic can only be enjoyed on the big screen. the movie was great overall, i watch movies for entertainment and it was an entertaining movie but there are some things that didnt make sense..

** spoiler warning **

the fight between the transformers in the city was like missing lots of action... bumblebee gets beat up but ratchet is nowhere to be found to fix him up, jazz takes long to transform and do something useful. starscream appears for 10 seconds. megatron appears and ratchet and ironhide run away and megatron or any of the decepticons follow. optimus prime comes in late to the fight.... and how sam and the army guys were easily able to run away from each of the transformers.

there were a bunch of funny parts including with the decepticon robot frenzy [the boombox]... and the part where they have to use the cell phone to call the pentagon and they need to give the damn operator a credit card while fighting scorponok...

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Guest swirlundergrounder

you definitely do not want a bootleg of this movie, the work put into making the transformers look realistic can only be enjoyed on the big screen. the movie was great overall, i watch movies for entertainment and it was an entertaining movie but there are some things that didnt make sense..

** spoiler warning **

the fight between the transformers in the city was like missing lots of action... bumblebee gets beat up but ratchet is nowhere to be found to fix him up, jazz takes long to transform and do something useful. starscream appears for 10 seconds. megatron appears and ratchet and ironhide run away and megatron or any of the decepticons follow. optimus prime comes in late to the fight.... and how sam and the army guys were easily able to run away from each of the transformers.

there were a bunch of funny parts including with the decepticon robot frenzy [the boombox]... and the part where they have to use the cell phone to call the pentagon and they need to give the damn operator a credit card while fighting scorponok...

I hope we see more of Starscream in the next movie...
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My brother called me to tell me it's the best movie he's ever seen in a theater and the CGI is the best ever.

His only complaint was you don't get to see Megatron transform.

I like Michael Bay's movies, you know what you are getting when you go see them, big action, big scores (music) and that 80's cheese ball pop that makes movies so much fun.

I met him at Mansion, nice guy.

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Guest xbbdc

you definitely do not want a bootleg of this movie, the work put into making the transformers look realistic can only be enjoyed on the big screen. the movie was great overall, i watch movies for entertainment and it was an entertaining movie but there are some things that didnt make sense..

** spoiler warning **

the fight between the transformers in the city was like missing lots of action... bumblebee gets beat up but ratchet is nowhere to be found to fix him up, jazz takes long to transform and do something useful. starscream appears for 10 seconds. megatron appears and ratchet and ironhide run away and megatron or any of the decepticons follow. optimus prime comes in late to the fight.... and how sam and the army guys were easily able to run away from each of the transformers.

there were a bunch of funny parts including with the decepticon robot frenzy [the boombox]... and the part where they have to use the cell phone to call the pentagon and they need to give the damn operator a credit card while fighting scorponok...

I hope we see more of Starscream in the next movie...

its gotta be a pretty good script for the 2nd movie with the way it ended.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

My brother called me to tell me it's the best movie he's ever seen in a theater and the CGI is the best ever.

His only complaint was you don't get to see Megatron transform.

Megatron does transform but it's very brief.

The CGI is stunning!

You can't even tell it's CGI. The transformers looked so real and lifelike.

You almost forget that it is CGI.

You can even see the nuts and bolts turning, along with every other detail when they transform. Especially Optimus Prime's transformation which takes the longest.

And the sound that they make when they transform is sick also..

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Guest swirlundergrounder


Sit somewhere in the middle to the middle rear to enjoy the full effect.

I heard from a couple of people who sat up close that they enjoyed the movie more when they moved back a little bit because everything is happening so fast and the closer you sit to the screen, the more the transformations look like blurs..

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Guest swirlundergrounder

sooooooooooooooooooooooo what your saying is i should see this im guessing.........

Oh Bling you would love this movie...

Yes go see it on the big screen..

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Guest durrtylexx

funny thing about the movie is the product placement, at times i felt i was watching an informercial. lol

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Guest LeVeL

Loved the Movie but what happened with Starscream at the end...he like disappeared.

I liked the funny bits and sarcastic remarks that were added here and there..

Also it was kind of lame how they made it look like freezing was the Transformers kryptonite.

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Guest Dj_Peace

enjoyed it - a bit much at times for my 7 year old with some of the language - still, not a bad way to blow 13.50

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Guest Seb

finally caught this last night, great flick. Only dissappointment was not seeing Shockwave, unless that little boombox was supposed to be him ???

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Guest coach

enjoyed it - a bit much at times for my 7 year old with some of the language - still, not a bad way to blow 13.50

Well, it was rated PG-13.

I actually didn't like the transforming too much. I thought it was way overdone. I mean, the toys were just a few clicks and done. These things took have an hour just to get switched. And sometimes it took a lot longer than others.

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i was a big fan of the dinosaurs, hoping they'd make an appearance.

i thought it was funny that the "army" guys rode around in buggies...there was a transformer that was one of these, i think it was an hommage.

i didn't like how there were only like 4 transformers on each side. i was expecting somewhat of a larger scale war.

also, i agree, the transforming was a little overdone.

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Guest CGM54

Awesome movie it had the three criteria for a good movies Action, Hot Car, Hot Chick. Personally I wish it was another half hour or so. That way we could have gotten more of the Decepticons. I had to drag my wife to see it. When we left she turs to me and says "That was Fucking awesome"

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