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TRANSFORMERS..Out of hand! Except.......

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

ok i saw it last nite. i was fallin asleep on and off

the special efx im sure were awesome in a theater.

but omfggggggggggg this movie sucked

the plot is so stupid.. so many cheesy lines and godawful acting

bad movie... glad i didnt see it in theaters..........

i give it a C (high because of effects)

Psssssfffff... yeah what eva!

Transformers beats 'Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Neverending movies' anyday..

Harry Potter destroys transformers. the acting in harry potter are oscar winning performances compared to transformers.

Bling, watching a bootleg copy of Transformers does NOT give the movie any justice. I'd go see it in the theaters if I were you before you go yapping about how much it sucked. Even a legit copy of the movie I'm sure would play better at home than some bootleg copy. And who cares about Oscar winning performances? It's not the season for Oscar worthy films. That comes in the Fall. It's the SUMMER movie season!

And with that said... I thought it was the PERFECT summer movie! It was fucking awesome! My jaw was gaping open a lot of the time. I had a blast watching that flick and I'd see it again.... in IMAX!!


Bling watched a bootleg made in China, Shanghai, Bejing. Hong Kong, Mongolia, Great Wall Of China, Kung Fu ASS BOOTLEG??

And then comes on here and says the Transformers Moive sucks?

Bling just likes to watch Harry Potter becasue Bling used to look like Harry Potter (Before he transformed into Derek Zoolander) and pretend he's the one who is actually doing all the magic tricks on the big screen... :P

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Guest Revinant

ok i saw it last nite. i was fallin asleep on and off

the special efx im sure were awesome in a theater.

but omfggggggggggg this movie sucked

the plot is so stupid.. so many cheesy lines and godawful acting

bad movie... glad i didnt see it in theaters..........

i give it a C (high because of effects)

no offense but its pretty stupid if u think this movie would have good actors/plot...

wouldnt spect less...

nice entertaining movie...

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Guest coach

I can see how the movie would be really ruined by a bad small-screen bootleg. Most of the fun comes in the big special-effects and sound. Even with a good DVD, you're not remotely going to get the full effect on a TV. Now, Bling, I realize that you're too weak from banging your hot, older girlfriend to get off the couch and out to the movie theater, but you really should with-hold judgement until you can get your wheelchair loaded up and out to experience it properly. And, besides, if you haven't done her in a the movie theater yet, this is the perfect chance.

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